コード例 #1
 public function boot_backup($backup_files, $backup_database, $restrict_files_to_override = false, $one_shot = false, $service = false, $options = array())
     if (false === $restrict_files_to_override && isset($options['restrict_files_to_override'])) {
         $restrict_files_to_override = $options['restrict_files_to_override'];
     // Generate backup information
     $use_nonce = empty($options['use_nonce']) ? false : $options['use_nonce'];
     // The current_resumption is consulted within logfile_open()
     $this->current_resumption = 0;
     if (!is_file($this->logfile_name)) {
         $this->log('Failed to open log file (' . $this->logfile_name . ') - you need to check your UpdraftPlus settings (your chosen directory for creating files in is not writable, or you ran out of disk space). Backup aborted.');
         $this->log(__('Could not create files in the backup directory. Backup aborted - check your UpdraftPlus settings.', 'updraftplus'), 'error');
         return false;
     // Some house-cleaning
     // Log some information that may be helpful
     $this->log("Tasks: Backup files: {$backup_files} (schedule: " . UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval', 'unset') . ") Backup DB: {$backup_database} (schedule: " . UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval_database', 'unset') . ")");
     // The is_bool() check here is confirming that we're allowed to adjust the parameters
     if (false === $one_shot && is_bool($backup_database)) {
         # If the files and database schedules are the same, and if this the file one, then we rope in database too.
         # On the other hand, if the schedules were the same and this was the database run, then there is nothing to do.
         $files_schedule = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval');
         $db_schedule = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval_database');
         $sched_log_extra = '';
         if ('manual' != $files_schedule) {
             if ($files_schedule == $db_schedule || UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval_database', 'xyz') == 'xyz') {
                 $sched_log_extra = 'Combining jobs from identical schedules. ';
                 $backup_database = $backup_files == true ? true : false;
             } elseif ($files_schedule && $db_schedule && $files_schedule != $db_schedule) {
                 // This stored value is the earliest of the two apparently-close jobs
                 $combine_around = empty($this->combine_jobs_around) ? false : $this->combine_jobs_around;
                 if (preg_match('/^(cancel:)?(\\d+)$/', $combine_around, $matches)) {
                     $combine_around = $matches[2];
                     // Re-save the option, since otherwise it will have been reset and not be accessible to the 'other' run
                     UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_combine_jobs_around', 'cancel:' . $this->combine_jobs_around);
                     $margin = defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_COMBINE_MARGIN') && is_numeric(UPDRAFTPLUS_COMBINE_MARGIN) ? UPDRAFTPLUS_COMBINE_MARGIN : 600;
                     $time_now = time();
                     // The margin is doubled, to cope with the lack of predictability in WP's cron system
                     if ($time_now >= $combine_around && $time_now <= $combine_around + 2 * $margin) {
                         $sched_log_extra = 'Combining jobs from co-inciding events. ';
                         if ('cancel:' == $matches[1]) {
                             $backup_database = false;
                             $backup_files = false;
                         } else {
                             // We want them both to happen on whichever run is first (since, afterwards, the updraft_combine_jobs_around option will have been removed when the event is rescheduled).
                             $backup_database = true;
                             $backup_files = true;
         $this->log("Processed schedules. {$sched_log_extra}Tasks now: Backup files: {$backup_files} Backup DB: {$backup_database}");
     $semaphore = ($backup_files ? 'f' : '') . ($backup_database ? 'd' : '');
     if (false == apply_filters('updraftplus_boot_backup', true, $backup_files, $backup_database, $one_shot)) {
         $this->log("Backup aborted (via filter)");
         return false;
     if (!is_string($service) && !is_array($service)) {
         $service = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_service');
     $service = $this->just_one($service);
     if (is_string($service)) {
         $service = array($service);
     if (!is_array($service)) {
         $service = array('none');
     if (!empty($options['extradata']) && preg_match('#services=remotesend/(\\d+)#', $options['extradata'])) {
         if ($service === array('none')) {
             $service = array();
         $service[] = 'remotesend';
     $option_cache = array();
     foreach ($service as $serv) {
         if ('' == $serv || 'none' == $serv) {
         include_once UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR . '/methods/' . $serv . '.php';
         $cclass = 'UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_' . $serv;
         $obj = new $cclass();
         if (method_exists($cclass, 'get_credentials')) {
             $opts = $obj->get_credentials();
             if (is_array($opts)) {
                 foreach ($opts as $opt) {
                     $option_cache[$opt] = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option($opt);
     $option_cache = apply_filters('updraftplus_job_option_cache', $option_cache);
     // If nothing to be done, then just finish
     if (!$backup_files && !$backup_database) {
         $ret = $this->backup_finish(1, false, false, 0);
         // Don't keep useless log files
         if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_debug_mode') && !empty($this->logfile_name) && file_exists($this->logfile_name)) {
         return $ret;
     // Are we doing an action called by the WP scheduler? If so, we want to check when that last happened; the point being that the dodgy WP scheduler, when overloaded, can call the event multiple times - and sometimes, it evades the semaphore because it calls a second run after the first has finished, or > 3 minutes (our semaphore lock time) later
     // doing_action() was added in WP 3.9
     // wp_cron() can be called from the 'init' action
     if (function_exists('doing_action') && (doing_action('init') || @constant('DOING_CRON')) && (doing_action('updraft_backup_database') || doing_action('updraft_backup'))) {
         $last_scheduled_action_called_at = get_option("updraft_last_scheduled_{$semaphore}");
         // 11 minutes - so, we're assuming that they haven't custom-modified their schedules to run scheduled backups more often than that. If they have, they need also to use the filter to over-ride this check.
