  * Moves uploaded files from temporary upload folder to a specified new folder.
  * This enables you to move the files from a successful submission to another folder and clean the files in temporary upload folder from time to time.
  * TypoScript example:
  * 1. Set the temporary upload folder
  * <code>
  * plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.files.tmpUploadFolder = uploads/formhandler/tmp
  * </code>
  * 2. Set the folder to move the files to after submission
  * <code>
  * plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.finishers.1.class = Tx_Formhandler_Finisher_StoreUploadedFiles
  * plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.finishers.1.config.finishedUploadFolder = uploads/formhandler/finishedFiles/
  * plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.finishers.1.config.renameScheme = [filename]_[md5]_[time]
  * </code>
  * @return void
 protected function moveUploadedFiles()
     $newFolder = $this->settings['finishedUploadFolder'];
     $newFolder = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::sanitizePath($newFolder);
     $uploadPath = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getDocumentRoot() . $newFolder;
     $sessionFiles = Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$session->get('files');
     if (is_array($sessionFiles) && !empty($sessionFiles) && strlen($newFolder) > 0) {
         foreach ($sessionFiles as $field => $files) {
             $this->gp[$field] = array();
             foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
                 if ($file['uploaded_path'] != $uploadPath) {
                     $newFilename = $this->getNewFilename($file['uploaded_name']);
                     Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('copy_file', array($file['uploaded_path'] . $file['uploaded_name'], $uploadPath . $newFilename));
                     copy($file['uploaded_path'] . $file['uploaded_name'], $uploadPath . $newFilename);
                     t3lib_div::fixPermissions($uploadPath . $newFilename);
                     unlink($file['uploaded_path'] . $file['uploaded_name']);
                     $sessionFiles[$field][$key]['uploaded_path'] = $uploadPath;
                     $sessionFiles[$field][$key]['uploaded_name'] = $newFilename;
                     $sessionFiles[$field][$key]['uploaded_folder'] = $newFolder;
                     $sessionFiles[$field][$key]['uploaded_url'] = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL') . $newFolder . $newFilename;
                     if (!is_array($this->gp[$field])) {
                         $this->gp[$field] = array();
                     array_push($this->gp[$field], $newFilename);
         Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$session->set('files', $sessionFiles);
コード例 #2
  * Logs the given values.
  * @return void
 public function process()
     //set params
     $table = "tx_formhandler_log";
     $fields['ip'] = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REMOTE_ADDR');
     if (isset($this->settings['disableIPlog']) && intval($this->settings['disableIPlog']) == 1) {
         $fields['ip'] = NULL;
     $fields['tstamp'] = time();
     $fields['crdate'] = time();
     $fields['pid'] = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($this->settings, 'pid');
     if (!$fields['pid']) {
         $fields['pid'] = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id;
     $keys = array_keys($this->gp);
     $serialized = serialize($this->gp);
     $hash = md5(serialize($keys));
     $fields['params'] = $serialized;
     $fields['key_hash'] = $hash;
     if (intval($this->settings['markAsSpam']) == 1) {
         $fields['is_spam'] = 1;
     //query the database
     $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery($table, $fields);
     $insertedUID = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_insert_id();
     $sessionValues = array('inserted_uid' => $insertedUID, 'inserted_tstamp' => $fields['tstamp'], 'key_hash' => $hash);
     if (!$this->settings['nodebug']) {
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('logging', array($table, implode(',', $fields)));
         if (strlen($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error()) > 0) {
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('error', array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error()), 3);
 public function process()
     if (Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$session->get('originalLanguage') !== NULL) {
         $GLOBALS['TSFE']->lang = Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$session->get('originalLanguage');
         Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$session->set('originalLanguage', NULL);
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('Language restored to "' . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->lang . '"!', array(), 1);
     } else {
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('Unable to restore language! No original language found!', array(), 2);
