function sync_events($one_user = false, $sel_user = "") { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $path; $use_offset_time = true; $td = new TimeDate(); $arr_modules[] = "Meetings"; $arr_modules[] = "Calls"; $arr_modules[] = "Tasks"; global $timedate; global $beanList, $beanFiles, $path, $current_user; for ($tn = 0; $tn < count($arr_modules); $tn++) { ob_start(); $module_name = $arr_modules[$tn]; $class_name = $beanList[$module_name]; require_once $beanFiles[$class_name]; $seed = new $class_name(); $tbn = $seed->table_name; $tablename = $tbn; $cstmtbname2 = $tablename . "_cstm"; if ($one_user == true) { if ($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'] == "" and 1 == 2) { } else { if ($sel_user != "") { $cu = $sel_user; } else { $cu = $_SESSION['authenticated_user_id']; } $tdus = new TimeDate(); $cus = new User(); $cus->retrieve($cu); ############## global $current_user; $current_user = $cus; ############## $calendar_priv_add = $cus->google_mcalendar_c; $crdatefilt = $cus->google_mafterdate_c; $crdatefilt = $tdus->swap_formats($crdatefilt, $td->get_date_format(true, $cus), "Y-m-d"); unset($cus); $sql_user = "******"; if ($crdatefilt != '') { $sql_user .= " and {$tbn}.date_entered>='{$crdatefilt}' "; } $query = $sql_user; } } $d1d = array(); $s = array(); $ch = array(); $fd = array(); $forexp = ""; $fort1d = ""; $t1d = ""; $nt = ""; $nt1 = ""; $cm = date("m"); $cy = date("Y"); unset($response); global $max_events_upload_google; $response = $seed->get_list($order_by, $query, $offset, 10000, $max_events_upload_google, false); if ($tablename == "calls") { } $newdoc = $response['list'][$tn1]; if (1 == 1) { $tablename = $tbn; echo "<br>****** Get events from {$tablename}"; require_once 'modules/Calendar/DateTimeUtil.php'; $cm = date("m"); $cy = date("Y"); for ($tn1 = 0; $tn1 < count($response['list']); $tn1++) { unset($a); unset($a1); unset($a2); unset($s); unset($current_user); unset($user); unset($td); $a1 = $response['list'][$tn1]; $current_user = new User(); $current_user->retrieve($a1->assigned_user_id); debugg("<br> current user for event " . $a1->assigned_user_id . " " . $current_user->name); $user = $current_user; $td = new TimeDate(); $user_google_mafterdate_c = $td->swap_formats($current_user->google_mafterdate_c, $td->get_date_format(true, $current_user), "Y-m-d"); $add_notifications = $current_user->google_mnotifications_c; unset($a2); if ($tablename == 'meetings') { $a2 = new Meeting(); } if ($tablename == 'calls') { $a2 = new Call(); } if ($tablename == 'tasks') { $a2 = new Task(); } unset($a); $a = $a2->retrieve($a1->id); if ($a->old_id_c == "" or 1 == 1) { global $calls_prefix; global $meetings_prefix; global $tasks_prefix; $s = array(); $s["title"] = $a->name; if ($tablename == 'meetings') { $s["title"] = $meetings_prefix . $s["title"]; } if ($tablename == 'calls') { $s["title"] = $calls_prefix . $s["title"]; } if ($tablename == 'tasks') { $s["title"] = $tasks_prefix . $s["title"]; } debugg("<br><br><br>**********Event ******* id={$a->id} ***** name={$a->name}" . " number " . $tn1 . " date " . $a->date_start); if ($a->name == "gmt+1 start 23:30 end 00:15" or $a->name == "gmt+3 + dst start 23:30 end 00:15") { } $sq = "select * from {$tablename} where id='" . $a2->id . "' and deleted='0'"; $result = $a2->db->query($sq); while ($row = $a2->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $ro = $row; } $start = $ro['date_start']; $end = $ro['date_due']; #260608 $start_offset = $td->handle_offset($start, "Y-m-d H:i:s", true,$current_user); #260608 $end_offset = $td->handle_offset($end, "Y-m-d H:i:s", true,$current_user); $start_offset = $start; $end_offset = $end; if ($tablename == 'tasks') { $a->date_start = $start; $a->date_due = $end; } $s["content"] = $a->description; $s["where"] = $a->location; $s["startDay"] = $start_offset; $s["startTime"] = $a->time_start; $s["endDay"] = $end_offset; $s["reminder_time"] = $a->reminder_time / 60; if ($s["reminder_time"] == '' or $s["reminder_time"] == 0) { $s["reminder_time"] = 10; } if ($tablename == 'tasks') { $s["startTime"] = ""; $a->time_start = ""; } if ($a->date_start == '' and $a->date_due != "") { $a->date_start = $end_offset; #### for tsaks if no start date } else { $a->date_start = $start_offset; } $date_start_in_db_fmt = $start_offset; $date_start_array = split(" ", trim($date_start_in_db_fmt)); $date_due_in_db_fmt = $end_offset; $arr_ds = explode(" ", $start_offset); $arr_de = explode(" ", $end_offset); debugg("<br>current user " . $current_user->name); $a->time_start = $arr_ds[1]; $a->time_due = $arr_de[1]; $s["startDay"] = $arr_ds[0]; $s["startTime"] = $a->time_start; $s["endDay"] = $arr_de[0]; $s["endTime"] = $arr_de[1]; if ($tablename == "tasks" and $s["startDay"] == "" and $s["endDay"] !== "") { $s["startDay"] = $s["endDay"]; $s["startTime"] = $s["endTime"]; $a->time_start = $s["endTime"]; } debugg("<br>dst00 " . $date_start_in_db_fmt . " a time start " . $a->time_start); $fd = explode("/", $s["startDay"]); if ($fd[2] == "") { $fd = explode("-", $s["startDay"]); } $plugin_date_start = $fd[2] . "/" . $fd[1] . "/" . $fd[0] . " " . $s["startTime"]; if ($tablename != 'tasks') { $plugin_date_due = $plugin_date_start; } else { $fd = explode("/", $s["endDay"]); if ($fd[2] == "") { $fd = explode("-", $s["endDay"]); } if ($fd[2] != "") { $plugin_date_due = $fd[2] . "/" . $fd[1] . "/" . $fd[0] . " " . $s["dueTime"]; } else { $plugin_date_due = $plugin_date_start; } } $plugin_format = "d/m/Y H:i"; ###################################### $d1 = explode("/", $plugin_date_start); global $current_user; $d1[2] = explode(" ", $d1[2]); $d1[2] = $d1[2][0]; $fort1 = explode(" ", $plugin_date_start); $fort1 = $fort1[1]; $t1 = explode(":", $fort1); $t1[1] = round($t1[1]); $untill = mktime($t1[0] + $a->duration_hours, $t1[1] + $a->duration_minutes, $t1[2], $d1[1], $d1[0], $d1[2]); if ($tablename == 'tasks') { if ($plugin_date_due == "" or $a->date_due == "") { $forexp = $plugin_date_start; } else { $forexp = $plugin_date_due; } } else { $forexp = $plugin_date_start; } $d1d = explode("/", $forexp); if ($d1d[2] == "") { $d1d = explode("-", $forexp); } $d1d[2] = explode(" ", $d1d[2]); $d1d[2] = $d1d[2][0]; $fort1d = explode(" ", $forexp); $fort1d = $fort1d[1]; $t1d = explode(":", $fort1d); $untill = mktime($t1d[0] + $a->duration_hours, $t1d[1] + $a->duration_minutes, $t1d[2], $d1d[1], $d1d[0], $d1d[2]); if ($tablename == 'tasks' and $a->date_due != "") { $nt = explode(" ", $a->date_due); $nt1 = explode(":", $nt[1]); if ($nt[1] == "") { $nt1 = explode(".", $nt[1]); } print_r($nt); $untill = mktime($nt1[0], $nt1[1], 0, $d1d[1], $d1d[0], $d1d[2]); } $date_due = date("Y-m-d", $untill); $time_due = date("H:i:s", $untill); $s["endTime"] = $time_due; $s["endDay"] = $date_due; if ($a->date_start == '') { $s["startTime"] = $s["endTime"]; $s["startDay"] = $s["endDay"]; } if ($a->assigned_user_id == '') { $user = $a->created_by; } else { $user = $a->assigned_user_id; } $user_data = get_user_email_pass1($user); if ($user_data[0] != '' and $user_data[1] != '') { debugg("<br>**Got user " . $user_data[0]); $gc = new GoogleCalendarWrapper($user_data[0], $user_data[1], $current_user->google_mcalendar_c); $_SESSION["called_from_sync"] = true; $settings["reminder_checked"] = $a->reminder_checked; if ($sel_user != "" and $calendar_priv_add != "" and $calendar_priv_add != "1") { $gc->feed_url = $calendar_priv_add; } if ($s["startDay"] >= $user_google_mafterdate_c) { $gc->add_event($s, $a->id, $tablename, $user_data, $add_notifications); } else { } $_SESSION["called_from_sync"] = false; } } } } } }
