function visit(Unit $node) { $txt = ""; $pad = 4 * $node->getDepth(); $txt .= sprintf("%{$pad}s", ""); $txt .= get_class($node) . ": "; $txt .= "bombard: " . $node->bombardStrength() . "\n"; $this->text .= $txt; }
public function testAbbreviation() { $unit = new Unit('Kilogram', 'kg'); $this->assertEquals('kg', $unit->getAbbr()); $unit = new Unit('Kilogram', '..kilo gram '); $this->assertEquals('kilogram', $unit->getAbbr()); $unit = new Unit('Kilogram', '1kg'); $this->assertEquals('kg', $unit->getAbbr()); }
protected function toRoman($number) { $u = new Unit(); if ($number % $this->numberUnit == 0) { return $this->hundred[$number / $this->numberUnit - 1]; } else { return $this->hundred[$number / $this->numberUnit - 1] . $u->convert($number % $this->numberUnit); } }
public function counterAttack(Unit $enemy) { try { $this->ensureIsAlive(); $enemy->takeDamage($this->damage / 2); } catch (Exception $a) { echo "my target is dead" . PHP_EOL; } }
function addUnit(Unit $unit) { foreach ($this->units as $thisunit) { if ($unit === $thisunit) { return; } } $unit->setDepth($this->depth + 1); $this->units[] = $unit; }
function get_unit_name() { if (!isset($this->details->unit_id) || $this->details->unit_id == '') { return __('General', 'cp'); } else { $unit_obj = new Unit($this->details->unit_id); $unit = $unit_obj->get_unit(); return $unit->post_title; } }
/** * @param Unit $newUnit * @param Unit $occupyingUnit * @return Unit */ public static function joinExisting(Unit $newUnit, Unit $occupyingUnit) { $comp = null; if (!is_null($comp = $occupyingUnit->getComposite())) { $comp->addUnit($newUnit); } else { $comp = new Army(); $comp->addUnit($occupyingUnit)->addUnit($newUnit); } return $comp; }
/** * @todo Finalize implementation of this method. */ protected function toRoman($number) { $u = new Unit(); if ($number % $this->numberUnit == 0 && $number < 10000) { return $this->thousand[$number / $this->numberUnit - 1]; } else { if ($number < 10000) { return $this->thousand[$number / $this->numberUnit - 1] . $u->convert($number % $this->numberUnit); } else { return 'Fail'; } } }
/** * Convert the quantity to another unit quantity * @param Unit $to * @throws \ErrorException * @return float */ public function convertTo(Unit $to) { if ($this->getType() != $to->getType()) { throw new \ErrorException("Cannot convert {$this->getType()} to {$to->getType()}"); } // Do we have the fast conversion rate set? if (array_key_exists($to::NAME, $this->fastRates)) { $result = $this->getQuantity() * $this->fastRates[$to::NAME]; } else { // Convert through the universal standard $result = $this->getQuantity() / $to::RATE * $this::RATE; } return round($result, $this->getPrecision()); }
/** * Lists all models. */ public function actionIndex() { $unit_model = Unit::model(); $dataProvider = array(); foreach ($unit_model->findAll() as $value) { $dataProvider[$value->id] = new CActiveDataProvider('Accounts', array('criteria' => array('condition' => "sid={$value->id}"), 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => 100))); } if (isset($_POST['yt0'])) { if (isset($_POST['group'])) { $_SESSION['data'] = $_POST['group']; } $_SESSION['title'] = $_POST['team_title']; $table_model = Accounts::model(); $table_model->create_table(); // foreach ( $_REQUEST['group'] as $key => $g ) // { // $criteria = new CDbCriteria; // $criteria->addInCondition( 'id' , $g ); // $data[$key] = new CActiveDataProvider( 'Accounts' , array( // 'criteria' => $criteria , // 'pagination' => false , // ) ); // } // $this->layout = '//layouts/'; // $this->render( 'create_table' , array( // 'title' => $_REQUEST['team_title'] , // 'data' => $data , // 'model' => $table_model , // ) ); Yii::app()->end(); } $this->render('index', array('dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'unit' => $unit_model)); }
/** * getInstanceメソッド * * このクラスのオブジェクトを生成する。 * 既に生成されていたら、前回と同じものを返す。 * * @return object $instance */ public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$_instance) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; }
public function redirectAction() { if (!($unit = Unit::find(intval($_GET['id'])))) { return $this->redirect('/'); } $this->view->unit = $unit; }
