コード例 #1
ファイル: ShareManager.php プロジェクト: youngsun45/miniyun
  * 列举共享信息
 public function handlerListDetails()
     $this->_slaves = array();
     $this->_file = UserFile::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $this->_id, 'user_id' => $this->_userId, 'is_deleted' => 0));
     if (is_null($this->_file)) {
         throw new ApiException('Not Found');
     if ($this->_file['file_type'] != 2) {
         throw new ApiException('Not Found');
     $meta = FileMeta::model()->findByAttributes(array('file_path' => $this->_file['file_path'], 'meta_key' => self::SHARED_META_FLAG));
     if (!$meta) {
         throw new ApiException('Not Found');
     $meta_value = unserialize($meta['meta_value']);
     if ($meta_value['master'] != $this->_userId) {
         throw new ApiException('Not Found');
     $slaves = $meta_value['slaves'];
     $send = $meta_value['send_msg'];
     foreach ($slaves as $key => $value) {
         $user = User::model()->findByPk($key);
         if (!$user) {
         $mate = UserMeta::model()->findByAttributes(array("user_id" => $user->id, "meta_key" => "nick"));
         if ($mate) {
             $value = $mate->meta_value;
             if (!empty($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0) {
                 $nick = $value;
         } else {
             $nick = $user['user_name'];
         $shared_file = UserFile::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => $key, 'file_path' => $value, 'is_deleted' => 0));
         $path = $this->_file['file_path'];
         $permission = Yii::app()->privilege->checkPrivilegeUser($key, $path);
         array_push($this->_slaves, array('user_id' => $key, 'user_name' => $user['user_name'], 'nick' => $nick, 'type' => $shared_file['file_type'], 'permission' => $permission, 'send' => $send));
コード例 #2
ファイル: ListUser.php プロジェクト: youngsun45/miniyun
  * 执行搜索操作
 private function handlerSeach()
     $params = array();
     $params[':user_name'] = "%" . $this->search_key . "%";
     $params[':meta_value'] = "%" . $this->search_key . "%";
     // 联合查询
     $conditions = User::model()->tableName() . ' as u left outer join ';
     $conditions .= UserMeta::model()->tableName();
     $conditions .= ' as m on m.user_id = u.id and m.meta_key="nick" ';
     $conditions .= ' WHERE user_name like :user_name or meta_value like :meta_value';
     $count_sql = 'SELECT count(*) as count FROM ' . $conditions;
     $this->total = User::model()->countBySql($count_sql, $params);
     // 创建sql
     $query = 'SELECT u.*,m.meta_value as nick FROM ' . $conditions;
     $query .= ' limit :offset, :limit';
     $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query);
     $command->bindParam(':user_name', $params[':user_name']);
     $command->bindParam(':meta_value', $params[':meta_value']);
     $command->bindParam(':limit', $this->limit);
     $command->bindParam(':offset', $this->offset);
     $userList = $command->queryAll();
     $users = array();
     if ($this->callback) {
         $users = call_user_func($this->callback, $userList, $this->total);
     } else {
         foreach ($userList as $user) {
             $user_name = trim($user['nick']);
             $user_name = empty($user_name) ? $user['user_name'] : $user_name;
             $users[$user['id']] = array("id" => $user['id'], "user_name" => $user_name);
         $users = CJSON::encode($this->_getHashByList($users));
     return $users;
コード例 #3
ファイル: MiniUserMeta.php プロジェクト: youngsun45/miniyun
  * 添加用户meta信息
  * @param $metas 用户的一些扩展信息
  * @param $user 用户名、用户状态及uuid
 public function create($user, $metas)
     if (array_key_exists('extend', $metas) && !empty($metas['extend'])) {
         foreach ($metas['extend'] as $key => $value) {
             if ($value === null) {
             $userMeta = UserMeta::model()->find("user_id=:user_id and meta_key=:key", array(":user_id" => $user['id'], ':key' => $key));
             if (!empty($userMeta)) {
                 if ($userMeta['meta_value'] != $value) {
                     $userMeta['meta_value'] = $value;
             } else {
                 $userMeta = new UserMeta();
                 $userMeta["user_id"] = $user["id"];
                 $userMeta["meta_key"] = $key;
                 $userMeta["meta_value"] = $value;
コード例 #4
ファイル: MiniUser.php プロジェクト: youngsun45/miniyun
  * 把系统中的中文用户名转化为拼音
 public function updateAllUserNamePinyin()
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->order = "-id";
     $items = User::model()->findAll($criteria);
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         if (empty($item->user_name_pinyin)) {
             $name = $item->user_name;
             $nick = "";
             $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
             $criteria->condition = "user_id=:user_id and meta_key='nick'";
             $criteria->params = array(":user_id" => $item->id);
             $meta = UserMeta::model()->find($criteria);
             if (!empty($meta)) {
                 $nick = $meta->meta_value;
             $item->user_name_pinyin = $this->getPinYinByName($name, $nick);
コード例 #5
ファイル: User.php プロジェクト: youngsun45/miniyun
  * 获得属于管理员的总数
  * @since 1.0.3
 public function adminCount()
     $count = UserMeta::model()->count("meta_key = 'is_admin' and meta_value = '1'");
     return $count;
コード例 #6
  * 列举共享信息
  * @since 1.1.0
 public function handlerListDetails()
     $this->_slaves = array();
     $this->_file = UserFile::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $this->_id, 'is_deleted' => 0));
     if (is_null($this->_file)) {
         throw new ApiException('Not Found');
     //判断此用户是否有 分配 权限
     $file_path = $this->_file["file_path"];
     $hasPermissionAllot = Yii::app()->privilege->hasPermission($file_path, MPrivilege::PERMISSION_GRANT);
     if (!$hasPermissionAllot) {
         $this->result["msg"] = Yii::t('front_common', 'Can not grant permission');
         throw new ApiException('Can not grant permission');
     $master = CUtils::getUserFromPath($file_path);
     $privileges = MUserPrivilege::model()->findAll('file_path=:file_path', array(':file_path' => $this->_file['file_path']));
     foreach ($privileges as $pri) {
         if ($pri["user_id"] == $master) {
         $currentUser = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentUser();
         if ($pri["user_id"] == $currentUser["id"]) {
         $user = User::model()->findByPk($pri["user_id"]);
         if (!$user) {
         $mate = UserMeta::model()->findByAttributes(array("user_id" => $user->id, "meta_key" => "nick"));
         if ($mate) {
             $nick = $mate->meta_value;
         } else {
             $nick = $user['user_name'];
         $permission = unserialize($pri["permission"]);
         if (!isset($permission[MPrivilege::PERMISSION_GRANT])) {
             $permission[MPrivilege::PERMISSION_GRANT] = 0;
         array_push($this->_slaves, array('user_id' => $pri["user_id"], 'user_name' => $user['user_name'], 'nick' => $nick, 'permission' => $permission));