//подключение к базе global $db; //$bean->db $r = $db->query('SELECT currency_code FROM px_exchangerates WHERE deleted=0 GROUP BY currency_code'); $load = array(); while ($a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { $load[] = $a['currency_code']; } $datetime1 = new DateTime('2009-10-11'); $datetime2 = new DateTime('2009-10-13'); $interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2); $today = date("Y-m-d"); global $current_user; $td = new TimeDate($current_user); $date_my = $td->to_db_date(date($td->get_date_time_format())); $date_my = $td->to_db_date(date($td->get_date_format())); //только дата $datetime1 = date($td->get_date_format()); $datetime2 = date_create_from_format($td->get_date_format(), $this->bean->px_status_study_date); echo $interval->format('%R%a дней'); //%R плюс минус echo $interval->format('%a дней'); $GLOBALS['timedate']->to_db_date(); $GLOBALS['timedate']->nowDbDate(); $GLOBALS['timedate']->nowDb(); //time //debug_backtrace $bcktrc = debug_backtrace(); $bcktrc = json_encode($bcktrc); echo "<script> dbg_bcktrc = {$bcktrc}; </script>"; $debug_b = json_encode(debug_backtrace());
function display() { $ss = new Sugar_Smarty(); $table = array('Leads' => 'Leads', 'Opportunities' => 'Opportunities', 'FITs' => 'Customer', 'Contacts' => 'Contacts', 'Accounts' => 'Company', 'Cases' => 'Cases', 'Notes' => 'Notes', 'Calls' => 'Calls', 'Emails' => 'Emails', 'Meetings' => 'Meetings', 'Tasks' => 'Tasks'); $timedate = new TimeDate(); global $db, $mod_strings, $app_list_strings, $current_user; $ss = new Sugar_Smarty(); $ss->assign('MOD', $mod_strings); $focus = new C_Reports(); $role = $focus->getUserRole('Reports', $current_user->id); $list_user = $focus->getUserForReportAsRole(); $list_group = $focus->getAllSecuritySuite(); $ss->assign('lst_group', get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['report_securitysuite_dom'], '')); $ss->assign('lst_user', get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['report_user_dom'], '')); if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { $start_date = $_REQUEST['start_date']; $end_date = $_REQUEST['end_date']; $user_id = $_REQUEST['lst_user']; $list_user = $_REQUEST['user_id']; $time_range = $_REQUEST['time_range']; $start_end_yes = $_REQUEST['start_end_yes']; $report_option = $_REQUEST['report_option']; $type = $time_range ? $time_range : $start_end_yes; $ss->assign('TYPE', $type); $ss->assign('report_option', $report_option); $lst_user = get_select_options($app_list_strings['report_user_dom'], $user_id); $ss->assign('lst_user', $lst_user); if ($list_user) { $user_id = json_decode(base64_decode($list_user)); if (count($user_id) > 0) { $user_id = $user_id; } } if ($user_id) { $user_id = (array) $user_id; } else { unset($app_list_strings['report_user_dom']['0']); $user_id = array_keys($app_list_strings['report_user_dom']); } if ($group) { $group = (array) $group; } else { unset($app_list_strings['report_securitysuite_dom']['0']); $group = array_keys($app_list_strings['report_securitysuite_dom']); } $dateOp = new AdvancedDatetimeOperations($focus); $user_format = $timedate->get_date_format($current_user); $date_format = $_REQUEST['date_format'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['date_format'] : $user_format; if ($start_end_yes) { $time_range = ''; $start_date = $timedate->to_display($_REQUEST['start_date'], $date_format, 'Y-m-d'); $end_date = $timedate->to_display($_REQUEST['end_date'], $date_format, 'Y-m-d'); } else { $start_date = date('Y-m-d'); $end_date = date('Y-m-d'); $dateOp->calc_date2($start_date, $end_date, $time_range); } $date_start = $timedate->to_display($start_date, 'Y-m-d', $user_format); $date_end = $timedate->to_display($end_date, 'Y-m-d', $user_format); $html = ''; $html = '<br /><div style="color:red"><b>Note : (Created/Assigned/Modified)</b></div>'; $html .= '<table class="h3Row" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;"> '; $html .= '<thead>'; $html .= '<td class="tb_border" style="background:#EBEBED"><b>User</b></td>'; foreach ($table as $table_name) { $html .= '<td style="background:#EBEBED;text-align:center" class="tb_border" width="' . 100 / count($table) . '%"><b>' . $table_name . '</b></td>'; } $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '</thead>'; if (count($user_id) > 0 && $user_id[0] != '0') { foreach ($user_id as $value) { $html .= '<tr height="20">'; $html .= '<td class="tb_border"> ' . translate('report_user_dom', '', $value) . ' </td>'; foreach ($table as $table_value => $table_name) { $recordCreate = $focus->countRecordCreate(strtolower($table_value), $value, $start_date, $end_date); $recordModify = $focus->countRecordAsignedTo(strtolower($table_value), $value, $start_date, $end_date); $recordModified = $focus->countRecordModify(strtolower($table_value), $value, $start_date, $end_date); if ($recordCreate > 0) { $create_url = '<a target="blank" href="index.php?module=' . $table_value . '&action=index&query=true&created_by_basic=' . $value . '&date_entered_basic_range_choice=between&start_range_date_entered_basic=' . $date_start . '&end_range_date_entered_basic=' . $date_end . '&searchFormTab=basic_search">' . $recordCreate . '</a>'; } else { $create_url = $recordCreate; } if ($recordModify > 0) { $modify_url = '<a target="blank" href="index.php?module=' . $table_value . '&action=index&query=true&assigned_user_id=' . $value . '&date_modified_basic_range_choice=between&start_range_date_modified_basic=' . $date_start . '&end_range_date_modified_basic=' . $date_end . '&searchFormTab=basic_search">' . $recordModify . '</a>'; } else { $modify_url = $recordModify; } if ($recordModified > 0) { $modified_url = '<a target="blank" href="index.php?module=' . $table_value . '&action=index&query=true&modified_user_id_basic=' . $value . '&date_modified_basic_range_choice=between&start_range_date_modified_basic=' . $date_start . '&end_range_date_modified_basic=' . $date_end . '&searchFormTab=basic_search">' . $recordModified . '</a>'; } else { $modified_url = $recordModified; } $html .= '<td style="text-align:center" class="tb_border">' . $create_url . ' / ' . $modify_url . ' / ' . $modified_url . ' </td>'; } $html .= '</tr>'; } } //$countACC = $focus->get_audit_table_name(); $html .= '</table>'; // $start_date = $timedate->to_display($_REQUEST['start_date'],$date_format,$user_format); // $end_date = $timedate->to_display($_REQUEST['end_date'],$date_format,$user_format); $ss->assign('start_date', $_REQUEST['start_date']); $ss->assign('end_date', $_REQUEST['end_date']); $ss->assign('date_format', $user_format); } $html .= '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("table[class=\'h3Row\']").find("tbody").find("tr:even").addClass("evenListRowS1"); jQuery("table[class=\'h3Row\']").find("tbody").find("tr:odd").addClass("oddListRowS1"); }); </script>'; $ss->assign('CONTENT', $html); $ss->display("modules/C_Reports/tpls/Synthesis_Report.tpl"); }
require_once "include/TimeDate.php"; require_once 'include/entryPoint.php'; global $db, $current_user; $first_name = trim($_POST['first_name']); $last_name = trim($_POST['last_name']); $birthday = trim($_POST['birthday']); $phone_mobile = trim($_POST['phone_mobile']); $identy_card = trim($_POST['identy_card']); $where = "deleted = 0 AND last_name = '" . $last_name . "'"; if ($first_name) { $where .= " AND first_name = '" . $first_name . "'"; } if ($birthday) { // Xu ly chuoi ngay sinh $date_time = new TimeDate(); $user_date_format = $date_time->get_date_format($current_user); $birdthday = $date_time->to_display($birthday, $user_date_format, 'Y-m-d'); $where .= " AND birthday = '" . $birdthday . "'"; } if ($phone_mobile) { $where .= " AND phone_mobile = '" . $phone_mobile . "'"; } if ($identy_card) { $where .= " AND identy_card = '" . $identy_card . "'"; } $sql = "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, birthday, phone_mobile, identy_card, assigned_user_id FROM fits WHERE {$where}"; $result = $db->query($sql); //display $n = $db->getRowCount($result); $error = ''; if ($n > 0) {