         $seconds_ago = time() - $last_scheduled_action_called_at;
         if ($last_scheduled_action_called_at && $seconds_ago < 660 && apply_filters('updraft_check_repeated_scheduled_backups', true)) {
             $this->log(sprintf('Scheduled backup aborted - another backup of this type was apparently invoked by the WordPress scheduler only %d seconds ago - the WordPress scheduler invoking events multiple times usually indicates a very overloaded server (or other plugins that mis-use the scheduler)', $seconds_ago));
     update_option("updraft_last_scheduled_{$semaphore}", time());
     require_once UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR . '/includes/class-semaphore.php';
     $this->semaphore = UpdraftPlus_Semaphore::factory();
     $this->semaphore->lock_name = $semaphore;
     $semaphore_log_message = 'Requesting semaphore lock (' . $semaphore . ')';
     if (!empty($last_scheduled_action_called_at)) {
         $semaphore_log_message .= " (apparently via scheduler: last_scheduled_action_called_at={$last_scheduled_action_called_at}, seconds_ago={$seconds_ago})";
     } else {
         $semaphore_log_message .= " (apparently not via scheduler)";
     if (!$this->semaphore->lock()) {
         $this->log('Failed to gain semaphore lock (' . $semaphore . ') - another backup of this type is apparently already active - aborting (if this is wrong - i.e. if the other backup crashed without removing the lock, then another can be started after 3 minutes)');
     // Allow the resume interval to be more than 300 if last time we know we went beyond that - but never more than 600
         $resume_interval = UPDRAFTPLUS_INITIAL_RESUME_INTERVAL;
     } else {
         $resume_interval = (int) min(max(300, get_site_transient('updraft_initial_resume_interval')), 600);
     # We delete it because we only want to know about behaviour found during the very last backup run (so, if you move servers then old data is not retained)
     $job_file_entities = array();
     if ($backup_files) {
         $possible_backups = $this->get_backupable_file_entities(true);
         foreach ($possible_backups as $youwhat => $whichdir) {
             if (false === $restrict_files_to_override && UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option("updraft_include_{$youwhat}", apply_filters("updraftplus_defaultoption_include_{$youwhat}", true)) || is_array($restrict_files_to_override) && in_array($youwhat, $restrict_files_to_override)) {
                 // The 0 indicates the zip file index
                 $job_file_entities[$youwhat] = array('index' => 0);
     $followups_allowed = !$one_shot && defined('DOING_CRON') && DOING_CRON || defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_FOLLOWUPS_ALLOWED') && UPDRAFTPLUS_FOLLOWUPS_ALLOWED;
     $split_every = max(intval(UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_split_every', 400)), UPDRAFTPLUS_SPLIT_MIN);
     $initial_jobdata = array('resume_interval', $resume_interval, 'job_type', 'backup', 'jobstatus', 'begun', 'backup_time', $this->backup_time, 'job_time_ms', $this->job_time_ms, 'service', $service, 'split_every', $split_every, 'maxzipbatch', 26214400, 'job_file_entities', $job_file_entities, 'option_cache', $option_cache, 'uploaded_lastreset', 9, 'one_shot', $one_shot, 'followsups_allowed', $followups_allowed);
     if ($one_shot) {
         update_site_option('updraft_oneshotnonce', $this->nonce);
     if (!empty($options['extradata']) && 'autobackup' == $options['extradata']) {
         array_push($initial_jobdata, 'is_autobackup', true);
     // Save what *should* be done, to make it resumable from this point on
     if ($backup_database) {
         $dbs = apply_filters('updraft_backup_databases', array('wp' => 'begun'));
         if (is_array($dbs)) {
             foreach ($dbs as $key => $db) {
                 if ('wp' != $key && (!is_array($db) || empty($db['dbinfo']) || !is_array($db['dbinfo']) || empty($db['dbinfo']['host']))) {
     } else {
         $dbs = "no";
     array_push($initial_jobdata, 'backup_database', $dbs);
     array_push($initial_jobdata, 'backup_files', $backup_files ? 'begun' : 'no');
     if (is_array($options) && !empty($options['label'])) {
         array_push($initial_jobdata, 'label', $options['label']);
     try {
         // Use of jobdata_set_multi saves around 200ms
         call_user_func_array(array($this, 'jobdata_set_multi'), apply_filters('updraftplus_initial_jobdata', $initial_jobdata, $options, $split_every));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     // Everything is set up; now go
