コード例 #1
 public static function parseURI($uri, $validate = false, $default = null)
     // Return the URI if it's an URI instance already
     if ($uri instanceof URI) {
         return $uri;
     // Parse the URI, and make sure it's valid
     $parsed = parse_url($uri);
     if ($parsed === false) {
         return $default;
     // Parse the user info
     $userInfo = null;
     if (isset($parsed['user']) || isset($parsed['pass'])) {
         $userInfo = new URIUserInfo(@$parsed['user'], @$parsed['pass']);
     // Parse the URI
     $uri = new URI(@$parsed['scheme'], @$parsed['host'], @$parsed['port'], $userInfo, @$parsed['path'], @$parsed['query'], @$parsed['fragment']);
     // Make sure the URI is valid
     if ($validate) {
         if (!$uri->isValid()) {
             return $default;
     // Return the parsed URI
     return $uri;
コード例 #2
ファイル: invite_hook.php プロジェクト: anqqa/Anqh
  * Show invite only page if enabled
 public function login()
     $uri = new URI();
     // Redirect to invite page if not logged or signing in
     if (!in_array($uri->string(), array('invite', 'sign/in')) && strpos($uri->string(), 'sign/up') !== 0 && !Visitor::instance()->logged_in()) {
         // Stop execution if ajax, ie. expired session and trying to do ajax call
         if (request::is_ajax()) {
コード例 #3
ファイル: articles.php プロジェクト: alexmon1989/fcssadon.ru
  * Инлексная страница
 public function action_index()
     // Если была отправлена форма фильтрации или сортировка
     if (\Input::method() == 'POST') {
         $category_id = (int) \Input::post('category_id');
         if ($category_id > 0) {
             \Session::set('filter_articles_category_id', $category_id);
         } else {
             \Session::set('filter_articles_category_id', null);
         $title = trim(\Input::post('title'));
         \Session::set('filter_articles_title', $title);
         // Сортировка
         \Session::set('admin_articles_order_by', \Input::post('order_by', 'id'));
         \Session::set('admin_articles_order_method', \Input::post('order_method', 'desc'));
     // Запрос на извлечение кол-ва статей
     $count = \Model_Article::get_articles_count(\Session::get('filter_articles_title'), \Session::get('filter_articles_category_id'));
     // Пагинация
     $config = array('pagination_url' => \URI::create('admin/articles/index'), 'total_items' => $count, 'per_page' => 15, 'uri_segment' => 4);
     $pagination = \Pagination::forge('articles_pagination', $config);
     $data['pagination'] = $pagination->render();
     // Передаём в представление данные пагинации (для нумерации статей)
     $data['current_page'] = is_null($pagination->current_page) ? 1 : $pagination->current_page;
     $data['per_page'] = $pagination->per_page;
     // Получение статей
     $data['articles'] = \Model_Article::get_articles(\Session::get('filter_articles_title'), \Session::get('filter_articles_category_id'), $pagination->per_page, $pagination->offset, \Session::get('admin_articles_order_by', 'id'), \Session::get('admin_articles_order_method', 'desc'));
     // Категории статей
     $data['categories'] = \Model_Category::get_categories_for_select();
     $this->template->title = "Статьи";
     $this->template->content = \View::forge('articles/index', $data, false);
コード例 #4
 public function __construct()
     $this->breadcrumb->add('Bewertungen', URI::build('airlines/admin/evals'));
     $this->breadcrumb->add('Kategorien', URI::build('airlines/admin/categories'));
     $this->breadcrumb->add('Felder', URI::build('airlines/admin/cfields'));
コード例 #5
ファイル: init.php プロジェクト: BirenRathod/indicia-code
  * Hook to prepare the database connection. Performs 2 tasks.
  *   1) Initialises the search path, unless configured not to do this (e.g. if this is set at db level).
