include ''; ?> <?php include ''; ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"> <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked"> <li>Hosts Total <span class="badge pull-right"><?php echo number_format(Utilities::getHostCount($mysql)); ?> </span></li> <li>Hosts Blocked <span class="badge pull-right"><?php echo number_format(Utilities::getHostErrorCount($mysql)); ?> </span></li> </ul> </div> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('#apiCallBackAlert').hide(); $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover({ trigger: 'hover', 'placement': 'auto' }); });
exit; } $rs = $mysql->runQuery("select ipDomain from monitors where beenChecked = 0 limit 1;"); if ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { sleep(4); //wait 4 seconds for them to finish } else { break; } } $m->endWork(); $lastRunTime = (int) $m->runTime; // mark this one as ran $mysql->runQuery("update users set beenChecked = 1, lastChecked = '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "', lastRunTime = {$lastRunTime}"); $hostsChanged = Utilities::getHostChangeCount($mysql); $errorHosts = Utilities::getHostErrorCount($mysql); if ($hostsChanged > 0 && $user['disableEmailNotices'] == 0) { $table = ""; $summary = ""; $summaryText = ""; $noticeMessage = ""; $url = Setup::$settings['base_url']; $table .= "<br><br><div><a href='{$url}/hosts.php?oc=1'>Hosts with status changes</a> | <a href='{$url}/hosts.php?oc=2'>Blocked Hosts</a> | <a href='{$url}/hosts.php'>All hosts</a></div><br><br>"; $summary .= "<div><strong>"; $summary .= "Total: " . number_format($monitorCount) . "<br/>"; $summary .= "Clean: " . number_format($monitorCount - $errorHosts) . "<br/>"; $summary .= "Blocked: " . number_format($errorHosts) . "<br/>"; $summary .= "Changed: " . number_format($hostsChanged) . "<br/>"; $summary .= '</a>'; $summary .= "</strong></div>"; $summaryText .= "Total: " . number_format($monitorCount) . "\n";
$rs = $mysql->runQuery("select ipDomain from monitors where beenChecked = 0 limit 1;"); if ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { sleep(4); //wait 4 seconds for them to finish } else { break; } } $m->endWork(); $lastRunTime = (int) $m->runTime; // mark this one as ran $mysql->runQuery("update users set beenChecked = 1, lastChecked = '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "', lastRunTime = {$lastRunTime}"); // basic stats $hostsChanged = Utilities::getHostChangeCount($mysql); $errorHosts = Utilities::getHostErrorCount($mysql); $newErrorHosts = Utilities::getHostErrorCount($mysql, 0, true); $newCleanHosts = Utilities::getHostCleanCount($mysql, 0, true); if ($hostsChanged > 0 && $user['disableEmailNotices'] == 0) { $table = ""; $summary = ""; $summaryText = ""; $noticeMessage = ""; $url = Setup::$settings['base_url']; $summary .= "<div><strong>"; $summary .= "Total: " . number_format($monitorCount) . "<br/>"; $summary .= "Clean: " . number_format($monitorCount - $errorHosts) . "<br/>"; $summary .= "Blocked: " . number_format($errorHosts) . "<br/>"; $summary .= "New Blocked: " . number_format($newErrorHosts) . "<br/>"; $summary .= "New Clean: " . number_format($newCleanHosts) . "<br/>"; $summary .= '</a>'; $summary .= "</strong></div>";
case 'domains': $hostTypeSQL .= " and isDomain = 1 "; break; case 'ips': $hostTypeSQL .= " and isDomain = 0 "; break; } if ($searchS != '') { $searchSQL .= " and (\n\t\tipDomain like '%" . $mysql->escape($searchS) . "%' \n\t\tor rDNS like '%" . $mysql->escape($searchS) . "%'\n\t\tor status like '%" . $mysql->escape($searchS) . "%' ) "; } $sql = "\nselect m.isBlocked, m.lastUpdate, m.ipDomain, m.lastStatusChangeTime, m.rDNS, m.status, g.groupName,\nfrom monitors m \n\tinner join monitorGroup g on = m.monitorGroupId\nwhere 1=1 {$hostTypeSQL} {$searchSQL}\n{$orderSQL}\n{$limitSQL}\n"; $rs = $mysql->runQuery($sql); include ''; include ''; $hostsCount = Utilities::getHostCount($mysql, $monitorGroupId); $hostsCountError = Utilities::getHostErrorCount($mysql, $monitorGroupId); ?> <script src="js/jquery.tablesorter.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#hostTable").tablesorter(); $(".reportType").change(function() { $("#reportForm").submit(); }); $(".recentFilter").change(function() { $("#reportForm").submit(); }); $(".hostType").change(function() { $("#reportForm").submit();
case 'domains': $hostTypeSQL .= " and isDomain = 1 "; break; case 'ips': $hostTypeSQL .= " and isDomain = 0 "; break; } if ($searchS != '') { $searchSQL .= " and (\n\t\tipDomain like '%" . $mysql->escape($searchS) . "%' \n\t\tor rDNS like '%" . $mysql->escape($searchS) . "%'\n\t\tor status like '%" . $mysql->escape($searchS) . "%' ) "; } $sql = "\nselect isBlocked,lastUpdate,ipDomain,lastStatusChangeTime,rDNS,status\nfrom monitors\nwhere 1=1 {$hostTypeSQL} {$searchSQL}\n{$orderSQL}\n{$limitSQL}\n"; $rs = $mysql->runQuery($sql); include ''; include ''; $hostsCount = Utilities::getHostCount($mysql); $hostsCountError = Utilities::getHostErrorCount($mysql); ?> <script src="js/jquery.tablesorter.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#hostTable").tablesorter(); $(".reportType").change(function() { $("#reportForm").submit(); }); $(".recentFilter").change(function() { $("#reportForm").submit(); }); $(".hostType").change(function() { $("#reportForm").submit();