public function checkout(Request $request) { $response = new stdClass(); if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $postData = $request->all(); $userId = $postData['id']; $token = $postData['token']; $amount = $postData['money']; $name = $postData['name']; $addrLine1 = $postData['addrLine1']; $city = $postData['city']; $state = $postData['state']; $country = $postData['country']; $email = $postData['email']; $zipCode = $postData['zipCode']; $phoneNumber = $postData['phoneNumber']; $authFlag = false; if (isset($postData['api_token'])) { $apiToken = $postData['api_token']; if ($apiToken == $this->API_TOKEN) { $authFlag = true; } else { $authFlag = false; } } if ($authFlag) { $rules = array('money' => 'required|regex:/^[0-9]+([.][0-9]{0,2}+)?$/', 'name' => 'required', 'addrLine1' => 'required', 'city' => 'required', 'state' => 'required', 'zipCode' => 'required', 'country' => 'required', 'email' => 'required', 'phoneNumber' => 'required'); $message = array('money.required' => 'Please Enter Amount that you want to add to your wallet', 'money.regex' => 'Please Enter a valid Amount i.e. number or decimal value ', 'name.required' => 'please enter your name', 'addrLine1.required' => 'please enter address', 'city.required' => 'please enter city', 'state.required' => 'please enter state', 'zipCode.required' => 'please provide zip code', 'country.required' => 'please specify country name', 'email.required' => 'please enter your email', 'phoneNumber.required' => 'please enter your phone number'); $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules, $message); if (!$validator->fails()) { \Twocheckout::privateKey('1768AF13-92B6-4B9D-8493-66E884E98FEF'); \Twocheckout::sellerId('901311477'); \Twocheckout::sandbox(true); #Uncomment to use Sandbox \Twocheckout::verifySSL(false); try { $charge = \Twocheckout_Charge::auth(array("merchantOrderId" => "123", "token" => $token, "currency" => 'USD', "total" => $amount, "billingAddr" => array("name" => $name, "addrLine1" => $addrLine1, "city" => $city, "state" => $state, "zipCode" => $zipCode, "country" => $country, "email" => $email, "phoneNumber" => $phoneNumber))); // echo json_encode($charge,true);die; // echo '<pre>'; // print_r($charge);die; if ($charge['response']['responseCode'] == 'APPROVED') { // echo "Thanks for your Order!"; // echo "<h3>Return Parameters:</h3>"; // echo "<pre>"; // print_r($charge); // echo "</pre>"; // echo die; $transactionId = $charge['response']['transactionId']; $objModelTransaction = new Transaction(); $input = array('tx_id' => '', 'tx_type' => '1', 'tx_mode' => '1', 'tx_code' => ' ', 'transaction_id' => $transactionId, 'user_id' => $userId, 'amount' => $amount, 'payment_time' => time() + 19800); $result = $objModelTransaction->addNewTransaction($input); //code for increasing the amount (updating the account bal) // first checking that user has details in usersmeta table or not, if not then acc_bal will be 0 & add users with amount // or if yes then update accountbalance $objModelUsermeta = new Usersmeta(); $whereForUpdateUser = array('rawQuery' => 'user_id = ?', 'bindParams' => [$userId]); $isUserAvailable = $objModelUsermeta->getUsermetaWhere($whereForUpdateUser); if ($isUserAvailable) { $accountBal = $isUserAvailable->account_bal; $totalBalance = $accountBal + $amount; $dataForUpdateUser = array('account_bal' => $totalBalance); // return $dataForUpdateUser; $updated = $objModelUsermeta->updateUsermetaWhere($dataForUpdateUser, $whereForUpdateUser); } else { $accountBal = 0; $totalBalance = $accountBal + $amount; $addData = array('user_id' => $userId, 'account_bal' => $totalBalance); $addUsermeta = $objModelUsermeta->addUsermeta($addData); } // code for generating NOTIFICATION $objModelNotification = Notification::getInstance(); $input = array('notification_id' => '', 'user_id' => $userId, 'notifications_txt' => '$ ' . $amount . ' is successfully credited to your account through 2CO credit card payment'); $addNotification = $objModelNotification->addNewNotification($input); $response->code = 200; $response->message = "Payment Approved"; $response->data = $totalBalance; echo json_encode($response, true); } } catch (\Twocheckout_Error $e) { echo json_encode($e->getMessage(), true); // print_r($e->getMessage()); } } } } }
