コード例 #1
  * Insert new training location and return id if not found.  Return id if found.
 public static function insertIfNotFound($name, $location_id)
     $tableObj = new TrainingLocation();
     $whereSql = "training_location_name = ? AND location_id = {$location_id}";
     $select = $tableObj->select()->from(array('tl' => $tableObj->_name), 'id')->where($whereSql, $name);
     $row = $tableObj->fetchRow($select);
     if ($row) {
         return $row->id;
     } else {
         // insert
         $data['training_location_name'] = $name;
         $data['location_id'] = $location_id;
         return $tableObj->insert($data);
コード例 #2
 public function facilityReport()
     require_once 'models/table/TrainingLocation.php';
     $criteria = array();
     //find the first date in the database
     $db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
     $sql = "SELECT MIN(training_start_date) as \"start\" FROM training WHERE is_deleted = 0";
     $rowArray = $db->fetchAll($sql);
     $start_default = $rowArray[0]['start'];
     $parts = explode('-', $start_default);
     $criteria['start-year'] = $parts[0];
     $criteria['start-month'] = $parts[1];
     $criteria['start-day'] = $parts[2];
     if ($this->getSanParam('start-year')) {
         $criteria['start-year'] = $this->getSanParam('start-year');
     if ($this->getSanParam('start-month')) {
         $criteria['start-month'] = $this->getSanParam('start-month');
     if ($this->getSanParam('start-day')) {
         $criteria['start-day'] = $this->getSanParam('start-day');
     if ($this->view->mode == 'search') {
         $sql = "SELECT MAX(training_start_date) as \"start\" FROM training ";
         $rowArray = $db->fetchAll($sql);
         $end_default = $rowArray[0]['start'];
         $parts = explode('-', $end_default);
         $criteria['end-year'] = $parts[0];
         $criteria['end-month'] = $parts[1];
         $criteria['end-day'] = $parts[2];
     } else {
         $criteria['end-year'] = date('Y');
         $criteria['end-month'] = date('m');
         $criteria['end-day'] = date('d');
     if ($this->getSanParam('end-year')) {
         $criteria['end-year'] = $this->getSanParam('end-year');
     if ($this->getSanParam('end-month')) {
         $criteria['end-month'] = $this->getSanParam('end-month');
     if ($this->getSanParam('end-day')) {
         $criteria['end-day'] = $this->getSanParam('end-day');
     list($criteria, $location_tier, $location_id) = $this->getLocationCriteriaValues($criteria);
     $criteria['training_title_option_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_title_option_id');
     $criteria['training_title_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_title_id');
     $criteria['training_location_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_location_id');
     $criteria['training_organizer_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_organizer_id');
     $criteria['training_pepfar_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_pepfar_id');
     $criteria['training_topic_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_topic_id');
     $criteria['training_level_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_level_id');
     $criteria['facility_type_id'] = $this->getSanParam('facility_type_id');
     $criteria['facility_sponsor_id'] = $this->getSanParam('facility_sponsor_id');
     $criteria['facilityInput'] = $this->getSanParam('facilityInput');
     $criteria['is_tot'] = $this->getSanParam('is_tot');
     $criteria['go'] = $this->getSanParam('go');
     $criteria['doCount'] = $this->view->mode == 'count';
     $criteria['showProvince'] = ($this->getSanParam('showProvince') or $criteria['doCount'] and ($criteria['province_id'] or $criteria['province_id'] === '0'));
     $criteria['showDistrict'] = ($this->getSanParam('showDistrict') or $criteria['doCount'] and ($criteria['district_id'] or $criteria['district_id'] === '0'));
     /*$criteria ['showCadre'] = ($this->getSanParam ( 'showCadre' ) or ($criteria ['doCount'] and ($criteria ['cadre'] or $criteria ['cadre'] === '0')));*/
     $criteria['showRegionC'] = ($this->getSanParam('showRegionC') or $criteria['doCount'] and ($criteria['region_c_id'] or $criteria['region_c_id'] === '0'));
     $criteria['showTrainingTitle'] = ($this->getSanParam('showTrainingTitle') or $criteria['doCount'] and ($criteria['training_title_option_id'] or $criteria['training_title_option_id'] === '0' or $criteria['training_title_id']));
     $criteria['showLocation'] = ($this->getSanParam('showLocation') or $criteria['doCount'] and $criteria['training_location_id']);
     $criteria['showOrganizer'] = ($this->getSanParam('showOrganizer') or $criteria['doCount'] and ($criteria['training_organizer_id'] or $criteria['training_organizer_id'] === '0'));
     $criteria['showPepfar'] = ($this->getSanParam('showPepfar') or $criteria['doCount'] and ($criteria['training_pepfar_id'] or $criteria['training_pepfar_id'] === '0'));
     $criteria['showTopic'] = ($this->getSanParam('showTopic') or $criteria['doCount'] and ($criteria['training_topic_id'] or $criteria['training_topic_id'] === '0'));
     $criteria['showLevel'] = ($this->getSanParam('showLevel') or $criteria['doCount'] and $criteria['training_level_id']);
     $criteria['showType'] = ($this->getSanParam('showType') or $criteria['doCount'] and ($criteria['facility_type_id'] or $criteria['facility_type_id'] === '0'));
     $criteria['showSponsor'] = ($this->getSanParam('showSponsor') or $criteria['doCount'] and $criteria['facility_sponsor_id']);
     $criteria['showFacility'] = true;
     //($this->getSanParam('showFacility') OR ($criteria['doCount'] and $criteria['facility_name']));
     $criteria['showTot'] = ($this->getSanParam('showTot') or ($criteria['doCount'] and $criteria['is_tot'] !== '' or $criteria['is_tot'] === '0'));
     if ($criteria['go']) {
         $sql = 'SELECT ';
         if ($criteria['doCount']) {
             $sql .= ' COUNT(pt.person_id) as "cnt", pt.facility_name ';
         } else {
             $sql .= ' DISTINCT pt.id as "id", pt.facility_name, pt.training_start_date  ';
         if ($criteria['showFacility']) {
             $sql .= ', pt.facility_name ';
         if ($criteria['showTrainingTitle'] or $this->view->mode == 'search') {
             $sql .= ', pt.training_title ';
         if ($criteria['showDistrict']) {
             $sql .= ', pt.district_name, pt.district_id ';
         if ($criteria['showCadre']) {
             $sql .= ', cad.id, cad.cadrename ';
         if ($criteria['showProvince']) {
             $sql .= ', pt.province_name, pt.province_id ';
         if ($criteria['showRegionC']) {
             $sql .= ', pt.region_c_name, pt.region_c_id ';
         if ($criteria['showLocation']) {
             $sql .= ', pt.training_location_name ';
         if ($criteria['showOrganizer']) {
             $sql .= ', torg.training_organizer_phrase ';
         if ($criteria['showLevel']) {
             $sql .= ', tlev.training_level_phrase ';
         if ($criteria['showType']) {
             $sql .= ', fto.facility_type_phrase ';
         if ($criteria['showSponsor']) {
             $sql .= ', fso.facility_sponsor_phrase ';
         if ($criteria['showPepfar']) {
             if ($criteria['doCount']) {
                 $sql .= ', tpep.pepfar_category_phrase ';
             } else {
                 $sql .= ', GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tpep.pepfar_category_phrase) as "pepfar_category_phrase" ';
         if ($criteria['showTopic']) {
             if ($criteria['doCount']) {
