<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charaset="utf-8"> <title>自分で設定したindexが表示されるかのテスト</title> </head> <body> <p>ここがテストの部分です</p> <?php class Television { public $channelNo; function dispChannel() { print "現在のチャンネルは... " . $this->channelNo . " です!"; } } $hoge = new Television(); $hoge->channelNo = 8; $hoge->dispChannel(); ?> </body> </html>
class StoreManager { private $_productList = array(); public function addProduct( Sellable $product ) { $this->_productList[] = $product; } public function stockUp() { foreach ( $this->_productList as $product ) { $product->addStock( 100 ); } } } $tv = new Television; $tv->setScreenSize( 42 ); $ball = new TennisBall; $ball->setColor( "yellow" ); $manager = new StoreManager(); $manager->addProduct( $tv ); $manager->addProduct( $ball ); $manager->stockUp(); echo "<p>There are ". $tv->getStockLevel() . " " . $tv->getScreenSize(); echo "-inch televisions and " . $ball->getStockLevel() . " " . $ball->getColor(); echo " tennis balls in stock.</p>"; echo "<p>Selling a television...</p>"; $tv->sellItem(); echo "<p>Selling two tennis balls...</p>"; $ball->sellItem(); $ball->sellItem();
} } class Clothing extends Product { protected $size; protected $type; protected $color; protected $gender; public function __construct($name, $brand, $price, $type, $size, $color, $gender) { parent::__construct($name, $brand, $price); $this->size = $size; $this->type = $type; $this->color = $color; $this->gender = $gender; } public function provideDescriptionForProductType() { return "This is an article of clothing. It is a " . $this->brand . " " . $this->color . " " . $this->gender . " " . $this->type . " of size " . $this->size . " it costs " . $this->price; } } $buttonDownShirt = new Clothing("Button Down Shirt", "J Peterman", 29.88, "shirt", "medium", "Eye-piercingly bright red", "Male"); $kramericaTV = new Television("Giant TV", "Kramerica", 3900.9, "LED", "100in"); echo $buttonDownShirt->provideDescription(); echo "</br>"; echo $kramericaTV->provideDescription(); ?> </p> </body> </html>