function sendToTwocheckout(&$order) { global $pmpro_currency; // Set up credentials Twocheckout::setCredentials(pmpro_getOption("twocheckout_apiusername"), pmpro_getOption("twocheckout_apipassword")); $tco_args = array('sid' => pmpro_getOption("twocheckout_accountnumber"), 'mode' => '2CO', 'li_0_type' => 'product', 'li_0_name' => substr($order->membership_level->name . " at " . get_bloginfo("name"), 0, 127), 'li_0_quantity' => 1, 'li_0_tangible' => 'N', 'li_0_product_id' => $order->code, 'merchant_order_id' => $order->code, 'currency_code' => $pmpro_currency, 'pay_method' => 'CC', 'purchase_step' => 'billing-information', 'x_receipt_link_url' => admin_url("admin-ajax.php") . "?action=twocheckout-ins"); //taxes on initial amount $initial_payment = $order->InitialPayment; $initial_payment_tax = $order->getTaxForPrice($initial_payment); $initial_payment = round((double) $initial_payment + (double) $initial_payment_tax, 2); //taxes on the amount (NOT CURRENTLY USED) $amount = $order->PaymentAmount; $amount_tax = $order->getTaxForPrice($amount); $amount = round((double) $amount + (double) $amount_tax, 2); // Recurring membership if (pmpro_isLevelRecurring($order->membership_level)) { $tco_args['li_0_startup_fee'] = number_format($initial_payment - $amount, 2); //negative amount for lower initial payments $recurring_payment = $order->membership_level->billing_amount; $recurring_payment_tax = $order->getTaxForPrice($recurring_payment); $recurring_payment = round((double) $recurring_payment + (double) $recurring_payment_tax, 2); $tco_args['li_0_price'] = number_format($recurring_payment, 2); $tco_args['li_0_recurrence'] = $order->BillingFrequency == 1 ? $order->BillingFrequency . ' ' . $order->BillingPeriod : $order->BillingFrequency . ' ' . $order->BillingPeriod . 's'; if (property_exists($order, 'TotalBillingCycles')) { $tco_args['li_0_duration'] = $order->BillingFrequency * $order->TotalBillingCycles . ' ' . $order->BillingPeriod; } else { $tco_args['li_0_duration'] = 'Forever'; } } else { $tco_args['li_0_price'] = $initial_payment; } // Demo mode? $environment = pmpro_getOption("gateway_environment"); if ("sandbox" === $environment || "beta-sandbox" === $environment) { $tco_args['demo'] = 'Y'; } // Trial? //li_#_startup_fee Any start up fees for the product or service. Can be negative to provide discounted first installment pricing, but cannot equal or surpass the product price. if (!empty($order->TrialBillingPeriod)) { $trial_amount = $order->TrialAmount; $trial_tax = $order->getTaxForPrice($trial_amount); $trial_amount = round((double) $trial_amount + (double) $trial_tax, 2); $tco_args['li_0_startup_fee'] = $trial_amount; // Negative trial amount } $ptpStr = ''; foreach ($tco_args as $key => $value) { reset($tco_args); // Used to verify whether or not we're on the first argument $ptpStr .= $key == key($tco_args) ? '?' . $key . '=' . urlencode($value) : '&' . $key . '=' . urlencode($value); } //anything modders might add $additional_parameters = apply_filters('pmpro_twocheckout_return_url_parameters', array()); if (!empty($additional_parameters)) { foreach ($additional_parameters as $key => $value) { $ptpStr .= "&" . urlencode($key) . "=" . urlencode($value); } } $ptpStr = apply_filters('pmpro_twocheckout_ptpstr', $ptpStr, $order); //echo str_replace("&", "&<br />", $ptpStr); //exit; //redirect to 2checkout $tco_url = '' . $ptpStr; //echo $tco_url; //die(); wp_redirect($tco_url); exit; }
public function cancel() { if ($this->input->post('cancel')) { $user = $this->ion_auth->user()->row(); $order_number = $user->order_number; $invoice_id = $user->last_invoice; //Define API User and Password Twocheckout::setCredentials("APIuser1817037", "APIpass1817037"); //Stop recurring billing $args = array('sale_id' => $order_number); Twocheckout_Sale::stop($args, 'array'); $last_bill_date = $user->last_billed; $next_bill_date = strtotime('+1 month', $last_bill_date); $remaining_days = floor(abs(time() - $next_bill_date) / 60 / 60 / 24); $refund_amount = round(1.0 / 30 * $remaining_days, 2); //Refund remaining balance $args = array('invoice_id' => $invoice_id, 'category' => 5, 'amount' => $refund_amount, 'currency' => 'vendor', 'comment' => 'Refunding remaining balance'); Twocheckout_Sale::refund($args, 'array'); //Deactivate User $id = $user->id; $data = array('active' => 0); $this->ion_auth->update($id, $data); $this->ion_auth->logout(); //Reinit $data array for view $data = array('remaining_days' => $remaining_days, 'refund_amount' => $refund_amount); $this->load->view('/include/header'); $this->load->view('/include/navblank'); $this->load->view('/order/cancel_success', $data); $this->load->view('/include/footer'); } else { $this->load->view('/include/header'); $this->load->view('/include/navblank'); $this->load->view('/order/cancel'); $this->load->view('/include/footer'); } }
function set_gateway_param() { global $psts; Twocheckout::$sid = $psts->get_setting('2co_acc_number'); Twocheckout::username($psts->get_setting('2co_api_username')); Twocheckout::password($psts->get_setting('2co_api_password')); if ($psts->get_setting('2co_checkout_mode') == 'Y') { Twocheckout::sandbox(true); } }
/** * [action_form] generates the form to pay at paypal */ public function action_pay() { $this->auto_render = FALSE; //sandobx doesnt do the x_receipt_link_url redirect so in sanbbox instead we put the order id $id_order = Core::config('payment.twocheckout_sandbox') == 1 ? Core::request('x_receipt_link_url') : $this->request->param('id'); //retrieve info for the item in DB $order = new Model_Order(); $order = $order->where('id_order', '=', $id_order)->where('status', '=', Model_Order::STATUS_CREATED)->limit(1)->find(); if ($order->loaded()) { //its a fraud...lets let him know if ($order->is_fraud() === TRUE) { Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('We had, issues with your transaction. Please try paying with another paymethod.')); $this->redirect(Route::url('default', array('controller' => 'product', 'action' => 'checkout', 'id' => $order->id_order))); } if (($order_id = twocheckout::validate_passback($order)) !== FALSE) { //mark as paid $order->confirm_payment('2checkout', $order_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, Twocheckout::calculate_fee($order->amount)); //redirect him to his ads Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Thanks for your payment!')); $this->redirect(Route::url('default', array('controller' => 'product', 'action' => 'goal', 'id' => $order->id_order))); } else { Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please fill your card details.')); $this->redirect(Route::url('default', array('controller' => 'product', 'action' => 'checkout', 'id' => $order->id_order))); } } else { Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Order could not be loaded')); $this->redirect(Route::url('default')); } }
public function action_210() { //add new order fields try { DB::query(Database::UPDATE, "ALTER TABLE `" . self::$db_prefix . "orders` ADD `amount_net` DECIMAL(14,3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `amount`;")->execute(); DB::query(Database::UPDATE, "ALTER TABLE `" . self::$db_prefix . "orders` ADD `gateway_fee` DECIMAL(14,3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `amount_net`;")->execute(); DB::query(Database::UPDATE, "ALTER TABLE `" . self::$db_prefix . "orders` ADD `VAT_amount` DECIMAL(14,3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `VAT`;")->execute(); } catch (exception $e) { } //make posts bigger description try { DB::query(Database::UPDATE, "ALTER TABLE `" . self::$db_prefix . "posts` CHANGE `description` `description` LONGTEXT;")->execute(); } catch (exception $e) { } try { DB::query(Database::UPDATE, "ALTER TABLE `" . self::$db_prefix . "content` CHANGE `description` `description` LONGTEXT;")->execute(); } catch (exception $e) { } //bigger configs try { DB::query(Database::UPDATE, "ALTER TABLE `" . self::$db_prefix . "config` CHANGE `config_value` `config_value` LONGTEXT;")->execute(); } catch (exception $e) { } //recalculate all the orders $orders = new Model_Order(); $orders = $orders->where('status', '=', Model_Order::STATUS_PAID)->where('amount_net', '=', 0)->find_all(); foreach ($orders as $order) { if ($order->paymethod == 'stripe') { $order->gateway_fee = StripeKO::calculate_fee($order->amount); } elseif ($order->paymethod == '2checkout') { $order->gateway_fee = Twocheckout::calculate_fee($order->amount); } elseif ($order->paymethod == 'paymill') { $order->gateway_fee = Paymill::calculate_fee($order->amount); } elseif ($order->paymethod == 'authorize') { $order->gateway_fee = Controller_Authorize::calculate_fee($order->amount); } elseif ($order->paymethod == 'paypal') { //we dont have the history of the transactions so we clculate an aproximation using 4% $order->gateway_fee = 4 * $order->amount / 100; } else { $order->gateway_fee = 0; } //get VAT paid if ($order->VAT > 0) { $order->VAT_amount = $order->amount - 100 * $order->amount / (100 + $order->VAT); } else { $order->VAT_amount = 0; } //calculate net amount $order->amount_net = $order->amount - $order->gateway_fee - $order->VAT_amount; try { $order->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { throw HTTP_Exception::factory(500, $e->getMessage()); } } //new configs $configs = array(array('config_key' => 'stripe_alipay', 'group_name' => 'payment', 'config_value' => '0'), array('config_key' => 'captcha', 'group_name' => 'general', 'config_value' => ''), array('config_key' => 'recaptcha_active', 'group_name' => 'general', 'config_value' => ''), array('config_key' => 'recaptcha_secretkey', 'group_name' => 'general', 'config_value' => ''), array('config_key' => 'recaptcha_sitekey', 'group_name' => 'general', 'config_value' => '')); Model_Config::config_array($configs); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function init() { $this->locator = new ServiceLocator(); \Twocheckout::sellerId($this->sellerId); if (!$this->secretWord) { throw new InvalidConfigException('Invalid secret word was specified'); } }
public function __construct() { if ($this->getDemo()) { Twocheckout::privateKey($this->getPrivateKey()); Twocheckout::sellerId($this->getSid()); Twocheckout::sandbox(true); } else { Twocheckout::privateKey($this->getPrivateKey()); Twocheckout::sellerId($this->getSid()); Twocheckout::sandbox(false); } }
public static function testChargeAuth() { Twocheckout::privateKey('BE632CB0-BB29-11E3-AFB6-D99C28100996'); Twocheckout::sellerId('901248204'); Twocheckout::sandbox(true); try { $charge = Twocheckout_Charge::auth(array("sellerId" => "901248204", "merchantOrderId" => "123", "token" => 'MjFiYzIzYjAtYjE4YS00ZmI0LTg4YzYtNDIzMTBlMjc0MDlk', "currency" => 'USD', "total" => '10.00', "billingAddr" => array("name" => 'Testing Tester', "addrLine1" => '123 Test St', "city" => 'Columbus', "state" => 'OH', "zipCode" => '43123', "country" => 'USA', "email" => '*****@*****.**', "phoneNumber" => '555-555-5555'), "shippingAddr" => array("name" => 'Testing Tester', "addrLine1" => '123 Test St', "city" => 'Columbus', "state" => 'OH', "zipCode" => '43123', "country" => 'USA', "email" => '*****@*****.**', "phoneNumber" => '555-555-5555'))); $this->assertEquals('APPROVED', $charge['response']['responseCode']); } catch (Twocheckout_Error $e) { $this->assertEquals('Bad request - parameter error', $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Process registration * * @since 2.3 */ public function process_signup() { Twocheckout::privateKey($this->secret_key); Twocheckout::sellerId($this->seller_id); Twocheckout::sandbox($this->test_mode); $member = new RCP_Member($this->user_id); if (empty($_POST['twoCheckoutToken'])) { rcp_errors()->add('missing_card_token', __('Missing 2Checkout token, please try again or contact support if the issue persists.', 'rcp'), 'register'); return; } $paid = false; if ($this->auto_renew) { $payment_type = 'Credit Card'; $line_items = array(array("recurrence" => $this->length . ' ' . ucfirst($this->length_unit), "type" => 'product', "price" => $this->amount, "productId" => $this->subscription_id, "name" => $this->subscription_name, "quantity" => '1', "tangible" => 'N', "startupFee" => $this->signup_fee)); } else { $payment_type = 'Credit Card One Time'; $line_items = array(array("recurrence" => 0, "type" => 'product', "price" => $this->amount, "productId" => $this->subscription_id, "name" => $this->subscription_name, "quantity" => '1', "tangible" => 'N', "startupFee" => $this->signup_fee)); } try { $charge = Twocheckout_Charge::auth(array('merchantOrderId' => $this->subscription_key, 'token' => $_POST['twoCheckoutToken'], 'currency' => strtolower($this->currency), 'billingAddr' => array('name' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcp_card_name']), 'addrLine1' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcp_card_address']), 'city' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcp_card_city']), 'state' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcp_card_state']), 'zipCode' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcp_card_zip']), 'country' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcp_card_country']), 'email' => $this->email), "lineItems" => $line_items)); if ($charge['response']['responseCode'] == 'APPROVED') { // Look to see if we have an existing subscription to cancel if ($member->just_upgraded() && rcp_can_member_cancel($member->ID)) { $cancelled = rcp_cancel_member_payment_profile($member->ID, false); } $payment_data = array('date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', current_time('timestamp')), 'subscription' => $this->subscription_name, 'payment_type' => $payment_type, 'subscription_key' => $this->subscription_key, 'amount' => $this->amount + $this->signup_fee, 'user_id' => $this->user_id, 'transaction_id' => $charge['response']['transactionId']); $rcp_payments = new RCP_Payments(); $rcp_payments->insert($payment_data); $paid = true; } } catch (Twocheckout_Error $e) { wp_die($e->getMessage(), __('Error', 'rcp'), array('response' => '401')); } if ($paid) { // set this user to active $member->renew($this->auto_renew); $member->add_note(__('Subscription started in 2Checkout', 'rcp')); $member->set_payment_profile_id('2co_' . $charge['response']['orderNumber']); if (!is_user_logged_in()) { // log the new user in rcp_login_user_in($this->user_id, $this->user_name, $_POST['rcp_user_pass']); } do_action('rcp_2co_signup', $this->user_id, $this); } // redirect to the success page, or error page if something went wrong wp_redirect($this->return_url); exit; }
public function payment($id = null, $contract_id = null) { Twocheckout::privateKey('5DAC98FE-EF3E-4A2D-B42E-36DE611EE4B7'); Twocheckout::sellerId('901255149'); Twocheckout::sandbox(true); #Uncomment to use Sandbox var_dump($contract_id); $contract = $this->Session->read('contract_' . $contract_id); if ($contract) { $this->loadModel('Order'); $order = $this->Order->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' . $id), 'fields' => array('Order.*', 'Membership.*'), 'joins' => array(array('alias' => 'Membership', 'table' => 'memberships', 'type' => 'LEFT', 'conditions' => array(' = Order.membership_id'))))); if ($order['Order']["paid"] == TRUE) { $this->redirect('/contracts/review_finalize/' . $id); } try { $charge = Twocheckout_Charge::auth(array("merchantOrderId" => $this->userDb["User"]["id"], "token" => $_POST['token'], "currency" => 'USD', "total" => $order['Membership']['month_price'], "billingAddr" => array("name" => 'Testing Tester', "addrLine1" => '123 Test St', "city" => 'Columbus', "state" => 'OH', "zipCode" => '43123', "country" => 'USA', "email" => $this->userDb["User"]["email"], "phoneNumber" => '555-555-5555'))); if ($charge['response']['responseCode'] == 'APPROVED') { $this->loadModel('Transaction'); $transaction = array('user_id' => $this->u_id, 'paymentstatus' => 'paid', 'type' => '2checkout', 'transactionId' => $charge['response']['transactionId'], 'transactionData' => json_encode($charge)); $this->Transaction->save($transaction); $order = array('id' => $id, 'paid' => 1); $save = $this->Order->save($order); if ($save) { if ($contract['Order']['id'] == $save['Order']['id']) { $contract['Order'] = $save['Order']; $this->Session->write('contract_' . $id, $contract); } $this->redirect('/contracts/review_finalize/' . $id); } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__('error'), 'flash', array('class' => 'danger', 'noteType' => 'bootstrap')); $this->redirect('/'); } } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Transaction error!'), 'flash', array('class' => 'danger', 'noteType' => 'bootstrap')); $this->redirect('/'); } } catch (Twocheckout_Error $e) { $this->Session->setFlash(__($e->getMessage()), 'flash', array('class' => 'danger', 'noteType' => 'bootstrap')); } //$this->Session->setFlash(__( 'Error. No order Id!'), 'flash', array('class' => 'danger', 'noteType' => 'bootstrap')); } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Cant find contract session!'), 'flash', array('class' => 'danger', 'noteType' => 'bootstrap')); } $this->redirect('/'); }
/** * Cancel a 2checkout subscriber * * @access private * @since 2.4 */ function rcp_2checkout_cancel_member($member_id = 0) { global $rcp_options; $user_name = defined('TWOCHECKOUT_ADMIN_USER') ? TWOCHECKOUT_ADMIN_USER : ''; $password = defined('TWOCHECKOUT_ADMIN_PASSWORD') ? TWOCHECKOUT_ADMIN_PASSWORD : ''; if (empty($user_name) || empty($password)) { return new WP_Error('missing_username_or_password', __('The 2Checkout API username and password must be defined', 'rcp')); } if (!class_exists('Twocheckout')) { require_once RCP_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/libraries/twocheckout/Twocheckout.php'; } $secret_word = isset($rcp_options['sandbox']) ? trim($rcp_options['twocheckout_secret_word']) : ''; $test_mode = isset($rcp_options['sandbox']); if ($test_mode) { $secret_key = isset($rcp_options['twocheckout_test_private']) ? trim($rcp_options['twocheckout_test_private']) : ''; $publishable_key = isset($rcp_options['twocheckout_test_publishable']) ? trim($rcp_options['twocheckout_test_publishable']) : ''; $seller_id = isset($rcp_options['twocheckout_test_seller_id']) ? trim($rcp_options['twocheckout_test_seller_id']) : ''; $environment = 'sandbox'; } else { $secret_key = isset($rcp_options['twocheckout_live_private']) ? trim($rcp_options['twocheckout_live_private']) : ''; $publishable_key = isset($rcp_options['twocheckout_live_publishable']) ? trim($rcp_options['twocheckout_live_publishable']) : ''; $seller_id = isset($rcp_options['twocheckout_live_seller_id']) ? trim($rcp_options['twocheckout_live_seller_id']) : ''; $environment = 'production'; } try { Twocheckout::privateKey($secret_key); Twocheckout::sellerId($seller_id); Twocheckout::username(TWOCHECKOUT_ADMIN_USER); Twocheckout::password(TWOCHECKOUT_ADMIN_PASSWORD); Twocheckout::sandbox($test_mode); $member = new RCP_Member($member_id); $sale_id = str_replace('2co_', '', $member->get_payment_profile_id()); $cancelled = Twocheckout_Sale::stop(array('sale_id' => $sale_id)); if ($cancelled['response_code'] == 'OK') { return true; } } catch (Twocheckout_Error $e) { return new WP_Error('2checkout_cancel_failed', $e->getMessage()); } }
public function issue_creditmemo_refund(Varien_Object $payment) { $refund = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/twocheckout/refund'); if ($refund == '1') { $order = $payment->getCreditmemo()->getOrder(); $creditmemo = $payment->getCreditmemo()->getOrder()->getData(); $creditmemo_amount = $payment->getCreditmemo()->getData(); $creditmemo_comment = $payment->getCreditmemo()->getCommentsCollection()->toArray(); if (isset($creditmemo_comment['items'][0]['comment'])) { $comment = $creditmemo_comment['items'][0]['comment']; } else { $comment = 'Refund issued by seller'; } $username = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/twocheckout/username'); $password = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/twocheckout/password'); $sandbox = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/twocheckout/demo'); Twocheckout::username($username); Twocheckout::password($password); if ($sandbox == "1") { Twocheckout::sandbox(true); } else { Twocheckout::sandbox(false); } $data = array(); $data['invoice_id'] = $creditmemo['ext_order_id']; $data['comment'] = $comment; $data['category'] = '5'; $data['amount'] = $creditmemo_amount['grand_total']; $data['currency'] = 'vendor'; try { $response = Twocheckout_Sale::refund($data); $order->setState(Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_CANCELED, true)->save(); $order->addStatusHistoryComment($response["response_message"]); $order->save(); } catch (Twocheckout_Error $e) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('core')->__($e->getMessage())); } } }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function init() { $this->locator = new ServiceLocator(); if ($this->username && $this->password) { \Twocheckout::username($this->username); \Twocheckout::password($this->password); } if (!$this->privateKey) { throw new InvalidConfigException('Invalid private key was specified'); } \Twocheckout::privateKey($this->privateKey); if (!$this->sellerId) { throw new InvalidConfigException('Invalid seller id was specified'); } \Twocheckout::sellerId($this->sellerId); if (!$this->secretWord) { throw new InvalidConfigException('Invalid secret word was specified'); } \TwoCheckout::verifySSL($this->verifySSL); \Twocheckout::sandbox($this->sandbox); \Twocheckout::format($this->format); }
public function setUp() { Twocheckout::username('testlibraryapi901248204'); Twocheckout::password('testlibraryapi901248204PASS'); Twocheckout::sandbox(true); }
<?php $idp = $_POST["idp"]; // echo $IDPEDIDO; require_once "2checkout-php-master/lib/Twocheckout.php"; Twocheckout::privateKey('422AEC8E-9A5E-4963-AE4C-52C3BEE3FBFF'); Twocheckout::sellerId('901308282'); Twocheckout::sandbox(true); Twocheckout::verifySSL(false); try { $charge = Twocheckout_Charge::auth(array("merchantOrderId" => "123", "token" => $_POST['token'], "currency" => 'USD', "total" => '10.00', "billingAddr" => array("name" => 'Testing Tester', "addrLine1" => '123 Test St', "city" => 'Columbus', "state" => 'OH', "zipCode" => '43123', "country" => 'USA', "email" => '*****@*****.**', "phoneNumber" => '555-555-5555'))); if ($charge['response']['responseCode'] == 'APPROVED') { header('Location:tarjeta.php?idp=' . $idp); } } catch (Twocheckout_Error $e) { print_r($e->getMessage()); }
public function onAKPaymentCancelRecurring($paymentmethod, $data) { // Check if we're supposed to handle this if ($paymentmethod != $this->ppName) { return false; } // No subscription id? Stop here if (!$data['sid']) { return false; } // No cURL? Well, that's no point on continuing... if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { if (version_compare(JVERISON, '3.0', 'ge')) { throw new Exception('2CO payment plugin needs cURL extension in order to cancel recurring payments', 500); } else { JError::raiseError(500, '2CO payment plugin needs cURL extension in order to cancel recurring payments'); } } // No API credentials? Let's stop here if (!$this->params->get('api_username') || !$this->params->get('api_password')) { if (version_compare(JVERISON, '3.0', 'ge')) { throw new Exception('You need to provide API username and password in order to cancel recurring payments', 500); } else { JError::raiseError(500, 'You need to provide API username and password in order to cancel recurring payments'); } } require_once '2conew/lib/Twocheckout.php'; $sub = F0FModel::getTmpInstance('Subscriptions', 'AkeebasubsModel')->getTable(); $sub->load($data['sid']); list($sale_id, ) = explode('/', $sub->processor_key); Twocheckout::setCredentials($this->params->get('api_username'), $this->params->get('api_password')); $args = array('sale_id' => $sale_id); try { $result = Twocheckout_Sale::stop($args, 'array'); } catch (Twocheckout_Error $e) { // Uh oh.. something bad happened. Let's log it $log['subid'] = $data['sid']; $log['sale_id'] = $sale_id; $log['message'] = $e->getMessage(); $this->logData($log, false, 'CANCEL RECURRING'); return false; } // Request was ok, but there was an error processing it if (strtoupper($result['response_code']) != 'OK') { $log['subid'] = $data['sid']; $log['sale_id'] = $sale_id; $log['result'] = print_r($result, true); $this->logData($log, false, 'CANCEL RECURRING'); return false; } // Everything went ok, let's log it $log['subid'] = $data['sid']; $log['sale_id'] = $sale_id; $log['result'] = print_r($result, true); $this->logData($log, true, 'CANCEL RECURRING'); return true; }
<?php require_once "lib/Twocheckout.php"; Twocheckout::privateKey('sandbox-private-key'); //Private Key Twocheckout::sellerId('sandbox-seller-id'); // 2Checkout Account Number Twocheckout::sandbox(true); // Set to false for production accounts. try { $charge = Twocheckout_Charge::auth(array("merchantOrderId" => "123", "token" => $_POST['token'], "currency" => 'USD', "total" => '10.00', "billingAddr" => array("name" => 'Testing Tester', "addrLine1" => '123 Test St', "city" => 'Columbus', "state" => 'OH', "zipCode" => '43123', "country" => 'USA', "email" => '*****@*****.**', "phoneNumber" => '555-555-5555'))); if ($charge['response']['responseCode'] == 'APPROVED') { echo "Thanks for your Order!"; echo "<h3>Return Parameters:</h3>"; echo "<pre>"; print_r($charge); echo "</pre>"; } } catch (Twocheckout_Error $e) { print_r($e->getMessage()); }
function cancel(&$order) { //no matter what happens below, we're going to cancel the order in our system $order->updateStatus("cancelled"); //require a subscription id if (empty($order->subscription_transaction_id)) { return false; } //build api params $params = array(); $params['sale_id'] = $order->subscription_transaction_id; // Demo mode? if (empty($order->gateway_environment)) { $gateway_environment = pmpro_getOption("gateway_environment"); } else { $gateway_environment = $order->gateway_environment; } if ("sandbox" === $gateway_environment || "beta-sandbox" === $gateway_environment) { Twocheckout::sandbox(true); $params['demo'] = 'Y'; } else { Twocheckout::sandbox(false); } $result = Twocheckout_Sale::stop($params); // Stop the recurring billing // Successfully cancelled if (isset($result['response_code']) && $result['response_code'] === 'OK') { $order->updateStatus("cancelled"); return true; } else { $order->status = "error"; $order->errorcode = $result->getCode(); $order->error = $result->getMessage(); return false; } return $order; }
static function setCredentials($user, $pass, $environment = "production") { self::$user = $user; self::$pass = $pass; self::$environment = $environment; }
public static function format($value = null) { self::$format = $value; }
static function setCredentials($user, $pass) { self::$user = $user; self::$pass = $pass; }
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config/'; include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../init.php'; include dirname(__FILE__) . '/twocheckout.php'; if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) { exit; } $twocheckout = new Twocheckout(); if ($twocheckout->active && isset($_POST['token'])) { $twocheckout->processPayment($_POST['token']); } else { die('You must submit a valid token to use the 2Checkout Payment API.'); }
function callGateway($orderId, $package, $user, $post) { $twoCheckout = new Twocheckout(); $twoCheckout->privateKey('E5FC384C-50A5-443B-B51E-4077F76927AC'); $twoCheckout->sellerId('901271052'); $twoCheckout->verifySSL(false); $twoCheckout->sandbox(true); try { $params = array("merchantOrderId" => $orderId, "token" => $post['token'], "currency" => 'USD', "total" => $package->amount, "billingAddr" => array("name" => $post['ccFname'] . ' ' . $post['ccLname'], "email" => $user->email, "addrLine1" => $post['addressLine1'], "city" => $post['city'], "state" => $post['state'], "zipCode" => $post['zip'], "country" => $post['country'], "phoneNumber" => $user->phone)); $charge = Twocheckout_Charge::auth($params); if ($charge['response']['responseCode'] == 'APPROVED') { return $charge; } } catch (Twocheckout_Error $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } }