public static function city($ip) { $url = "{$ip}"; $data = ToolModel::getUrl($url); $object = json_decode($data); return $object->data->city; }
public function ad728Action() { //728*90 $this->_layout = "empty"; $jobsModel = new JobsModel(); $city = LocationModel::city(ToolModel::getRealIpAddr()); if ($city) { if (mb_substr($city, -1) == "市") { $city = mb_substr($city, 0, -1); } $jobs = $jobsModel->newJobsFromCity($city); if (!$jobs) { $jobs = $jobsModel->newJobs(); } else { if (count($jobs) == 1) { $addJobs = $jobsModel->newJobs(); shuffle($addJobs); $jobs = array_merge($jobs, $addJobs); $jobs = array_slice($jobs, 0, 2); } } } else { $jobs = $jobsModel->newJobs(); } shuffle($jobs); $this->_mainContent->assign("job1", $jobs[0]); $this->_mainContent->assign("job2", $jobs[1]); $this->display(); }
public function feedbackAction() { $data = $_POST["feedback"]; $data = ToolModel::getRealIpAddr() . "/" . $data . "/" . time(); $feedback = explode("/", $data); $db = new PlaygroundModel(); $sql = "INSERT INTO `playground_feedback` (`ip`,`uuid`,`foursquare`,`instagram`,`feedback`,`createtime`) VALUES('{$feedback['0']}','{$feedback['1']}','{$feedback['2']}','{$feedback['3']}','{$feedback['4']}','{$feedback['5']}');"; $db->run($sql); echo "done"; }
public function sitesearch($keyword) { $data = array(); $data["keyword"] = $keyword; $data["ip"] = ToolModel::getRealIpAddr(); $userModel = new UserModel(); $data["userid"] = $userModel->checklogin(); $data["time"] = time(); $this->select("sitesearch")->insert($data); }
function update() { $source["from"] = "拉勾网"; $source["url"] = ""; $sources[] = $source; foreach ($sources as $source) { $content = ToolModel::getUrl($source["url"]); $data = json_decode($content, true); foreach ($data["result"] as $job) { $job = $this->lagou2job($job); $this->select("jobs")->insert($job); } } }
public function search($q, $begin = 0, $size = 20) { $url = "http://" . SEARCHSERVER . ":9200/_search/?size={$size}&from={$begin}"; $json = '{ "query": { "multi_match": { "query": "' . $q . '", "fields": ["title","content","replysText","tags"] } }, "highlight" : { "fields" : { "content" : {"type" : "plain"}, "replysText" : {"type" : "plain"} } } }'; return ToolModel::postJSON($url, $json); }
public function nameAction() { $tag = urldecode($this->strVal(3)); $page = $this->intVal(4); if ($page == 0) { $page = 1; } $threadModel = new ThreadModel(); $threadCount = $threadModel->threadsCountByTag($tag); $threadPageSize = 40; $threads = $threadModel->threadsByTag($tag, $page, $threadPageSize); $pageControl = ToolModel::pageControl($page, $threadCount, $threadPageSize, "<a href='/tag/name/{$tag}/#page#/'>", 0); $object["threads"] = $threads; $object["pageControl"] = $pageControl; $content = $this->doTemplate("Module", "thread", $object); $this->_mainContent->assign("content", $content); $relatedTags = $threadModel->relatedTags($tag); $this->_mainContent->assign("relatedTags", $relatedTags); $this->_mainContent->assign("tag", $tag); $this->display(); }
public function qAction() { $q = urldecode($this->strVal(3)); $page = $this->intVal(4); if ($page == 0) { $page = 1; } $size = 10; $begin = ($page - 1) * $size; $searchModel = new SearchModel(); $ret = $searchModel->search($q, $begin, $size); $retArray = json_decode($ret, true); $count = $retArray["hits"]["total"]; $pageControl = ToolModel::pageControl($page, $count, $size, "<a href='/search/q/{$q}/#page#/'>"); $this->_mainContent->assign("pageControl", $pageControl); $this->_mainContent->assign("results", $retArray); $this->_mainContent->assign("search", $retArray); $this->_view->assign("search_q", $q); $this->_mainContent->assign("search_q", $q); $this->display(); //var_dump($retArray); }
