コード例 #1
  * Override method because admin app requires special rights
  * @see tine20/Setup/Setup_Initialize#_createInitialRights($_application)
  * @todo make hard coded role name ('admin role') configurable
 protected function _createInitialRights(Tinebase_Model_Application $_application)
     //do not call parent::_createInitialRights(); because this app is fopr admins only
     $roles = Tinebase_Acl_Roles::getInstance();
     $adminRole = $roles->getRoleByName('admin role');
     $allRights = Tinebase_Application::getInstance()->getAllRights($_application->getId());
     foreach ($allRights as $right) {
         $roles->addSingleRight($adminRole->getId(), $_application->getId(), $right);
コード例 #2
  * sets record related properties
  * @param string _name of property
  * @param mixed _value of property
  * @throws Tinebase_Exception_InvalidArgument
 public function __set($_name, $_value)
     switch ($_name) {
         case 'application_id':
             $_value = Tinebase_Model_Application::convertApplicationIdToInt($_value);
     parent::__set($_name, $_value);
コード例 #3
  * get shared container
  * @return Tinebase_Model_Container
 protected function _getSharedContainer()
     if (!$this->_sharedContainer) {
         $search = Tinebase_Container::getInstance()->search(new Tinebase_Model_ContainerFilter(array('application_id' => $this->_application->getId(), 'name' => 'shared', 'type' => Tinebase_Model_Container::TYPE_SHARED)));
         $this->_sharedContainer = count($search) > 0 ? $search->getFirstRecord() : Tinebase_Container::getInstance()->addContainer(new Tinebase_Model_Container(array('name' => 'shared', 'type' => Tinebase_Model_Container::TYPE_SHARED, 'backend' => 'sql', 'application_id' => $this->_application->getId())));
     return $this->_sharedContainer;
コード例 #4
  * create inital rights
  * @todo make hard coded role names ('user role' and 'admin role') configurable
  * @param Tinebase_Application $application
  * @return void
 protected function _createInitialRights(Tinebase_Model_Application $_application)
     $roleRights = array('user role' => $this->_userRoleRights, 'admin role' => Tinebase_Application::getInstance()->getAllRights($_application->getId()));
     foreach ($roleRights as $roleName => $rights) {
         try {
             $role = Tinebase_Acl_Roles::getInstance()->getRoleByName($roleName);
         } catch (Tinebase_Exception_NotFound $tenf) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . $tenf->getMessage());
         foreach ($rights as $right) {
             try {
                 Tinebase_Acl_Roles::getInstance()->addSingleRight($role->getId(), $_application->getId(), $right);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Cannot add right: ' . $right . ' for application: ' . $_application->name . ' - ' . $roleName . ' - ' . print_r($e->getMessage(), true));
コード例 #5
  * testSetContainerInPathRecord
  * @todo move this to Tinebase?
 public function testSetContainerInPathRecord()
     $flatpath = Filemanager_Controller_Node::getInstance()->addBasePath('/' . Tinebase_Model_Container::TYPE_PERSONAL . '/' . Tinebase_Core::getUser()->accountLoginName . '/' . $this->_personalContainer->name);
     $path = Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node_Path::createFromPath($flatpath);
     $this->assertEquals('/' . $this->_application->getId() . '/folders/shared/' . $this->_sharedContainer->getId(), $path->statpath);
     // move it back
     $this->assertEquals('/' . $this->_application->getId() . '/folders/personal/' . Tinebase_Core::getUser()->getId() . '/' . $this->_personalContainer->getId(), $path->statpath, 'wrong statpath: ' . print_r($path->toArray(), TRUE));
  * sets record related properties
  * @param string _name of property
  * @param mixed _value of property
  * @throws Tinebase_Exception_InvalidArgument
 public function __set($_name, $_value)
     switch ($_name) {
         case 'application_id':
             $_value = Tinebase_Model_Application::convertApplicationIdToInt($_value);
      * @TODO
      * - ask model for datatype
      * - cope with record/recordSet
     if (is_string($_value) && strlen($_value) == 19 && preg_match('/^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}$/', $_value)) {
         $_value = new Tinebase_DateTime($_value);
     parent::__set($_name, $_value);
コード例 #7
  * get registry data from application frontend json class
  * @param Tinebase_Model_Application $application
  * @return array
  * @throws Tinebase_Exception_InvalidArgument
 protected function _getCustomAppRegistry(Tinebase_Model_Application $application)
     $jsonAppName = $application->name . '_Frontend_Json';
     if (!class_exists($jsonAppName)) {
         return array();
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Getting registry data for app ' . $application->name);
     try {
         $applicationJson = new $jsonAppName();
         $registryData = $applicationJson->getRegistryData();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (!$e instanceof Tinebase_Exception_AccessDenied && !in_array($application->name, array('Tinebase', 'Addressbook', 'Admin'))) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Disabling ' . $application->name . ': ' . $e);
             Tinebase_Application::getInstance()->setApplicationState(array($application->getId()), Tinebase_Application::DISABLED);
         return array();
     // TODO get this from app controller / modelconfig
     foreach ($applicationJson->getRelatableModels() as $relModel) {
         $registryData[$relModel['ownApp']]['relatableModels'][] = $relModel;
     $registryData['models'] = $applicationJson->getModelsConfiguration();
     $registryData['defaultModel'] = $applicationJson->getDefaultModel();
     return $registryData;
コード例 #8
  * returns one config value identified by config name and application id
  * -> value in config.inc.php overwrites value in db if $_fromFile is TRUE
  * @deprecated
  * @param   string      $_name config name/key
  * @param   string      $_applicationId application id [optional]
