/** * Replacement for the original getMethods() method which makes sure * that Tx_Extbase_Reflection_MethodReflection objects are returned instead of the * orginal ReflectionMethod instances. * * @param long $filter: A filter mask * @return Tx_Extbase_Reflection_MethodReflection Method reflection objects of the methods in this class */ public function getMethods($filter = NULL) { $extendedMethods = array(); $methods = $filter === NULL ? parent::getMethods() : parent::getMethods($filter); foreach ($methods as $method) { $extendedMethods[] = new Tx_ExtensionBuilder_Reflection_MethodReflection($this->getName(), $method->getName()); } return $extendedMethods; }
/** * Reflects the given class and stores the results in this service's properties. * * @param string $className Full qualified name of the class to reflect * @return void */ protected function reflectClass($className) { $class = new Tx_Extbase_Reflection_ClassReflection($className); $this->reflectedClassNames[$className] = time(); foreach ($class->getTagsValues() as $tag => $values) { if (array_search($tag, $this->ignoredTags) === FALSE) { $this->taggedClasses[$tag][] = $className; $this->classTagsValues[$className][$tag] = $values; } } foreach ($class->getProperties() as $property) { $propertyName = $property->getName(); $this->classPropertyNames[$className][] = $propertyName; foreach ($property->getTagsValues() as $tag => $values) { if (array_search($tag, $this->ignoredTags) === FALSE) { $this->propertyTagsValues[$className][$propertyName][$tag] = $values; } } } foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) { $methodName = $method->getName(); foreach ($method->getTagsValues() as $tag => $values) { if (array_search($tag, $this->ignoredTags) === FALSE) { $this->methodTagsValues[$className][$methodName][$tag] = $values; } } foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameterPosition => $parameter) { $this->methodParameters[$className][$methodName][$parameter->getName()] = $this->convertParameterReflectionToArray($parameter, $parameterPosition, $method); } } ksort($this->reflectedClassNames); $this->dataCacheNeedsUpdate = TRUE; }