private function saveAvatar() { $discuzPath = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); $uploaderModel = new UploaderModel(); $filename = $discuzPath . $_POST["fileurl"]; $image = ToolModel::createImageFromFile($filename); unlink($filename); $imagex = imagesx($image); $imagey = imagesy($image); $cx = $_POST["cx"] * $imagex / $_POST["iw"]; $cy = $_POST["cy"] * $imagey / $_POST["ih"]; $cw = $_POST["cw"] * $imagex / $_POST["iw"]; $ch = $_POST["ch"] * $imagey / $_POST["ih"]; $image1 = $uploaderModel->crop($image, $cx, $cy, $cw, $ch, 180, 180); $image2 = $uploaderModel->crop($image, $cx, $cy, $cw, $ch, 80, 80); $image3 = $uploaderModel->crop($image, $cx, $cy, $cw, $ch, 48, 48); $userModel = new UserModel(); $userid = $userModel->checklogin(); $avpath = DiscuzModel::get_avatar_path($userid, "big"); $path = dirname($avpath); ToolModel::makeDeepDir($path); imagejpeg($image1, $avpath, 85); $avpath = DiscuzModel::get_avatar_path($userid, "middle"); imagejpeg($image2, $avpath, 85); $avpath = DiscuzModel::get_avatar_path($userid, "small"); imagejpeg($image3, $avpath, 85); }
public function update($data) { $table = $this->_table; $where = $this->_where; if ($table == '') { return; } foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $nv = mysql_real_escape_string($v); $line[] = "`{$k}`='{$nv}'"; } $lines = join(',', $line); $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET {$lines} WHERE {$where}"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (!$result) { ToolModel::error_log("ERROR_IN_SQL_UPDATE {$sql}\r\n"); } }
public function threadsByTag($tag, $page, $pageSize) { $start = ($page - 1) * $pageSize; $countSql = "SELECT count(*) FROM `threads`\n LEFT JOIN `threadtags` ON `threads`.`id` = `threadtags`.`tid` \n WHERE `del` = 0 AND `tagname`='{$tag}'"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `threads`\n LEFT JOIN `threadtags` ON `threads`.`id` = `threadtags`.`tid` \n WHERE `del` = 0 AND `tagname`='{$tag}'\n ORDER BY `id` DESC \n limit {$start},{$pageSize};"; $result = $this->fetchArray($sql); $ret = array(); if (count($result) == 0) { return $ret; } foreach ($result as $item) { $item["createtime"] = ToolModel::countTime($item["createdate"]); $item["updatetime"] = ToolModel::countTime($item["updatedate"]); $item["image"] = DiscuzModel::get_avatar($item["createbyid"], "small"); $item["title"] = stripslashes($item["title"]); $item["tagArray"] = explode(",", $item["tags"]); $ret[] = $item; } return $ret; }
public static function youkuInsert($html) { if (ToolModel::is_iPhone()) { $width = "200"; $height = "200"; } else { $width = "510"; $height = "498"; } $html = preg_replace("/<a href=\"http:\\/\\/\\/v_show\\/id_(.*)?.html\">(.*)?<\\/a>/", "\\0<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><iframe width=\"{$width}\" height=\"{$height}\" src=\"\\1\" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen></iframe></div>", $html); return $html; }
public function money_records($userid) { $records = $this->select("money")->where("userid = {$userid}")->orderby("`updatetime` DESC")->fetchAll(); if (!$records) { return array(); } $newRecords = array(); foreach ($records as $money) { $money["time"] = ToolModel::countTime($money["updatetime"]); $newRecords[] = $money; } return $newRecords; }
public function feedbackAction() { $db = new PlaygroundModel(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `playground_feedback` order by `id` DESC;"; $ret = $db->fetchArray($sql); $feedbacks = array(); foreach ($ret as $line) { $line["feedback"] = urldecode($line["feedback"]); $line["feedback"] = ToolModel::toHtml($line["feedback"]); if ($line["createtime"] != 0) { $line["createtime"] = ToolModel::countTime($line["createtime"]); } else { $line["createtime"] = ""; } $feedbacks[] = $line; } $this->_mainContent->assign("feedbacks", $feedbacks); $this->display(); }
public function markApple($id, $apple, $mark = 1) { $sql = "UPDATE `newscenter_items` set `checked`=1,`apple`={$apple} WHERE `id` = {$id}; "; $this->run($sql); if ($mark != 1) { return; } $host = ""; ToolModel::getUrl("{$host}/api/amend/?id={$id}&isTarget={$apple}"); }
public function saveComment() { $data["newsid"] = $_POST["newsid"]; if (empty($_POST["nonamecheck"])) { $data["hidename"] = 0; } else { $data["hidename"] = 1; } $data["content"] = $_POST["content"]; $data["posterid"] = $_POST["posterid"]; $data["poster"] = $_POST["poster"]; if ($data["posterid"] > 0 && $data["hidename"] == 0) { $data["poster"] = $this->usernameById($data["posterid"]); } $data["createtime"] = time(); $data["ip"] = ToolModel::getRealIpAddr(); $data["useragent"] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $data["referrer"] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $id = $this->select("cocoacms_comments")->insert($data); $akismet = new Akismet(); $comment = $data; $comment["id"] = $id; $data = array('blog' => '', 'user_ip' => $comment["ip"], 'user_agent' => $comment["useragent"], 'referrer' => $comment["referrer"], 'permalink' => "{$comment['newsid']}", 'comment_type' => 'comment', 'comment_author' => $comment["poster"], 'comment_author_email' => '', 'comment_author_url' => '', 'comment_content' => $comment["content"]); $ret = $akismet->commentCheck($data); if ($ret) { $this->markSpam($comment["id"], 1); } $this->updateCommentsCount($comment["newsid"]); //header("location:/home/s/$comment[newsid]/"); }