     $this->backup_resume(0, $this->nonce);
     if ($one_shot) {
コード例 #2
 public function boot_backup($backup_files, $backup_database, $restrict_files_to_override = false, $one_shot = false, $service = false, $options = array())
     if (false === $restrict_files_to_override && isset($options['restrict_files_to_override'])) {
         $restrict_files_to_override = $options['restrict_files_to_override'];
     // Generate backup information
     $use_nonce = empty($options['use_nonce']) ? false : $options['use_nonce'];
     // The current_resumption is consulted within logfile_open()
     $this->current_resumption = 0;
     if (!is_file($this->logfile_name)) {
         $this->log('Failed to open log file (' . $this->logfile_name . ') - you need to check your UpdraftPlus settings (your chosen directory for creating files in is not writable, or you ran out of disk space). Backup aborted.');
         $this->log(__('Could not create files in the backup directory. Backup aborted - check your UpdraftPlus settings.', 'updraftplus'), 'error');
         return false;
     // Some house-cleaning
     // Log some information that may be helpful
     $this->log("Tasks: Backup files: {$backup_files} (schedule: " . UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval', 'unset') . ") Backup DB: {$backup_database} (schedule: " . UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval_database', 'unset') . ")");
     if (false === $one_shot && is_bool($backup_database)) {
         # If the files and database schedules are the same, and if this the file one, then we rope in database too.
         # On the other hand, if the schedules were the same and this was the database run, then there is nothing to do.
         if ('manual' != UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval') && (UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval') == UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval_database') || UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval_database', 'xyz') == 'xyz')) {
             $backup_database = $backup_files == true ? true : false;
         $this->log("Processed schedules. Tasks now: Backup files: {$backup_files} Backup DB: {$backup_database}");
     $semaphore = ($backup_files ? 'f' : '') . ($backup_database ? 'd' : '');
     if (false == apply_filters('updraftplus_boot_backup', true, $backup_files, $backup_database, $one_shot)) {
         $updraftplus->log("Backup aborted (via filter)");
         return false;
     if (!is_string($service) && !is_array($service)) {
         $service = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_service');
     $service = $this->just_one($service);
     if (is_string($service)) {
         $service = array($service);
     if (!is_array($service)) {
         $service = array('none');
     if (!empty($options['extradata']) && preg_match('#services=remotesend/(\\d+)#', $options['extradata'])) {
         if ($service === array('none')) {
             $service = array();
         $service[] = 'remotesend';
     $option_cache = array();
     foreach ($service as $serv) {
         if ('' == $serv || 'none' == $serv) {
         include_once UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR . '/methods/' . $serv . '.php';
         $cclass = 'UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_' . $serv;
         $obj = new $cclass();
         if (method_exists($cclass, 'get_credentials')) {
             $opts = $obj->get_credentials();
             if (is_array($opts)) {
                 foreach ($opts as $opt) {
                     $option_cache[$opt] = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option($opt);
     $option_cache = apply_filters('updraftplus_job_option_cache', $option_cache);
     // If nothing to be done, then just finish
     if (!$backup_files && !$backup_database) {
         $ret = $this->backup_finish(1, false, false, 0);
         // Don't keep useless log files
         if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_debug_mode') && !empty($this->logfile_name) && file_exists($this->logfile_name)) {
         return $ret;
     require_once UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR . '/includes/class-semaphore.php';
     $this->semaphore = UpdraftPlus_Semaphore::factory();
     $this->semaphore->lock_name = $semaphore;
     $this->log('Requesting semaphore lock (' . $semaphore . ')');
     if (!$this->semaphore->lock()) {