  * @param   mixed       $_default the default value [optional]
  * @param   boolean     $_fromFile get from config.inc.php [optional]
  * @return  Tinebase_Model_Config  the config record
  * @throws  Tinebase_Exception_NotFound
 public function getConfig($_name, $_applicationId = NULL, $_default = NULL, $_fromFile = TRUE)
     $applicationId = $_applicationId !== NULL ? Tinebase_Model_Application::convertApplicationIdToInt($_applicationId) : Tinebase_Application::getInstance()->getApplicationByName('Tinebase')->getId();
     $result = $this->_loadConfig($_name, $applicationId);
     if (!$result) {
         $result = new Tinebase_Model_Config(array('application_id' => $applicationId, 'name' => $_name, 'value' => $_default), TRUE);
     // check config.inc.php and get value from there
     $configFileData = $this->_getConfigFileData();
     if ($_fromFile && array_key_exists($_name, $configFileData)) {
         Setup_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Overwriting config setting "' . $_name . '" with value from config.inc.php.');
         $result->value = $configFileData[$_name];
     return $result;
コード例 #9
  * load a config record from database
  * @param  string                   $_name
  * @param  mixed                    $_application
  * @return Tinebase_Model_Config
 protected function _loadConfig($_name, $_application = null)
     $applicationId = Tinebase_Model_Application::convertApplicationIdToInt($_application ? $_application : $this->_appName);
     $cache = Tinebase_Core::getCache();
     $cacheId = '_loadConfig_' . sha1($applicationId . $_name);
     if ($cache && $cache->test($cacheId)) {
         $result = $cache->load($cacheId);
         if (is_object($result)) {
             return $result;
     $filter = new Tinebase_Model_ConfigFilter(array(array('field' => 'application_id', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $applicationId), array('field' => 'name', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $_name)));
     $result = $this->_getBackend()->search($filter)->getFirstRecord();
     if ($cache) {
         $cache->save($result, $cacheId, array('config'), 60);
     return $result;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Roles.php プロジェクト: rodrigofns/ExpressoLivre3
  * check if one of the roles the user is in has a given right for a given application
  * - admin right includes all other rights
  * @param   string|Tinebase_Model_Application $_application the application (one of: app name, id or record)
  * @param   int $_accountId the numeric id of a user account
  * @param   int $_right the right to check for
  * @return  bool
  * @throws  Tinebase_Exception_AccessDenied
 public function hasRight($_application, $_accountId, $_right)
     try {
         $appId = Tinebase_Model_Application::convertApplicationIdToInt($_application);
     } catch (Tinebase_Exception_NotFound $tenf) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->notice(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Application ' . $_application . ' is not installed.');
         return false;
     $application = Tinebase_Application::getInstance()->getApplicationById($appId);
     if ($application->status != 'enabled') {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->notice(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Application ' . $_application . ' is disabled.');
         return false;
     $roleMemberships = $this->getRoleMemberships($_accountId);
     if (empty($roleMemberships)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->notice(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . $_accountId . ' has no role memberships.');
         return false;
     $select = $this->_roleRightsTable->select();
     $select->where($this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier('role_id') . ' IN (?)', $roleMemberships))->where('(' . $this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier('right') . ' = ?', $_right) . ' OR ' . $this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier('right') . ' = ?', Tinebase_Acl_Rights::ADMIN) . ')')->where($this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier('application_id') . ' = ?', $application->getId()));
     //if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . $select->__toString());
     if (!($row = $this->_roleRightsTable->fetchRow($select))) {
         $result = false;
     } else {
         $result = true;
     return $result;
コード例 #11
  * delete containers, configs and other data of an application
  * NOTE: if a table with foreign key constraints to applications is added, we need to make sure that the data is deleted here 
  * @param Tinebase_Model_Application $_applicationName
  * @return void
 public function removeApplicationData(Tinebase_Model_Application $_application)
     $dataToDelete = array('container' => array('tablename' => ''), 'config' => array('tablename' => ''), 'customfield' => array('tablename' => ''), 'rights' => array('tablename' => 'role_rights'), 'definitions' => array('tablename' => 'importexport_definition'), 'filter' => array('tablename' => 'filter'), 'modlog' => array('tablename' => 'timemachine_modlog'), 'import' => array('tablename' => 'import'));
     $countMessage = ' Deleted';
     $where = array($this->_getDb()->quoteInto($this->_getDb()->quoteIdentifier('application_id') . '= ?', $_application->getId()));
     foreach ($dataToDelete as $dataType => $info) {
         switch ($dataType) {
             case 'container':
                 $count = Tinebase_Container::getInstance()->deleteContainerByApplicationId($_application->getId());
             case 'config':
                 $count = Tinebase_Config::getInstance()->deleteConfigByApplicationId($_application->getId());
             case 'customfield':
                 $count = Tinebase_CustomField::getInstance()->deleteCustomFieldsForApplication($_application->getId());
                 if ((isset($info['tablename']) || array_key_exists('tablename', $info)) && !empty($info['tablename'])) {
                     try {
