コード例 #1
 public static function notices_init()
     if (self::$initialized) {
     self::$initialized = true;
     self::$notices_content = defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_NOADS_B') && UPDRAFTPLUS_NOADS_B ? array() : self::populate_notices_content();
     global $updraftplus;
     $our_version = @constant('SCRIPT_DEBUG') ? $updraftplus->version . '.' . time() : $updraftplus->version;
     wp_enqueue_style('updraftplus-notices-css', UPDRAFTPLUS_URL . '/css/updraftplus-notices.css', array(), $our_version);
コード例 #2
 public function send_results_email($final_message, $jobdata)
     global $updraftplus;
     $debug_mode = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_debug_mode');
     $sendmail_to = $updraftplus->just_one_email(UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_email'));
     if (is_string($sendmail_to)) {
         $sendmail_to = array($sendmail_to);
     $backup_files = $jobdata['backup_files'];
     $backup_db = $jobdata['backup_database'];
     if (is_array($backup_db)) {
         $backup_db = $backup_db['wp'];
     if (is_array($backup_db)) {
         $backup_db = $backup_db['status'];
     $backup_type = 'backup' == $jobdata['job_type'] ? __('Full backup', 'updraftplus') : __('Incremental', 'updraftplus');
     $was_aborted = !empty($jobdata['aborted']);
     if ($was_aborted) {
         $backup_contains = __('The backup was aborted by the user', 'updraftplus');
     } elseif ('finished' == $backup_files && ('finished' == $backup_db || 'encrypted' == $backup_db)) {
         $backup_contains = __("Files and database", 'updraftplus') . " ({$backup_type})";
     } elseif ('finished' == $backup_files) {
         $backup_contains = $backup_db == "begun" ? __("Files (database backup has not completed)", 'updraftplus') : __("Files only (database was not part of this particular schedule)", 'updraftplus');
         $backup_contains .= " ({$backup_type})";
     } elseif ($backup_db == 'finished' || $backup_db == 'encrypted') {
         $backup_contains = $backup_files == "begun" ? __("Database (files backup has not completed)", 'updraftplus') : __("Database only (files were not part of this particular schedule)", 'updraftplus');
     } else {
         $updraftplus->log('Unknown/unexpected status: ' . serialize($backup_files) . '/' . serialize($backup_db));
         $backup_contains = __("Unknown/unexpected error - please raise a support request", 'updraftplus');
     $append_log = '';
     $attachments = array();
     $error_count = 0;
     if ($updraftplus->error_count() > 0) {
         $append_log .= __('Errors encountered:', 'updraftplus') . "\r\n";
         $attachments[0] = $updraftplus->logfile_name;
         foreach ($updraftplus->errors as $err) {
             if (is_wp_error($err)) {
                 foreach ($err->get_error_messages() as $msg) {
                     $append_log .= "* " . rtrim($msg) . "\r\n";
             } elseif (is_array($err) && 'error' == $err['level']) {
                 $append_log .= "* " . rtrim($err['message']) . "\r\n";
             } elseif (is_string($err)) {
                 $append_log .= "* " . rtrim($err) . "\r\n";
         $append_log .= "\r\n";
     $warnings = isset($jobdata['warnings']) ? $jobdata['warnings'] : array();
     if (is_array($warnings) && count($warnings) > 0) {
         $append_log .= __('Warnings encountered:', 'updraftplus') . "\r\n";
         $attachments[0] = $updraftplus->logfile_name;
         foreach ($warnings as $err) {
             $append_log .= "* " . rtrim($err) . "\r\n";
         $append_log .= "\r\n";
     if ($debug_mode && '' != $updraftplus->logfile_name && !in_array($updraftplus->logfile_name, $attachments)) {
         $append_log .= "\r\n" . __('The log file has been attached to this email.', 'updraftplus');
         $attachments[0] = $updraftplus->logfile_name;
     // We have to use the action in order to set the MIME type on the attachment - by default, WordPress just puts application/octet-stream
     $subject = apply_filters('updraft_report_subject', sprintf(__('Backed up: %s', 'updraftplus'), get_bloginfo('name')) . ' (UpdraftPlus ' . $updraftplus->version . ') ' . get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'Y-m-d H:i'), $error_count, count($warnings));
     # The class_exists() check here is a micro-optimization to prevent a possible HTTP call whose results may be disregarded by the filter
     $feed = '';
     if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Addon_Reporting') && !defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_NOADS_B') && !defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_NONEWSFEED')) {
         $updraftplus->log('Fetching RSS news feed');
         $rss = $updraftplus->get_updraftplus_rssfeed();
         $updraftplus->log('Fetched RSS news feed; result is a: ' . get_class($rss));
         if (is_a($rss, 'SimplePie')) {
             $feed .= __('Email reports created by UpdraftPlus (free edition) bring you the latest UpdraftPlus.com news', 'updraftplus') . " - " . sprintf(__('read more at %s', 'updraftplus'), 'https://updraftplus.com/news/') . "\r\n\r\n";
             foreach ($rss->get_items(0, 6) as $item) {
                 $feed .= '* ';
                 $feed .= $item->get_title();
                 $feed .= " (" . $item->get_date('j F Y') . ")";
                 #$feed .= ' - '.$item->get_permalink();
                 $feed .= "\r\n";
         $feed .= "\r\n\r\n";
     $extra_messages = apply_filters('updraftplus_report_extramessages', array());
     $extra_msg = '';
     if (is_array($extra_messages)) {
         foreach ($extra_messages as $msg) {
             $extra_msg .= '<strong>' . $msg['key'] . '</strong>: ' . $msg['val'] . "\r\n";
     foreach ($this->remotestorage_extrainfo as $service => $message) {
         if (!empty($updraftplus->backup_methods[$service])) {
             $extra_msg .= $updraftplus->backup_methods[$service] . ': ' . $message['plain'] . "\r\n";
     // Make it available to the filter
     $jobdata['remotestorage_extrainfo'] = $this->remotestorage_extrainfo;
     if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Notices')) {
         require_once UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR . '/includes/updraftplus-notices.php';
     $ws_advert = UpdraftPlus_Notices::do_notice(false, 'report-plain', true);
     $body = apply_filters('updraft_report_body', __('Backup of:', 'updraftplus') . ' ' . site_url() . "\r\n" . "UpdraftPlus " . __('WordPress backup is complete', 'updraftplus') . ".\r\n" . __('Backup contains:', 'updraftplus') . " {$backup_contains}\r\n" . __('Latest status:', 'updraftplus') . ' ' . $final_message . "\r\n" . $extra_msg . "\r\n" . $feed . $ws_advert . "\r\n" . $append_log, $final_message, $backup_contains, $updraftplus->errors, $warnings, $jobdata);
     $this->attachments = apply_filters('updraft_report_attachments', $attachments);
     if (count($this->attachments) > 0) {
         add_action('phpmailer_init', array($this, 'phpmailer_init'));
     $attach_size = 0;
     $unlink_files = array();
     foreach ($this->attachments as $ind => $attach) {
         if ($attach == $updraftplus->logfile_name && filesize($attach) > 6 * 1048576) {
             $updraftplus->log("Log file is large (" . round(filesize($attach) / 1024, 1) . " KB): will compress before e-mailing");
             if (!($handle = fopen($attach, "r"))) {
                 $updraftplus->log("Error: Failed to open log file for reading: " . $attach);
             } else {
                 if (!($whandle = gzopen($attach . '.gz', 'w'))) {
                     $updraftplus->log("Error: Failed to open log file for reading: " . $attach . ".gz");
                 } else {
                     while (false !== ($line = @stream_get_line($handle, 131072, "\n"))) {
                         @gzwrite($whandle, $line . "\n");
                     $this->attachments[$ind] = $attach . '.gz';
                     $unlink_files[] = $attach . '.gz';
         $attach_size += filesize($this->attachments[$ind]);
     foreach ($sendmail_to as $ind => $mailto) {
         if (false === apply_filters('updraft_report_sendto', true, $mailto, $error_count, count($warnings), $ind)) {
         foreach (explode(',', $mailto) as $sendmail_addr) {
             $updraftplus->log("Sending email ('{$backup_contains}') report (attachments: " . count($attachments) . ", size: " . round($attach_size / 1024, 1) . " KB) to: " . substr($sendmail_addr, 0, 5) . "...");
             try {
                 wp_mail(trim($sendmail_addr), $subject, $body, array("X-UpdraftPlus-Backup-ID: " . $updraftplus->nonce));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $updraftplus->log("Exception occurred when sending mail (" . get_class($e) . "): " . $e->getMessage());
     foreach ($unlink_files as $file) {
     if (count($this->attachments) > 0) {
         remove_action('phpmailer_init', array($this, 'phpmailer_init'));
コード例 #3
    public function settings_formcontents($options = array())
        global $updraftplus;
        $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location();
        $really_is_writable = $updraftplus->really_is_writable($updraft_dir);
        $default_options = array('include_database_decrypter' => true, 'include_adverts' => true, 'include_save_button' => true);
        foreach ($default_options as $k => $v) {
            if (!isset($options[$k])) {
                $options[$k] = $v;
			<table class="form-table">
        _e('Files backup schedule', 'updraftplus');
					<div style="float:left; clear:both;">
						<select class="updraft_interval" name="updraft_interval">
        $intervals = $this->get_intervals();
        $selected_interval = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval', 'manual');
        foreach ($intervals as $cronsched => $descrip) {
            echo "<option value=\"{$cronsched}\" ";
            if ($cronsched == $selected_interval) {
                echo 'selected="selected"';
            echo ">" . htmlspecialchars($descrip) . "</option>\n";
						</select> <span class="updraft_files_timings"><?php 
        echo apply_filters('updraftplus_schedule_showfileopts', '<input type="hidden" name="updraftplus_starttime_files" value="">', $selected_interval);