     return $this->gp;
コード例 #4
  * The main method called by the controller
  * @return array The probably modified GET/POST parameters
 public function process()
     $cacheCmd = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($this->settings, 'cacheCmd');
     if (empty($cacheCmd)) {
         $cacheCmd = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id;
     Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('cacheCmd', array($cacheCmd));
     $tce = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_tcemain');
     return $this->gp;
  * The main method called by the controller
  * @return array The probably modified GET/POST parameters
 public function process()
     if (is_array($this->settings['combineFields.'])) {
         foreach ($this->settings['combineFields.'] as $newField => $options) {
             $newField = str_replace('.', '', $newField);
             if (is_array($options['fields.'])) {
                 $this->gp[$newField] = $this->combineFields($options);
                 Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('combined', array($newField, $this->gp[$newField]));
     return $this->gp;
  * The main method called by the controller
  * @return array The probably modified GET/POST parameters
 public function process()
     $this->langFiles = Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$langFiles;
     if (is_array($this->settings['translateFields.'])) {
         foreach ($this->settings['translateFields.'] as $newField => $options) {
             $newField = str_replace('.', '', $newField);
             if (isset($options['langKey'])) {
                 $this->gp[$newField] = $this->translateFields($options);
                 Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('translated', array($newField, $this->gp[$newField]));
     return $this->gp;
コード例 #7
 public function process()
     if (Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$session->get('originalLanguage') === NULL) {
         Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$session->set('originalLanguage', $GLOBALS['TSFE']->lang);
     $languageCode = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($this->settings, 'languageCode');
     if ($languageCode) {
         $GLOBALS['TSFE']->lang = strtolower($languageCode);
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('Language set to "' . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->lang . '"!', array(), 1);
     } else {
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('Unable to set language! Language code set in TypoScript is empty!', array(), 2);
     return $this->gp;
コード例 #8
  * The main method called by the controller
  * @return array The probably modified GET/POST parameters
 public function process()
     //read template file
     $this->templateFile = Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$templateCode;
     //set view
     $view = $this->componentManager->getComponent('Tx_Formhandler_View_SubmittedOK');
     $view->setTemplate($this->templateFile, 'SUBMITTEDOK' . Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$templateSuffix);
     if (!$view->hasTemplate()) {
         $view->setTemplate($this->templateFile, 'SUBMITTEDOK');
         if (!$view->hasTemplate()) {
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('no_submittedok_template', array(), 3);
     return $view->render($this->gp, array());
  * Validates that a specified field's value is found in a specified db table
  * @param array &$check The TypoScript settings for this error check
  * @param string $name The field name
  * @param array &$gp The current GET/POST parameters
  * @return string The error string
 public function check(&$check, $name, &$gp)
     $checkFailed = '';
     if (isset($gp[$name]) && strlen(trim($gp[$name])) > 0) {
         $checkTable = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($check['params'], 'table');
         $checkField = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($check['params'], 'field');
         $additionalWhere = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($check['params'], 'additionalWhere');
         if (!empty($checkTable) && !empty($checkField)) {
             $where = $checkField . '=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($gp[$name], $checkTable) . ' ' . $additionalWhere;
             $showHidden = intval($check['params']['showHidden']) === 1 ? 1 : 0;
             $where .= $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->enableFields($checkTable, $showHidden);
             $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery($checkField, $checkTable, $where);
             if ($res && !$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res)) {
                 $checkFailed = $this->getCheckFailed($check);
             } elseif (!$res) {
                 Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('error', array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error()), 3);
     return $checkFailed;
コード例 #10
  * Sends mail according to given type.