                         $count = $this->_getDb()->delete(SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . $info['tablename'], $where);
                     } catch (Zend_Db_Statement_Exception $zdse) {
                         $count = 0;
                 } else {
                     Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' No tablename defined for ' . $dataType);
                     $count = 0;
         $countMessage .= ' ' . $count . ' ' . $dataType . '(s) /';
     $countMessage .= ' for application ' . $_application->name;
     Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . $countMessage);
コード例 #12
  * fill class cache with all config records for this app
 protected function _loadAllAppConfigsInCache()
     if (empty($this->_appName)) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::WARN)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' appName not set');
         $this->_cachedApplicationConfig = array();
     if (!Tinebase_Application::getInstance()->getInstance()->isInstalled('Tinebase')) {
         $this->_cachedApplicationConfig = array();
     $cache = Tinebase_Core::getCache();
     if (!is_object($cache)) {
         $cache = Tinebase_Core::getCache();
     if (Tinebase_Core::get(Tinebase_Core::SHAREDCACHE)) {
         if ($cachedApplicationConfig = $cache->load('cachedAppConfig_' . $this->_appName)) {
             $this->_cachedApplicationConfig = $cachedApplicationConfig;
     try {
         $applicationId = Tinebase_Model_Application::convertApplicationIdToInt($this->_appName);
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Loading all configs for app ' . $this->_appName);
         $filter = new Tinebase_Model_ConfigFilter(array(array('field' => 'application_id', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $applicationId)));
         $allConfigs = $this->_getBackend()->search($filter);
     } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $zdae) {
         // DB might not exist or tables are not created, yet
         $this->_cachedApplicationConfig = array();
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Found ' . count($allConfigs) . ' configs.');
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . print_r($allConfigs->toArray(), TRUE));
     foreach ($allConfigs as $config) {
         $this->_cachedApplicationConfig[$config->name] = $config;
     if (Tinebase_Core::get(Tinebase_Core::SHAREDCACHE)) {
         $cache->save($this->_cachedApplicationConfig, 'cachedAppConfig_' . $this->_appName);
  * update installed application
  * @param   Tinebase_Model_Application    $_application
  * @param   string    $_majorVersion
  * @return  array   messages
  * @throws  Setup_Exception if current app version is too high
 public function updateApplication(Tinebase_Model_Application $_application, $_majorVersion)
     $setupXml = $this->getSetupXml($_application->name);
     $messages = array();
     switch (version_compare($_application->version, $setupXml->version)) {
         case -1:
             $message = "Executing updates for " . $_application->name . " (starting at " . $_application->version . ")";
             $messages[] = $message;
             Setup_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . $message);
             $version = $_application->getMajorAndMinorVersion();
             $minor = $version['minor'];
             $className = ucfirst($_application->name) . '_Setup_Update_Release' . $_majorVersion;
             if (!class_exists($className)) {
                 $nextMajorRelease = $_majorVersion + 1 . ".0";
                 Setup_Core::getLogger()->notice(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Update class {$className} does not exists, skipping release {$_majorVersion} for app " . "{$_application->name} and increasing version to {$nextMajorRelease}");
                 $_application->version = $nextMajorRelease;
             } else {
                 $update = new $className($this->_backend);
                 $classMethods = get_class_methods($update);
                 // we must do at least one update
                 do {
                     $functionName = 'update_' . $minor;
                     try {
                         $db = Setup_Core::getDb();
                         $transactionId = Tinebase_TransactionManager::getInstance()->startTransaction($db);
                         Setup_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Updating ' . $_application->name . ' - ' . $functionName);
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         Setup_Core::getLogger()->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
                         Setup_Core::getLogger()->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . $e->getTraceAsString());
                         throw $e;
                 } while (array_search('update_' . $minor, $classMethods) !== false);
             $messages[] = "<strong> Updated " . $_application->name . " successfully to " . $_majorVersion . '.' . $minor . "</strong>";
             // update app version
             $updatedApp = Tinebase_Application::getInstance()->getApplicationById($_application->getId());
             $_application->version = $updatedApp->version;
             Setup_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Updated ' . $_application->name . " successfully to " . $_application->version);
         case 0:
             Setup_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' No update needed for ' . $_application->name);
         case 1:
             throw new Setup_Exception('Current application version is higher than version from setup.xml: ' . $_application->version . ' > ' . $setupXml->version);
     Setup_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Clearing cache after update ...');
     return $messages;
コード例 #14
  * update existing definition or create new from file
  * - use backend functions (create/update) directly because we do not want any default controller handling here
  * - calling function needs to make sure that user has admin right!
