コード例 #1
} elseif (isset($_POST['selected'])) {
    //we dont get the button :(
    $status = array();
    $filenames = array();
    foreach ($_POST['field'] as $key => $value) {
        $uploadmanager = new UploadManager();
        $square = new GridSquare();
        $files_key = str_replace('.', '_', $value);
        $filenames[$key] = $_FILES[$files_key]['name'];
        $ok = $square->setByFullGridRef($_POST['grid_reference'][$key]);
        if ($ok) {
            // set up attributes from uploaded data
            if ($_POST['comment'][$key] != "comment[{$key}]") {
                //bug? in Picasa sends the name in the value if blank, useful! (but only seems to apply to textareas)
            if ($_POST['comment2'][$key] != "comment2[{$key}]") {
                //bug? in Picasa sends the name in the value if blank, useful! (but only seems to apply to textareas)
            if (($_POST['imageclass'][$key] == 'Other' || empty($_POST['imageclass'][$key])) && !empty($_POST['imageclassother'][$key])) {
                $imageclass = stripslashes($_POST['imageclassother'][$key]);
            } else {
                if ($_POST['imageclass'] != 'Other') {