コード例 #1
ファイル: GridPost.php プロジェクト: xud/jimber-php-framework
            require_once "Elements/{$file}/{$file}.php";
if (isset($_POST["printbutton"])) {
// Find out how many updates should be performed (one per value)
//$updateCount =  $_POST["toUpdateCount"];
// Find out the type for the update (datatable)
$varchar = isset($_POST["varcharID"]);
$UpdateArr = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($_POST as $post => $value) {
    if (substr($post, 0, 3) == "b64") {
        $base64String = substr($post, 3);
        $Arr = URLEncrypter::Decrypt($base64String);
        $pass = unserialize($Arr);
        $gridElement = $pass->GridElement;
        $value = $gridElement->preUpdate($value);
        //  echo $pass->dbname.":".$value.":".$pass->currentValue."<br>";
        if ($value != "" && $value != $pass->currentValue) {
            // This if makes only update statements for adjusted values
            $UpdateArr[$pass->tableType][$pass->ID][$pass->dbname] = array($value, $gridElement);
/* * ******* EXTRACT METHOD ************ */
$statements = array();
$string = "";
$i = 0;
コード例 #2

$debug = 1;
require_once '../JPFLibs.php';
$redirect = URLEncrypter::Decrypt($_GET['redirect']);
$tpl = new Template("lib/JPF/templates/AreYouSure.tpl");
$tpl->SetVars("SUREBLOCK", "REDIRECT", $redirect);
$htm = $tpl->ParseBlock("SUREBLOCK");