  * @param string $type (admin|user)
  * @return void
 protected function sendMail($type)
     $doSend = TRUE;
     if (intval($this->settings[$type]['disable']) === 1) {
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_disabled', array($type));
         $doSend = FALSE;
     $mailSettings = $this->settings[$type];
     $plain = $this->parseTemplate($type, 'plain');
     if (strlen(trim($plain)) > 0) {
         $template['plain'] = $plain;
     $html = $this->parseTemplate($type, 'html');
     if (strlen(trim($html)) > 0) {
         $template['html'] = $html;
     //init mailer object
     $emailClass = $this->settings['mailer.']['class'];
     if (!$emailClass) {
         $emailClass = 'Tx_Formhandler_Mailer_HtmlMail';
     $emailClass = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::prepareClassName($emailClass);
     $emailObj = $this->componentManager->getComponent($emailClass);
     $emailObj->init($this->gp, $this->settings['mailer.']['config.']);
     //set e-mail options
     $sender = $mailSettings['sender_email'];
     if (isset($mailSettings['sender_email']) && is_array($mailSettings['sender_email'])) {
         $sender = implode(',', $mailSettings['sender_email']);
     $senderName = $mailSettings['sender_name'];
     if (isset($mailSettings['sender_name']) && is_array($mailSettings['sender_name'])) {
         $senderName = implode(',', $mailSettings['sender_name']);
     $emailObj->setSender($sender, $senderName);
     $replyto = $mailSettings['replyto_email'];
     if (isset($mailSettings['replyto_email']) && is_array($mailSettings['replyto_email'])) {
         $replyto = implode(',', $mailSettings['replyto_email']);
     $replytoName = $mailSettings['replyto_name'];
     if (isset($mailSettings['replyto_name']) && is_array($mailSettings['replyto_name'])) {
         $replytoName = implode(',', $mailSettings['replyto_name']);
     $emailObj->setReplyTo($replyto, $replytoName);
     $cc = $mailSettings['cc_email'];
     if (!is_array($cc)) {
         $cc = array($cc);
     $ccName = $mailSettings['cc_name'];
     if (!is_array($ccName)) {
         $ccName = array($ccName);
     foreach ($cc as $key => $email) {
         $name = '';
         if (isset($ccName[$key])) {
             $name = $ccName[$key];
         if (strlen($email) > 0) {
             $emailObj->addCc($email, $name);
     $bcc = $mailSettings['bcc_email'];
     if (!is_array($bcc)) {
         $bcc = array($bcc);
     $bccName = $mailSettings['bcc_name'];
     if (!is_array($bccName)) {
         $bccName = array($bccName);
     foreach ($bcc as $key => $email) {
         $name = '';
         if (isset($bccName[$key])) {
             $name = $bccName[$key];
         if (strlen($email) > 0) {
             $emailObj->addBcc($email, $name);
     $returnPath = $mailSettings['return_path'];
     if (isset($mailSettings['return_path']) && is_array($mailSettings['return_path'])) {
         $returnPath = implode(',', $mailSettings['return_path']);
     if ($mailSettings['email_header']) {
     if (strlen(trim($template['plain'])) > 0) {
     } else {
     if (strlen(trim($template['html'])) > 0) {
         if ($mailSettings['htmlEmailAsAttachment']) {
             $prefix = 'formhandler_';
             if (isset($mailSettings['filePrefix.']['html'])) {
                 $prefix = $mailSettings['filePrefix.']['html'];
             } elseif (isset($mailSettings['filePrefix'])) {
                 $prefix = $mailSettings['filePrefix'];
             $tmphtml = tempnam('typo3temp/', '/' . $prefix) . '.html';
             $tmphtml = str_replace('.tmp', '', $tmphtml);
             $tmphandle = fopen($tmphtml, 'wb');
             if ($tmphandle) {
                 fwrite($tmphandle, $template['html']);
                 Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('adding_html', array(), 1, array($template['html']));
         } else {
     if (!is_array($mailSettings['attachment'])) {
         $mailSettings['attachment'] = array($mailSettings['attachment']);
     foreach ($mailSettings['attachment'] as $idx => $attachment) {
         if (strlen($attachment) > 0) {
     if ($mailSettings['attachPDF']) {
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('adding_pdf', array(), 1, array($mailSettings['attachPDF']));
     //parse max count of mails to send
     $count = 0;
     $max = $this->settings['limitMailsToUser'];
     if (!$max) {
         $max = 2;
     if (!is_array($mailSettings['to_email'])) {
         $mailSettings['to_email'] = array($mailSettings['to_email']);
     //send e-mails
     foreach ($mailSettings['to_email'] as $idx => $mailto) {
         $sent = FALSE;
         if ($count < $max) {
             if (strpos($mailto, '@') && $doSend) {
                 $sent = $emailObj->send($mailto);
         if ($sent) {
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_sent', array($mailto));
         } else {
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_not_sent', array($mailto), 2);
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_subject', array($emailObj->getSubject()));
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_sender', array($emailObj->getSender()));
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_replyto', array($emailObj->getReplyTo()));
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_returnpath', array($emailObj->returnPath));
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_cc', array(implode('<br />', $emailObj->getCc())));
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_bcc', array(implode('<br />', $emailObj->getBcc())));
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_plain', array(), 1, array($template['plain']));
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_html', array(), 1, array($template['html']));
     if ($tmphtml) {
コード例 #11
  * Runs the class by calling process() method.
  * @author	Reinhard Führicht <*****@*****.**>
  * @param array $classesArray: the configuration array
  * @return void
 protected function runClasses($classesArray)
     $output = '';
     if (isset($classesArray) && is_array($classesArray) && intval($classesArray['disable']) !== 1) {
         foreach ($classesArray as $idx => $tsConfig) {
             if (is_array($tsConfig) && isset($tsConfig['class']) && !empty($tsConfig['class'])) {
                 if (intval($tsConfig['disable']) !== 1) {
                     $className = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::prepareClassName($tsConfig['class']);
                     Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('calling_class', array($className));
                     $obj = $this->componentManager->getComponent($className);
                     $tsConfig['config.'] = $this->addDefaultComponentConfig($tsConfig['config.']);
                     $obj->init($this->gp, $tsConfig['config.']);
                     $return = $obj->process();
                     if (is_array($return)) {
                         //return value is an array. Treat it as the probably modified get/post parameters
                         $this->gp = $return;
                         Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$gp = $this->gp;
                     } else {
                         //return value is no array. treat this return value as output.
                         return $return;
             } else {
コード例 #12
  * Searches for upload folder settings in TypoScript setup.
  * If no settings is found, the default upload folder is set.
  * Here is an example:
  * <code>
  * plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.files.tmpUploadFolder = uploads/formhandler/tmp
  * </code>
  * The default upload folder is: '/uploads/formhandler/tmp/'
  * @return void
  * @static
  * @author	Reinhard Führicht <*****@*****.**>
 public static function getTempUploadFolder()
     //set default upload folder
     $uploadFolder = '/uploads/formhandler/tmp/';
     //if temp upload folder set in TypoScript, take that setting
     $settings = Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$session->get('settings');
     if ($settings['files.']['uploadFolder']) {
         $uploadFolder = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($settings['files.'], 'uploadFolder');
         $uploadFolder = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::sanitizePath($uploadFolder);
     //if the set directory doesn't exist, print a message and try to create
     if (!is_dir(Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getTYPO3Root() . $uploadFolder)) {
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('folder_doesnt_exist', array(Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getTYPO3Root() . '/' . $uploadFolder), 2);
         t3lib_div::mkdir_deep(Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getTYPO3Root() . '/', $uploadFolder);
     return $uploadFolder;
  * Deletes all files older than a specific time in a temporary upload folder.
  * Settings for the threshold time and the folder are made in TypoScript.
  * Here is an example:
  * <code>
  * plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.files.clearTempFilesOlderThanHours = 24
  * plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.files.tmpUploadFolder = uploads/formhandler/tmp
  * </code>
  * @param integer $olderThan Delete files older than $olderThan hours.
  * @return void
  * @author	Reinhard Führicht <*****@*****.**>
 protected function clearTempFiles($uploadFolder, $olderThanValue, $olderThanUnit)
     if (!$olderThanValue) {
     //build absolute path to upload folder
     $path = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getDocumentRoot() . $uploadFolder;
     //read files in directory
     $tmpFiles = t3lib_div::getFilesInDir($path);
     Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('cleaning_temp_files', array($path));
     //calculate threshold timestamp
     //hours * 60 * 60 = millseconds
     $threshold = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getTimestamp($olderThanValue, $olderThanUnit);
     //for all files in temp upload folder
     foreach ($tmpFiles as $idx => $file) {
         //if creation timestamp is lower than threshold timestamp
         //delete the file
         $creationTime = filemtime($path . $file);
         //fix for different timezones
         $creationTime += date('O') / 100 * 60;
         if ($creationTime < $threshold) {
             unlink($path . $file);
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('deleting_file', array($file));
コード例 #14
 protected function doUpdate($uid, $queryFields)
     $uid = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($uid, $this->table);
     $query = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->UPDATEquery($this->table, $this->key . '=' . $uid, $queryFields);
     Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('sql_request', array($query));
     $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_query($query);
コード例 #15
  * Recursively calls the configured errorChecks. It's possible to setup
  * errorChecks for each key in multidimensional arrays:
  * <code title="errorChecks for arrays">
  * <input type="text" name="birthdate[day]"/>
  * <input type="text" name="birthdate[month]"/>
  * <input type="text" name="birthdate[year]"/>
  * <input type="text" name="name"/>
  * validators.1.config.fieldConf {
  *   birthdate {
  *     day.errorCheck {
  *       1 = betweenValue
  *       1.minValue = 1
  *       1.maxValue = 31
  *     }
  *     month.errorCheck {
  *       1 = betweenValue
  *       1.minValue = 1
  *       1.maxValue = 12
  *     }
  *     year.errorCheck {
  *       1 = minValue
  *       1.minValue = 45
  *     }
  *   }
  *   birthdate.errorCheck.1 = maxItems
  *   birthdate.errorCheck.1.value = 3
  *   name.errorCheck.1 = required
  * }
  * </code>
  * @param array $errors
  * @param array $gp
  * @param array $fieldConf
  * @param string $rootField
  * @return array The error array
 protected function validateRecursive($errors, $gp, $fieldConf, $rootField = null)
     //foreach configured form field
     foreach ($fieldConf as $key => $fieldSettings) {
         $fieldName = trim($key, '.');
         $errorFieldName = $rootField === null ? $fieldName : $rootField;
         if (in_array($errorFieldName, $this->disableErrorCheckFields)) {
         $tempSettings = $fieldSettings;
         if (count($tempSettings)) {
             // Nested field-confs - do recursion:
             $errors = $this->validateRecursive($errors, (array) $gp[$fieldName], $tempSettings, $errorFieldName);
         if (!is_array($fieldSettings['errorCheck.'])) {
         $counter = 0;
         $errorChecks = array();
         //set required to first position if set
         foreach ($fieldSettings['errorCheck.'] as $key => $check) {
             if (!strstr($key, '.')) {
                 if (!strcmp($check, 'required') || !strcmp($check, 'file_required')) {
                     $errorChecks[$counter]['check'] = $check;
         //set other errorChecks
         foreach ($fieldSettings['errorCheck.'] as $key => $check) {
             if (!strstr($key, '.')) {
                 $errorChecks[$counter]['check'] = $check;
                 if (is_array($fieldSettings['errorCheck.'][$key . '.'])) {
                     $errorChecks[$counter]['params'] = $fieldSettings['errorCheck.'][$key . '.'];
         $checkFailed = '';
         //foreach error checks
         foreach ($errorChecks as $check) {
             $classNameFix = ucfirst($check['check']);
             $errorCheckObject = $this->componentManager->getComponent('Tx_Formhandler_ErrorCheck_' . $classNameFix);
             if (!$errorCheckObject) {
                 Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('check_not_found', array('Tx_Formhandler_ErrorCheck_' . $classNameFix), 2);
             if (empty($this->restrictErrorChecks) || in_array($check['check'], $this->restrictErrorChecks)) {
                 Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('calling_class', array('Tx_Formhandler_ErrorCheck_' . $classNameFix));
                 $checkFailed = $errorCheckObject->check($check, $fieldName, $gp);
                 if (strlen($checkFailed) > 0) {
                     if (!is_array($errors[$errorFieldName])) {
                         $errors[$errorFieldName] = array();
                     $errors[$errorFieldName][] = $checkFailed;
             } else {
                 Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('check_skipped', array($check['check']));
     return $errors;
コード例 #16
  * Sends a report mail to recipients set in TypoScript.
  * @param string (ip|global) Defines the message sent
  * @param array The select rows of log table
  * @return void
 private function sendReport($type, &$rows)
     $email = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->settings['report.']['email']);
     $sender = $this->settings['report.']['sender'];
     $subject = $this->settings['report.']['subject'];
     $message = '';
     if ($type == 'ip') {
         $message = 'IP address "' . t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REMOTE_ADDR') . '" has submitted a form too many times!';
     } else {
         $message = 'A form got submitted too many times!';
     $message .= "\n\n" . 'This is the URL to the form: ' . t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_URL');
     if (is_array($rows)) {
         $message .= "\n\n" . 'These are the submitted values:' . "\n\n";
         foreach ($rows as $idx => $row) {
             $message .= date('Y/m/d h:i:s', $row['crdate']) . ":\n";
             $message .= 'IP: ' . $row['ip'] . "\n";
             $message .= 'Params:' . "\n";
             $params = unserialize($row['params']);
             foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
                 if (is_array($value)) {
                     $value = implode(',', $value);
                 $message .= "\t" . $key . ': ' . $value . "\n";
             $message .= '---------------------------------------' . "\n";
     //init mailer object
     require_once PATH_t3lib . 'class.t3lib_htmlmail.php';
     $emailObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_htmlmail');
     //set e-mail options
     $emailObj->subject = $subject;
     $emailObj->from_email = $sender;
     //send e-mails
     foreach ($email as $idx => $mailto) {
         $sent = $emailObj->send($mailto);
         if ($sent) {
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_sent', array($mailto));
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_sender', array($emailObj->from_email));
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_subject', array($emailObj->subject));
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_message', array(), 1, array($message));
         } else {
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_not_sent', array($mailto), 2);
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_sender', array($emailObj->from_email));
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_subject', array($emailObj->subject));
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('mail_message', array(), 1, array($message));
コード例 #17
  * Looks if the specified table exists and if not create it with the key-
  * field (uid). Then it syncs the DB-fields with the fields found in the form 
  * with help of template parser
 protected function createTable()
     $fields = $this->getFormFields();
     if ($this->settings['excludeFields']) {
         $excludes = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->settings['excludeFields']);
         foreach ($excludes as $exclude) {
     if (Tx_Formhandler_Globals::$settings['debug']) {
         $this->db->debugOutput = 1;
     $res = $this->db->sql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $this->table . "'");
     if (!$this->db->sql_num_rows($res)) {
         $query = "CREATE TABLE `" . $this->table . "` (\n\t\t\t\t`" . $this->key . "` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY\n\t\t\t)";
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('sql_request', array($query));
         $dbFields = array($this->key);
     } else {
         $dbFields = array_keys($this->db->admin_get_fields($this->table));
     $createFields = array_diff($fields, $dbFields);
     if (count($createFields)) {
         $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->table . ' ADD `';
         $sql .= implode('` ' . $this->newFieldsSqlAttribs . ', ADD `', $createFields);
         $sql .= '` ' . $this->newFieldsSqlAttribs . '';
         Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('sql_request', array($sql));
         if ($this->db->sql_error()) {
             Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('error', array($this->db->sql_error()), 3);
コード例 #18
  * Substitutes markers
  * 		###error_[fieldname]###
  * 		###ERROR###
  * in $this->template
  * @return void
 protected function fillErrorMarkers(&$errors)
     $markers = array();
     $singleWrap = $this->settings['singleErrorTemplate.']['singleWrap'];
     foreach ($errors as $field => $types) {
         $errorMessages = array();
         $clearErrorMessages = array();
         $temp = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getTranslatedMessage($this->langFiles, 'error_' . $field);
         if (strlen($temp) > 0) {
             $errorMessage = $temp;
             if (strlen($singleWrap) > 0 && strstr($singleWrap, '|')) {
                 $errorMessage = str_replace('|', $errorMessage, $singleWrap);
             $errorMessages[] = $errorMessage;
         if (!is_array($types)) {
             $types = array($types);
         foreach ($types as $idx => $type) {
             $temp = t3lib_div::trimExplode(';', $type);
             $type = array_shift($temp);
             foreach ($temp as $subIdx => $item) {
                 $item = t3lib_div::trimExplode('::', $item);
                 $values[$item[0]] = $item[1];
             //try to load specific error message with key like error_fieldname_integer
             $errorMessage = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getTranslatedMessage($this->langFiles, 'error_' . $field . '_' . $type);
             if (strlen($errorMessage) === 0) {
                 $type = strtolower($type);
                 $errorMessage = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getTranslatedMessage($this->langFiles, 'error_' . $field . '_' . $type);
             if ($errorMessage) {
                 if (is_array($values)) {
                     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
                         $errorMessage = str_replace('###' . $key . '###', $value, $errorMessage);
                 if (strlen($singleWrap) > 0 && strstr($singleWrap, '|')) {
                     $errorMessage = str_replace('|', $errorMessage, $singleWrap);
                 $errorMessages[] = $errorMessage;
             } else {
                 Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::debugMessage('no_error_message', array('error_' . $field . '_' . $type), 2);
         $errorMessage = implode('', $errorMessages);
         $totalWrap = $this->settings['singleErrorTemplate.']['totalWrap'];
         if (strlen($totalWrap) > 0 && strstr($totalWrap, '|')) {
             $errorMessage = str_replace('|', $errorMessage, $totalWrap);
         $clearErrorMessage = $errorMessage;
         if ($this->settings['addErrorAnchors']) {
             $errorMessage = '<a name="' . $field . '">' . $errorMessage . '</a>';
         $langMarkers = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getFilledLangMarkers($errorMessage, $this->langFiles);
         $errorMessage = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($errorMessage, $langMarkers);
         $markers['###error_' . $field . '###'] = $errorMessage;
         $markers['###ERROR_' . strtoupper($field) . '###'] = $errorMessage;
         $errorMessage = $clearErrorMessage;
         if ($this->settings['addErrorAnchors']) {
             $errorMessage = '<a href="' . t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI') . '#' . $field . '">' . $errorMessage . '</a>';
         //list settings
         $listSingleWrap = $this->settings['errorListTemplate.']['singleWrap'];
         if (strlen($listSingleWrap) > 0 && strstr($listSingleWrap, '|')) {
             $errorMessage = str_replace('|', $errorMessage, $listSingleWrap);
         $markers['###ERROR###'] .= $errorMessage;
     $totalWrap = $this->settings['errorListTemplate.']['totalWrap'];
     if (strlen($totalWrap) > 0 && strstr($totalWrap, '|')) {
         $markers['###ERROR###'] = str_replace('|', $markers['###ERROR###'], $totalWrap);
     $langMarkers = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getFilledLangMarkers($markers['###ERROR###'], $this->langFiles);
     $markers['###ERROR###'] = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($markers['###ERROR###'], $langMarkers);
     $markers['###error###'] = $markers['###ERROR###'];
     $this->template = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($this->template, $markers);
コード例 #19
  * Loads data from DB
  * @return Array of row data
  * @param Array $settings
  * @param int $step
 protected function loadDB($settings)
     $selectFields = Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($settings, 'selectFields');
     if (strlen($selectFields) === 0) {
         $selectFields = '*';
     $sql = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->SELECTquery($selectFields, Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($settings, 'table'), Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($settings, 'where'), Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($settings, 'groupBy'), Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($settings, 'orderBy'), Tx_Formhandler_StaticFuncs::getSingle($settings, 'limit'));
     $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_query($sql);
     if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res)) {
         $row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
         return $row;
     return array();