  *   2) If this is a report request, sets the connection to read only.
 public static function prepare_connection()
     $uri = URI::instance();
     // we havent to proceed futher if a setup call was made
     if ($uri->segment(1) == 'setup_check') {
     // continue to init the system
     // add schema to the search path
     $_schema = Kohana::config('database.default.schema');
     $query = '';
     if (!empty($_schema) && kohana::config('indicia.apply_schema') !== false) {
         $query = "SET search_path TO {$_schema}, public, pg_catalog;\n";
     // Force a read only connection for reporting.
     if ($uri->segment(1) == 'services' && $uri->segment(2) == 'report') {
         $query .= "SET default_transaction_read_only TO true;\n";
     if (!empty($query)) {
         $db = Database::instance();
コード例 #6
ファイル: css.php プロジェクト: pihizi/qf
 static function cache_file($f)
     $css_file = Misc::key('css', $f) . '.css';
     $cache_file = Cache::cache_filename($css_file);
     $cache_path = ROOT_PATH . PUBLIC_BASE . $cache_file;
     $version = (int) Config::get('page.css_version');
     if (Config::get('debug.css_check_cache')) {
         if (file_exists($cache_path)) {
             $files = array_unique(explode(' ', $f));
             $mtime = 0;
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $file = trim($file);
                 list($category, $file) = explode(':', $file, 2);
                 if (!$file) {
                     $file = $category;
                     $category = NULL;
                 if (!$file) {
                 $path = Core::file_exists(PRIVATE_BASE . 'css/' . $file . '.css', $category);
                 if ($path) {
                     $mtime = max($mtime, filemtime($path));
             if ($mtime <= filemtime($cache_path)) {
                 return $cache_file . '?v=' . $version;
     } elseif (file_exists($cache_path)) {
         return $cache_file . '?v=' . $version;
     return URI::url('css', array('f' => $f, 'v' => $version));
コード例 #7
ファイル: URI.php プロジェクト: rushuinet/yiee
 public static function getInstance()
     if (is_null(self::$_instance) || isset(self::$_instance)) {
         self::$_instance = new self();
     return self::$_instance;
コード例 #8
 public function __toString()
      * poa = product options atributes
     //     echo Kohana::debug(@$_POST);
     $opa = new fpp_product_has_attributes_product_Model();
     $orm = $opa->db2cls();
     $uri = URI::Instance();
     $id = (int) $uri->segment("edit");
     if (request::method() == 'post' and is_array(@$_POST['opt'])) {
         $orm->delete(array('product_id_product' => $id));
         foreach ($_POST['opt'] as $key => $value) {
             $orm = $opa->db2cls();
             $data['product_id_product'] = $id;
             //         $data['ap_id_attributes_product']            = @$_POST['atr'][$key];
             $data['prefix'] = @$_POST['prefix'][$key];
             $data['vap_id_values_atributtes_product'] = @$_POST['opt'][$key];
             $data['value'] = @$_POST['val'][$key];
             $data['extra'] = @$_POST['extra'][$key];
     $results = $this->GetAttr($id);
     //     fetch_where(array('product_id_product'=> ) );
     $atr_p = new fpp_attributes_product_Model();
     $orm_atrp = $atr_p->db2cls();
     $attributes = form::dropdown("poa_id", $orm_atrp->select_list('id_attributes_product', 'name_attributes_product'));
     $string = View::factory("extras/ajaxattributes")->set("attributes", $attributes)->set("results", $results)->render();
     return $string;
コード例 #9
 function get_list($gid)
     $data = array('action' => 'list', 'name' => $this->name, 'role' => User::instance()->get_role());
     Event::run('steamcore.aclcheck', $data);
     // which model are we using? one passed through or the default?
