case 'show': // shows an user album // child = user id // child2 = album id if (!$this->child || !$this->child2) { die('XXX wrong album params'); } $user = User::get($this->child); if (!$user) { die('XXX NO SUCH USER'); } $album = PhotoAlbum::get($this->child2); if ($album->owner != 0 && $album->owner != $this->child) { throw new \Exception('epic HACK attempt'); } echo '<h1>Photo album ' . $album->name . ' by ' . UserLink::render($this->child) . '</h1>'; echo 'Created ' . ago($album->time_created) . '<br/>'; // shows album content $images = File::getByCategory(USER, $this->child2, $this->child); if (!$images && $album->owner) { echo '» ' . ahref('u/album/delete/' . $this->child2, 'Delete empty album') . '<br/>'; } if ($session->id == $this->child) { echo '» ' . ahref('u/album/upload/' . $this->child2, 'Add photos') . '<br/>'; } foreach ($images as $im) { $a = new XhtmlComponentA(); $a->href = getThumbUrl($im->id, 0, 0); $a->rel = 'lightbox[album]'; $a->content = showThumb($im->id, $im->name, 150, 150); echo $a->render();
$m->microtime = microtime(true); $m->store(); $page->setMimeType('text/plain'); echo 'OK'; break; case 'show': // child = room id $cr = ChatRoom::get($this->child); echo '<h2>Chat in ' . $cr->name . '</h2>'; if ($cr->locked_by) { echo 'The chatroom is locked!'; return; } $div_name = 'chatroom_txt'; $form_id = 'chatfrm'; ChatRoomUpdater::init($this->child, $div_name, $form_id); $css = 'width:500px;' . 'height:300px;' . 'background-color:#eee;' . 'overflow:auto;'; echo '<div id="' . $div_name . '" style="' . $css . '"></div>'; $form = new XhtmlForm(); $form->setId($form_id); $form->addInput('msg', $session->username . ':', '', 445); $form->setFocus('msg'); $form->disableAutocomplete(); echo $form->render(); YuiTooltip::init(); echo UserLink::render(27, "martin") . ' '; echo UserLink::render(32, "kotte"); break; default: echo 'No handler for view ' . $this->owner; }
<?php namespace cd; switch ($this->owner) { case 'recent': $list = BlogEntry::getRecent(10); foreach ($list as $b) { echo '<h1>' . $b->subject . '</h1>'; echo '<i>Written ' . ago($b->time_created) . ' by ' . UserLink::render($b->owner) . '</i><br/>'; echo nl2br($b->body); } break; default: echo 'No handler for view ' . $this->owner; }
default: throw new \Exception('eh'); } echo ahref('videomsg/send/' . $msg->from, 'Reply with video') . '<br/>'; echo ahref('u/messages/send/' . $msg->from, 'Reply with text') . '<br/>'; echo '<hr/>'; } break; case 'outbox': echo '<h1>Message outbox</h1>'; $list = Message::getOutbox($session->id); //d($list); echo ahref('u/messages/inbox', 'Show inbox') . '<br/>'; echo '<br/>'; foreach ($list as $msg) { echo 'To ' . UserLink::render($msg->to) . ', ' . ago($msg->time_sent) . '<br/>'; switch ($msg->type) { case PRIV_MSG: echo nl2br($msg->body) . '<br/>'; break; case RECORDING_MSG: echo 'VIDEO MSG!!!<br/>'; echo embed_flv($msg->body) . '<br/>'; break; default: throw new \Exception('eh'); } echo '<hr/>'; } break; case 'send':
<?php namespace cd; $session->requireLoggedIn(); switch ($this->owner) { case 'send': // child = user to poke if (Bookmark::exists(BOOKMARK_USERBLOCK, $session->id, $this->child)) { echo 'User has blocked you from access'; return; } echo 'A poke was sent to the user.<br/><br/>'; Poke::send($this->child); echo ahref('u/profile/' . $this->child, 'Continue'); break; case 'show': // shows my recieved pokes echo '<h1>My recieved pokes</h1>'; $list = Poke::getPokes($session->id); foreach ($list as $poke) { echo 'Poke from ' . UserLink::render($poke->from) . ' sent at ' . $poke->time . '<br/>'; } break; default: echo 'no such view: ' . $this->owner; }
case 'ip': // query ip info $ip = ''; if (!empty($_GET['ip'])) { $ip = $_GET['ip']; } if (!$ip) { die('meh'); } $geoip = IPv4_to_GeoIP($ip); echo '<h1>' . $ip . ' (' . gethostbyaddr($ip) . ')</h1>'; echo '<br/><br/>'; $list = LoginEntry::getUsersByIP($ip); echo 'This IP is associated with ' . count($list) . ' registered users:<br/>'; foreach ($list as $user_ip) { echo UserLink::render($user_ip) . '<br/>'; } echo '<hr/>'; echo '<a href="' . $ip . '" target="_blank">Perform whois lookup</a><br/>'; echo '<a href="' . $ip . '" target="_blank">Perform traceroute</a><br/>'; echo '<a href="' . $ip . '" target="_blank">Ping IP</a><br/>'; echo '<a href="' . $ip . '" target="_blank">Lookup city from IP</a><br/>'; echo '<hr/>'; //Admin notes echo CommentViewer::render(IP, $geoip); break; case 'user': // query user name $user_name = 0; if (!empty($_GET['user'])) { $user_name = $_GET['user'];