コード例 #1
 public function ajaxProcessBackupDb()
     if (!$this->getConfig('PS_AUTOUP_BACKUP')) {
         $this->stepDone = true;
         $this->nextParams['dbStep'] = 0;
         $this->next_desc = sprintf($this->l('Database backup skipped. Now upgrading files...'), $this->backupName);
         $this->next = 'upgradeFiles';
         return true;
     $relative_backup_path = str_replace(_PS_ROOT_DIR_, '', $this->backupPath);
     $report = '';
     if (!ConfigurationTest::test_dir($relative_backup_path, false, $report)) {
         $this->next_desc = $this->l('Backup directory is not writable ');
         $this->nextQuickInfo[] = 'Backup directory is not writable ';
         $this->nextErrors[] = 'Backup directory is not writable "' . $this->backupPath . '"';
         $this->next = 'error';
         $this->error = 1;
         return false;
     $this->stepDone = false;
     $this->next = 'backupDb';
     $this->nextParams = $this->currentParams;
     $start_time = time();
     $psBackupAll = true;
     $psBackupDropTable = true;
     if (!$psBackupAll) {
         $ignore_stats_table = array(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'connections', _DB_PREFIX_ . 'connections_page', _DB_PREFIX_ . 'connections_source', _DB_PREFIX_ . 'guest', _DB_PREFIX_ . 'statssearch');
     } else {
         $ignore_stats_table = array();
     // INIT LOOP
     if (!file_exists($this->autoupgradePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->toBackupDbList)) {
         if (!is_dir($this->backupPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->backupName)) {
             mkdir($this->backupPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->backupName);
         $this->nextParams['dbStep'] = 0;
         $tablesToBackup = $this->db->executeS('SHOW TABLES LIKE "' . _DB_PREFIX_ . '%"', true, false);
         file_put_contents($this->autoupgradePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->toBackupDbList, base64_encode(serialize($tablesToBackup)));
     if (!isset($tablesToBackup)) {
         $tablesToBackup = unserialize(base64_decode(file_get_contents($this->autoupgradePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->toBackupDbList)));
     $found = 0;
     $views = '';
     $written = 0;
     do {
         if (!empty($this->nextParams['backup_table'])) {
             // only insert (schema already done)
             $table = $this->nextParams['backup_table'];
             $lines = $this->nextParams['backup_lines'];
         } else {
             if (count($tablesToBackup) == 0) {
             $table = current(array_shift($tablesToBackup));
             $this->nextParams['backup_loop_limit'] = 0;
         if ($written == 0 || $written > self::$max_written_allowed) {
             // increment dbStep will increment filename each time here
             // new file, new step
             $written = 0;
             if (isset($fp)) {
             $backupfile = $this->backupPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->backupName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->backupDbFilename;
             $backupfile = preg_replace("#_XXXXXX_#", '_' . str_pad($this->nextParams['dbStep'], 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '_', $backupfile);
             // start init file
             // Figure out what compression is available and open the file
             if (file_exists($backupfile)) {
                 $this->next = 'error';
                 $this->error = 1;
                 $this->nextErrors[] = sprintf($this->l('Backup file %s already exists. Operation aborted.'), $backupfile);
                 $this->nextQuickInfo[] = sprintf($this->l('Backup file %s already exists. Operation aborted.'), $backupfile);
             if (function_exists('bzopen')) {
                 $backupfile .= '.bz2';
                 $fp = bzopen($backupfile, 'w');
             } elseif (function_exists('gzopen')) {
                 $backupfile .= '.gz';
                 $fp = gzopen($backupfile, 'w');
             } else {
                 $fp = fopen($backupfile, 'w');
             if ($fp === false) {
                 $this->nextErrors[] = sprintf($this->l('Unable to create backup database file %s.'), addslashes($backupfile));
                 $this->nextQuickInfo[] = sprintf($this->l('Unable to create backup database file %s.'), addslashes($backupfile));
                 $this->next = 'error';
                 $this->error = 1;
                 $this->next_desc = $this->l('Error during database backup.');
                 return false;
             $written += fwrite($fp, '/* Backup ' . $this->nextParams['dbStep'] . ' for ' . Tools14::getHttpHost(false, false) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . "\n *  at " . date('r') . "\n */\n");
             $written += fwrite($fp, "\n" . 'SET SESSION sql_mode = \'\';' . "\n\n");
             $written += fwrite($fp, "\n" . 'SET NAMES \'utf8\';' . "\n\n");
             $written += fwrite($fp, "\n" . 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;' . "\n\n");
             // end init file
         // Skip tables which do not start with _DB_PREFIX_
         if (strlen($table) <= strlen(_DB_PREFIX_) || strncmp($table, _DB_PREFIX_, strlen(_DB_PREFIX_)) != 0) {
         // start schema : drop & create table only
         if (empty($this->currentParams['backup_table'])) {
             // Export the table schema
             $schema = $this->db->executeS('SHOW CREATE TABLE `' . $table . '`', true, false);
             if (count($schema) != 1 || !(isset($schema[0]['Table']) && isset($schema[0]['Create Table']) || isset($schema[0]['View']) && isset($schema[0]['Create View']))) {
                 if (file_exists($backupfile)) {
                 $this->nextErrors[] = sprintf($this->l('An error occurred while backing up. Unable to obtain the schema of %s'), $table);
                 $this->nextQuickInfo[] = sprintf($this->l('An error occurred while backing up. Unable to obtain the schema of %s'), $table);