                 $sql .= ', ttopic.training_topic_phrase ';
             } else {
                 $sql .= ', GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ttopic.training_topic_phrase ORDER BY training_topic_phrase) AS "training_topic_phrase" ';
         if ($criteria['showTot']) {
             //$sql .= ', pt.is_tot ';
             $sql .= ", IF(pt.is_tot,'" . t('Yes') . "','" . t('No') . "') AS is_tot";
         //JOIN with the participants to get facility
         $num_locs = $this->setting('num_location_tiers');
         list($field_name, $location_sub_query) = Location::subquery($num_locs, $location_tier, $location_id, true);
         if ($criteria['doCount']) {
             $sql .= ' FROM (SELECT training.*, fac.person_id as "person_id", fac.facility_id as "facility_id", fac.type_option_id, fac.sponsor_option_id, fac.facility_name as "facility_name" , tto.training_title_phrase AS training_title,training_location.training_location_name, l.' . implode(', l.', $field_name) . '       FROM training  ' . '         JOIN training_title_option tto ON (`training`.training_title_option_id = tto.id)' . '         JOIN training_location ON training.training_location_id = training_location.id ' . '         JOIN (SELECT person_id, facility_name, facility_id, location_id, type_option_id, sponsor_option_id,training_id FROM person JOIN person_to_training ON person_to_training.person_id = person.id ' . '         JOIN facility as f ON person.facility_id = f.id) as fac ON training.id = fac.training_id JOIN (' . $location_sub_query . ') as l ON fac.location_id = l.id WHERE training.is_deleted=0) as pt ';
         } else {
             $sql .= ' FROM (SELECT training.*, fac.facility_id as "facility_id", fac.type_option_id, fac.sponsor_option_id ,fac.facility_name as "facility_name" , tto.training_title_phrase AS training_title,training_location.training_location_name, l.' . implode(', l.', $field_name) . '       FROM training  ' . '         JOIN training_title_option tto ON (`training`.training_title_option_id = tto.id) ' . '         JOIN training_location ON training.training_location_id = training_location.id ' . '         JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT facility_name, facility_id, location_id, training_id, type_option_id, sponsor_option_id FROM person JOIN person_to_training ON person_to_training.person_id = person.id ' . '         JOIN facility as f ON person.facility_id = f.id) as fac ON training.id = fac.training_id JOIN (' . $location_sub_query . ') as l ON fac.location_id = l.id  WHERE training.is_deleted=0) as pt ';
         if ($criteria['showOrganizer']) {
             $sql .= '	JOIN training_organizer_option as torg ON torg.id = pt.training_organizer_option_id ';
         if ($criteria['showLevel']) {
             $sql .= '	JOIN training_level_option as tlev ON tlev.id = pt.training_level_option_id ';
         if ($criteria['showType']) {
             $sql .= '	JOIN facility_type_option as fto ON fto.id = pt.type_option_id ';
         /*if ($criteria ['showCadre']) {
         			$sql .= ' Inner JOIN cadres as cad';
         if ($criteria['showSponsor']) {
             $sql .= '	JOIN facility_sponsor_option as fso ON fso.id = pt.sponsor_option_id ';
         if ($criteria['showPepfar']) {
             $sql .= '	LEFT JOIN (SELECT training_id, ttpco.training_pepfar_categories_option_id, pepfar_category_phrase FROM training_to_training_pepfar_categories_option as ttpco JOIN training_pepfar_categories_option as tpco ON ttpco.training_pepfar_categories_option_id = tpco.id) as tpep ON tpep.training_id = pt.id ';
         if ($criteria['showTopic']) {
             //$sql .= '	LEFT JOIN training_topic_option as ttopic ON ttopic.id = ttopic.training_topic_option_id ';
             $sql .= '	LEFT JOIN (SELECT training_id, ttto.training_topic_option_id, training_topic_phrase FROM training_to_training_topic_option as ttto JOIN training_topic_option as tto ON ttto.training_topic_option_id = tto.id) as ttopic ON ttopic.training_id = pt.id ';
         $where = array(' pt.is_deleted=0 ');
         if ($criteria['training_title_option_id'] or $criteria['training_title_option_id'] === '0') {
             $where[] = ' pt.training_title_option_id = ' . $criteria['training_title_option_id'];
         if ($criteria['training_title_id'] or $criteria['training_title_id'] === '0') {
             $where[] = ' pt.training_title_option_id = ' . $criteria['training_title_id'];
         if ($criteria['facilityInput']) {
             $where[] = ' pt.facility_id = \'' . $criteria['facilityInput'] . '\'';
         if ($criteria['training_location_id']) {
             $where[] = ' pt.training_location_id = \'' . $criteria['training_location_id'] . '\'';
         if ($criteria['training_organizer_id'] or $criteria['training_organizer_id'] === '0') {
             $where[] = ' pt.training_organizer_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_organizer_id'] . '\'';
         if ($criteria['training_topic_id'] or $criteria['training_topic_id'] === '0') {
             $where[] = ' ttopic.training_topic_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_topic_id'] . '\'';
         if ($criteria['facility_type_id'] or $criteria['facility_type_id'] === '0') {
             $where[] = ' pt.type_option_id = \'' . $criteria['facility_type_id'] . '\'';
         if ($criteria['facility_sponsor_id'] or $criteria['facility_sponsor_id'] === '0') {
             $where[] = ' pt.sponsor_option_id = \'' . $criteria['facility_sponsor_id'] . '\'';
         if ($criteria['training_level_id']) {
             $where[] = ' pt.training_level_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_level_id'] . '\'';
         if ($criteria['training_pepfar_id'] or $criteria['training_pepfar_id'] === '0') {
             $where[] = ' tpep.training_pepfar_categories_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_pepfar_id'] . '\'';
         if (intval($criteria['end-year']) and $criteria['start-year']) {
             $startDate = $criteria['start-year'] . '-' . $criteria['start-month'] . '-' . $criteria['start-day'];
             $endDate = $criteria['end-year'] . '-' . $criteria['end-month'] . '-' . $criteria['end-day'];
             $where[] = ' training_start_date >= \'' . $startDate . '\'  AND training_start_date <= \'' . $endDate . '\'  ';
         if ($criteria['is_tot'] or $criteria['is_tot'] === '0') {
             $where[] = ' pt.is_tot = ' . $criteria['is_tot'];
         if ($where) {
             $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
         if ($criteria['doCount']) {
             $groupBy = array();
             if ($criteria['showFacility']) {
                 $groupBy[] = '  pt.facility_id';
             if ($criteria['showTrainingTitle']) {
                 $groupBy[] = ' pt.training_title_option_id';
             if ($criteria['showProvince']) {
                 $groupBy[] = ' pt.province_id';
             if ($criteria['showDistrict']) {
                 $groupBy[] = '  pt.district_id';
             if ($criteria['showCadre']) {
                 $groupBy[] = '  pt.id';
             if ($criteria['showRegionC']) {
                 $groupBy[] = '  pt.region_c_id';
             if ($criteria['showLocation']) {
                 $groupBy[] = '  pt.training_location_id';
             if ($criteria['showOrganizer']) {
                 $groupBy[] = '  pt.training_organizer_option_id';
             if ($criteria['showTopic']) {
                 $groupBy[] = '  ttopic.training_topic_option_id';
             if ($criteria['showLevel']) {
