コード例 #1

//Thumbnail sample: generate thumbnail + watermark and save to a file with a unique filename
include 'Thumbnail.class.php';
$thumb = new Thumbnail("source.jpg");
// Contructor and set source image file
$thumb->img_watermark = 'watermark.png';
// [OPTIONAL] set watermark source file, only PNG format [RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ]
$thumb->size(150, 113);
// [OPTIONAL] set the biggest width and height for thumbnail
// generate image
$filename = $thumb->unique_filename('.', 'sample.jpg', 'thumb');
// generate unique filename
$status = $thumb->save($filename);
// save your thumbnail to file
if ($status) {
    echo 'Thumbnail save as ' . $filename;
} else {
    echo 'ERROR: ' . $thumb->error_msg;