     $model = steamcore::get_controls_model($this->gallery);
     $controller = URI::segment(1);
     $tdata = array();
     $page = Input::instance()->get('page', 0);
     $num = 18;
     $offset = 0;
     $limit = 18;
     if ($page) {
         $offset = $num * $page - $num;
     $where = array();
     if (isset($gid) and is_numeric($gid)) {
         $where = array('galleries_id' => $gid);
     // query the model
     $data['query'] = $model->where($where)->limit($limit, $offset)->find_all();
     $data['controller'] = $controller;
     $total = $model->count_last_query();
     $data['pagination'] = '';
     if ($total > $num) {
         $data['pagination'] = Pagination::factory(array('style' => 'digg', 'items_per_page' => $num, 'query_string' => 'page', 'total_items' => $total));
     // merge any passed data and the data returned from the model
     $tdata = array_merge($tdata, $data);
     // return the result
     return $tdata;
コード例 #10
 private function sendEmail($xml)
     try {
         $emailConf = Config::get('email');
         $mail = new PHPMailer();
         $mail->CharSet = $emailConf['charset'];
         $mail->Host = $emailConf['host'];
         $mail->SMTPAuth = $emailConf['auth'];
         $mail->Username = $emailConf['username'];
         $mail->Password = $emailConf['password'];
         $mail->Port = $emailConf['port'];
         $mail->From = $emailConf['from'];
         $mail->FromName = $emailConf['from_name'];
         $mail->Subject = 'Falha na integração';
         $mail->Body = "Ocorreu erro na integração de dados com Vtex." . "\r\n" . "\r\n";
         $mail->Body .= "Ambiente: " . (Config::get('development') === true ? 'Desenvolvimento' : 'Produção') . "\r\n" . "\r\n";
         $mail->Body .= "URL Segments: " . json_encode(URI::get_segments()) . "\r\n" . "\r\n";
         $mail->Body .= "POST: " . print_r($_POST, true) . "\r\n" . "\r\n";
         $mail->Body .= "Response Header: " . self::$responseHeader . "\r\n" . "\r\n";
         $mail->Body .= 'Saída do script: ' . $xml;
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
コード例 #11
 public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource)
     $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID());
     $category = Util::getMediaWikiNamespace($this->language, MW_CATEGORY_NAMESPACE);
     if (preg_match_all("/" . $category . ":(.*)/", $pageID, $match)) {
         $result->addTriple($this->getPageURI(), RDFtriple::URI(SKOS_PREFLABEL, false), RDFtriple::Literal($this->decode_title($pageTitle), NULL, $this->language));
         $result->addTriple($this->getPageURI(), RDFtriple::URI(RDF_TYPE, false), RDFtriple::URI(SKOS_CONCEPT, false));
         if (preg_match_all("/\\[\\[" . $category . ":(.*)\\]\\]/", $pageSource, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
             foreach ($matches as $match) {
                 // split on | sign
                 if (strpos($match[1], '|') === false) {
                     $object = Util::getDBpediaCategoryPrefix($this->language) . URI::wikipediaEncode($match[1]);
                 } else {
                     $split = explode('|', $match[1]);
                     $object = Util::getDBpediaCategoryPrefix($this->language) . URI::wikipediaEncode($split[0]);
                 try {
                     $object = RDFtriple::URI($object);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
                 $result->addTriple($this->getPageURI(), RDFtriple::URI(SKOS_BROADER, false), $object);
     return $result;
コード例 #12
  * Loads URI, and Input into this controller.
  * @return  void
 public function __construct()
     if (Kohana::$instance == NULL) {
         // Set the instance to the first controller loaded
         Kohana::$instance = $this;
     // URI should always be available
     $this->uri = URI::instance();
     // Input should always be available
     $this->input = Input::instance();
     $this->db = new Database();
     $this->user_model = ORM::factory('user');
     $this->supplier_model = ORM::factory('supplier');
     $this->category_model = ORM::factory('category');
     $this->item_model = ORM::factory('item');
     $this->item_stock_model = ORM::factory('item_stock');
     $this->district_model = ORM::factory('district');
     $this->office_model = ORM::factory('office');
     $this->budget_model = ORM::factory('office_budget');
     $this->purchase_model = ORM::factory('purchase');
     $this->request_model = ORM::factory('request');
     $this->transaction_model = ORM::factory('transaction');
     $this->setting_model = ORM::factory('setting');
     $this->log_model = ORM::factory('log');
     $this->email_model = ORM::factory('email');
