コード例 #1
    $sliderMainSettings->addTextBox("wc_sale_price_from", "", "Sale Price", $arrParams);
    $arrParams = array("class" => "small", UniteSettingsBiz::PARAM_OUTPUTWITH => "wc_sale_price_from", UniteSettingsBiz::PARAM_ADDTEXT_BEFORE_ELEMENT => "     To:");
    $sliderMainSettings->addTextBox("wc_sale_price_to", "", "Sale Price To", $arrParams);
    $sliderMainSettings->addCheckbox("wc_instock_only", false, "In Stock Only");
    $sliderMainSettings->addCheckbox("wc_featured_only", false, "Featured Products Only");
//if woocommerce exists
// -------------- End Filters ------------------
//set select item template
$templates = new ShowBizTemplate();
$arrTemplates = $templates->getArrShortAssoc(GlobalsShowBiz::TEMPLATE_TYPE_ITEM);
$addHtml = "<a href='javascript:void(0)' id='button_edit_item_template' class='button-primary revblue mleft_10'><i class='revicon-pencil-1'></i>Edit</a>";
$params = array("description" => "The template that set the look of the item", UniteSettingsBiz::PARAM_ADDTEXT => $addHtml);
$sliderMainSettings->addSelect("template_id", $arrTemplates, "Item Template", "", $params);
self::storeSettings("slider_main", $sliderMainSettings);
//set "slider_params" settings.
$sliderParamsSettings = new UniteSettingsAdvancedBiz();
$sliderParamsSettings->loadXMLFile(self::$path_settings . "/slider_settings.xml");
//update navigation template
$templates = new ShowBizTemplate();
$arrTemplates = $templates->getArrShortAssoc(GlobalsShowBiz::TEMPLATE_TYPE_BUTTON);
$addHtml = "<a href='javascript:void(0)' id='button_edit_item_template_nav' class='button-secondary mleft_10' style='margin-top:17px;'>Edit</a>";
$sliderParamsSettings->updateSettingField("nav_template_id", "items", $arrTemplates);
$sliderParamsSettings->updateSettingField("nav_template_id", UniteSettingsBiz::PARAM_ADDTEXT, $addHtml);
//store params
self::storeSettings("slider_params", $sliderParamsSettings);

コード例 #2

//set Slide settings
$arrSlideNames = $slider->getArrSlideNames();
$slideSettings = new UniteSettingsAdvancedBiz();
$params = array("description" => "The title of the slide, will be shown in the slides list.", "class" => "medium");
$slideSettings->addTextBox("title", "Slide", "Slide Title", $params);
$params = array("description" => "The state of the slide. The unpublished slide will be excluded from the slider.");
$slideSettings->addSelect("state", array("published" => "Published", "unpublished" => "Unpublished"), "State", "published", $params);
//select item template
$templates = new ShowBizTemplate();
$arrTemplates = $templates->getArrShortAssoc(GlobalsShowBiz::TEMPLATE_TYPE_ITEM, true);
$params = array("description" => "The template that set the look of the item (if not selected it will be taken from the slider global template)");
$slideSettings->addSelect("template_id", $arrTemplates, "Item Template", "", $params);
//enable link
$slideSettings->addSelect_boolean("enable_link", "Enable Link", false, "Enable", "Disable");
$slideSettings->startBulkControl("enable_link", UniteSettingsBiz::CONTROL_TYPE_SHOW, "true");
$params = array("description" => "A link on the whole slide pic");
$slideSettings->addTextBox("link", "", "Slide Link", $params);
$params = array("description" => "", "width" => 300, "height" => 200);
$slideSettings->addImage("slide_image", "", "Slide Image", $params);
$params = array("description" => "");
コード例 #3
  * get wildcards settings object
  * $isInsidePost it means that it's used inside the post and not template page.
 public function getWildcardsSettings($isInsidePost = false)
     $settings = new UniteSettingsAdvancedBiz();
     //add youtube, excerpt and vimeo id
     if ($isInsidePost == true) {
         $templates = new ShowBizTemplate();
         $arrTemplates = $templates->getArrShortAssoc(GlobalsShowBiz::TEMPLATE_TYPE_ITEM, true);
         $settings->addSelect("template_id", $arrTemplates, "Item Template", "");
         $params = array("class" => "textbox_small", "description" => "Overwrite the global excerpt words limit option for this post");
         $settings->addTextBox("showbiz_excerpt_limit", "", "Excerpt Words Limit", $params);
         $params = array("description" => "The youtube ID, example: 9bZkp7q19f0");
         $settings->addTextBox("youtube_id", "", "Youtube ID", $params);
         $params = array("description" => "The youtube ID, example: 18554749");
         $settings->addTextBox("vimeo_id", "", "Vimeo ID", $params);
     //get custom settings:
     $arrCustomOptions = $this->getArrCustomOptions();
     if (!empty($arrCustomOptions)) {
         $params = array("custom_type" => "user", "text_class" => "text_short", "description" => "Custom option. Can be used in variaty of needs in the template");
         foreach ($arrCustomOptions as $option) {
             $title = $option["title"];
             $name = self::PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX . $option["name"];
             $settings->addTextBox($name, "", $title, $params);
     return $settings;