コード例 #1
  * put creative layer
 private function putCreativeLayer(RevSlide $slide, $static_slide = false)
     $layers = $slide->getLayers();
     $customAnimations = RevOperations::getCustomAnimations('customin');
     //get all custom animations
     $customEndAnimations = RevOperations::getCustomAnimations('customout');
     //get all custom animations
     $startAnimations = RevOperations::getArrAnimations(false);
     //only get the standard animations
     $endAnimations = RevOperations::getArrEndAnimations(false);
     //only get the standard animations
     $lazyLoad = $this->slider->getParam("lazy_load", "off");
     $isTemplate = $this->slider->getParam("template", "false");
     if (empty($layers)) {
         return false;
     $zIndex = 5;
     foreach ($layers as $layer) {
         $type = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "type", "text");
         //set if video full screen
         $videoclass = '';
         $isFullWidthVideo = false;
         if ($type == "video") {
             $videoclass = ' tp-videolayer';
             $videoData = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "video_data");
             if (!empty($videoData)) {
                 $videoData = (array) $videoData;
                 $isFullWidthVideo = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "fullwidth");
                 $isFullWidthVideo = UniteFunctionsRev::strToBool($isFullWidthVideo);
             } else {
                 $videoData = array();
         $class = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "style");
         if (trim($class) !== '') {
             $this->class_include['.' . trim($class)] = true;
         //add classname for style inclusion
         $animation = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "animation", "tp-fade");
         if ($animation == "fade") {
             $animation = "tp-fade";
         $customin = '';
         if (!array_key_exists($animation, $startAnimations) && array_key_exists($animation, $customAnimations)) {
             //if true, add custom animation
             $customin .= 'data-customin="';
             $animArr = RevOperations::getCustomAnimationByHandle($customAnimations[$animation]);
             if ($animArr !== false) {
                 $customin .= RevOperations::parseCustomAnimationByArray($animArr);
             $customin .= '"';
             $animation = 'customin';
         if (strpos($animation, 'customin-') !== false || strpos($animation, 'customout-') !== false) {
             $animation = "tp-fade";
         //set output class:
         $layer_2d_rotation = intval(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "2d_rotation", '0'));
         $layer_2d_origin_x = intval(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "2d_origin_x", '50'));
         $layer_2d_origin_y = intval(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "2d_origin_y", '50'));
         if ($layer_2d_rotation == 0) {
             $outputClass = "tp-caption " . trim($class);
         } else {
             $outputClass = "tp-caption ";
         $outputClass = trim($outputClass) . " ";
         $outputClass .= trim($animation);
         $left = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "left", 0);
         $top = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "top", 0);
         $speed = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "speed", 300);
         $time = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "time", 0);
         $easing = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "easing", "easeOutExpo");
         $randomRotate = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "random_rotation", "false");
         $randomRotate = UniteFunctionsRev::boolToStr($randomRotate);
         $splitin = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "split", "none");
         $splitout = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "endsplit", "none");
         $elementdelay = intval(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "splitdelay", 0));
         $endelementdelay = intval(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "endsplitdelay", 0));
         if ($elementdelay > 0) {
             $elementdelay /= 100;
         if ($endelementdelay > 0) {
             $endelementdelay /= 100;
         $text = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "text");
         if (function_exists('qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')) {
             //use qTranslate
             $text = qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text);
         $htmlVideoAutoplay = "";
         $htmlVideoAutoplayOnlyFirstTime = "";
         $htmlVideoNextSlide = "";
         $htmlVideoThumbnail = "";
         $htmlMute = '';
         $htmlCover = '';
         $htmlDotted = '';
         $htmlRatio = '';
         $htmlRewind = '';
         $htmlDisableOnMobile = '';
         $ids = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "attrID");
         $classes = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "attrClasses");
         $title = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "attrTitle");
         $rel = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "attrRel");
         $ids = $ids != '' ? ' id="' . $ids . '"' : '';
         $classes = $classes != '' ? ' ' . $classes : '';
         $title = $title != '' ? ' title="' . $title . '"' : '';
         $rel = $rel != '' ? ' rel="' . $rel . '"' : '';
         $max_width = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "max_width", 'auto');
