コード例 #1
 public function applyOnlyTools()
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     // We start by cleaning up the database
     $this->conn->query("DELETE FROM `errorfiles` WHERE `project`='%s'", array($am->project));
     // We start by all translation
     // We select files how have revision=en_revision for this lang
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM files WHERE `project`="%s" AND `lang`!="%s" AND `revision`=`en_revision`';
     $params = array($am->project, 'en');
     $r = $this->conn->query($query, $params);
     while ($a = $r->fetch_object()) {
         $error = new ToolsError();
         $fileEN = new File('en', $a->path . $a->name);
         $ENContent = $fileEN->read(true);
         $fileLANG = new File($a->lang, $a->path . $a->name);
         $LANGContent = $fileLANG->read(true);
         $error->setParams($ENContent, $LANGContent, $a->lang, $a->path, $a->name, '');
     //.... and now, EN files
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM files WHERE `project`="%s" AND `lang`="%s"';
     $params = array($am->project, 'en');
     $r = $this->conn->query($query, $params);
     while ($a = $r->fetch_object()) {
         $error = new ToolsError();
         $fileEN = new File('en', $a->path . $a->name);
         $ENContent = $fileEN->read(true);
         $error->setParams($ENContent, '', $a->lang, $a->path, $a->name, '');
コード例 #2

require_once "./php/AccountManager.php";
require_once "./php/ToolsError.php";
$am = AccountManager::getInstance();
if (isset($_GET['dir']) && isset($_GET['file'])) {
    // We retrieve all this error from DB to display the value.
    $errorTools = new ToolsError();
    $errorTools->setParams('', '', $am->vcsLang, $_GET['dir'], $_GET['file'], '');
    $error_to_display = $errorTools->getInfo();
    if (empty($error_to_display)) {
        // We fake an empty error
        $error_to_display['-No error-']['error'][0]['value_en'] = '-';
        $error_to_display['-No error-']['error'][0]['value_lang'] = '-';
    $fileLibel = $_GET['dir'] . $_GET['file'];
} else {
    $error_to_display = array();
    $fileLibel = NULL;
<style type="text/css">

.member-table {
    font-size: 13px;
    color: #222222;
    font-family: Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
    margin: 10px;
コード例 #3
  * Check if a file have an error according to ToolsError's class.
 public function checkFileError()
     if (!AccountManager::getInstance()->isLogged()) {
         return JsonResponseBuilder::failure();
     $FilePath = $this->getRequestVariable('FilePath');
     $FileName = $this->getRequestVariable('FileName');
     $FileLang = $this->getRequestVariable('FileLang');
     // Remove \
     $FileContent = stripslashes($this->getRequestVariable('FileContent'));
     // Replace &nbsp; by space
     $FileContent = str_replace("&nbsp;", "", $FileContent);
     $file = new File($FileLang, $FilePath . $FileName);
     // Detect encoding
     $charset = $file->getEncoding($FileContent);
     // If the new charset is set to utf-8, we don't need to decode it
     if ($charset != 'utf-8') {
         // Utf8_decode
         $FileContent = utf8_decode($FileContent);
     // Get EN content to check error with
     $en_file = new File('en', $FilePath . $FileName);
     $readOriginal = true;
     $en_content = $en_file->read($readOriginal);
     // Update DB with this new Error (if any)
     $info = $file->getInfo($FileContent);
     $anode[0] = array('lang' => $FileLang, 'path' => $FilePath, 'name' => $FileName, 'en_content' => $en_content, 'lang_content' => $FileContent, 'maintainer' => $info['maintainer']);
     $errorTools = new ToolsError();
     $r = $errorTools->updateFilesError($anode, 'nocommit');
     return JsonResponseBuilder::success(array('error' => $r['state'], 'error_first' => $r['first']));