コード例 #1
include "includes/pitchfork-class-listing.php";
include "pitchfork-application-authenticate.php";
$search_results = new Listing();
$search_string = $_REQUEST['search'];
$search_exp = "\"*";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($search_string); $i++) {
    $search_exp .= "[" . strtoupper($search_string[$i]) . strtolower($search_string[$i]) . "]";
$search_exp .= "*\"";
$shell_command = "find " . escapeshellarg($Cfg_FolderLoc) . " -name " . $search_exp;
exec($shell_command, $shell_result);
foreach ($shell_result as $f) {
    if ($f != $dir) {
        if (is_dir($f)) {
            $results['directories'][] = array('display' => end(explode('/', $f)), 'path' => $f, 'hash' => $search_results->hash_gen($f));
        } else {
            $results['files'][] = array('display' => end(explode('/', $f)), 'hash' => $search_results->hash_gen($f), 'path' => $f);
$search_index = new UserInterface();
$search_index->search_term = $search_string;
# Part of Pitchfork.
コード例 #2
if ($mask != $Cfg_FolderLoc) {
    $index_UI->previous_href = "pitchfork-application-index.php?mask=" . $context['previous_dir'];
} else {
    $index_UI->previous_href = "pitchfork-application-index.php";
# Set a title for this page (that will appear in the browser window title and on the page)
if ($hash == $Cfg_FolderLoc) {
    $index_UI->set_page_title("Index of all files");
} else {
    $index_UI->set_page_title("Index of " . end(explode('/', $mask)));
# Detect the browser and see if they can be trusted with the javascript
//if(strpos($browser,"MSIE 6.0")==true){}
//else {$index_UI -> include_js("pitchfork-quicktime-playback.js");}
# Include the page header that contains all the DOCTYPES / javascript / stylesheet
$dir_result = $list->ls_dir($mask, $recurse);
if ($list->directory_empty) {
} else {
    $index_UI->append("<div id=\"browser-div\">");
# This closes everything up and includes the navigation elements.
# Return the User interface...
# Part of Pitchfork.