        $updraft_retain = max((int) UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_retain', 2), 1);
        $retain_files_config = __('and retain this many scheduled backups', 'updraftplus') . ': <input type="number" min="1" step="1" name="updraft_retain" value="' . $updraft_retain . '" class="retain-files" />';
        // 							echo apply_filters('updraftplus_retain_files_intervalline', $retain_files_config, $updraft_retain);
        echo $retain_files_config;

			<tr class="updraft_incremental_row">
            _e('Incremental file backup schedule', 'updraftplus');
            do_action('updraftplus_incremental_cell', $selected_interval);
					<a href="<?php 
            echo apply_filters('updraftplus_com_link', "https://updraftplus.com/support/tell-me-more-about-incremental-backups/");
            _e('Tell me more about incremental backups', 'updraftplus');

        apply_filters('updraftplus_after_file_intervals', false, $selected_interval);
        _e('Database backup schedule', 'updraftplus');
				<div style="float:left; clear:both;">
					<select class="updraft_interval_database" name="updraft_interval_database">
        $selected_interval_db = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval_database', UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval'));
        foreach ($intervals as $cronsched => $descrip) {
            echo "<option value=\"{$cronsched}\" ";
            if ($cronsched == $selected_interval_db) {
                echo 'selected="selected"';
            echo ">{$descrip}</option>\n";
					</select> <span class="updraft_same_schedules_message"><?php 
        echo apply_filters('updraftplus_schedule_sametimemsg', '');
</span><span class="updraft_db_timings"><?php 
        echo apply_filters('updraftplus_schedule_showdbopts', '<input type="hidden" name="updraftplus_starttime_db" value="">', $selected_interval_db);

        $updraft_retain_db = max((int) UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_retain_db', $updraft_retain), 1);
        $retain_dbs_config = __('and retain this many scheduled backups', 'updraftplus') . ': <input type="number" min="1" step="1" name="updraft_retain_db" value="' . $updraft_retain_db . '" class="retain-files" />';
        // 						echo apply_filters('updraftplus_retain_db_intervalline', $retain_dbs_config, $updraft_retain_db);
        echo $retain_dbs_config;
			<tr class="backup-interval-description">
        echo apply_filters('updraftplus_fixtime_ftinfo', '<p>' . __('To fix the time at which a backup should take place,', 'updraftplus') . ' (' . __('e.g. if your server is busy at day and you want to run overnight', 'updraftplus') . '), ' . __('or to configure more complex schedules', 'updraftplus') . ', <a href="' . apply_filters('updraftplus_com_link', "https://updraftplus.com/shop/updraftplus-premium/") . '">' . htmlspecialchars(__('use UpdraftPlus Premium', 'updraftplus')) . '</a></p>');

			<h2 class="updraft_settings_sectionheading"><?php 
        _e('Sending Your Backup To Remote Storage', 'updraftplus');

