コード例 #1
ファイル: edit_reply.php プロジェクト: Jougito/DynWeb
if ($CURUSER->get('id') != $Post['author']) {
    //Since we dont own the post
    //Check if we have the minimum required rank
    if ($CURUSER->getRank()->int() < $config['FORUM']['Min_Rank_Post_Edit']) {
        WCF::SetupNotification('You do not meet the requirements to edit this post.');
        header("Location: " . $config['BaseURL'] . "/forums.php");
    } else {
        //We have the minimum required rank
        //now check if the authoer is lower rank
        //If the author is not resolved we assume he is lower rank
        if ($userInfo = WCF::getAuthorInfo($Post['author'])) {
            //Get the poster rank
            $userRank = new UserRank($userInfo['rank']);
            //The author has equal or geater rank, we cant delete his post
            if ($CURUSER->getRank()->int() <= $userRank->int()) {
                WCF::SetupNotification('You do not meet the requirements to edit this post.');
                header("Location: " . $config['BaseURL'] . "/forums.php");
//Set the title
$TPL->SetTitle('Edit Reply');
$TPL->SetParameter('topbar', true);
//Print the header
if ($topic = WCF::getTopicInfo($Post['topic'])) {
    if ($forum = WCF::getForumInfo($topic['forum'])) {
        if ($catName = WCF::getCategoryName($forum['category'])) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: user-preview.php プロジェクト: superwow/cms
        if ((int) $webRecord['avatarType'] == AVATAR_TYPE_UPLOAD) {
            $Avatar = new Avatar(0, $webRecord['avatar'], 0, AVATAR_TYPE_UPLOAD);
    echo '
							<tr><td>ID</td><td>', $webRecord['id'], '</td></tr>
							<tr><td>Display Name</td><td>', $webRecord['displayName'], '</td></tr>
							<tr><td>Silver</td><td>', $webRecord['silver'], '</td></tr>
							<tr><td>Gold</td><td>', $webRecord['gold'], '</td>
							<tr><td>Birthday</td><td>', $webRecord['birthday'], '</td></tr>
							<tr><td>Gender</td><td>', $webRecord['gender'], '</td></tr>
							<tr><td>Country</td><td>', $webRecord['country'], '</td></tr>
							<tr><td style="vertical-align: top">Avatar</td><td><img src="', $Avatar->type() == AVATAR_TYPE_GALLERY ? $config['BaseURL'] . '/resources/avatars/' . $Avatar->string() : $Avatar->string(), '" /></td></tr>
								<td style="vertical-align: middle">Rank</td>
								<td>', $Rank->string(), ' [', $Rank->int(), ']';
    //Is allowed to change users rank
    if ($CURUSER->getPermissions()->isAllowed(PERMISSION_CHANGE_USER_RANK)) {
        $RanksData = new RankStringData();
        echo '
										<div id="change-rank-cont" style="float: right">
											<form method="post" action="execute.php?take=change_user_rank">
												<select name="rank" id="change-rank-select" style="display: inline-block">';
        foreach ($RanksData->data as $trank => $name) {
            echo '<option value="', $trank, '" ', $trank == $Rank->int() ? 'selected="selected"' : '', '>', $name, '</option>';
        echo '
												<input type="hidden" value="', $webRecord['id'], '" name="id" />
												<input type="button" value="Change" class="button" style="display: inline-block" onclick="this.form.submit()" />
コード例 #3
ファイル: PullUsersAjax.php プロジェクト: superwow/cms
    //Pull some data from the Auth DB
    $authRes = $AUTH_DB->prepare("SELECT * FROM `account` WHERE `id` = :acc LIMIT 1;");
    $authRes->bindParam(':acc', $aRow['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
    //Fetch it
    $authRow = $authRes->fetch();
    $GMLevel = '';
    //Check for GM Level
    $gmRes = $AUTH_DB->prepare("SELECT * FROM `account_access` WHERE `id` = :acc;");
    $gmRes->bindParam(':acc', $aRow['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
    //Loop the records
    while ($gmRec = $gmRes->fetch()) {
        $GMLevel .= 'Level: ' . $gmRec['gmlevel'] . ' - Realm: ' . $gmRec['RealmID'] . '<br>';
    //remove the last <br>
    $GMLevel = substr($GMLevel, 0, strlen($GMLevel) - 4);
    //Setup the rank
    $Rank = new UserRank($aRow['rank']);
    //Set the first two columns
    $row[0] = $aRow['id'];
    $row[1] = '<a href="index.php?page=user-preview&uid=' . $aRow['id'] . '">' . $aRow['displayName'] . '</a> [' . $authRow['username'] . ']';
    $row[2] = $Rank->string() . ' [' . $Rank->int() . ']';
    $row[3] = $GMLevel;
    $row[4] = $authRow['email'];
    $row[5] = $aRow['reg_ip'];
    $row[6] = $authRow['joindate'];
    //Now we have to pull
    $output['aaData'][] = $row;
echo json_encode($output);
コード例 #4
ファイル: topic.php プロジェクト: Jougito/DynWeb
							<h3>', $userRank->string(), '</h3>
					<div class="right_side">
						<div class="post_container">
						', $deletedPost ? '<p style="color: red;">This post has been deleted by ' . $arr['deleted_by_str'] . ' on ' . $arr['deleted_time'] . '.</p><br>' : '', '
						', $text, '
						<ul class="post_controls">
							<li class="post_date">', $arr['added'], '</li>';
        //Check if we can edit the post
        if ($CURUSER->isOnline() && !$deletedPost && ($CURUSER->get('id') == $arr['author'] || $CURUSER->getRank()->int() >= $config['FORUM']['Min_Rank_Post_Edit'] && $CURUSER->getRank()->int() > $userRank->int())) {
            echo '<li><a class="edit" href="', $config['BaseURL'], '/forums.php?page=edit_reply&id=', $arr['id'], '" title="Edit">Edit</a></li>';
        //Check if we can delete the post
        if ($CURUSER->isOnline() && !$deletedPost && ($CURUSER->get('id') == $arr['author'] || $CURUSER->getRank()->int() >= $config['FORUM']['Min_Rank_Post_Delete'] && $CURUSER->getRank()->int() > $userRank->int())) {
            echo '<li><a class="delete post-delete-button" data-post-id="', $arr['id'], '" href="', $config['BaseURL'], '" title="Delete">Delete</a></li>';
        //Staff is not reportable
        if (!$staffPost) {
            echo '<!--<li><a class="report" href="', $config['BaseURL'], '" title="Report">Report</a></li>-->';
        echo '<!--<li><a class="warn" href="', $config['BaseURL'], '" title="Warn">Warn</a></li>-->';
        //Can quote only if online and the post is not deleted
        if ($CURUSER->isOnline() && !$deletedPost) {
            echo '<li><a class="quote post-quote-button" data-post-id="', $arr['id'], '" href="', $config['BaseURL'], '" title="Quote">Quote</a></li>';