public function __construct($pathinfo, $controller) { $this->sitename = "OurCoders (我们程序员)"; $this->short_sitename = "OurCoders"; $this->pathinfo = $pathinfo; parent::__construct($pathinfo, $controller); $this->begintime = microtime(true); $this->_layout = "index"; $this->cas[] = array('name' => 'index', 'title' => '首页'); $this->cas[] = array('name' => 'app', 'title' => '应用列表'); $this->cas[] = array('name' => 'user', 'title' => '用户'); $this->cas[] = array('name' => 'group', 'title' => '群组'); $mainMenu = $this->createMainMenu(); $title = $this->findTitle(); $this->_view->assign("sitename", $this->sitename); $this->_view->assign("short_sitename", $this->short_sitename); if ($title) { $this->title = "{$title} - {$this->sitename}"; } else { $this->title = "{$this->sitename}"; } $controller = $this->_controller['name']; if ($controller == 'index') { $this->breadCrumb = ''; } else { $this->breadCrumb = "<a href='/'>首页</a>-><a href='/{$controller}/'>{$title}</a>"; } $this->_view->assign('mainMenu', $mainMenu); $this->_view->assign('title', $this->title); $this->_view->assign('breadCrumb', $this->breadCrumb); $controller = ucwords($this->_controller['name']); $action = $this->_controller['action']; $mainContentFile = "{$controller}/{$action}.html"; if (file_exists($this->_pathinfo['views'] . '/' . $mainContentFile)) { $this->viewFile = $mainContentFile; } $this->_mainContent->assign("retUrl", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $this->_view->assign("retUrl", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $this->_view->assign("navsel", $controller); $userModel = new UserModel(); $this->userid = $userModel->checklogin(); if ($this->userid) { $this->username = $userModel->username($this->userid); $this->isEmailValidated = $userModel->isEmailValidated($this->userid); $userinfo = $userModel->userInfo($this->userid); } $toplinkadsModel = new ToplinkadsModel(); $toplink = $toplinkadsModel->toplink(); if ($toplink) { $alerttype = array(); $alerttype[] = "alert-info"; $alerttype[] = "alert-success"; $alerttype[] = ""; $toplink["alert"] = $alerttype[rand(0, 2)]; } $this->_view->assign("toplink", $toplink); $this->_view->assign("userid", $this->userid); $this->_view->assign("username", $this->username); if (isset($this->isEmailValidated)) { $this->_view->assign("isEmailValidated", $this->isEmailValidated); } if (isset($userinfo)) { $this->_view->assign("userinfo", $userinfo); } $iPhone = ToolModel::is_iPhone(); $this->_view->assign("iPhone", $iPhone); $this->_mainContent->assign("userid", $this->userid); $this->_mainContent->assign("iPhone", $iPhone); }
public function dataAction() { $id = $this->intVal(3); $threadModel = new ThreadModel(); $userModel = new UserModel(); $reputation = $userModel->reputation($this->userid); $thread = $threadModel->threadById($id); if (!$thread || $thread["del"] == 1) { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("location: /home/"); die; } $replys = $threadModel->replysById($id); $replysText = ""; foreach ($replys as $reply) { $replysText .= "{$reply['name']}说道:{$reply['content']}\r\n"; } $thread["replysText"] = $replysText; $url = "http://" . SEARCHSERVER . ":9200/ourcoders/thread/{$id}/"; $data = ToolModel::postJSON($url, json_encode($thread)); echo $data; }
public function logAction() { putenv("TZ=Asia/Shanghai"); $data = $_POST["log"]; $logarray = explode("|", $data); $logarray[0] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $line = join(",", $logarray); $line = ToolModel::getRealIpAddr() . "," . $line; $fp = fopen('/root/log/footprint-' . date("Y-m-d") . '.log', 'a'); fwrite($fp, $line . "\r\n"); fclose($fp); }