                 $groupBy[] = '  pt.training_level_option_id';
             if ($criteria['showPepfar']) {
                 $groupBy[] = '  tpep.training_pepfar_categories_option_id';
             if ($criteria['showType']) {
                 $groupBy[] = '  pt.type_option_id';
             if ($criteria['showSponsor']) {
                 $groupBy[] = '  pt.sponsor_option_id';
             if ($criteria['showTot']) {
                 $groupBy[] = '  pt.is_tot';
             if ($groupBy) {
                 $groupBy = ' GROUP BY ' . implode(', ', $groupBy);
             $sql .= $groupBy;
         } else {
             if ($criteria['showPepfar'] || $criteria['showTopic']) {
                 $sql .= ' GROUP BY pt.id';
         $rowArray = $db->fetchAll($sql . ' ORDER BY facility_name ASC ');
         if ($criteria['doCount']) {
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($rowArray as $row) {
                 $count += $row['cnt'];
         } else {
             $count = count($rowArray);
         if ($this->_getParam('outputType')) {
             $this->sendData($this->reportHeaders(false, $rowArray));
     } else {
         $count = 0;
         $rowArray = array();
     $criteria['go'] = $this->getSanParam('go');
     //not sure why we are getting multiple PEPFARS
     foreach ($rowArray as $key => $row) {
         if (isset($row['pepfar_category_phrase'])) {
             $rowArray[$key]['pepfar_category_phrase'] = implode(',', array_unique(explode(',', $row['pepfar_category_phrase'])));
     $this->viewAssignEscaped('results', $rowArray);
     $this->view->assign('count', $count);
     $this->view->assign('criteria', $criteria);
     //facilities list
     $fArray = OptionList::suggestionList('facility', array('facility_name', 'id'), false, 9999);
     $facilitiesArray = array();
     foreach ($fArray as $key => $val) {
         if ($val['id'] != 0) {
             $facilitiesArray[] = $val;
     $this->viewAssignEscaped('facilities', $facilitiesArray);
     $locations = Location::getAll();
     $this->viewAssignEscaped('locations', $locations);
     //facility types
     $typesArray = OptionList::suggestionList('facility_type_option', 'facility_type_phrase', false, false);
     $this->viewAssignEscaped('facility_types', $typesArray);
     //sponsor types
     $sponsorsArray = OptionList::suggestionList('facility_sponsor_option', 'facility_sponsor_phrase', false, false);
     $this->viewAssignEscaped('facility_sponsors', $sponsorsArray);
     //$courseArray = Course::suggestionList(false,10000);
     // location drop-down
     $tlocations = TrainingLocation::selectAllLocations($this->setting('num_location_tiers'));
     $this->viewAssignEscaped('tlocations', $tlocations);
     $organizersArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_organizer_option', 'training_organizer_phrase', false, false, false);
     $this->viewAssignEscaped('organizers', $organizersArray);
     $topicsArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_topic_option', 'training_topic_phrase', false, false, false);
     $this->viewAssignEscaped('topics', $topicsArray);
     $levelArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_level_option', 'training_level_phrase', false, false);
     $this->viewAssignEscaped('levels', $levelArray);
     $organizersArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_pepfar_categories_option', 'pepfar_category_phrase', false, false, false);
     $this->viewAssignEscaped('pepfars', $organizersArray);
     //facilities list
     $rowArray = OptionList::suggestionList('facility', array('facility_name', 'id'), false, 9999);
     $facilitiesArray = array();
     foreach ($rowArray as $key => $val) {
         if ($val['id'] != 0) {
             $facilitiesArray[] = $val;
     $this->viewAssignEscaped('facilities', $facilitiesArray);
コード例 #3
 function viewlocationAction()
     if (!$this->hasACL('edit_course')) {
         $this->view->assign('viewonly', 'disabled="disabled"');
     require_once 'models/table/TrainingLocation.php';
     $this->view->assign('id', $this->_getParam('id'));
     if ($this->_getParam('id')) {
         require_once 'views/helpers/DropDown.php';
         $rowLocation = TrainingLocation::selectLocation($this->_getParam('id'))->toArray();
         list($cname, $prov, $dist, $regc) = Location::getCityInfo($rowLocation['location_id'], $this->setting('num_location_tiers'));
         $rowLocation['city_name'] = $cname;
         $rowLocation['region_c_id'] = $regc;
         $rowLocation['district_id'] = $dist;
         $rowLocation['province_id'] = $prov;
         $this->viewAssignEscaped('rowLocation', $rowLocation);
         //see if it is referenced anywhere
         $this->view->assign('okToDelete', !TrainingLocation::isReferenced($this->_getParam('id')));
     // location drop-down
     $locations = TrainingLocation::selectAllLocations($this->setting('num_location_tiers'));
     $this->viewAssignEscaped('tlocations', $locations);
コード例 #4
  * New training location
 public function locationAddAction()
     require_once 'models/table/TrainingLocation.php';
     require_once 'models/table/Location.php';
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $validateOnly = $request->isXmlHttpRequest();
     if ($validateOnly) {
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $tableObj = new TrainingLocation();
         $location = $this->_getParam('training_location_name');
         list($location_params, $location_tier, $location_id) = $this->getLocationCriteriaValues(array());
         $status = ValidationContainer::instance();
         $districtText = $this->tr('Region B (Health District)');
         $provinceText = $this->tr('Region A (Province)');
         $localRegionText = $this->tr('Region C (Local Region)');
         $regionDText = $this->tr('Region D');
         $regionEText = $this->tr('Region E');
         $regionFText = $this->tr('Region F');
         $regionGText = $this->tr('Region G');
         $regionHText = $this->tr('Region H');
         $regionIText = $this->tr('Region I');
         $status->checkRequired($this, 'province_id', $provinceText);
         if ($this->setting('display_region_b')) {
             $status->checkRequired($this, 'district_id', $districtText);
         if ($this->setting('display_region_c')) {
             $status->checkRequired($this, 'region_c_id', $localRegionText);
         if ($this->setting('display_region_d')) {
             $status->checkRequired($this, 'region_d_id', $regionDText);
         if ($this->setting('display_region_e')) {
             $status->checkRequired($this, 'region_e_id', $regionEText);
         if ($this->setting('display_region_f')) {
             $status->checkRequired($this, 'region_f_id', $regionFText);
         if ($this->setting('display_region_g')) {
             $status->checkRequired($this, 'region_g_id', $regionGText);
         if ($this->setting('display_region_h')) {
             $status->checkRequired($this, 'region_h_id', $regionHText);
         if ($this->setting('display_region_i')) {
             $status->checkRequired($this, 'region_i_id', $regionIText);
         //$status->checkRequired ( $this, 'city', t ( "City is required." ) );
         $city_id = false;
         if ($this->getSanParam('city') && !$this->getSanParam('is_new_city')) {
             $city_id = Location::verifyHierarchy($location_params['city'], $location_params['city_parent_id'], $this->setting('num_location_tiers'));
             if ($city_id === false) {
                 $status->addError('city', t("That city does not appear to be located in the chosen region. If you want to create a new city, check the new city box."));