コード例 #13
 public function post_pricing_view()
     $price = QuotationPriceAdjustments::find(URI::Segment(4));
     $update_layout = array('friendly_name' => trim(Input::get('friendly_name')), 'note' => trim(Input::get('note')));
     $price->update($price->id, $update_layout);
     return Redirect::to('/user/quotations/pricing_view/' . $price->id)->with('success', 'Update successfull');
コード例 #14
ファイル: ImageExtractor.php プロジェクト: nsystem1/ZeeJong
 public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource)
     $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID());
     $image_ar = $this->extract_image_url($pageSource);
     $image = ucfirst($image_ar[0]);
     $width = $image_ar[1];
     if ($image == null) {
         return $result;
     $ImageURL = $this->make_image_url($image, false, true);
     $ImageURLSmall = $this->make_image_url($image, $width);
     $image = str_replace(" ", "_", trim($image));
     if (!URI::validate($ImageURL) || !URI::validate($ImageURLSmall)) {
         return $result;
     // Add fullsize image
     $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(FOAF_DEPICTION), RDFtriple::URI($ImageURL));
     // Add depiction has thumbnail
     $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::URI($ImageURL), RDFtriple::URI(FOAF_THUMBNAIL), RDFtriple::URI($ImageURLSmall));
     // Add object has thumbnail
     $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(DBO_THUMBNAIL), RDFtriple::URI($ImageURLSmall));
     // add triples linking back to the Wikipedia image description
     $image = urlencode($image);
     $wikipediaImageDescription = 'http://' . $this->language . '.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:' . $image;
     $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::URI($ImageURLSmall), RDFtriple::URI(DC_RIGHTS), RDFtriple::URI($wikipediaImageDescription));
     $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::URI($ImageURL), RDFtriple::URI(DC_RIGHTS), RDFtriple::URI($wikipediaImageDescription));
     return $result;
コード例 #15
 public function main()
     $page = Request::get(0, VAR_URI);
     if (preg_match('/^(\\d+)-/', $page, $matches) > 0 && !empty($matches[1])) {
         $airlineData = new CustomData($this->airlinePage->getPosition());
         if ($airlineData->load($matches[1])) {
             $uri = AirlineTools::buildUri($airlineData->getId(), $airlineData->getData('name'), true);
             $this->breadcrumb->add($airlineData->getData('name'), URI::build($uri));
             $flight = Request::get(1, VAR_INT);
             if (is_id($flight)) {
             } else {
         } else {
     } else {
コード例 #16
ファイル: Config.php プロジェクト: jura-php/jura
 public static function load($group, $save = true)
     $paths = array();
     $paths[] = J_PATH . "config" . DS . $group . EXT;
     $paths[] = J_PATH . "config" . DS . strtolower(Request::env()) . DS . $group . EXT;
     if (URI::isManager()) {
         $paths[] = J_MANAGERPATH . DS . "config" . DS . $group . EXT;
         $paths[] = J_MANAGERPATH . DS . "config" . DS . strtolower(Request::env()) . DS . $group . EXT;
     } else {
         $paths[] = J_APPPATH . "config" . DS . $group . EXT;
         $paths[] = J_APPPATH . "config" . DS . strtolower(Request::env()) . DS . $group . EXT;
     $items = array();
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         if (file_exists($path)) {
             $result = (require $path);
             if (is_array($result)) {
                 $items = array_merge($items, $result);
     if (count($items) > 0) {
         if ($save) {
             static::$items[$group] = $items;
         return $items;
コード例 #17
ファイル: main_class.php プロジェクト: TarikW/easyEngine
 public function renderContent($template = 'content', $return = false)
     switch (URI::getURI()) {
         case '':
             $template = 'content';
         case 'messages':
             $template = 'messages';
         case 'friends':
             $template = 'friends';
         case 'groups':
             $template = 'groups';
         case 'settings':
             $template = 'settings';
         case '?logout':
             $template = 'register';
             $template = 'page404';
     if ($return) {
         return $this->render($template, true);
     } else {
         echo $this->render($template, true);
コード例 #18
 public function redirect()
     $uri = URI::instance()->string();
     $routed_uri = false;
     $bounces = Kohana::config('redirect_301');
     if (is_null(Router::$controller) and is_array($bounces)) {
         foreach ($bounces as $key => $val) {
             // Trim slashes
             $key = trim($key, '/');