         $max_height = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "max_height", 'auto');
         $white_space = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "whitespace", 'nowrap');
         $inline_styles = '';
         $layer_rotation = '';
         $do_rotation = false;
         $add_data = '';
         $videoType = '';
         $cover = false;
         //set html:
         $html = "";
         switch ($type) {
             case "text":
                 $html = $text;
                 $inline_styles .= ' max-width: ' . $max_width . '; max-height: ' . $max_height . '; white-space: ' . $white_space . ';';
                 if ($layer_2d_rotation !== 0) {
                     $do_rotation = true;
             case "image":
                 $alt = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "alt");
                 if (isset($slide->ignore_alt)) {
                     $alt = '';
                 $urlImage = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "image_url");
                 $additional = "";
                 $scaleX = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "scaleX");
                 $scaleY = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "scaleY");
                 if ($scaleX != '') {
                     $additional .= ' data-ww="' . $scaleX . '"';
                 if ($scaleY != '') {
                     $additional .= ' data-hh="' . $scaleY . '"';
                 if (is_ssl()) {
                     $urlImage = str_replace("http://", "https://", $urlImage);
                 $imageAddParams = "";
                 if ($lazyLoad == "on") {
                     $imageAddParams .= " data-lazyload=\"{$urlImage}\"";
                     $urlImage = GlobalsRevSlider::$url_media . "assets/images/dummy.png";
                 $urlImage = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::urlToFull($urlImage);
                 $html = '<img src="' . $urlImage . '" alt="' . $alt . '"' . $additional . $imageAddParams . '>';
                 $imageLink = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "link", "");
                 if (!empty($imageLink)) {
                     $openIn = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "link_open_in", "same");
                     $target = "";
                     if ($openIn == "new") {
                         $target = ' target="_blank"';
                     $linkID = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "link_id", "");
                     $linkClass = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "link_class", "");
                     $linkTitle = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "link_title", "");
                     $linkRel = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "link_rel", "");
                     $linkIDHtml = "";
                     $linkClassHtml = "";
                     $linkTitleHtml = "";
                     $linkRelHtml = "";
                     if (!empty($linkID)) {
                         $linkIDHtml = ' id="' . $linkID . '"';
                     if (!empty($linkClass)) {
                         $linkClassHtml = ' class="' . $linkClass . '"';
                     if (!empty($linkTitle)) {
                         $linkTitleHtml = ' title="' . $linkTitle . '"';
                     if (!empty($linkRel)) {
                         $linkRelHtml = ' rel="' . $linkRel . '"';
                     $html = '<a href="' . $imageLink . '"' . $target . $linkIDHtml . $linkClassHtml . $linkTitleHtml . $linkRelHtml . '>' . $html . '</a>';
                 if ($layer_2d_rotation !== 0) {
                     $do_rotation = true;
             case "video":
                 $videoType = trim(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "video_type"));
                 $videoID = trim(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "video_id"));
                 $videoWidth = trim(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "video_width"));
                 $videoHeight = trim(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "video_height"));
                 $videoArgs = trim(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "video_args"));
                 $v_controls = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "controls");
                 $v_controls = UniteFunctionsRev::strToBool($v_controls);
                 $rewind = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "forcerewind");
                 $rewind = UniteFunctionsRev::strToBool($rewind);
                 $htmlRewind = $rewind == true ? ' data-forcerewind="on"' : '';
                 $only_poster_on_mobile = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "use_poster_on_mobile");
                 $only_poster_on_mobile = UniteFunctionsRev::strToBool($only_poster_on_mobile);
                 if ($isFullWidthVideo == true) {
                     // || $cover == true
                     $videoWidth = "100%";
                     $videoHeight = "100%";
                 $setBase = is_ssl() ? "https://" : "http://";
                 $cover = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "cover");
                 $cover = UniteFunctionsRev::strToBool($cover);
                 switch ($videoType) {
                     case "youtube":
                         if (empty($videoArgs)) {
                             $videoArgs = GlobalsRevSlider::DEFAULT_YOUTUBE_ARGUMENTS;
                         //check if full URL
                         if (strpos($videoID, 'http') !== false) {