public function insertUnit(Unit $unit) { $con = self::openConnection(); mysqli_begin_transaction($con); $code = $unit->getCode(); $sql = "INSERT INTO currency (code) VALUE ('{$code}')"; var_dump($sql); mysqli_query($con, $sql); $affected = mysqli_affected_rows($con); var_dump($affected); if ($affected == 1) { mysqli_commit($con); } else { mysqli_rollback($con); } return $affected; }
function textDump($num = 0) { $ret = parent::textDump($num); foreach ($this->units as $unit) { $ret .= $unit->textDump($num + 1); } return $ret; }
/** * Muestra el formulario para crear un nuevo objetivo * * @return Response */ public function create($admin, $unitName) { $units = Unit::whereName($unitName)->get(); foreach ($units as $unit) { $unit = $unit->id; return View::make('subjects.create', compact('unit', 'admin')); } }
/** * Create weight object from timePeriod widget value * @param mixed * @return Weight|null */ public static function createFromTimePeriod($arrData) { $arrData = deserialize($arrData); if (empty($arrData) || !is_array($arrData) || $arrData['value'] === '' || $arrData['unit'] === '' || !in_array($arrData['unit'], Unit::getAll())) { return null; } return new static($arrData['value'], $arrData['unit']); }
public static function get_unit_availability_status($unit_id) { $unit_details = false; $unit = new Unit((int) $unit_id); $unit_details = $unit->get_unit(); $unit_available_date = get_post_meta($unit_id, 'unit_availability', true); /* Not filtering date format as it could cause conflicts. Only filter date on display. */ $current_date = date('Y-m-d', current_time('timestamp', 0)); /* Check if previous has conditions */ $previous_unit_id = self::get_previous_unit_from_the_same_course($unit->course_id, $unit_id); $force_current_unit_completion = !empty($previous_unit_id) ? get_post_meta($previous_unit_id, 'force_current_unit_completion', true) : ''; $force_current_unit_successful_completion = !empty($previous_unit_id) ? get_post_meta($previous_unit_id, 'force_current_unit_successful_completion', true) : ''; $available = true; $student_id = get_current_user_id(); $mandatory_done = Student_Completion::is_mandatory_complete($student_id, $unit->course_id, $previous_unit_id); $unit_completed = Student_Completion::is_unit_complete($student_id, $unit->course_id, $previous_unit_id); $unit->status['mandatory_required']['enabled'] = !empty($force_current_unit_completion) && 'on' == $force_current_unit_completion; $unit->status['mandatory_required']['result'] = $mandatory_done; $unit->status['completion_required']['enabled'] = !empty($force_current_unit_successful_completion) && 'on' == $force_current_unit_successful_completion; $unit->status['completion_required']['result'] = $unit_completed; $available = $unit->status['mandatory_required']['enabled'] ? $unit->status['mandatory_required']['result'] : $available; $available = $unit->status['completion_required']['enabled'] ? $unit->status['completion_required']['result'] : $available; $unit->status['date_restriction']['result'] = $current_date >= $unit_available_date; if (!$unit->status['date_restriction']['result'] || !$available) { $available = false; } else { $available = true; } /** * Perform action if unit is available. * * @since 1.2.2 * */ do_action('coursepress_unit_availble', $available, $unit_id); /** * Return filtered value. * * Can be used by other plugins to filter unit availability. * * @since 1.2.2 * */ $available = apply_filters('coursepress_filter_unit_availability', $available, $unit_id); $status = $unit->status; $status['available'] = $available; return $status; }
public function testValidateFunction() { $this->assertEquals(Unit::validate('of'), true); $this->assertEquals(Unit::validate('grams'), true); $this->assertEquals(Unit::validate('ml'), true); $this->assertEquals(Unit::validate('slices'), true); $this->assertEquals(Unit::validate('tones'), false); }
public function getType($id) { if (!array_key_exists($id, $this->unit_types)) { $start = floor($id / 10000) * 10000; $end = $start + 10000; $this->unit_types = Unit::search("`id` >= {$start} AND `id` < {$end}")->toArray('type'); } return $this->unit_types[$id]; }