         $this->log('Failed to gain semaphore lock (' . $semaphore . ') - another backup of this type is apparently already active - aborting (if this is wrong - i.e. if the other backup crashed without removing the lock, then another can be started after 3 minutes)');
     // Allow the resume interval to be more than 300 if last time we know we went beyond that - but never more than 600
         $resume_interval = UPDRAFTPLUS_INITIAL_RESUME_INTERVAL;
     } else {
         $resume_interval = (int) min(max(300, get_site_transient('updraft_initial_resume_interval')), 600);
     # We delete it because we only want to know about behaviour found during the very last backup run (so, if you move servers then old data is not retained)
     $job_file_entities = array();
     if ($backup_files) {
         $possible_backups = $this->get_backupable_file_entities(true);
         foreach ($possible_backups as $youwhat => $whichdir) {
             if (false === $restrict_files_to_override && UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option("updraft_include_{$youwhat}", apply_filters("updraftplus_defaultoption_include_{$youwhat}", true)) || is_array($restrict_files_to_override) && in_array($youwhat, $restrict_files_to_override)) {
                 // The 0 indicates the zip file index
                 $job_file_entities[$youwhat] = array('index' => 0);
     $followups_allowed = !$one_shot && defined('DOING_CRON') && DOING_CRON || defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_FOLLOWUPS_ALLOWED') && UPDRAFTPLUS_FOLLOWUPS_ALLOWED;
     $split_every = max(intval(UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_split_every', 500)), UPDRAFTPLUS_SPLIT_MIN);
     $initial_jobdata = array('resume_interval', $resume_interval, 'job_type', 'backup', 'jobstatus', 'begun', 'backup_time', $this->backup_time, 'job_time_ms', $this->job_time_ms, 'service', $service, 'split_every', $split_every, 'maxzipbatch', 26214400, 'job_file_entities', $job_file_entities, 'option_cache', $option_cache, 'uploaded_lastreset', 9, 'one_shot', $one_shot, 'followsups_allowed', $followups_allowed);
     if ($one_shot) {
         update_site_option('updraft_oneshotnonce', $this->nonce);
     if (!empty($options['extradata']) && 'autobackup' == $options['extradata']) {
         array_push($initial_jobdata, 'is_autobackup', true);
     // Save what *should* be done, to make it resumable from this point on
     if ($backup_database) {
         $dbs = apply_filters('updraft_backup_databases', array('wp' => 'begun'));
         if (is_array($dbs)) {
             foreach ($dbs as $key => $db) {
                 if ('wp' != $key && (!is_array($db) || empty($db['dbinfo']) || !is_array($db['dbinfo']) || empty($db['dbinfo']['host']))) {
     } else {
         $dbs = "no";
     array_push($initial_jobdata, 'backup_database', $dbs);
     array_push($initial_jobdata, 'backup_files', $backup_files ? 'begun' : 'no');
     if (is_array($options) && !empty($options['label'])) {
         array_push($initial_jobdata, 'label', $options['label']);
     try {
         // Use of jobdata_set_multi saves around 200ms
         call_user_func_array(array($this, 'jobdata_set_multi'), apply_filters('updraftplus_initial_jobdata', $initial_jobdata, $options, $split_every));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     // Everything is set up; now go
     $this->backup_resume(0, $this->nonce);
     if ($one_shot) {
コード例 #3
ファイル: updraftplus.php プロジェクト: jeanpage/ca_learn
 public function boot_backup($backup_files, $backup_database, $restrict_files_to_override = false, $one_shot = false, $service = false)
     // 15 minutes
     //generate backup information
     // The current_resumption is consulted within logfile_open()
     $this->current_resumption = 0;
     if (!is_file($this->logfile_name)) {
         $this->log('Failed to open log file (' . $this->logfile_name . ') - you need to check your UpdraftPlus settings (your chosen directory for creating files in is not writable, or you ran out of disk space). Backup aborted.');
         $this->log(__('Could not create files in the backup directory. Backup aborted - check your UpdraftPlus settings.', 'updraftplus'), 'error');
         return false;
     // Some house-cleaning
     // Log some information that may be helpful
     $this->log("Tasks: Backup files: {$backup_files} (schedule: " . UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval', 'unset') . ") Backup DB: {$backup_database} (schedule: " . UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval_database', 'unset') . ")");
