protected function create_post(array $record) { $organizer = $this->build_organizer_array($record); $id = TribeEventsAPI::createOrganizer($organizer); TribeEventsAPI::updateOrganizer($id, $organizer); return $id; }
/** * Saves the event organizer information passed via an event */ private static function saveEventOrganizer($data, $post = null, $post_status = 'publish') { if (isset($data['OrganizerID']) && $data['OrganizerID'] > 0) { if (count($data) == 1) { // Only an ID was passed and we should do nothing. return $data['OrganizerID']; } else { return TribeEventsAPI::updateOrganizer($data['OrganizerID'], $data); } } else { return TribeEventsAPI::createOrganizer($data, $post_status); } }
public function save_organizer_data($postID = null, $post = null) { global $_POST; // don't do anything on autosave or auto-draft either or massupdates // Or inline saves, or data being posted without a organizer Or // finally, called from the save_post action, but on save_posts that // are not organizer posts if (!isset($_POST['organizer'])) { $_POST['organizer'] = null; } if (wp_is_post_autosave($postID) || $post->post_status == 'auto-draft' || isset($_GET['bulk_edit']) || isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'inline-save' || !$_POST['organizer'] || $post->post_type != self::ORGANIZER_POST_TYPE && $postID) { return; } if (!current_user_can('edit_tribe_organizers')) { return; } //There is a possibility to get stuck in an infinite loop. //That would be bad. remove_action('save_post', array($this, 'save_organizer_data'), 16, 2); $data = stripslashes_deep($_POST['organizer']); $organizer_id = TribeEventsAPI::updateOrganizer($postID, $data); /** * Put our hook back * @link */ add_action('save_post', array($this, 'save_organizer_data'), 16, 2); return $organizer_id; }
/** * Make sure the organizer meta gets saved * * @param int $postID The organizer id. * @param WP_Post $post The post object. * @return null|void */ public function save_organizer_data($postID = null, $post = null) { global $current_screen; if (!empty($current_screen) && $current_screen->id == 'tribe_organizer') { // single organizer $_POST['Organizer'] = isset($_POST['organizer']) ? stripslashes_deep($_POST['organizer']) : null; } // Don't save the organizer meta if there wasn't one submitted if (empty($_POST['Organizer'])) { return; } // @TODO move this to the API function if (!current_user_can('edit_tribe_organizers')) { return; } $data = stripslashes_deep($_POST['Organizer']); TribeEventsAPI::updateOrganizer($postID, $data); }
/** * Update an Organizer * * @param int $postId ID of the Organizer to be modified. * @param array $args Args for updating the post. See {@link tribe_create_organizer()} for more info. * @return int ID of the Organizer that was created. False if update failed. * @link * @see wp_update_post() * @see tribe_create_organizer() * @category Organizer Functions * @since 2.0.1 */ function tribe_update_organizer($postId, $args) { $postId = TribeEventsAPI::updateOrganizer($postId, $args); return $postId; }
/** * Make sure the organizer meta gets saved * * @param int $postID The organizer id. * @param WP_Post $post The post object. * * @return null|void */ public function save_organizer_data($postID = null, $post = null) { // was an organizer submitted from the single organizer post editor? if (empty($_POST['post_ID']) || $_POST['post_ID'] != $postID || empty($_POST['organizer'])) { return; } // is the current user allowed to edit this venue? if (!current_user_can('edit_tribe_organizer', $postID)) { return; } $data = stripslashes_deep($_POST['organizer']); TribeEventsAPI::updateOrganizer($postID, $data); }
protected function update_post($post_id, array $record) { $organizer = $this->build_organizer_array($record); TribeEventsAPI::updateOrganizer($post_id, $organizer); }
/** * Organizer form for events. * * @param int $tribe_organizer_id The organizer's ID. * @return string The form. * @author Nick Ciske * @since 1.0 */ public function doOrganizerForm($tribe_organizer_id) { add_filter('tribe-post-origin', array($this, 'filterPostOrigin')); $output = ''; if (empty($tribe_organizer_id)) { return '<p>' . __('Organizer not found.', 'tribe-events-community') . '</p>'; } if (!class_exists('TribeEventsPro')) { return __('This feature is not currently enabled.', 'tribe-events-community'); } if (!is_user_logged_in()) { return $this->login_form(__('Please log in to edit this organizer', 'tribe-events-community')); } if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $tribe_organizer_id)) { $output .= '<p>' . __('You do not have permission to edit this organizer.', 'tribe-events-community') . '</p>'; return $output; } $this->loadScripts = true; $output .= '<div id="tribe-community-events" class="form organizer">'; if (isset($_POST['community-event']) && $_POST['community-event'] && check_admin_referer('ecp_organizer_submission')) { if (isset($_POST['post_title']) && $_POST['post_title']) { require_once 'tribe-community-events-submission-scrubber.php'; require_once 'tribe-community-events-organizer-submission-scrubber.php'; $_POST['ID'] = $tribe_organizer_id; $scrubber = new TribeCommunityEvents_OrganizerSubmissionScrubber($_POST); $_POST = $scrubber->scrub(); remove_action('save_post_' . TribeEvents::ORGANIZER_POST_TYPE, array(TribeEvents::instance(), 'save_organizer_data'), 16, 2); wp_update_post(array('post_title' => $_POST['post_title'], 'ID' => $tribe_organizer_id, 'post_content' => $_POST['post_content'])); TribeEventsAPI::updateOrganizer($tribe_organizer_id, $_POST['organizer']); $this->enqueueOutputMessage(__('Organizer updated.', 'tribe-events-community')); /* // how it should work, but updateOrganizer does not return a boolean if ( TribeEventsAPI::updateOrganizer($tribe_organizer_id, $_POST) ) { $this->enqueueOutputMessage( __("Organizer updated.",'tribe-events-community') ); }else{ $this->enqueueOutputMessage( __("There was a problem saving your organizer, please try again.",'tribe-events-community'), 'error' ); } */ } else { $this->enqueueOutputMessage(__('Organizer name cannot be blank.', 'tribe-events-community'), 'error'); } } else { if (isset($_POST['community-event'])) { $this->enqueueOutputMessage(__('There was a problem updating this organizer, please try again.', 'tribe-events-community'), 'error'); } } global $post; $post = get_post(intval($tribe_organizer_id)); ob_start(); include TribeEventsTemplates::getTemplateHierarchy('community/edit-organizer'); $output .= ob_get_clean(); $output .= '</div>'; remove_filter('tribe-post-origin', array($this, 'filterPostOrigin')); return $output; }