<?php TemplateCore::noTplCacheing(); $tm = new TemplateModul('login'); return $tm->loadModul('login', "", true);
/** Loads the Template File and Compiles the Template if needed **/ private function loadTemplate() { try { if (file_exists('template/sites/tpl.' . $this->_page . '.php')) { $content = $_GET['content']; if ($this->_data != "") { $tpl = (include 'template/sites/tpl.' . $this->_page . '.php?data=' . $this->_data); } else { $tpl = (include 'template/sites/tpl.' . $this->_page . '.php'); } if ($tpl != "1") { echo $tpl; } if ($this->_cache && self::$_cacheableData) { $this->saveTemplate($tpl); } self::$_cacheableData = true; } else { throw new Exception(Core::error('<b> Seite konnte nicht gefunden werden. Name wahrscheinlich falsch.</b><br />template/sites/tpl.' . $this->_page . $this->c . '.php<br /><br /><a href="index.html" style="color: black">Zurück zur Startseite</a>')); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); //echo '<div style="border: 1 solid black; width: 500px; background: rgb(150,70,70); text-align: center; padding: 20px; margin: 15px auto;"><b> Fehler in Datei: tpl.' . $this->_page . '.php</b></div>'; } }
public static function checktplrefresh($maintpl, $subtpl, $timecompare, $templateid, $tpldir) { global $tplrefresh; if (empty($timecompare) || $tplrefresh == 1 || $tplrefresh > 1 && !($GLOBALS['timestamp'] % $tplrefresh)) { if (empty($timecompare) || @filemtime($subtpl) > $timecompare) { require_once NOWHERE_ROOT . './core/TemplateCore.php'; TemplateCore::parse_template($maintpl, $templateid, $tpldir); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }