public function diffItOWLAxioms()
        //a store is not needed here
        $store = null;
        $propLangFilter = Options::getOption('stringPredicateWithForeignlanguages');
        $graphURI = Options::getOption('graphURI');
        $annotationGraphURI = Options::getOption('annotationGraphURI');
        foreach ($propLangFilter as $one) {
            $this->predicateFilterList[] = $one;
        $tripleDiff = new TripleDiff($this->uri, $this->language, $this->predicateFilterList, $this->objectFilterList, $this->predicateObjectFilterList, $store);
        $filterForNotAnnotatedTriples = $tripleDiff->createFilter($this->predicateFilterList, $this->objectFilterList, $this->predicateObjectFilterList);
        //get a list of all active extractors
        $extractedByPattern = RDFtriple::URI(DBM_ORIGIN)->toSPARULPattern($this->storespecific);
        $subjectpattern = $this->uri->toSPARULPattern($this->storespecific);
        $extractorFilter = "";
        $extTerms = array();
        foreach ($this->activeExtractors as $one) {
            $u = new URI($one);
            $extPattern = $u->toSPARULPattern($this->storespecific);
            $extTerms[] = ' ?extractor = ' . $extPattern . ' ';
        foreach ($this->purgeExtractors as $one) {
            $u = new URI($one);
            $extPattern = $u->toSPARULPattern($this->storespecific);
            $extTerms[] = ' ?extractor = ' . $extPattern . ' ';
        $extractorFilter = 'FILTER ( ' . TripleDiff::assembleTerms($extTerms, '||') . ') . ';
        //delete triples from all active extractor
        $deleteSPARUL = array();
        $deleteSPARUL['delete_from_all_active_extractors'] = 'DELETE  FROM <' . $graphURI . '>
                 { ' . $subjectpattern . ' ?p ?o }
             WHERE { GRAPH <' . $annotationGraphURI . '> {
                 ?axiom <' . OWL_SUBJECT . '> ' . $subjectpattern . ' .
                 ?axiom <' . OWL_PREDICATE . '> ?p .
                 ?axiom <' . OWL_OBJECT . '>  ?o .
                 ?axiom ' . $extractedByPattern . ' ?extractor .
                 ' . $extractorFilter . ' }

        //removed :
        // '.$subjectpattern.' ?p ?o
        //delete the corresponding annotations
        $deleteSPARUL['delete_corresponding_annotations'] = 'DELETE  FROM <' . $annotationGraphURI . '>
                 { ?axiom ?axp  ?axo .  }
             WHERE {
                 ?axiom <' . OWL_SUBJECT . '> ' . $subjectpattern . ' .
                 ?axiom ' . $extractedByPattern . ' ?extractor .
                  ' . $extractorFilter . '
                 ?axiom ?axp  ?axo .
        //echo  $deleteSPARUL['delete_corresponding_annotations'];
         *           taking out:
                         ?axiom <'.OWL_PREDICATE.'> ?p .
                         ?axiom <'.OWL_OBJECT.'>  ?o .
         * ?axiom ?axp  ?axo . maybe could be combined with q1 above
         * best to ask Joerg Unbehauen who knows SPARUL or OpenLink
         * */
        //TODO go to infobox extractor and
        //add an annotation to all subject/rating objects to which subject they belong
        //and then delete them also
        /*          ***********************
         *          This became obsolete
                    //delete all triples that do not have an annotation
                    //this is consistent as they will be recreated with annotations
                    //all triples to be kept should be annotated beforehand
                    $deleteSPARUL[] = 'DELETE  FROM <' . $graphURI . '>
                         { '.$subjectpattern.' ?p ?o }
                     WHERE {
                         '.$subjectpattern.' ?p ?o .
                         OPTIONAL { ?axiom <'.OWL_SUBJECT.'> '.$subjectpattern.' . }
                         FILTER (!bound($axiom)).
                     //         OPTIONAL { '$subjectpattern.' ?p2 ?o2 . FILTER (isLiter) }
        //delete all triples with the current subject
        //according to the filters
        //do not delete special properties see below
        $notAnnotated = 'DELETE  FROM <' . $graphURI . '>
                 { ' . $subjectpattern . ' ?p ?o }
             WHERE {
                 GRAPH <' . $graphURI . '> {
                 ' . $subjectpattern . ' ?p ?o .