                             //we have full URL, split it to ID
                             parse_str(parse_url($videoID, PHP_URL_QUERY), $my_v_ret);
                             $videoID = $my_v_ret['v'];
                         $videospeed = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "videospeed", '1');
                         //$ytBase = 'https://';
                         //if($v_controls) $videoArgs.='controls=0;';
                         $videoArgs .= ';origin=' . $setBase . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ';';
                         $add_data = ' data-ytid="' . $videoID . '" data-videowidth="' . $videoWidth . '" data-videoheight="' . $videoHeight . '" data-videoattributes="version=3&amp;enablejsapi=1&amp;html5=1&amp;' . $videoArgs . '" data-videorate="' . $videospeed . '"';
                         $add_data .= $v_controls ? ' data-videocontrols="none"' : ' data-videocontrols="controls"';
                         //$html = "<iframe src='".$ytBase."www.youtube.com/embed/".$videoID."?enablejsapi=1&amp;html5=1&amp;".$videoArgs."' allowfullscreen='true' width='".$videoWidth."' height='".$videoHeight."' style='width:".$videoWidth."px;height:".$videoHeight."px;'></iframe>";
                     case "vimeo":
                         if (empty($videoArgs)) {
                             $videoArgs = GlobalsRevSlider::DEFAULT_VIMEO_ARGUMENTS;
                         //check if full URL
                         if (strpos($videoID, 'http') !== false) {
                             //we have full URL, split it to ID
                             $videoID = (int) substr(parse_url($videoID, PHP_URL_PATH), 1);
                         $add_data = ' data-vimeoid="' . $videoID . '" data-videowidth="' . $videoWidth . '" data-videoheight="' . $videoHeight . '" data-videoattributes="' . $videoArgs . '"';
                         //no controls for vimeo $add_data .= ($v_controls) ? ' data-videocontrols="none"' : ' data-videocontrols="controls"';
                         //$html = "<iframe src='".$setBase."player.vimeo.com/video/".$videoID."?".$videoArgs."' width='".$videoWidth."' height='".$videoHeight."' style='width:".$videoWidth."px;height:".$videoHeight."px;'></iframe>";
                     case "html5":
                         $urlPoster = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "urlPoster");
                         $urlMp4 = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "urlMp4");
                         $urlWebm = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "urlWebm");
                         $urlOgv = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "urlOgv");
                         $videopreload = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "preload");
                         $videoloop = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "videoloop");
                         $add_data = ' data-videowidth="' . $videoWidth . '" data-videoheight="' . $videoHeight . '"';
                         $add_data .= $v_controls ? ' data-videocontrols="none"' : ' data-videocontrols="controls"';
                         if (!empty($urlPoster)) {
                             $add_data .= ' data-videoposter="' . $urlPoster . '"';
                         if (!empty($urlOgv)) {
                             $add_data .= ' data-videoogv="' . $urlOgv . '"';
                         if (!empty($urlWebm)) {
                             $add_data .= ' data-videowebm="' . $urlWebm . '"';
                         if (!empty($urlMp4)) {
                             $add_data .= ' data-videomp4="' . $urlMp4 . '"';
                         if (!empty($urlPoster)) {
                             if ($only_poster_on_mobile === true) {
                                 $add_data .= ' data-posterOnMObile="on"';
                             } else {
                                 $add_data .= ' data-posterOnMObile="off"';
                         if (!empty($videopreload)) {
                             $add_data .= ' data-videopreload="' . $videopreload . '"';
                         if (UniteFunctionsRev::strToBool($videoloop) == true) {
                             $add_data .= ' data-videoloop="loop"';
                         } else {
                             $add_data .= ' data-videoloop="' . $videoloop . '"';
                         UniteFunctionsRev::throwError("wrong video type: {$videoType}");
                 if ($cover == true) {
                     $dotted = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "dotted");
                     if ($dotted !== 'none') {
                         $add_data .= ' data-dottedoverlay="' . $dotted . '"';
                     $add_data .= ' data-forceCover="1"';
                     $ratio = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "ratio");
                     if (!empty($ratio)) {
                         $add_data .= ' data-aspectratio="' . $ratio . '"';
                 //set video autoplay, with backward compatability
                 if (array_key_exists("autoplay", $videoData)) {
                     $videoAutoplay = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "autoplay");
                 } else {
                     //backword compatability
                     $videoAutoplay = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "video_autoplay");
                 //set video autoplayonlyfirsttime, with backward compatability
                 if (array_key_exists("autoplayonlyfirsttime", $videoData)) {