        $debug_mode = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_debug_mode') ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
        $active_service = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_service');

			<table class="form-table width-900">
        echo __('Choose your remote storage', 'updraftplus') . '<br>' . apply_filters('updraftplus_after_remote_storage_heading_message', '<em>' . __('(tap on an icon to select or unselect)', 'updraftplus') . '</em>');
				<div id="remote-storage-container">
        if (is_array($active_service)) {
            $active_service = $updraftplus->just_one($active_service);
        //Change this to give a class that we can exclude
        $multi = apply_filters('updraftplus_storage_printoptions_multi', '');
        foreach ($updraftplus->backup_methods as $method => $description) {
            $backup_using = esc_attr(sprintf(__("Backup using %s?", 'updraftplus'), $description));
            echo "<input aria-label=\"{$backup_using}\" name=\"updraft_service[]\" class=\"updraft_servicecheckbox {$method} {$multi}\" id=\"updraft_servicecheckbox_{$method}\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$method}\"";
            if ($active_service === $method || is_array($active_service) && in_array($method, $active_service)) {
                echo ' checked="checked"';
            echo " data-labelauty=\"" . esc_attr($description) . "\">";
        if (false === apply_filters('updraftplus_storage_printoptions', false, $active_service)) {
            echo '</div>';
            echo '<p><a href="' . apply_filters('updraftplus_com_link', "https://updraftplus.com/shop/morestorage/") . '">' . htmlspecialchars(__('You can send a backup to more than one destination with an add-on.', 'updraftplus')) . '</a></p>';
            echo '</td></tr>';
					<tr class="updraftplusmethod none ud_nostorage" style="display:none;">
        echo htmlspecialchars(__('If you choose no remote storage, then the backups remain on the web-server. This is not recommended (unless you plan to manually copy them to your computer), as losing the web-server would mean losing both your website and the backups in one event.', 'updraftplus'));

        $method_objects = array();
        foreach ($updraftplus->backup_methods as $method => $description) {
            do_action('updraftplus_config_print_before_storage', $method);
            require_once UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR . '/methods/' . $method . '.php';
            $call_method = 'UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_' . $method;
            $method_objects[$method] = new $call_method();
            do_action('updraftplus_config_print_after_storage', $method);


			<hr style="width:900px; float:left;">
			<h2 class="updraft_settings_sectionheading"><?php 
        _e('File Options', 'updraftplus');

			<table class="form-table" >
        _e('Include in files backup', 'updraftplus');
        echo $this->files_selector_widgetry();
        echo apply_filters('updraftplus_admin_directories_description', __('The above directories are everything, except for WordPress core itself which you can download afresh from WordPress.org.', 'updraftplus') . ' <a href="' . apply_filters('updraftplus_com_link', "https://updraftplus.com/shop/") . '">' . htmlspecialchars(__('See also the "More Files" add-on from our shop.', 'updraftplus')) . '</a>');

			<h2 class="updraft_settings_sectionheading"><?php 
        _e('Database Options', 'updraftplus');

			<table class="form-table width-900">

        _e('Database encryption phrase', 'updraftplus');

        echo apply_filters('updraft_database_encryption_config', '<a href="' . apply_filters('updraftplus_com_link', "https://updraftplus.com/landing/updraftplus-premium") . '">' . __("Don't want to be spied on? UpdraftPlus Premium can encrypt your database backup.", 'updraftplus') . '</a> ' . __('It can also backup external databases.', 'updraftplus'));
        if (!empty($options['include_database_decrypter'])) {
			<tr class="backup-crypt-description">


				<a href="#" class="updraft_show_decryption_widget"><?php 
            _e('You can manually decrypt an encrypted database here.', 'updraftplus');

				<div id="updraft-manualdecrypt-modal" class="updraft-hidden" style="display:none;">
            _e("Manually decrypt a database backup file", 'updraftplus');

            global $wp_version;
            if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.3', '<')) {
                echo '<em>' . sprintf(__('This feature requires %s version %s or later', 'updraftplus'), 'WordPress', '3.3') . '</em>';
            } else {