         // save
         if (!$status->hasError()) {
             $location_id = null;
             if ($city_id === false && $this->getSanParam('is_new_city')) {
                 $location_id = Location::insertIfNotFound($location_params['city'], $location_params['city_parent_id'], $this->setting('num_location_tiers'));
                 if ($location_id === false) {
                     $status->addError('city', t('Could not save that city.'));
             } else {
                 if ($city_id) {
                     $location_id = $city_id;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->setting('display_region_i')) {
                         $location_id = $this->getSanParam('region_i_id');
                     } else {
                         if ($this->setting('display_region_h')) {
                             $location_id = $this->getSanParam('region_h_id');
                         } else {
                             if ($this->setting('display_region_g')) {
                                 $location_id = $this->getSanParam('region_g_id');
                             } else {
                                 if ($this->setting('display_region_f')) {
                                     $location_id = $this->getSanParam('region_f_id');
                                 } else {
                                     if ($this->setting('display_region_e')) {
                                         $location_id = $this->getSanParam('region_e_id');
                                     } else {
                                         if ($this->setting('display_region_d')) {
                                             $location_id = $this->getSanParam('region_d_id');
                                         } else {
                                             if ($this->setting('display_region_c')) {
                                                 $location_id = $this->getSanParam('region_c_id');
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($this->setting('display_region_b')) {
                                                     $location_id = $this->getSanParam('district_id');
                                                 } else {
                                                     $location_id = $this->getSanParam('province_id');
                 if (strstr($location_id, '_')) {
                     $parts = explode('_', $location_id);
                     $location_id = $parts[count($parts) - 1];
             if ($location_id) {
                 // update or insert?
                 if ($this->_getParam('update')) {
                     $data = array();
                     $data['location_id'] = $location_id;
                     $data['training_location_name'] = $location;
                     $tableObj = new TrainingLocation();
                     $tableObj->update($data, "id = " . $this->_getParam('update'));
                     $status->setStatusMessage(t('The') . ' ' . t('Training Center') . ' ' . t('has been updated.'));
                     $_SESSION['status'] = t('The') . ' ' . t('Training Center') . ' ' . t('has been updated.');
                     //refresh the page, so the picker dropdown is refreshed as well
                     $status->setRedirect('/facility/view-location/id/' . $this->_getParam('update'));
                 } else {
                     $id = TrainingLocation::insertIfNotFound($location, $location_id);
                     if ($this->_getParam('info') == 'extra') {
                         $status->setStatusMessage(t('The') . ' ' . t('Training Center') . ' ' . t('has been saved.'));
                         $_SESSION['status'] = t('The') . ' ' . t('Training Center') . ' ' . t('has been saved.');
                         $status->setRedirect('/facility/view-location/id/' . $id);
                 if ($this->_getParam('info') == 'extra') {
                 } else {
                     $this->sendData(array('location_id' => $id));
         } else {
             $status->setStatusMessage(t('The') . ' ' . t('Training Center') . ' ' . t('could not be saved.'));
コード例 #5
    public function evaluationsReportAction()
        require_once 'models/table/Trainer.php';
        require_once 'models/table/TrainingLocation.php';
        $db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
        $criteria['showTrainer'] = $this->getSanParam('showTrainer');
        $criteria['showCategory'] = $this->getSanParam('showCategory');
        $criteria['showTitle'] = $this->getSanParam('showTitle');
        $criteria['showLocation'] = $this->getSanParam('showLocation');
        $criteria['showOrganizer'] = $this->getSanParam('showOrganizer');
        $criteria['showMechanism'] = $this->getSanParam('showMechanism');
        $criteria['showTopic'] = $this->getSanParam('showTopic');
        $criteria['showLevel'] = $this->getSanParam('showLevel');
        $criteria['showPepfar'] = $this->getSanParam('showPepfar');
        $criteria['showMethod'] = $this->getSanParam('showMethod');
        $criteria['showFunding'] = $this->getSanParam('showFunding');
        $criteria['showTOT'] = $this->getSanParam('showTOT');
        $criteria['showRefresher'] = $this->getSanParam('showRefresher');
        $criteria['showGotCurric'] = $this->getSanParam('showGotCurric');
        $criteria['showGotComment'] = $this->getSanParam('showGotComment');
        $criteria['showLang1'] = $this->getSanParam('showLang1');
        $criteria['showLang2'] = $this->getSanParam('showLang2');
        $criteria['showCustom1'] = $this->getSanParam('showCustom1');
        $criteria['showCustom2'] = $this->getSanParam('showCustom2');
        $criteria['showCustom3'] = $this->getSanParam('showCustom3');
        $criteria['showCustom4'] = $this->getSanParam('showCustom4');
        $criteria['showCustom5'] = $this->getSanParam('showCustom5');
        $criteria['showProvince'] = $this->getSanParam('showProvince');
        $criteria['showDistrict'] = $this->getSanParam('showDistrict');
        $criteria['showRegionC'] = $this->getSanParam('showRegionC');
        $criteria['showRegionD'] = $this->getSanParam('showRegionD');
        $criteria['showRegionE'] = $this->getSanParam('showRegionE');
        $criteria['showRegionF'] = $this->getSanParam('showRegionF');
        $criteria['showRegionG'] = $this->getSanParam('showRegionG');
        $criteria['showRegionH'] = $this->getSanParam('showRegionH');
        $criteria['showRegionI'] = $this->getSanParam('showRegionI');
        $criteria['evaluation_id'] = $this->getSanParam('evaluation_id');
        $criteria['trainer_id'] = $this->getSanParam('trainer_id');
        $criteria['training_category_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_category_id');
        $criteria['training_title_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_title_id');
        $criteria['training_location_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_location_id');
        $criteria['training_organizer_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_organizer_id');
        $criteria['training_mechanism_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_mechanism_id');
        $criteria['training_topic_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_topic_id');
        $criteria['training_level_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_level_id');
        $criteria['training_pepfar_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_pepfar_id');
        $criteria['training_method_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_method_id');