     if (false === $one_shot && is_bool($backup_database)) {
         # If the files and database schedules are the same, and if this the file one, then we rope in database too.
         # On the other hand, if the schedules were the same and this was the database run, then there is nothing to do.
         if ('manual' != UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval') && (UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval') == UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval_database') || UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval_database', 'xyz') == 'xyz')) {
             $backup_database = $backup_files == true ? true : false;
         $this->log("Processed schedules. Tasks now: Backup files: {$backup_files} Backup DB: {$backup_database}");
     $semaphore = ($backup_files ? 'f' : '') . ($backup_database ? 'd' : '');
     // Make sure the options for semaphores exist
     global $wpdb;
     $results = $wpdb->get_results("\n\t\t\tSELECT option_id\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$wpdb->options}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE option_name IN ('updraftplus_locked_{$semaphore}', 'updraftplus_unlocked_{$semaphore}')\n\t\t");
     // Use of update_option() is correct here - since it is what is used in class-semaphore.php
     if (!count($results)) {
         update_option('updraftplus_unlocked_' . $semaphore, '1');
         update_option('updraftplus_last_lock_time_' . $semaphore, current_time('mysql', 1));
         update_option('updraftplus_semaphore_' . $semaphore, '0');
     if (!is_string($service) && !is_array($service)) {
         $service = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_service');
     $service = $this->just_one($service);
     if (is_string($service)) {
         $service = array($service);
     $option_cache = array();
     foreach ($service as $serv) {
         if ('' == $serv || 'none' == $serv) {
         include_once UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR . '/methods/' . $serv . '.php';
         $cclass = 'UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_' . $serv;
         $obj = new $cclass();
         if (method_exists($cclass, 'get_credentials')) {
             $opts = $obj->get_credentials();
             if (is_array($opts)) {
                 foreach ($opts as $opt) {
                     $option_cache[$opt] = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option($opt);
     $option_cache = apply_filters('updraftplus_job_option_cache', $option_cache);
     # If nothing to be done, then just finish
     if (!$backup_files && !$backup_database) {
         $this->backup_finish(1, false, false, 0);
     require_once UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR . '/includes/class-semaphore.php';
     $this->semaphore = UpdraftPlus_Semaphore::factory();
     $this->semaphore->lock_name = $semaphore;
     $this->log('Requesting semaphore lock (' . $semaphore . ')');
     if (!$this->semaphore->lock()) {
         $this->log('Failed to gain semaphore lock (' . $semaphore . ') - another backup of this type is apparently already active - aborting (if this is wrong - i.e. if the other backup crashed without removing the lock, then another can be started after 3 minutes)');
     // Allow the resume interval to be more than 300 if last time we know we went beyond that - but never more than 600
     $resume_interval = (int) min(max(300, get_site_transient('updraft_initial_resume_interval')), 600);
     # We delete it because we only want to know about behaviour found during the very last backup run (so, if you move servers then old data is not retained)
     $job_file_entities = array();
     if ($backup_files) {
         $possible_backups = $this->get_backupable_file_entities(true);
         foreach ($possible_backups as $youwhat => $whichdir) {
             if (false === $restrict_files_to_override && UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option("updraft_include_{$youwhat}", apply_filters("updraftplus_defaultoption_include_{$youwhat}", true)) || is_array($restrict_files_to_override) && in_array($youwhat, $restrict_files_to_override)) {
                 // The 0 indicates the zip file index
                 $job_file_entities[$youwhat] = array('index' => 0);
     $initial_jobdata = array('resume_interval', $resume_interval, 'job_type', 'backup', 'jobstatus', 'begun', 'backup_time', $this->backup_time, 'job_time_ms', $this->job_time_ms, 'service', $service, 'split_every', max(intval(UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_split_every', 800)), UPDRAFTPLUS_SPLIT_MIN), 'maxzipbatch', 26214400, 'job_file_entities', $job_file_entities, 'option_cache', $option_cache, 'uploaded_lastreset', 9, 'one_shot', $one_shot);
     if ($one_shot) {
         update_site_option('updraft_oneshotnonce', $this->nonce);
     // Save what *should* be done, to make it resumable from this point on
     array_push($initial_jobdata, 'backup_database', $backup_database ? 'begun' : 'no');
     array_push($initial_jobdata, 'backup_files', $backup_files ? 'begun' : 'no');
     // Use of jobdata_set_multi saves around 200ms
     call_user_func_array(array($this, 'jobdata_set_multi'), $initial_jobdata);
     // Everything is set up; now go
     $this->backup_resume(0, $this->nonce);
     if ($one_shot) {