public function testEndToEndCli() { global $argv, $argc; $_SERVER['argv'] = array('someKey=someValue', 'otherKey=otherValue'); $_SERVER['argc'] = 3; $expectedResult = array('someKey' => 'someValue', 'otherKey' => 'otherValue'); $obj = new Tiki_Request(); foreach ($expectedResult as $key => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, $obj->getProperty($key)); } }
* * * If you want to know the translation progression for your language, just visit : * which is made with * */ if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { require_once 'tiki-setup.php'; $access->check_permission('tiki_p_admin'); } require_once 'lib/init/initlib.php'; require_once 'lib/setup/timer.class.php'; $timer = new timer(); $timer->start(); $options = array(); $request = new Tiki_Request(); if ($request->hasProperty('lang')) { $options['lang'] = $request->getProperty('lang'); } if ($request->hasProperty('outputFiles')) { $options['outputFiles'] = $request->getProperty('outputFiles'); } $excludeDirs = array('dump', 'img', 'lang', 'vendor', 'vendor_extra', 'lib/test', 'temp', 'temp/cache', 'templates_c'); $includeFiles = array('./lang/langmapping.php', './img/flags/flagnames.php'); // command-line only options if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { if ($request->hasProperty('baseDir')) { $options['baseDir'] = $request->getProperty('baseDir'); // when a custom base dir is set, default $includeFiles and $excludeDirs are not used $includeFiles = array(); $excludeDirs = array();
$access->check_permission('tiki_p_send_newsletters'); } global $nllib; include_once 'lib/newsletters/nllib.php'; function display_usage() { $helpMsg = "\nUsage: php tiki-batch_send_newsletter.php editionId=X\n" . "Usage: http://path_to_tiki/tiki-batch_send_newsletter.php?editionId=X\n"; if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { echo $helpMsg; } else { echo nl2br($helpMsg); } die; } error_reporting(E_ALL); $request = new Tiki_Request(); $editionId = $request->getProperty('editionId'); if (empty($editionId)) { display_usage(); } if (!($edition_info = $nllib->get_edition($editionId))) { echo "Incorrect editionId: {$editionId}"; die; } if (!($nl_info = $nllib->get_newsletter($edition_info['nlId']))) { echo 'Incorrect nlId: ' . $edition_info['nlId']; } $edition_info['editionId'] = 0; $sent = $errors = array(); $logFileName = ''; $edition_info['begin'] = 'y';