        $criteria['training_funding_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_funding_id');
        $criteria['training_tot_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_tot_id');
        $criteria['training_refresher_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_refresher_id');
        $criteria['training_got_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_got_id');
        $criteria['training_gotcomment_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_gotcomment_id');
        $criteria['training_lang1_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_lang1_id');
        $criteria['training_lang2_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_lang2_id');
        $criteria['training_custom1_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_custom1_id');
        $criteria['training_custom2_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_custom2_id');
        $criteria['training_custom3_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_custom3_id');
        $criteria['training_custom4_id'] = $this->getSanParam('training_custom4_id');
        $criteria['province_id'] = $this->getSanParam('province_id');
        $criteria['district_id'] = $this->getSanParam('district_id');
        $criteria['region_c_id'] = $this->getSanParam('region_c_id');
        $criteria['region_d_id'] = $this->getSanParam('region_d_id');
        $criteria['region_e_id'] = $this->getSanParam('region_e_id');
        $criteria['region_f_id'] = $this->getSanParam('region_f_id');
        $criteria['region_g_id'] = $this->getSanParam('region_g_id');
        $criteria['region_h_id'] = $this->getSanParam('region_h_id');
        $criteria['region_i_id'] = $this->getSanParam('region_i_id');
        $criteria['startdate'] = $this->getSanParam('startdate');
        $criteria['enddate'] = $this->getSanParam('enddate');
        $criteria['has_response'] = $this->getSanParam('has_response');
        $criteria['limit'] = $this->getSanParam('limit');
        $criteria['go'] = $this->getSanParam('go');
        if ($criteria['go']) {
            // fields
            $sql = 'SELECT pt.id as "id", ptc.pcnt, pt.training_start_date, pt.training_end_date, pt.has_known_participants  ';
            // training fields
            $sql .= ',title, trainer_person_id, first_name, last_name, question_text, question_type, weight, value_text, value_int';
            // evaluation fields
            if ($criteria['showRegionI']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.region_i_name ';
            if ($criteria['showRegionH']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.region_h_name ';
            if ($criteria['showRegionG']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.region_g_name ';
            if ($criteria['showRegionF']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.region_f_name ';
            if ($criteria['showRegionE']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.region_e_name ';
            if ($criteria['showRegionD']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.region_d_name ';
            if ($criteria['showRegionC']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.region_c_name ';
            if ($criteria['showDistrict']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.district_name ';
            if ($criteria['showProvince']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.province_name ';
            if ($criteria['showLocation']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.training_location_name ';
            if ($criteria['showOrganizer']) {
                $sql .= ', torg.training_organizer_phrase as training_organizer_phrase ';
            if ($criteria['showMechanism'] && $this->setting('display_training_partner')) {
                $sql .= ', organizer_partners.mechanism_id ';
            if ($criteria['showLevel']) {
                $sql .= ', tlev.training_level_phrase ';
            if ($criteria['showCategory']) {
                $sql .= ', tcat.training_category_phrase ';
            if ($criteria['showTitle']) {
                $sql .= ', training_title ';
            if ($criteria['showPepfar'] || $criteria['training_pepfar_id'] || $criteria['training_pepfar_id'] === '0') {
                $sql .= ', GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tpep.pepfar_category_phrase) as "pepfar_category_phrase" ';
            if ($criteria['showMethod']) {
                $sql .= ', tmeth.training_method_phrase ';
            if ($criteria['showTopic']) {
                $sql .= ', GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ttopic.training_topic_phrase ORDER BY training_topic_phrase) AS "training_topic_phrase" ';
            if ($criteria['showTOT']) {
                $sql .= ", IF(is_tot,'" . t('Yes') . "','" . t('No') . "') AS is_tot";
            if ($criteria['showRefresher']) {
                $sql .= ", IF(is_refresher,'" . t('Yes') . "','" . t('No') . "') AS is_refresher";
            if ($criteria['showLang2']) {
                $sql .= ', tlos.language_phrase as "secondary_language_phrase" ';
            if ($criteria['showLang1']) {
                $sql .= ', tlop.language_phrase as "primary_language_phrase" ';
            if ($criteria['showGotComment']) {
                $sql .= ", pt.got_comments";
            if ($criteria['showGotCurric']) {
                $sql .= ', tgotc.training_got_curriculum_phrase ';
            if ($criteria['showFunding']) {
                $sql .= ', GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tfund.funding_phrase ORDER BY funding_phrase) as "funding_phrase" ';
            if ($criteria['showCustom1']) {
                $sql .= ', tqc.custom1_phrase ';
            if ($criteria['showCustom2']) {
                $sql .= ', tqc.custom2_phrase ';
            if ($criteria['showCustom3']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.custom_3';
            if ($criteria['showCustom4']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.custom_4';
            if ($criteria['showCustom5']) {
                $sql .= ', pt.custom_5';
            list($dontcare, $location_tier, $location_id) = $this->getLocationCriteriaValues($criteria);
            $num_location_tiers = $this->setting('num_location_tiers');
            list($field_name, $location_sub_query) = Location::subquery($num_location_tiers, $location_tier, $location_id, true);
            $sql .= ' FROM (SELECT training.*, tto.training_title_phrase AS training_title,training_location.training_location_name, ' . implode(',', $field_name) . '       FROM training  ' . '         LEFT JOIN training_title_option tto ON (`training`.training_title_option_id = tto.id) ' . '         LEFT JOIN training_location ON training.training_location_id = training_location.id ' . '         LEFT JOIN (' . $location_sub_query . ') as l ON training_location.location_id = l.id ' . '  WHERE training.is_deleted=0) as pt ';
            $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN (SELECT COUNT(id) as "pcnt",training_id FROM person_to_training GROUP BY training_id) as ptc ON ptc.training_id = pt.id ';
            // joins
            if ($criteria['trainer_id']) {
                $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN training_to_trainer as t2t ON (t2t.training_id = pt.id AND t2t.trainer_id = ' . $criteria['trainer_id'] . ')';
            if ($criteria['showOrganizer'] or $criteria['training_organizer_id'] || $criteria['showMechanism'] || $criteria['training_mechanism_id']) {