  * @param string $_filename
  * @param Tinebase_Model_Application $_application
  * @param string $_name
  * @return Tinebase_Model_ImportExportDefinition
 public function updateOrCreateFromFilename($_filename, $_application, $_name = NULL)
     $definition = $this->getFromFile($_filename, $_application->getId(), $_name);
     // try to get definition and update if it exists
     try {
         $existing = $this->getByName($definition->name);
         Setup_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Updating definition: ' . $definition->name);
         $copyFields = array('filename', 'plugin_options', 'description');
         foreach ($copyFields as $field) {
             $existing->{$field} = $definition->{$field};
         $result = $this->_backend->update($existing);
     } catch (Tinebase_Exception_NotFound $tenf) {
         // does not exist
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Creating import/export definion from file: ' . $_filename);
         $result = $this->_backend->create($definition);
     return $result;
コード例 #15
  * add TMA to "in class" cache and to Zend Cache
  * @param  Tinebase_Model_Application  $_application
 protected function _addToClassCache(Tinebase_Model_Application $_application)
     $this->_applicationCache[$_application->getId()] = $_application;
     $this->_applicationCache[$_application->name] = $_application;
コード例 #16
  * delete custom fields for an application
  * @param string|Tinebase_Model_Application $_applicationId
  * @return integer numer of deleted custom fields
 public function deleteCustomFieldsForApplication($_applicationId)
     $applicationId = Tinebase_Model_Application::convertApplicationIdToInt($_applicationId);
     $filterValues = array(array('field' => 'application_id', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $applicationId));
     $filter = new Tinebase_Model_CustomField_ConfigFilter($filterValues);
     $customFields = $this->_backendConfig->search($filter);
     $deletedCount = 0;
     foreach ($customFields as $customField) {
     return $deletedCount;
  * removes modlog entries for that application
  * @param Tinebase_Model_Application $applicationName
  * @return void
 public function removeApplication(Tinebase_Model_Application $_application)
     $this->_backend->deleteByProperty($_application->getId(), 'application_id');
  * create inital rights
  * @todo make hard coded role names ('user role' and 'admin role') configurable
  * @param Tinebase_Application $application
  * @return void
 public static function createInitialRights(Tinebase_Model_Application $_application)
     Setup_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Creating initial rights for application ' . $_application->name);
     $allRights = Tinebase_Application::getInstance()->getAllRights($_application->getId());
     $userRights = static::$_userRoleRights;
     if (in_array(Tinebase_Acl_Rights::USE_PERSONAL_TAGS, $allRights)) {
         $userRights[] = Tinebase_Acl_Rights::USE_PERSONAL_TAGS;
     $roleRights = array('user role' => $userRights, 'admin role' => $allRights);
     foreach ($roleRights as $roleName => $rights) {
         try {
             $role = Tinebase_Acl_Roles::getInstance()->getRoleByName($roleName);
         } catch (Tinebase_Exception_NotFound $tenf) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . $tenf->getMessage());
         foreach ($rights as $right) {
             try {
                 Tinebase_Acl_Roles::getInstance()->addSingleRight($role->getId(), $_application->getId(), $right);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Cannot add right: ' . $right . ' for application: ' . $_application->name . ' - ' . $roleName . ' - ' . print_r($e->getMessage(), true));
コード例 #19
  * removes app id (and /folders namespace) from a path
  * @param string $_flatpath
  * @param Tinebase_Model_Application $_application
  * @return string
 public static function removeAppIdFromPath($_flatpath, $_application)
     $appId = $_application->getId();
     return preg_replace('@^/' . $appId . '/folders@', '', $_flatpath);