                     $videoAutoplayOnlyFirstTime = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "autoplayonlyfirsttime");
                 } else {
                     $videoAutoplayOnlyFirstTime = "";
                 $videoAutoplay = UniteFunctionsRev::strToBool($videoAutoplay);
                 $videoAutoplayOnlyFirstTime = UniteFunctionsRev::strToBool($videoAutoplayOnlyFirstTime);
                 $mute = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "mute");
                 $mute = UniteFunctionsRev::strToBool($mute);
                 $htmlMute = $mute ? ' data-volume="mute"' : '';
                 if ($videoAutoplay == true) {
                     $htmlVideoAutoplay = '			data-autoplay="true"' . "\n";
                 } else {
                     $htmlVideoAutoplay = '			data-autoplay="false"' . "\n";
                 if ($videoAutoplayOnlyFirstTime == true && $videoAutoplay == true) {
                     $htmlVideoAutoplayOnlyFirstTime = '			data-autoplayonlyfirsttime="true"' . "\n";
                 } else {
                     $htmlVideoAutoplayOnlyFirstTime = '			data-autoplayonlyfirsttime="false"' . "\n";
                 $videoNextSlide = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "nextslide");
                 $videoNextSlide = UniteFunctionsRev::strToBool($videoNextSlide);
                 if ($videoNextSlide == true) {
                     $htmlVideoNextSlide = '			data-nextslideatend="true"' . "\n";
                 $videoThumbnail = @$videoData["previewimage"];
                 if (trim($videoThumbnail) !== '') {
                     $htmlVideoThumbnail = '			data-videoposter="' . $videoThumbnail . '"' . "\n";
                 if (!empty($videoThumbnail)) {
                     if ($only_poster_on_mobile === true) {
                         $htmlVideoThumbnail .= '			data-posterOnMObile="on"' . " \n";
                     } else {
                         $htmlVideoThumbnail .= '			data-posterOnMObile="off"' . " \n";
                 $disable_on_mobile = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($videoData, "disable_on_mobile");
                 $disable_on_mobile = UniteFunctionsRev::strToBool($disable_on_mobile);
                 $htmlDisableOnMobile = $disable_on_mobile ? '			data-disablevideoonmobile="1"' . "\n" : '';
         if ($do_rotation) {
             $layer_rotation = ' -moz-transform: rotate(' . $layer_2d_rotation . 'deg); -ms-transform: rotate(' . $layer_2d_rotation . 'deg); -o-transform: rotate(' . $layer_2d_rotation . 'deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(' . $layer_2d_rotation . 'deg); transform: rotate(' . $layer_2d_rotation . 'deg);';
             $layer_rotation .= ' -moz-transform-origin: ' . $layer_2d_origin_x . '% ' . $layer_2d_origin_y . '%; -ms-transform-origin: ' . $layer_2d_origin_x . '% ' . $layer_2d_origin_y . '%; -o-transform-origin: ' . $layer_2d_origin_x . '% ' . $layer_2d_origin_y . '%; -webkit-transform-origin: ' . $layer_2d_origin_x . '% ' . $layer_2d_origin_y . '%; transform-origin: ' . $layer_2d_origin_x . '% ' . $layer_2d_origin_y . '%;';
         //handle end transitions:
         $endTime = trim(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "endtime"));
         $realEndTime = trim(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "realEndTime"));
         $endWithSlide = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "endWithSlide", false);
         $endSpeed = trim(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "endspeed"));
         $calcSpeed = !empty($endSpeed) ? $endSpeed : $speed;
         if (!empty($calcSpeed) && $realEndTime - $calcSpeed !== $endTime) {
             $endTime = $realEndTime - $calcSpeed;
         $htmlEnd = "";
         $customout = '';
         if (!empty($endTime) && $endWithSlide !== true) {
             $htmlEnd = " data-end=\"{$endTime}\"" . "\n";
         if (!empty($endSpeed)) {
             $htmlEnd .= " data-endspeed=\"{$endSpeed}\"" . "\n";
         $endEasing = trim(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "endeasing"));
         if (!empty($endSpeed) && $endEasing != "nothing") {
             $htmlEnd .= "\t\t\tdata-endeasing=\"{$endEasing}\"" . "\n";
         //add animation to class
         $endAnimation = trim(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "endanimation"));
         if ($endAnimation == "fade") {
             $endAnimation = "tp-fade";
         if (!array_key_exists($endAnimation, $endAnimations) && array_key_exists($endAnimation, $customEndAnimations)) {
             //if true, add custom animation
             $customout = 'data-customout="';
             $animArr = RevOperations::getCustomAnimationByHandle($customEndAnimations[$endAnimation]);
             if ($animArr !== false) {
                 $customout .= RevOperations::parseCustomAnimationByArray($animArr);
             $customout .= '"';
             $endAnimation = 'customout';
         if (strpos($endAnimation, 'customin-') !== false || strpos($endAnimation, 'customout-') !== false) {
             $endAnimation = "";
         if (!empty($endAnimation) && $endAnimation != "auto") {
             $outputClass .= " " . $endAnimation;
         //slide link
         $htmlLink = "";
         $slideLink = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "link_slide");
         if (!empty($slideLink) && $slideLink != "nothing" && $slideLink != "scroll_under") {
             //get slide index from id
             if (is_numeric($slideLink)) {
                 $slideLink = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($this->slidesNumIndex, $slideLink);
             if (!empty($slideLink)) {
                 $htmlLink = "data-linktoslide=\"{$slideLink}\"" . "\n";
         //scroll under the slider
         if ($slideLink == "scroll_under") {
             $outputClass .= " tp-scrollbelowslider";
             $scrollUnderOffset = intval(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "scrollunder_offset"));
             $htmlLink .= " data-scrolloffset=\"" . $scrollUnderOffset . "\"" . "\n";
         //hidden under resolution
         $htmlHidden = "";
         $layerHidden = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "hiddenunder");
         if ($layerHidden == "true" || $layerHidden == "1") {
             $htmlHidden = '			data-captionhidden="on"' . "\n";
         $htmlParams = $add_data . $htmlEnd . $htmlLink . $htmlVideoAutoplay . $htmlVideoAutoplayOnlyFirstTime . $htmlVideoNextSlide . $htmlVideoThumbnail . $htmlHidden . $htmlMute . $htmlDisableOnMobile . $htmlCover . $htmlDotted . $htmlRatio . $htmlRewind . "\n";
         //set positioning options
         $alignHor = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "align_hor", "left");
         $alignVert = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "align_vert", "top");
         $htmlPosX = "";
         $htmlPosY = "";
         switch ($alignHor) {
             case "left":
                 $htmlPosX = "data-x=\"" . $left . "\"";
             case "center":
                 $htmlPosX = "data-x=\"center\" data-hoffset=\"" . $left . "\"";
             case "right":
                 $left = (int) $left * -1;
                 $htmlPosX = "data-x=\"right\" data-hoffset=\"" . $left . "\"";
         switch ($alignVert) {
             case "top":
                 $htmlPosY = "data-y=\"" . $top . "\" ";
             case "middle":
                 $htmlPosY = "data-y=\"center\" data-voffset=\"" . $top . "\"";
             case "bottom":
                 $top = (int) $top * -1;
                 $htmlPosY = "data-y=\"bottom\" data-voffset=\"" . $top . "\"";
         //set corners
         $htmlCorners = "";
         if ($type == "text") {
             $cornerLeft = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "corner_left");
             $cornerRight = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "corner_right");
             switch ($cornerLeft) {
                 case "curved":
                     $htmlCorners .= "<div class='frontcorner'></div>";
                 case "reverced":
                     $htmlCorners .= "<div class='frontcornertop'></div>";
             switch ($cornerRight) {
                 case "curved":
                     $htmlCorners .= "<div class='backcorner'></div>";
                 case "reverced":
                     $htmlCorners .= "<div class='backcornertop'></div>";
             //add resizeme class
             $resizeme = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "resizeme");
             if ($resizeme == "true" || $resizeme == "1") {
                 $outputClass .= ' tp-resizeme';
         //end text related layer
         //make some modifications for the full screen video
         if ($isFullWidthVideo == true) {
             $htmlPosX = "data-x=\"0\"";
             $htmlPosY = "data-y=\"0\"";
             $outputClass .= " fullscreenvideo";
         //parallax part
         $use_parallax = $this->slider->getParam("use_parallax", "off");
         $parallax_class = '';
         if ($use_parallax == 'on') {
             $slide_level = intval(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "parallax_level", '-'));
             if ($slide_level !== '-') {
                 $parallax_class = ' rs-parallaxlevel-' . $slide_level;
         //check for loop animation here
         $do_loop = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_animation", "none");
         $loop_data = '';
         $loop_class = '';
         if ($do_loop !== 'none') {
             $loop_class = ' ' . $do_loop;
             switch ($do_loop) {
                 case 'rs-pendulum':
                     $loop_data .= ' data-easing="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_easing", "Power3.easeInOut") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-startdeg="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_startdeg", "-20") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-enddeg="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_enddeg", "20") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-speed="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_speed", "2") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-origin="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_xorigin", "50") . '% ' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_yorigin", "50") . '%"';
                 case 'rs-rotate':
                     $loop_data .= ' data-easing="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_easing", "Power3.easeInOut") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-startdeg="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_startdeg", "-20") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-enddeg="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_enddeg", "20") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-speed="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_speed", "2") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-origin="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_xorigin", "50") . '% ' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_yorigin", "50") . '%"';