                 $this->next = 'error';
                 $this->error = 1;
                 $this->next_desc = $this->l('Error during database backup.');
                 return false;
             // case view
             if (isset($schema[0]['View'])) {
                 $views .= '/* Scheme for view' . $schema[0]['View'] . " */\n";
                 if ($psBackupDropTable) {
                     // If some *upgrade* transform a table in a view, drop both just in case
                     $views .= 'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `' . $schema[0]['View'] . '`;' . "\n";
                     $views .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $schema[0]['View'] . '`;' . "\n";
                 $views .= preg_replace('#DEFINER=[^\\s]+\\s#', 'DEFINER=CURRENT_USER ', $schema[0]['Create View']) . ";\n\n";
                 $written += fwrite($fp, "\n" . $views);
                 $ignore_stats_table[] = $schema[0]['View'];
             } elseif (isset($schema[0]['Table'])) {
                 // Case common table
                 $written += fwrite($fp, '/* Scheme for table ' . $schema[0]['Table'] . " */\n");
                 if ($psBackupDropTable && !in_array($schema[0]['Table'], $ignore_stats_table)) {
                     // If some *upgrade* transform a table in a view, drop both just in case
                     $written += fwrite($fp, 'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `' . $schema[0]['Table'] . '`;' . "\n");
                     $written += fwrite($fp, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $schema[0]['Table'] . '`;' . "\n");
                     // CREATE TABLE
                     $written += fwrite($fp, $schema[0]['Create Table'] . ";\n\n");
                 // schema created, now we need to create the missing vars
                 $this->nextParams['backup_table'] = $table;
                 $lines = $this->nextParams['backup_lines'] = explode("\n", $schema[0]['Create Table']);
         // end of schema
         // POPULATE TABLE
         if (!in_array($table, $ignore_stats_table)) {
             do {
                 $backup_loop_limit = $this->nextParams['backup_loop_limit'];
                 $data = $this->db->executeS('SELECT * FROM `' . $table . '` LIMIT ' . (int) $backup_loop_limit . ',200', false, false);
                 $this->nextParams['backup_loop_limit'] += 200;
                 $sizeof = $this->db->numRows();
                 if ($data && $sizeof > 0) {
                     // Export the table data
                     $written += fwrite($fp, 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . "` VALUES\n");
                     $i = 1;
                     while ($row = $this->db->nextRow($data)) {
                         // this starts a row
                         $s = '(';
                         foreach ($row as $field => $value) {
                             $tmp = "'" . $this->db->escape($value, true) . "',";
                             if ($tmp != "'',") {
                                 $s .= $tmp;
                             } else {
                                 foreach ($lines as $line) {
                                     if (strpos($line, '`' . $field . '`') !== false) {
                                         if (preg_match('/(.*NOT NULL.*)/Ui', $line)) {
                                             $s .= "'',";
                                         } else {
                                             $s .= 'NULL,';
                         $s = rtrim($s, ',');
                         if ($i < $sizeof) {
                             $s .= "),\n";
                         } else {
                             $s .= ");\n";
                         $written += fwrite($fp, $s);
                     $time_elapsed = time() - $start_time;
                 } else {
             } while ($time_elapsed < self::$loopBackupDbTime && $written < self::$max_written_allowed);
         $time_elapsed = time() - $start_time;
         $this->nextQuickInfo[] = sprintf($this->l('%1$s table has been saved.'), $table);
     } while ($time_elapsed < self::$loopBackupDbTime && $written < self::$max_written_allowed);
     // end of loop
     if (isset($fp)) {
         $written += fwrite($fp, "\n" . 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;' . "\n\n");
     file_put_contents($this->autoupgradePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->toBackupDbList, base64_encode(serialize($tablesToBackup)));
     if (count($tablesToBackup) > 0) {
         $this->nextQuickInfo[] = sprintf($this->l('%1$s tables have been saved.'), $found);
         $this->next = 'backupDb';
         $this->stepDone = false;
         if (count($tablesToBackup)) {
             $this->next_desc = sprintf($this->l('Database backup: %s table(s) left...'), count($tablesToBackup));
             $this->nextQuickInfo[] = sprintf($this->l('Database backup: %s table(s) left...'), count($tablesToBackup));
         return true;
     if ($found == 0 && !empty($backupfile)) {
         if (file_exists($backupfile)) {
         $this->nextErrors[] = sprintf($this->l('No valid tables were found to back up. Backup of file %s canceled.'), $backupfile);
         $this->nextQuickInfo[] = sprintf($this->l('No valid tables were found to back up. Backup of file %s canceled.'), $backupfile);
         $this->error = 1;
         $this->next_desc = sprintf($this->l('Error during database backup for file %s.'), $backupfile);
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($found) {
             $this->nextQuickInfo[] = sprintf($this->l('%1$s tables have been saved.'), $found);
         $this->stepDone = true;
         // reset dbStep at the end of this step
         $this->nextParams['dbStep'] = 0;
         $this->next_desc = sprintf($this->l('Database backup done in filename %s. Now upgrading files...'), $this->backupName);
         $this->next = 'upgradeFiles';
         return true;