                $sql .= ' JOIN training_organizer_option as torg ON torg.id = pt.training_organizer_option_id ';
            if ($criteria['showMechanism'] || $criteria['training_mechanism_id'] && @$this->setting('display_training_partner')) {
                $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN organizer_partners ON organizer_partners.organizer_id = torg.id';
            if ($criteria['showLevel'] || $criteria['training_level_id']) {
                $sql .= ' JOIN training_level_option as tlev ON tlev.id = pt.training_level_option_id ';
            if ($criteria['showMethod'] || $criteria['training_method_id']) {
                $sql .= ' JOIN training_method_option as tmeth ON tmeth.id = pt.training_method_option_id ';
            if ($criteria['showPepfar'] || $criteria['training_pepfar_id'] || $criteria['training_pepfar_id'] === '0') {
                $sql .= '	LEFT JOIN (SELECT training_id, ttpco.training_pepfar_categories_option_id, pepfar_category_phrase FROM training_to_training_pepfar_categories_option as ttpco JOIN training_pepfar_categories_option as tpco ON ttpco.training_pepfar_categories_option_id = tpco.id) as tpep ON tpep.training_id = pt.id ';
            if ($criteria['showTopic'] || $criteria['training_topic_id']) {
                $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN (SELECT training_id, ttto.training_topic_option_id, training_topic_phrase FROM training_to_training_topic_option as ttto JOIN training_topic_option as tto ON ttto.training_topic_option_id = tto.id) as ttopic ON ttopic.training_id = pt.id ';
            if ($criteria['showLang1'] || $criteria['training_lang1_id']) {
                $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN trainer_language_option as tlop ON tlop.id = pt.training_primary_language_option_id ';
            if ($criteria['showLang2'] || $criteria['training_lang2_id']) {
                $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN trainer_language_option as tlos ON tlos.id = pt.training_secondary_language_option_id ';
            if ($criteria['showFunding'] || (intval($criteria['funding_min']) or intval($criteria['funding_max']))) {
                $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN (SELECT training_id, ttfo.training_funding_option_id, funding_phrase, ttfo.funding_amount FROM training_to_training_funding_option as ttfo JOIN training_funding_option as tfo ON ttfo.training_funding_option_id = tfo.id) as tfund ON tfund.training_id = pt.id ';
            if ($criteria['showGotCurric'] || $criteria['training_got_id']) {
                $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN training_got_curriculum_option as tgotc ON tgotc.id = pt.training_got_curriculum_option_id';
            if ($criteria['showCategory'] or !empty($criteria['training_category_id'])) {
                $sql .= 'LEFT JOIN training_category_option_to_training_title_option tcotto ON (tcotto.training_title_option_id = pt.training_title_option_id)
					 LEFT JOIN training_category_option tcat ON (tcotto.training_category_option_id = tcat.id)';
            if ($criteria['showCustom1'] || $criteria['training_custom1_id']) {
                $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN training_custom_1_option as tqc ON pt.training_custom_1_option_id = tqc.id  ';
            if ($criteria['showCustom2'] || $criteria['training_custom2_id']) {
                $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN training_custom_2_option as tqc2 ON pt.training_custom_2_option_id = tqc2.id  ';
            #if ( $criteria['showCustom3'] || $criteria ['custom_3_id'] )
            #todo$sql .= ' LEFT JOIN training_custom_3_option as custom_3 ON pt.training_custom_3_option_id = tqc3.id  ';
            #if ( $criteria['showCustom4'] || $criteria ['custom_4_id'] )
            #todo$sql .= ' LEFT JOIN training_custom_4_option as custom_4 ON pt.training_custom_4_option_id = tqc4.id  ';
            $sql .= ' RIGHT JOIN evaluation_to_training ON pt.id = evaluation_to_training.training_id
					  RIGHT JOIN evaluation 	        ON evaluation_id = evaluation.id
					  RIGHT JOIN evaluation_response    ON evaluation_to_training.id = evaluation_response.evaluation_to_training_id
					  RIGHT JOIN evaluation_question    ON evaluation.id = evaluation_question.evaluation_id
					  RIGHT JOIN evaluation_question_response ON evaluation_response.id = evaluation_question_response.evaluation_response_id AND evaluation_question.id = evaluation_question_response.evaluation_question_id
					  LEFT JOIN person ON trainer_person_id = person.id ';
            // where
            $where = array(' pt.is_deleted=0 ');
            // restricted access?? only show trainings we have the ACL to view
            require_once 'views/helpers/TrainingViewHelper.php';
            $org_allowed_ids = allowed_organizer_access($this);
            if ($org_allowed_ids) {
                // doesnt have acl 'training_organizer_option_all'
                $org_allowed_ids = implode(',', $org_allowed_ids);
                $where[] = " pt.training_organizer_option_id in ({$org_allowed_ids}) ";
            // restricted access?? only show organizers that belong to this site if its a multi org site
            $site_orgs = allowed_organizer_in_this_site($this);
            // for sites to host multiple training organizers on one domain
            if ($site_orgs) {
                $where[] = " training_organizer_option_id in ({$site_orgs}) ";
            if ($criteria['training_participants_type']) {
                if ($criteria['training_participants_type'] == 'has_known_participants') {
                    $where[] = ' pt.has_known_participants = 1 ';
                if ($criteria['training_participants_type'] == 'has_unknown_participants') {
                    $where[] = ' pt.has_known_participants = 0 ';
            if ($criteria['evaluation_id']) {
                $where[] = ' evaluation.id = ' . $criteria['evaluation_id'];
            if ($criteria['trainer_id']) {
                $where[] = ' trainer_person_id = ' . $criteria['trainer_id'];
            if ($criteria['training_location_id']) {
                $where[] = ' pt.training_location_id = \'' . $criteria['training_location_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_title_id'] or $criteria['training_title_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' pt.training_title_option_id = ' . $criteria['training_title_id'];
            if ($criteria['training_organizer_id'] or $criteria['training_organizer_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' pt.training_organizer_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_organizer_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_mechanism_id'] or $criteria['training_mechanism_id'] === '0' && $this->setting('display_training_partner')) {
                $where[] = ' organizer_partners.mechanism_id = \'' . $criteria['training_mechanism_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_topic_id'] or $criteria['training_topic_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' ttopic.training_topic_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_topic_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_level_id']) {
