コード例 #1
 public function requestTweets($append = false)
     $maxId = isset($_GET['maxTweetId']) ? $_GET['maxTweetId'] : -1;
     if (!isset($this->_tweets) || $append) {
         $username = $this->_username;
         $cache = Yii::app()->cache2;
         $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey();
         $pageSize = 5;
         $tweets = $cache->get($cacheKey);
         if ($append && !$tweets) {
             // another page of tweets has been requested but the newer tweets have been
             // invalidated. To avoid having to determine how many pages down the user is,
             // we simply refresh the feed.
             $append = false;
             $maxId = -1;
         if (!$tweets || $append) {
             // fetch tweets and add to cache
             $tweetCount = 100;
             $credentials = $this->getTwitterCredentials();
             $resourceName = '/statuses/user_timeline.json';
             $remainingRequests = $this->remainingRequests($resourceName);
             if ($remainingRequests < 1) {
                 // rate limit met
                 throw new TwitterFeedWidgetException(Yii::t('app', 'Twitter feed could not be retrieved. Please try again later.'));
             $url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1' . $resourceName;
             $getfield = '?screen_name=' . $username . '&count=' . $tweetCount;
             if ($append) {
                 $maxId = $tweets[count($tweets) - 1]['id_str'];
                 $getfield .= '&max_id=' . $maxId;
             $requestMethod = 'GET';
             $twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($credentials);
             $oldTweets = $tweets;
             $tweets = CJSON::decode($twitter->setGetfield($getfield)->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)->performRequest());
             if (($statusCode = $twitter->getLastStatusCode()) != 200) {
                 $this->throwApiException($tweets, $statusCode);
             $this->remainingRequests($resourceName, $remainingRequests - 1);
             if ($append) {
                 $tweets = array_merge($oldTweets, $tweets);
             $cache->set($cacheKey, $tweets, 60 * 5);
             //AuxLib::debugLogR ('cache miss');
         } else {
             //AuxLib::debugLogR ('cache hit');
         if ($maxId === -1) {
             // initial page load, just return the first page
             $this->_tweets = array_slice($tweets, 0, $pageSize);
         } else {
             // max id specified, return all tweets up one page beyond max id
             $tweetCount = count($tweets);
             $found = false;
             for ($i = 0; $i < $tweetCount; $i++) {
                 $tweet = $tweets[$i];
                 if ($tweet['id_str'] == $maxId) {
                     $found = true;
             if ($found && $i + $pageSize < $tweetCount) {
                 $this->_tweets = array_slice($tweets, 0, $i + $pageSize + 1);
             } else {
                 if (!$append) {
                     // only request more tweets once
                     return $this->requestTweets(true);
                 } else {
                     // giving up on searching for specified tweet, just display the first page
                     $this->_tweets = array_slice($tweets, 0, $pageSize);
     return $this->_tweets;