コード例 #1
ファイル: puzzle.php プロジェクト: hkhojasteh/Topi-Lib

require '../topi.lib.min';
// Create panel
$panel = new \TopiLib\TopiPanel('png', 9, 100, 170, 190);
$panel->createBlank(500, 500);
// Add image to panel
$img = new \TopiLib\TopiImage(dirname(__FILE__) . './p1.png', 'png');
$img->startX = 91;
$img->startY = 301;
$img = new \TopiLib\TopiImage(dirname(__FILE__) . './p2.png', 'png');
$img->startX = 90;
$img->startY = 178;
$img = new \TopiLib\TopiImage(dirname(__FILE__) . './p3.png', 'png');
$img->startX = 90;
$img->startY = 95;
$img = new \TopiLib\TopiImage(dirname(__FILE__) . './p4.png', 'png');
$img->startX = 195;
$img->startY = 98;
$img = new \TopiLib\TopiImage(dirname(__FILE__) . './p5.png', 'png');
$img->startX = 170;
$img->startY = 200;
$img = new \TopiLib\TopiImage(dirname(__FILE__) . './p6.png', 'png');
$img->startX = 200;
$img->startY = 282;
コード例 #2
ファイル: captcha.php プロジェクト: hkhojasteh/Topi-Lib
 $captcha_config = unserialize($_SESSION['_CAPTCHA']['config']);
 if (!$captcha_config) {
 // Use milliseconds instead of seconds
 srand(microtime() * 100);
 require '../topi.lib.min';
 // Create panel
 $panel = new \TopiLib\TopiPanel('jpeg', 60, 255, 255, 255);
 $panel->txtLMagicMagnet = true;
 $panel->txtTMagicMagnet = true;
 $panel->txtRMagicMagnet = true;
 $panel->txtBMagicMagnet = true;
 $panel->txtLMagicMagnetTol = 10;
 $panel->createBlank(300, 200);
 // Pick random background, get info, and start captcha
 $background = $captcha_config['backgrounds'][rand(0, count($captcha_config['backgrounds']) - 1)];
 $image = new \TopiLib\TopiImage($background, 'png');
 $image->position = 'tile';
 // Determine text angle
 $angle = rand($captcha_config['angle_min'], $captcha_config['angle_max']) * (rand(0, 1) == 1 ? -1 : 1);
 // Select font randomly
 $font = $captcha_config['fonts'][rand(0, count($captcha_config['fonts']) - 1)];
 // Verify font file exists
 if (!file_exists($font)) {
     throw new Exception('Font file not found: ' . $font);
 //Set the font size.
 $font_size = rand($captcha_config['min_font_size'], $captcha_config['max_font_size']);
コード例 #3
ファイル: logo.php プロジェクト: hkhojasteh/Topi-Lib

require '../topi.lib.min';
// Create panel
$panel = new \TopiLib\TopiPanel('png', 9, 0, 204, 255);
$panel->createBlank(350, 900);
$panel->txtBMagicMagnet = true;
// Add image to panel
$img = new \TopiLib\TopiImage(dirname(__FILE__) . './logo.png', 'png');
$img->startX = 20;
$img->startY = 50;
// Add styled text to panel
$txt = new \TopiLib\TopiText('../font.ttf', 'Logo Sample - Topi Lib - version 1.3.1', 3, 43, 12, 36);
$txt->align = 'center';
$txt->startY = 600;
$txt = new \TopiLib\TopiText('../font.ttf', 'Topi Lib', 1, 8, 36, 72);
$txt->startX = 60;
$txt->startY = 490;
$txt = new \TopiLib\TopiText('../font.ttf', 'Find Topi on Github or hadiabdikhojasteh.ir', 2, 20, 16, 20);
$txt->align = 'left';
$txt->startY = 572;
// Render image