                $where[] = ' pt.training_level_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_level_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_pepfar_id'] or $criteria['training_pepfar_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' tpep.training_pepfar_categories_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_pepfar_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_method_id'] or $criteria['training_method_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' tmeth.id = \'' . $criteria['training_method_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_lang1_id'] or $criteria['training_lang1_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' pt.training_primary_language_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_lang1_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_lang2_id'] or $criteria['training_lang2_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' pt.training_secondary_language_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_lang2_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['startdate']) {
                $parts = explode('/', $criteria['startdate']);
                $reformattedDate = implode('/', array(@$parts[1], @$parts[0], @$parts[2]));
                // swap month and date (reverse them)
                $startDate = @date('Y-m-d', @strtotime($reformattedDate));
                $parts2 = explode('/', $criteria['enddate']);
                $reformattedDate = implode('/', array(@$parts2[1], @$parts2[0], @$parts2[2]));
                // swap month and date (reverse them)
                $endDate = @date('Y-m-d', @strtotime($reformattedDate));
                if (!empty($startDate) && !empty($endDate)) {
                    $where[] = ' training_start_date >= \'' . $startDate . '\'  AND training_start_date <= \'' . $endDate . '\'  ';
            if (intval($criteria['is_tot'])) {
                $where[] = ' is_tot = ' . $criteria['is_tot'];
            // not used
            if ($criteria['training_funding_id'] or $criteria['training_funding_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' tfund.training_funding_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_funding_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_category_id'] or $criteria['training_category_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' tcat.id = \'' . $criteria['training_category_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_got_id'] or $criteria['training_got_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' tgotc.id = \'' . $criteria['training_got_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_custom1_id'] or $criteria['training_custom1_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' pt.training_custom_1_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_custom1_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_custom2_id'] or $criteria['training_custom2_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' pt.training_custom_2_option_id = \'' . $criteria['training_custom2_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_custom3_id'] or $criteria['training_custom3_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' pt.custom_3 = \'' . $criteria['training_custom3_id'] . '\'';
            if ($criteria['training_custom4_id'] or $criteria['training_custom4_id'] === '0') {
                $where[] = ' pt.custom_4 = \'' . $criteria['training_custom4_id'] . '\'';
            $where[] = ' evaluation.is_deleted = 0';
            $where[] = ' evaluation_response.is_deleted = 0';
            $where[] = ' evaluation_question.is_deleted = 0';
            $where[] = ' evaluation_question_response.is_deleted = 0';
            if ($criteria['has_response']) {
                $where[] = ' evaluation_response.evaluation_to_training_id IS NOT NULL ';
            // finish
            if ($where) {
                $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
            $sql .= ' GROUP BY evaluation_question_response.id';
            $rowArray = $db->fetchAll($sql);
            // end training lookup
            // output csv if necessary
            if ($this->_getParam('outputType')) {
                $this->sendData($this->reportHeaders(false, $rowArray));
        // values for the view
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('results', $rowArray);
        $this->view->assign('count', count($rowArray));
        $this->view->assign('criteria', $criteria);
        //evaluations drop down
        $evaluationsArray = OptionList::suggestionList('evaluation', 'title', false, false, false);
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('evaluations', $evaluationsArray);
        $trainersArray = $db->fetchAll('select p.id,p.first_name,p.middle_name,p.last_name from trainer left join person p on p.id = person_id order by p.first_name asc');
        foreach ($trainersArray as $i => $row) {
            $trainersArray[$i]['fullname'] = $this->setting('display_middle_name_last') ? $row['first_name'] . ' ' . $row['last_name'] . ' ' . $row['middle_name'] : $row['first_name'] . ' ' . $row['middle_name'] . ' ' . $row['last_name'];
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('trainers', $trainersArray);
        $locations = Location::getAll();
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('locations', $locations);
        $courseArray = TrainingTitleOption::suggestionList(false, 10000);
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('courses', $courseArray);
        //location drop-down
        $tlocations = TrainingLocation::selectAllLocations($this->setting('num_location_tiers'));
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('tlocations', $tlocations);
        $organizersArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_organizer_option', 'training_organizer_phrase', false, false, false);
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('organizers', $organizersArray);
        $topicsArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_topic_option', 'training_topic_phrase', false, false, false);
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('topics', $topicsArray);
        $levelArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_level_option', 'training_level_phrase', false, false);
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('levels', $levelArray);
        $organizersArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_pepfar_categories_option', 'pepfar_category_phrase', false, false, false);
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('pepfars', $organizersArray);
        if ($this->setting('multi_opt_refresher_course')) {
            $refresherArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_refresher_option', 'refresher_phrase_option', false, false, false);
            $this->viewAssignEscaped('refresher', $refresherArray);
        $fundingArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_funding_option', 'funding_phrase', false, false, false);
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('funding', $fundingArray);
        $categoryArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_category_option', 'training_category_phrase', false, false, false);
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('category', $categoryArray);
        //primary language
        $langArray = OptionList::suggestionList('trainer_language_option', 'language_phrase', false, false, false);
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('language', $langArray);
        $categoryTitle = MultiAssignList::getOptions('training_title_option', 'training_title_phrase', 'training_category_option_to_training_title_option', 'training_category_option');
        $this->view->assign('categoryTitle', $categoryTitle);
        //training methods
        $methodTitle = OptionList::suggestionList('training_method_option', 'training_method_phrase', false, false, false);
        $this->view->assign('methods', $methodTitle);
        //got curric
        $gotCuriccArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_got_curriculum_option', 'training_got_curriculum_phrase', false, false, false);
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('gotcurric', $gotCuriccArray);
        //mechanism (organizer_partners table)
        $mechanismArray = array();
        if ($this->setting('display_training_partner')) {
            $mechanismArray = OptionList::suggestionList('organizer_partners', 'mechanism_id', false, false, false, "mechanism_id != ''");
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('mechanisms', $mechanismArray);
        $customArray = OptionList::suggestionList('training_custom_1_option', 'custom1_phrase', false, false, false);
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('custom1', $customArray);
        $customArray2 = OptionList::suggestionList('training_custom_2_option', 'custom2_phrase', false, false, false);
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('custom2', $customArray2);
        $customArray3 = OptionList::suggestionList('training', 'custom_3', false, false, false, "custom_3 != ''");
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('custom3', $customArray3);
        $customArray4 = OptionList::suggestionList('training', 'custom_4', false, false, false, "custom_4 != ''");
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('custom4', $customArray4);
        $customArray5 = OptionList::suggestionList('training', 'custom_5', false, false, false, "custom_5 != ''");
        $this->viewAssignEscaped('custom5', $customArray5);
        #$createdByArray = $db->fetchAll("select id,CONCAT(first_name, CONCAT(' ', last_name)) as name from user where is_blocked = 0");
        #$this->viewAssignEscaped ( 'createdBy', $createdByArray );
        #// find category based on title
        #$catId = NULL;
        #if ($criteria ['training_category_id']) {
        #	foreach ( $categoryTitle as $r ) {
        #		if ($r ['id'] == $criteria ['training_category_id']) {
        #			$catId = $r ['training_category_option_id'];
        #			break;
        #		}
        #	}
        #$this->view->assign ( 'catId', $catId );
コード例 #6
  * Import a training location
 public function importLocationAction()
     $this->view->assign('pageTitle', t('Import a training location'));
     require_once 'models/table/Location.php';
     require_once 'models/table/TrainingLocation.php';
     // template redirect
     if ($this->getSanParam('download')) {
         return $this->importLocationTemplateAction();
     if (!$this->hasACL('import_training_location')) {
     //CSV STUFF
     $filename = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'];
     if ($filename) {
         $trainingLocationObj = new TrainingLocation();
         $errs = array();
         while ($row = $this->_csv_get_row($filename)) {
             $values = array();
             if (!is_array($row)) {
             // sanity?
             if (!isset($cols)) {
                 // set headers (field names)
                 $cols = $row;
                 // first row is headers (field names)
             $countValidFields = 0;
             if (!empty($row)) {
                 // add
                 foreach ($row as $i => $v) {
                     // proccess each column
                     if (empty($v) && $v !== '0') {
                     if ($v == 'n/a') {
                         // has to be able to process values from a data export
                         $v = NULL;
                     $delimiter = strpos($v, ',');
                     // is this field a comma seperated list too (or array)?
                     if ($delimiter && $v[$delimiter - 1] != '\\') {
                         // handle arrays as field values(Export), and comma seperated values(import manual entry), and strings or int
                         $values[$cols[$i]] = explode(',', $this->sanitize($v));
                     } else {
                         $values[$cols[$i]] = $this->sanitize($v);
             // done now all fields are named and in $values['my_field']
             if ($countValidFields) {
                 if (isset($values['uuid'])) {
                 if (isset($values['id'])) {
                 if (isset($values['is_deleted'])) {
                 if (isset($values['created_by'])) {
                 if (isset($values['modified_by'])) {
                 if (isset($values['timestamp_created'])) {
                 if (isset($values['timestamp_updated'])) {
                 if (empty($values['training_location_name'])) {
                     $errs[] = t('Error adding training location, training location name cannot be empty.');
                 $num_location_tiers = $this->setting('num_location_tiers');
                 $bSuccess = true;
                 $location_id = null;
                 if ($values['location_id']) {
                     $location_id = $values['location_id'];
                 $tier = 1;
                 if (!$location_id) {
                     for ($i = 0; $i <= $num_location_tiers; $i++) {
                         // insert/find locations
                         $r = 1 + $i;
                         // first location field in csv row // could use this too: $values[t('Region A (Province)')]
                         if (empty($row[$r]) || $bSuccess == false) {
                         $location_id = Location::insertIfNotFound($row[$r], $location_id, $tier);
                         if (!$location_id) {
                             $bSuccess = false;
                 if (!$bSuccess || !$location_id) {
                     $errs[] = t('Error locating/creating region or city:') . ' ' . $row[$r] . ' ' . t('Training Location') . ': ' . $values['training_location_name'];
                     // couldnt save location
                 $values['location_id'] = $location_id;
                 $dupe = new TrainingLocation();
                 $select = $dupe->select()->where('location_id =' . $location_id . ' and training_location_name = "' . $values['training_location_name'] . '"');
                 if ($dupe->fetchRow($select)) {
                     $errs[] = t('The training location could not be saved. A training location with this name already exists in that location.') . ' ' . t('training location') . ': ' . $values['training_location_name'];
                     $bSuccess = false;
                 if (!$bSuccess) {
                 try {
                     $tableObj = $trainingLocationObj->createRow();
                     $tableObj->training_location_name = $values['training_location_name'];
                     $tableObj->location_id = $location_id;
                     $row_id = $tableObj->save();
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $errored = 1;
                     $errs[] = nl2br($e->getMessage()) . ' ' . t('ERROR: The training location could not be saved.');
                 if (!$row_id) {
                     $errored = 1;
                 //sucess - done
         // done processing rows
         $_POST['redirect'] = null;
         $status = ValidationContainer::instance();
         if (empty($errored) && empty($errs)) {
             $stat = t('Your changes have been saved.');
         } else {
             $stat = t('Error importing data. Some data may have been imported and some may not have.');
         foreach ($errs as $errmsg) {
             $stat .= '<br>' . 'Error: ' . htmlspecialchars($errmsg, ENT_QUOTES);
         $this->view->assign('status', $status);
     // done with import