/** * @inheritdoc */ protected function getSerializableAttributes() { $attributes = parent::getSerializableAttributes(); $attributes['method'] = $this->method; if ($this->params !== null) { $attributes['params'] = $this->params; } return $attributes; }
public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); foreach (range(1, 10) as $index) { $size = rand(100, 300); $user_id = rand(1, 10); Unit::create(['block' => $faker->word(), 'unit_type_id' => rand(1, 9), 'additional_land_area' => $size, 'additional_facility' => rand(0, 1), 'created_by' => $user_id, 'changed_by' => $user_id, 'change_reason' => $faker->realText(100)]); } }
/** * @inheritdoc */ protected function getSerializableAttributes() { $attributes = parent::getSerializableAttributes(); if ($this->error !== null) { $attributes['error'] = $this->error; } else { $attributes['result'] = $this->result; } return $attributes; }
/** * Lists all models. */ public function actionIndex() { $unit_model = Unit::model(); $dataProvider[0] = new CActiveDataProvider('Accounts', array('pagination' => array('pageSize' => 30))); foreach ($unit_model->findAll() as $value) { $dataProvider[$value->id] = new CActiveDataProvider('Accounts', array('criteria' => array('condition' => "sid={$value->id}"), 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => 10))); } // print_r($dataProvider[0]->getData());exit; $this->render('index', array('dataProvider' => $dataProvider)); }
public function __construct($item, $amount, $unit, DateTime $usedBy) { $this->item = strval($item); $this->amount = intval($amount); $this->usedBy = $usedBy; if (Unit::validate($unit)) { $this->unit = strtolower($unit); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid unit"); } }
/** * Test edit should return filled $data * * @test */ public function testEditShouldReturnFilledData() { $this->migrate('testbench_mysql'); $response = \Unit::edit(1); $property = $this->getPrivateProperty('Illuminate\\View\\View', 'data'); $array = $property->getValue($response); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('data', $response); $this->assertArrayHasKey('id', $array); $this->assertArrayHasKey('unit', $array); //var_dump($array); }
public function showAction() { list(, , , $id) = explode('/', $this->getURI()); $ret = new StdClass(); if (!($unit = Unit::find(intval($id)))) { $ret->error = true; $ret->message = "Company not found"; return $this->jsonp($ret, strval($_GET['callback'])); } $ret->data = $unit->getData(); return $this->jsonp($ret, strval($_GET['callback'])); }
public function getUsercount() { $unit_model = Unit::model(); $acc_model = Accounts::model(); $data = array(); foreach ($unit_model->findAll() as $value) { $temp = $acc_model->findAll("sid=:sid", array(":sid" => $value->id)); $unit_tmp = $unit_model->find("id=:id", array(":id" => $value->id)); $data[] = array($unit_tmp->name, count($temp)); } return $data; }
public static function addComponent($dishId, $recipeId, $quantity, $unitName) { if (Unit::exists($newUnit) && Recipe::exists($recipeId)) { $db = self::getInstance(); if ($db->insert('DishRecipes', ['Dishes_id' => $dishId, 'Recipes_id' => $recipeId, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'unit' => $unitName])) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
/** * Standardize and calculate the total of multiple weights * * It's probably faster in theory to convert only the total to the final unit, and not each product weight. * However, we might loose precision, not sure about that. * Based on formulas found at * @param array * @param string * @return mixed */ public function amountIn($strUnit) { if (empty($this->arrWeights)) { return 0; } $fltWeight = 0; foreach ($this->arrWeights as $objWeight) { if ($objWeight->getWeightValue() > 0) { $fltWeight += Unit::convert(floatval($objWeight->getWeightValue()), $objWeight->getWeightUnit(), Unit::KILOGRAM); } } return Unit::convert($fltWeight, Unit::KILOGRAM, $strUnit); }
public function run() { Unit::create(['name' => 'Kg']); Unit::create(['name' => 'Gram']); Unit::create(['name' => 'Lít']); Unit::create(['name' => 'Mililit']); Unit::create(['name' => 'Chai']); Unit::create(['name' => 'Gói']); Unit::create(['name' => 'Bao']); Unit::create(['name' => 'Thùng']); Unit::create(['name' => 'Hộp']); Unit::create(['name' => 'Lon']); }