             $val = trim($val, '/');
             if (preg_match('#^' . $key . '$#u', $uri)) {
                 if (strpos($val, '$') !== FALSE) {
                     // Use regex routing
                     $routed_uri = preg_replace('#^' . $key . '$#u', $val, $uri);
                 } else {
                     // Standard routing
                     $routed_uri = $val;
                 // A valid route has been found
     if ($routed_uri !== false) {
         url::redirect($routed_uri, '301');
コード例 #19
 public function get_requestDetailinfo()
     $data['claimID'] = $claimID = URI::segment(5);
     $data['app'] = $claimApp = Claims_App::appInfo($claimID);
     $data['detailList'] = Claims_App::listDetailsHistory($claimID);
     return View::make('claims.request.inforequestdetails', $data);
コード例 #20
 public function __construct()
     $this->filter('before', array('admin'));
     $this->filter('before', array('valid_page'))->except(array('index', 'create'));
     if (is_numeric(URI::Segment(4))) {
         $this->page_id = URI::Segment(4);
コード例 #21
 private function parse($page)
     // URI conversion, example: [@uri:/cms/contact]
     $page = preg_replace_callback('~\\[@uri:([^]]+)\\]~i', function ($m) {
         return URI::build($m[1]);
     }, $page);
     return $page;
コード例 #22
ファイル: WikipageExtractor.php プロジェクト: ljarray/dbpedia
 public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource)
     $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID);
     if ($this->language == "en") {
         $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI("http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/page"), RDFtriple::URI("http://wikicompany.org/wiki/" . URI::wikipediaEncode($pageTitle)));
     return $result;
コード例 #23
ファイル: BaseBlock.php プロジェクト: SerdarSanri/VaneMart
 protected function makeResponse($response, $internal = true)
     if ($this->isServer and ($response === false or $response === E_UNAUTH) and !$this->user(false)) {
         return Redirect::to(route('vanemart::login') . '?back=' . urlencode(\URI::full()))->with('passthru', 1);
     } else {
         return parent::makeResponse($response, $internal);
コード例 #24
 public function container()
     $id = URI::instance()->segment(3, false);
     $p = ORM::factory('plugin_instance', $id);
     if ($p->loaded) {
         echo PluginManager::instance()->get_plugin($p)->render();
コード例 #25
 public static function jsonToData($object)
     $isJson = Uteis::isJson($object);
     if ($isJson === false) {
         Handler::error('Falha na integração: Formato json inválido ' . json_encode(URI::get_segments()));
     return json_decode($object);
コード例 #26
  * If not in the setup pages, but the indicia config file is missing, go to system setup.
 public static function _setup_check()
     $uri = URI::instance();
     $isOk = $uri->segment(1) == 'setup' || $uri->segment(1) == 'setup_check' || kohana::config('indicia.private_key', false, false) !== null;
     if (!$isOk) {
コード例 #27
function error_404()
    if (Kohana::$instance == NULL) {
        Kohana::$instance = new Errors_Controller();
    Kohana::log('error', 'Error 404 (steam.core.hooks): ' . URI::instance()->string());
    Kohana::show_404(null, 'common/error_404');
コード例 #28
ファイル: Request.php プロジェクト: energine-cmf/energine
  * @throws SystemException
 public function __construct()
     $this->uri = URI::create();
     $path = $this->uri->getPath();
     if (strpos($path, E()->getSiteManager()->getCurrentSite()->root) !== false) {
         $path = array_values(array_diff(explode('/', substr($path, strlen(E()->getSiteManager()->getCurrentSite()->root))), array('')));
     } else {
         $path = array();
     try {
         $language = E()->getLanguage();
         $this->lang = isset($path[0]) && $language->isValidLangAbbr($path[0]) ? array_shift($path) : '';
     } catch (SystemException $e) {
         $this->lang = '';
     $this->path = $path;
コード例 #29
ファイル: URL.php プロジェクト: jura-php/jura
  * Returns the root URL of the project. If addManager = false, don't append 'manager/' if we are calling this function from a manager route.
  * @param  boolean $addManager
  * @return string
 public static function root($addManager = true)
     $root = Request::rootURL();
     if ($addManager && URI::isManager()) {
         $root .= "manager/";
     return $root;
コード例 #30
ファイル: Yiee.php プロジェクト: rushuinet/yiee
 private static function _init()
     self::$objs['benchmark'] = new benchmark();
     self::$objs['config'] = new Config();
     self::$objs['lang'] = new Lang();
     self::$objs['uri'] = URI::getInstance();
     self::$objs['view'] = new View();