コード例 #1
* To execute, run "php authorize.php" form the command line.
require __DIR__ . '/twitter-client.php';
$Client = new TwitterApiClient();
$config = array();
echo "\nThis command line wizard walks through the app authorization via the command line and returns the access keys needed to start interacting with the API.\n\n";
echo "Enter your consumer key: ";
$config['consumer_key'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
echo "\n\nEnter your consumer secret: ";
$config['consumer_secret'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
// Require client library and authorize an instance with just application details
$Client->set_oauth($config['consumer_key'], $config['consumer_secret']);
// Ask twitter for a request token and specify a callback parameter (for desktop we use "oob" to get a PIN)
try {
    $Token = $Client->get_oauth_request_token('oob');
    $redirect = $Token->get_authorization_url();
} catch (TwitterApiException $Ex) {
    echo 'Status ', $Ex->getStatus(), '. Error ' . $Ex->getCode(), ' - ', $Ex->getMessage(), "\n";
// Redirect your authenticating user to get a verifier
echo "\n\n", "Authorize the token:\n", ' > ', $redirect, "\n", "\n", "Then enter your verifier: ";
$some_verifier = trim(fgets(STDIN));
echo "\n";
$Client->set_oauth($config['consumer_key'], $config['consumer_secret'], $Token->key, $Token->secret);
// Ask twitter for a request token and specify a callback parameter (for desktop app we use "oob" to get a pin number)
try {
    $Token = $Client->get_oauth_access_token($some_verifier);
} catch (TwitterApiException $Ex) {
    echo 'Status ', $Ex->getStatus(), '. Error ' . $Ex->getCode(), ' - ', $Ex->getMessage(), "\n";