public static function unmarshalObject(\SimpleXMLElement $xml, $fallbackType = null) { $objectType = reset($xml->objectType); $type = TypeMap::getZendType($objectType); if (!class_exists($type)) { $type = TypeMap::getZendType($fallbackType); if (!class_exists($type)) { throw new ClientException("Invalid object type class [{$type}] of Kaltura type [{$objectType}]", ClientException::ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE); } } return new $type($xml); }
/** * @param $file * @return bool */ public function buildComplexTypes($file) { $xml = file_get_contents($file); $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml, 'SimpleXMLElement', 0, "xs", true); $namespace = basename($file, ".wsdl"); if (is_object($xml)) { foreach ($xml->complexType as $complexType) { preg_match('/(\\w+.*?)\\n/', $complexType->annotation->documentation, $docString); $params = null; $paramsArray = null; $elements = []; if (isset($complexType->complexContent->extension->sequence->element)) { foreach ($complexType->complexContent->extension->sequence->element as $element) { $data = []; foreach ($element->attributes() as $k => $v) { $data['attributes'][$k] = (string) $v; } $data['name'] = @$data['attributes']['name']; $data['type'] = @$data['attributes']['type']; $data['namespace'] = $namespace; $data['documentation'] = (string) $element->annotation->documentation; $elements[] = $data; } } elseif (isset($complexType->sequence)) { foreach ($complexType->sequence->element as $element) { $data = []; foreach ($element->attributes() as $k => $v) { $data['attributes'][$k] = (string) $v; } $data['name'] = (string) $element->attributes()['name']; $data['type'] = 'SimpleContent'; $data['namespace'] = $namespace; $data['restrictions'] = $element->simpleType->restriction; $data['documentation'] = (string) $element->annotation->documentation; $elements[] = $data; } } $types = []; $maxlen = 0; $name = (string) $complexType->attributes()['name']; $uname = ucfirst((string) $complexType->attributes()['name']); $responseName = str_replace('Request', 'Response', $uname); if (!array_key_exists($responseName, $this->namespaces)) { $responseName = null; } $code = "class {$uname} extends ComplexType implements ComplexInterface\n"; $code .= "{\n"; foreach ($elements as $item) { $maxlen = strlen($item['name']) > $maxlen ? strlen($item['name']) : $maxlen; } if ($this->checkComplexType($responseName)) { if (preg_match("/request/i", $uname)) { $code .= " public \$responseType = '{$this->base_namespace}\\{$this->schema_out}\\{$this->namespaces[$responseName]}\\{$responseName}';\n"; } } $code .= " public \$elementName = '{$name}';\n"; foreach ($elements as $item) { $code .= " protected \${$item['name']};\n"; } $code .= "\n"; if (!preg_match("/response/i", $uname)) { $code .= " public function __construct("; $pad = " "; foreach ($elements as $item) { $code .= "\n{$pad} "; // if (array_key_exists('type', $item)) { // if ($this->checkComplexType($item['type'])) { // $code .= TypeMap::type($item['type']) . " "; // } // } $code .= '$' . $item['name']; $code .= array_key_exists('minOccurs', $item['attributes']) || strripos($name, 'Response') ? " = null," : " = '',"; } $code = rtrim($code, ','); if (!empty($elements)) { $code .= "\n"; } $code .= " ) {\n"; } foreach ($elements as $item) { //$code .= str_pad(' $this->set'.$item['name'], $maxlen+15, ' '); //$code .= " = "; if (array_key_exists('type', $item)) { if (array_key_exists($item['type'], $this->namespaces) && !preg_match("/^{$item['name']}\$/i", $uname)) { $types[] = "use {$this->base_namespace}\\{$this->schema_out}\\" . ucfirst($this->namespaces[$item['type']]) . "\\" . $item['type'] . ";"; } } //$code .= '$'.$item['name'].";\n"; if (!preg_match("/response/i", $name)) { $code .= " \$this->set" . ucfirst($item['name']) . "(\${$item['name']});\n"; } } //$code .= str_pad(' $this->args', $maxlen+15, ' '); //$code .= " = func_get_args();"; if (!preg_match("/response/i", $name)) { $code .= " }\n\n"; } $pad = " "; $code .= "{$pad}/**\n"; $code .= "{$pad} * @return"; $code .= preg_match("/response/i", $responseName) ? " \\{$this->base_namespace}\\{$this->schema_out}\\{$this->namespaces[$responseName]}\\{$responseName} \$response" : " mixed \$response"; $code .= "\n{$pad} */\n{$pad}"; $code .= "public function get(Client \$client, \$responseOutput = ResponseOutput::STD)\n"; $code .= "{$pad}{\n"; $code .= "{$pad} return \$this->send(\$client, \$responseOutput);\n"; $code .= "{$pad}}\n"; foreach ($elements as $item) { $code .= "\n{$pad}"; $type = ''; if (array_key_exists('type', $item) && $item['type'] != 'SimpleContent') { $type = $this->checkSimpleType($item['type']) ? '' : TypeMap::type($item['type']); } if (!empty($type)) { $type = $type . ' '; } $code .= "/**\n"; $code .= "{$pad} * " . implode("\n{$pad} * ", explode("\n", trim($item['documentation']))); $code .= "\n{$pad} */\n{$pad}"; $code .= "public function set" . ucfirst($item['name']) . "({$type}\${$item['name']} = null)\n"; $code .= "{$pad}{\n"; // $code .= "$pad if (!\${$item['name']}) return \$this;\n"; if (array_key_exists('type', $item)) { if ($this->checkSimpleType($item['type']) || preg_match("/SearchCriteria/i", $item['type']) || $this->checkComplexType($item['type'])) { $code .= "{$pad} \$this->{$item['name']} = (\${$item['name']} InstanceOf {$item['type']})\n"; $code .= "{$pad} ? \${$item['name']}\n"; $code .= "{$pad} : new {$item['type']}(\${$item['name']});\n"; } elseif (preg_match('/Table/i', $item['type'])) { $types[] = "use BroadworksOCIP\\Builder\\Types\\TableType;"; $code .= "{$pad} \$this->{$item['name']} = \${$item['name']};\n"; } elseif (TypeMap::xsType($item['type'])) { $types[] = "use BroadworksOCIP\\Builder\\Types\\PrimitiveType;"; $code .= "{$pad} \$this->{$item['name']} = new PrimitiveType(\${$item['name']});\n"; } elseif ($item['type'] == 'SimpleContent') { $types[] = "use BroadworksOCIP\\Builder\\Types\\SimpleContent;"; $code .= "{$pad} \$this->{$item['name']} = new SimpleContent(\${$item['name']});\n"; if (count($item['restrictions']) > 0) { foreach (get_object_vars($item['restrictions']) as $restriction) { if (is_object($restriction)) { $types[] = "use BroadworksOCIP\\Builder\\Restrictions\\" . ucfirst($restriction->getName()) . ";"; $value = $restriction->attributes()->value; $value = is_int($value) ? $value : '"' . $value . '"'; $code .= " \$this->{$item['name']}->addRestriction(new " . ucfirst($restriction->getName()) . "({$value}));\n"; } elseif (is_array($restriction)) { $types[] = "use BroadworksOCIP\\Builder\\Restrictions\\Enumeration;"; $enumerations = []; foreach ($restriction as $item) { switch ($item->getName()) { case 'enumeration': $enumerations[] = $item->attributes(); break; } } $code .= " \$this->{$item['name']}->addRestriction(new Enumeration([\n"; $pad = " "; $code .= " '" . implode("',\n '", $enumerations) . "'\n"; $code .= " ]));\n"; } } } } } $code .= "{$pad} \$this->{$item['name']}->setElementName('{$item['name']}');\n"; $code .= "{$pad} return \$this;\n"; $code .= "{$pad}}\n"; $code .= "\n{$pad}"; $code .= "/**\n"; $code .= "{$pad} * " . implode("\n{$pad} * ", explode("\n", trim($item['documentation']))); $code .= preg_match('/table/i', $item['type']) ? "\n{$pad} * @return TableType" : "\n{$pad} * @return" . TypeMap::returntype($item['type']) . "\${$item['name']}"; $code .= "\n{$pad} */\n{$pad}"; $code .= "public function get" . ucfirst($item['name']) . "()\n"; $code .= "{$pad}{\n"; $code .= $this->checkComplexType($item['type']) || preg_match('/table/i', $item['name']) ? "{$pad} return \$this->{$item['name']};" : "{$pad} return (\$this->{$item['name']})\n" . "{$pad} ? \$this->{$item['name']}->getElementValue()\n" . "{$pad} : null;"; $code .= "\n{$pad}}\n"; } $code .= "}\n"; $header = "<?php\n"; $header .= "/**\n"; $header .= " * This file is part of\n"; $header .= " * \n"; $header .= " * (c) 2013-2015 Luke Berezynskyj <*****@*****.**>\n"; $header .= " */\n"; $header .= "\nnamespace {$this->base_namespace}\\{$this->schema_out}\\{$this->namespaces[$name]}; \n\n"; $types = array_combine($types, array_map('strlen', $types)); arsort($types); $header .= implode("\n", array_unique(array_keys($types))) . "\n"; if (!empty($responseName) && !preg_match("/response|{$name}/i", $name)) { $header .= "use {$this->base_namespace}\\{$this->schema_out}\\{$this->namespaces[$responseName]}\\{$responseName};\n"; } $header .= "use BroadworksOCIP\\core\\Builder\\Types\\ComplexInterface;\n"; $header .= "use BroadworksOCIP\\core\\Builder\\Types\\ComplexType;\n"; $header .= "use BroadworksOCIP\\core\\Response\\ResponseOutput;\n"; $header .= "use BroadworksOCIP\\core\\Client\\Client;\n\n\n"; $header .= "/**\n"; $header .= " * " . implode("\n * ", explode("\n", trim($complexType->annotation->documentation))); $header .= "\n */\n"; $code = $header . $code; $out_file = dirname(str_replace($this->base_dir . $this->schema, $this->dest, $file)) . "/{$namespace}/{$name}.php"; if (!is_dir(dirname($out_file))) { mkdir(dirname($out_file), 0777, true); } file_put_contents($out_file, $code); } } return false; }
public static function unmarshalItem(\SimpleXMLElement $xml) { $nodeName = $xml->getName(); if (!$xml->objectType) { if ($xml->item) { return self::unmarshalArray($xml->children()); } if ($xml->error) { $code = "{$xml->error->code}"; $message = "{$xml->error->message}"; return new ApiException($message, $code); } return "{$xml}"; } $objectType = reset($xml->objectType); $type = TypeMap::getZendType($objectType); if (!class_exists($type)) { throw new ClientException("Invalid object type class [{$type}] of Kaltura type [{$objectType}]", ClientException::ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE); } return new $type($xml); }