                 FILTER (' . $filterForNotAnnotatedTriples . ').
                 GRAPH <' . $annotationGraphURI . '> {
                      OPTIONAL {
                          ?a <' . OWL_SUBJECT . '> ' . $subjectpattern . '.
                     FILTER (!bound(?a)).
        //echo $notAnnotated;die;
        $deleteSPARUL['delete_with_subject_not_static'] = $notAnnotated;
        //delete all triples with the current subject
        //where the special properties with string object
        //from other language version are given, which should stay
        $propTerms = array();
        foreach ($propLangFilter as $one) {
            $u = new URI($one);
            $predicatePattern = $u->toSPARULPattern($this->storespecific);
            $propTerms[] = ' ?p = ' . $predicatePattern . ' ';
        $propLangSPARULfilter = TripleDiff::assembleTerms($propTerms, '||');
        $deleteEnglishLanguage = 'DELETE  FROM <' . $graphURI . '>
                 { ' . $subjectpattern . ' ?p ?o }
             WHERE {
                 ' . $subjectpattern . ' ?p ?o .
                 FILTER (' . $propLangSPARULfilter . '
                        && (isLiteral(?o))
                        && (lang (?o) = \'' . $this->language . '\' )
                     echo $deleteEnglishLanguage;die;
        $deleteSPARUL['delete_english'] = $deleteEnglishLanguage;
        //write the new triples
        $insertSPARUL = array();
        $insertSPARUL['insert_triples'] = array();
        $insertSPARUL['insert_annotations'] = array();
        $globalannotationpattern = "";
        $globaltriplepattern = "";
        foreach ($this->tripleFromExtractor as $triple) {
            $pattern = $triple->toSPARULPattern($this->storespecific);
            $insertSPARUL['insert_triples'][] = 'INSERT INTO GRAPH <' . $graphURI . '> { ' . $pattern . ' }';
            $globaltriplepattern .= $pattern;
            $annotations = $triple->getOWLAxiomAnnotations();
            Statistics::increaseCount('Total', 'createdAnnotations', count($annotations));
            if (count($annotations) > 0) {
                $pattern = "";
                foreach ($annotations as $ann) {
                    $current = $ann->toSPARULPattern($this->storespecific);
                    $pattern .= $current;
                    $globalannotationpattern .= $current;
                //annotations for one triple are aggregated to one query
                $insertSPARUL['insert_annotations'][] = 'INSERT INTO GRAPH <' . $annotationGraphURI . '> { ' . $pattern . ' }';
        $insertSPARUL['globalAnnotationPattern'] = 'INSERT INTO GRAPH <' . $annotationGraphURI . '> { ' . $globalannotationpattern . ' }';
        $insertSPARUL['globalTriplePattern'] = 'INSERT INTO GRAPH <' . $graphURI . '> { ' . $globaltriplepattern . ' }';
        $result = array();
        $result['del'] = $deleteSPARUL;
        $result['ins'] = $insertSPARUL;
        return $result;
コード例 #2
    private function _odbc_sparul_delete_language_oneQuery($graphURI, $languageProperties)
        //delete all triples with the current subject
        //where the lang properties with string object
        //from other language version are given, which should stay
        $union = array();
        foreach ($languageProperties as $one) {
            $u = new URI($one, false);
            $union[] = '?p = ' . $u->toSPARULPattern();
        $filter = TripleDiff::assembleTerms($union, '||');
        //$filter ='';
        $sparul = 'DELETE FROM  <' . $graphURI . '>
{ ' . $this->subjectSPARULpattern . ' ?p  ?o }
FROM  <' . $graphURI . '>
    ' . $this->subjectSPARULpattern . '  ?p  ?o .
    FILTER ( ' . $filter . ' && (lang(?o) = \'en\')).
        if ($this->_odbc_sparul_execute($sparul)) {
            $this->counterDelete += 1;
        $this->log(DEBUG, 'deleted language');
        if (Options::getOption('debug_run_tests')) {
            $this->log(INFO, 'no test for language currently');