<?php require_once "forAllPages.php"; require_once "services/user.service.php"; $userService = new UserService(); $errorArray = array(); if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['repeat']) && isset($_POST['referral'])) { $registrationSuccessful = true; if ($userService->isUsernameTaken($_POST['username'])) { $registrationSuccessful = false; $errorArray[] = "Username has been taken. Please try another username."; } if (!$userService->passwordsAreIdentical(md5($_POST['password']), md5($_POST['repeat']))) { $registrationSuccessful = false; $errorArray[] = "Your submitted passwords are not the same."; } if (!$userService->isUsernameTaken($_POST['referral'])) { $registrationSuccessful = false; $errorArray[] = "Referrer does not exist. Perhaps you got their username wrong?"; } if ($registrationSuccessful) { $newUser = new User($_POST['username'], md5($_POST['password']), $_POST['email'], $_POST['referral'], md5(time()), 1); $registrationSuccessful = $userService->registerNewUser($newUser); if (!$registrationSuccessful) { $errorArray[] = "Registration failed due to server issues."; } } } if (isset($registrationSuccessful) && $registrationSuccessful) { include 'views/registrationsuccess.view.php'; } else {