					<div id="plupload-upload-ui2">
						<div id="drag-drop-area2">
							<div class="drag-drop-inside">
								<p class="drag-drop-info"><?php 
                _e('Drop encrypted database files (db.gz.crypt files) here to upload them for decryption', 'updraftplus');
                _ex('or', 'Uploader: Drop db.gz.crypt files here to upload them for decryption - or - Select Files', 'updraftplus');
								<p class="drag-drop-buttons"><input id="plupload-browse-button2" type="button" value="<?php 
                esc_attr_e('Select Files', 'updraftplus');
" class="button" /></p>
								<p style="margin-top: 18px;"><?php 
                _e('First, enter the decryption key', 'updraftplus');
: <input id="updraftplus_db_decrypt" type="text" size="12"></input></p>
						<div id="filelist2">




        #'<a href="https://updraftplus.com/shop/updraftplus-premium/">'.__("This feature is part of UpdraftPlus Premium.", 'updraftplus').'</a>'
        $moredbs_config = apply_filters('updraft_database_moredbs_config', false);
        if (!empty($moredbs_config)) {

            _e('Back up more databases', 'updraftplus');
            echo $moredbs_config;



			<h2 class="updraft_settings_sectionheading"><?php 
        _e('Reporting', 'updraftplus');

			<table class="form-table" style="width:900px;">

        $report_rows = apply_filters('updraftplus_report_form', false);
        if (is_string($report_rows)) {
            echo $report_rows;
        } else {

            _e('Email', 'updraftplus');
            $updraft_email = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_email');
					<input type="checkbox" id="updraft_email" name="updraft_email" value="<?php 
            if (!empty($updraft_email)) {
                echo ' checked="checked"';
 > <br><label for="updraft_email"><?php 
            echo __("Check this box to have a basic report sent to", 'updraftplus') . ' <a href="' . admin_url('options-general.php') . '">' . __("your site's admin address", 'updraftplus') . '</a> (' . htmlspecialchars(get_bloginfo('admin_email')) . ").";
            if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Addon_Reporting')) {
                echo '<a href="' . apply_filters('updraftplus_com_link', "https://updraftplus.com/shop/reporting/") . '">' . __('For more reporting features, use the Reporting add-on.', 'updraftplus') . '</a>';



			<script type="text/javascript">
			/* <![CDATA[ */
        echo $this->get_settings_js($method_objects, $really_is_writable, $updraft_dir);
			/* ]]> */
			<table class="form-table width-900">
				<td colspan="2"><h2 class="updraft_settings_sectionheading"><?php 
        _e('Advanced / Debugging Settings', 'updraftplus');

        _e('Expert settings', 'updraftplus');
				<td><a class="enableexpertmode" href="#enableexpertmode"><?php 
        _e('Show expert settings', 'updraftplus');
</a> - <?php 
        _e("click this to show some further options; don't bother with this unless you have a problem or are curious.", 'updraftplus');
        $delete_local = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_delete_local', 1);
        $split_every_mb = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_split_every', 400);
        if (!is_numeric($split_every_mb)) {
            $split_every_mb = 400;
        if ($split_every_mb < UPDRAFTPLUS_SPLIT_MIN) {
            $split_every_mb = UPDRAFTPLUS_SPLIT_MIN;

			<tr class="expertmode updraft-hidden" style="display:none;">
        _e('Debug mode', 'updraftplus');
				<td><input type="checkbox" id="updraft_debug_mode" name="updraft_debug_mode" value="1" <?php 
        echo $debug_mode;
 /> <br><label for="updraft_debug_mode"><?php 
        _e('Check this to receive more information and emails on the backup process - useful if something is going wrong.', 'updraftplus');
        _e('This will also cause debugging output from all plugins to be shown upon this screen - please do not be surprised to see these.', 'updraftplus');

			<tr class="expertmode updraft-hidden" style="display:none;">
        _e('Split archives every:', 'updraftplus');
				<td><input type="text" name="updraft_split_every" class="updraft_split_every" value="<?php 
        echo $split_every_mb;
" size="5" /> MB<br><?php 
        echo sprintf(__('UpdraftPlus will split up backup archives when they exceed this file size. The default value is %s megabytes. Be careful to leave some margin if your web-server has a hard size limit (e.g. the 2 GB / 2048 MB limit on some 32-bit servers/file systems).', 'updraftplus'), 400);