                 case 'rs-slideloop':
                     $loop_data .= ' data-easing="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_easing", "Power3.easeInOut") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-speed="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_speed", "1") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-xs="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_xstart", "0") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-xe="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_xend", "0") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-ys="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_ystart", "0") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-ye="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_yend", "0") . '"';
                 case 'rs-pulse':
                     $loop_data .= ' data-easing="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_easing", "Power3.easeInOut") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-speed="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_speed", "1") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-zoomstart="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_zoomstart", "1") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-zoomend="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_zoomend", "1") . '"';
                 case 'rs-wave':
                     $loop_data .= ' data-speed="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_speed", "1") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-angle="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_angle", "0") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-radius="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_radius", "10") . '"';
                     $loop_data .= ' data-origin="' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_xorigin", "50") . '% ' . UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "loop_yorigin", "50") . '%"';
         echo "\n\t\t<!-- LAYER NR. ";
         echo $zIndex - 4;
         echo " -->\n";
         echo "\t\t<div class=\"" . $outputClass;
         echo $classes != '' ? ' ' . $classes : '';
         echo $parallax_class;
         if ($static_slide) {
             echo ' tp-static-layer';
         echo $videoclass;
         echo "\"\n";
         echo $ids != '' ? '			' . $ids . "\n" : '';
         echo $title != '' ? '			' . $title . "\n" : '';
         echo $rel != '' ? '			' . $rel . "\n" : '';
         if ($htmlPosX != "") {
             echo "\t\t\t" . $htmlPosX . "\n";
         if ($htmlPosY != "") {
             echo "\t\t\t" . $htmlPosY . "\n";
         if ($customin != "") {
             echo "\t\t\t" . $customin . "\n";
         if ($customout != "") {
             echo "\t\t\t" . $customout . "\n";
         echo "\t\t\tdata-speed=\"" . $speed . "\"\n";
         echo "\t\t\tdata-start=\"" . $time . "\"\n";
         echo "\t\t\tdata-easing=\"" . $easing . "\"\n";
         if ($type == "text") {
             //only output if we are a text layer
             echo "\t\t\tdata-splitin=\"" . $splitin . "\"\n";
             echo "\t\t\tdata-splitout=\"" . $splitout . "\"\n";
         //check if static layer and if yes, set values for it.
         if ($static_slide) {
             if ($isTemplate != "true") {
                 $start_on_slide = intval(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "static_start", 1)) - 1;
                 $end_on_slide = intval(UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "static_end", 2)) - 1;
             } else {
                 $start_on_slide = '-1';
                 $end_on_slide = '-1';
             echo '			data-startslide="' . $start_on_slide . '"' . "\n";
             echo '			data-endslide="' . $end_on_slide . '"' . "\n";
         echo "\t\t\tdata-elementdelay=\"" . $elementdelay . "\"\n";
         echo "\t\t\tdata-endelementdelay=\"" . $endelementdelay . "\"\n";
         if ($htmlParams != "") {
             echo "\t\t\t" . $htmlParams;
         echo "\t\t\tstyle=\"z-index: " . $zIndex . ";" . $inline_styles . "\"";
         echo ">";
         if ($do_loop !== 'none') {
             echo "\n" . '				<div style="' . $layer_rotation . '" class="tp-layer-inner-rotation ';
             $rotationClass = trim($class);
             $rotationClass = trim($rotationClass) . " ";
             echo $rotationClass;
             echo $loop_class;
             echo '" ';
             echo $loop_data;
             echo '>';
         } elseif ($layer_rotation != '') {
             $rotationClass = trim($class);
             $rotationClass = trim($rotationClass) . " ";
             echo '<div class="tp-layer-inner-rotation ' . $rotationClass . '" style="' . $layer_rotation . '">' . "\n";
         echo stripslashes($html) . "\n";
         if ($htmlCorners != "") {
             echo $htmlCorners . "\n";
         if ($do_loop !== 'none' || $layer_rotation != '') {
             echo "\t\t\t\t</div>\n";
         echo "\t\t</div>\n";
コード例 #2
  * normalize layers when geting them, convert image url to relative
 private function normalizeGetLayers($arrLayers)
     foreach ($arrLayers as $key => $layer) {
         $layer = (array) $layer;
         //modify image
         $urlImage = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "image_url");
         if (!empty($urlImage)) {
             $urlImage = UniteFunctionJoomlaRev::urlToFull($urlImage);
             $arrLayers[$key]["image_url"] = $urlImage;
     return $arrLayers;