			<tr class="deletelocal expertmode updraft-hidden" style="display:none;">
        _e('Delete local backup', 'updraftplus');
				<td><input type="checkbox" id="updraft_delete_local" name="updraft_delete_local" value="1" <?php 
        if ($delete_local) {
            echo 'checked="checked"';
> <br><label for="updraft_delete_local"><?php 
        _e('Check this to delete any superfluous backup files from your server after the backup run finishes (i.e. if you uncheck, then any files despatched remotely will also remain locally, and any files being kept locally will not be subject to the retention limits).', 'updraftplus');

			<tr class="expertmode backupdirrow updraft-hidden" style="display:none;">
        _e('Backup directory', 'updraftplus');
				<td><input type="text" name="updraft_dir" id="updraft_dir" style="width:525px" value="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($this->prune_updraft_dir_prefix($updraft_dir));
" /></td>
			<tr class="expertmode backupdirrow updraft-hidden" style="display:none;">
					<span id="updraft_writable_mess">
        $dir_info = $this->really_writable_message($really_is_writable, $updraft_dir);
        echo $dir_info;
        echo __("This is where UpdraftPlus will write the zip files it creates initially.  This directory must be writable by your web server. It is relative to your content directory (which by default is called wp-content).", 'updraftplus') . ' ' . __("<b>Do not</b> place it inside your uploads or plugins directory, as that will cause recursion (backups of backups of backups of...).", 'updraftplus');

			<tr class="expertmode updraft-hidden" style="display:none;">
        _e("Use the server's SSL certificates", 'updraftplus');
				<td><input data-updraft_settings_test="useservercerts" type="checkbox" id="updraft_ssl_useservercerts" name="updraft_ssl_useservercerts" value="1" <?php 
        if (UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_ssl_useservercerts')) {
            echo 'checked="checked"';
> <br><label for="updraft_ssl_useservercerts"><?php 
        _e('By default UpdraftPlus uses its own store of SSL certificates to verify the identity of remote sites (i.e. to make sure it is talking to the real Dropbox, Amazon S3, etc., and not an attacker). We keep these up to date. However, if you get an SSL error, then choosing this option (which causes UpdraftPlus to use your web server\'s collection instead) may help.', 'updraftplus');

			<tr class="expertmode updraft-hidden" style="display:none;">
        _e('Do not verify SSL certificates', 'updraftplus');
				<td><input data-updraft_settings_test="disableverify" type="checkbox" id="updraft_ssl_disableverify" name="updraft_ssl_disableverify" value="1" <?php 
        if (UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_ssl_disableverify')) {
            echo 'checked="checked"';
> <br><label for="updraft_ssl_disableverify"><?php 
        _e('Choosing this option lowers your security by stopping UpdraftPlus from verifying the identity of encrypted sites that it connects to (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive). It means that UpdraftPlus will be using SSL only for encryption of traffic, and not for authentication.', 'updraftplus');
        _e('Note that not all cloud backup methods are necessarily using SSL authentication.', 'updraftplus');

			<tr class="expertmode updraft-hidden" style="display:none;">
        _e('Disable SSL entirely where possible', 'updraftplus');
				<td><input data-updraft_settings_test="nossl" type="checkbox" id="updraft_ssl_nossl" name="updraft_ssl_nossl" value="1" <?php 
        if (UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_ssl_nossl')) {
            echo 'checked="checked"';
> <br><label for="updraft_ssl_nossl"><?php 
        _e('Choosing this option lowers your security by stopping UpdraftPlus from using SSL for authentication and encrypted transport at all, where possible. Note that some cloud storage providers do not allow this (e.g. Dropbox), so with those providers this setting will have no effect.', 'updraftplus');
 <a href="<?php 
        echo apply_filters('updraftplus_com_link', "https://updraftplus.com/faqs/i-get-ssl-certificate-errors-when-backing-up-andor-restoring/");
        _e('See this FAQ also.', 'updraftplus');


        if (!empty($options['include_adverts'])) {
            if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Notices')) {
                require_once UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR . '/includes/updraftplus-notices.php';
            UpdraftPlus_Notices::do_notice(false, 'bottom');
        if (!empty($options['include_save_button'])) {
					<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
					<input type="submit" class="button-primary" id="updraftplus-settings-save" value="<?php 
            _e('Save Changes', 'updraftplus');
" />