コード例 #1
 public function OnLoadPageData()
     $player_manager = new PlayerManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $this->players = $player_manager->GetItems();
     if (count($this->players)) {
         $this->team = $this->players[0]->Team();
  * Re-build from data posted by this control a single data object which this control is editing
  * @param int $i_counter
  * @param int $i_id
 protected function BuildPostedItem($i_counter = null, $i_id = null)
     $s_key = $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Points' . $i_counter;
     $s_award_key = $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Awarded' . $i_counter;
     $i_points = (int) (isset($_POST[$s_key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$s_key])) ? $_POST[$s_key] : 0;
     if (isset($_POST[$s_award_key]) and $_POST[$s_award_key] == '2') {
         $i_points = $i_points - $i_points * 2;
     $s_key = $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'PointsTeam' . $i_counter;
     $o_team = null;
     $o_team = new Team($this->GetSettings());
     if (isset($_POST[$s_key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$s_key])) {
     $s_key = $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Reason' . $i_counter;
     $s_reason = (isset($_POST[$s_key]) and strlen($_POST[$s_key]) <= 200) ? $_POST[$s_key] : '';
     if ($i_points != 0 or $o_team->GetId() or $s_reason) {
         $o_adjust = new PointsAdjustment($i_id, $i_points, $o_team, $s_reason);
         $i_date = $this->BuildPostedItemModifiedDate($i_counter, $o_adjust);
     } else {
コード例 #3
 function OnLoadPageData()
     /* @var Team $team */
     # check parameter
     if (!isset($_GET['item']) or !is_numeric($_GET['item'])) {
     # get team
     $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $this->team = $team_manager->GetFirst();
     # must have found a team
     if (!$this->team instanceof Team) {
     # get match stats
     require_once 'stoolball/statistics/statistics-manager.class.php';
     $statistics_manager = new StatisticsManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $this->stats = $statistics_manager->GetItems();
     # Get some stats on the best players
     $this->statistics_query = "?team=" . $this->team->GetId();
     if ($this->season) {
         # use midpoint of season to get season dates for filter
         $start_year = substr($this->season, 0, 4);
         $end_year = strlen($this->season) == 7 ? $start_year + 1 : $start_year;
         if ($start_year == $end_year) {
             $season_dates = Season::SeasonDates(mktime(0, 0, 0, 7, 1, $start_year));
         } else {
             $season_dates = Season::SeasonDates(mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 31, $start_year));
         $this->statistics_query .= "&amp;from=" . $season_dates[0] . "&amp;to=" . $season_dates[1];
     $this->most_runs = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("runs_scored");
     $this->most_wickets = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("wickets");
     $this->most_catches = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("catches");
     $this->most_run_outs = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("run_outs");
     $this->most_player_of_match = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("player_of_match");
コード例 #4
 function OnPostback()
     # get object
     $this->team = $this->edit->GetDataObject();
     # Check user has permission to edit this team. Authentication for team owners is based on the URI
     # so make sure we get that from the database, not untrusted user input.
     if ($this->team->GetId() and !AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->Permissions()->HasPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_TEAMS)) {
         $check_team = $this->team_manager->GetFirst();
     if ($this->team->GetId() and !AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->Permissions()->HasPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_TEAMS, $this->team->GetLinkedDataUri()) or !$this->team->GetId() and !AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->Permissions()->HasPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_TEAMS)) {
     # save data if valid
     if ($this->IsValid()) {
         $i_id = $this->team_manager->SaveTeam($this->team);
 public function __construct(Team $team)
     $this->team = $team;
     $this->searchable = new SearchItem();
     $this->searchable->SearchItemId("team" . $team->GetId());
     $keywords = array($team->GetName(), $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetLocality(), $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetTown());
     $this->searchable->Keywords(implode(" ", $keywords));
     $content = array($team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetAdministrativeArea(), $team->GetIntro(), $team->GetPlayingTimes(), $team->GetCost(), $team->GetContact());
     $this->searchable->FullText(implode(" ", $content));
     $this->searchable->RelatedLinksHtml('<ul>' . '<li><a href="' . $team->GetStatsNavigateUrl() . '">Statistics</a></li>' . '<li><a href="' . $team->GetPlayersNavigateUrl() . '">Players</a></li>' . '<li><a href="' . $team->GetCalendarNavigateUrl() . '">Match calendar</a></li>' . '</ul>');
  * Re-build from data posted by this control a single data object which this control is editing
  * @param int $i_counter
  * @param int $i_id
 protected function BuildPostedItem($i_counter = null, $i_id = null)
     $s_key = $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Team' . $i_counter;
     $o_team = null;
     $o_team = new Team($this->GetSettings());
     if (isset($_POST[$s_key]) and is_numeric($_POST[$s_key])) {
     $s_key = $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'TeamValue' . $i_counter;
     if (isset($_POST[$s_key])) {
     $s_key = $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'WithdrawnLeague' . $i_counter;
     $b_withdrawn_league = (isset($_POST[$s_key]) and $_POST[$s_key] == '1');
     if ($o_team->GetId() or $b_withdrawn_league) {
         $team_in_season = new TeamInSeason($o_team, null, $b_withdrawn_league);
     } else {
  * Gets a hash of the specified team
  * @param Team $data_object
  * @return string
 protected function GetDataObjectHash($data_object)
     return $this->GenerateHash(array($data_object->GetId()));
  * Creates the controls when the editor is in its fixture view
 private function CreateFixtureControls(Match $match, XhtmlElement $match_box)
     $css_class = 'TournamentEdit';
     if ($this->GetCssClass()) {
         $css_class .= ' ' . $this->GetCssClass();
     $match_outer_1 = new XhtmlElement('div');
     $match_outer_2 = new XhtmlElement('div');
     if ($match->GetId()) {
         $heading = "Edit tournament";
     } else {
         $heading = "Add your tournament";
     if ($this->show_step_number) {
         $heading .= ' &#8211; step 1 of 3';
     $o_title_inner_1 = new XhtmlElement('span', $heading);
     $o_title_inner_2 = new XhtmlElement('span', $o_title_inner_1);
     $o_title_inner_3 = new XhtmlElement('span', $o_title_inner_2);
     $match_box->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('h2', $o_title_inner_3, "large"));
     # Tournament title
     $suggested_title = $match->GetTitle();
     if (isset($this->context_season)) {
         $suggested_title = $this->GetContextSeason()->GetCompetition()->GetName();
         if (strpos(strtolower($suggested_title), 'tournament') === false) {
             $suggested_title .= ' tournament';
     } else {
         if (isset($this->context_team)) {
             $suggested_title = $this->GetContextTeam()->GetName();
             if (strpos(strtolower($suggested_title), 'tournament') === false) {
                 $suggested_title .= ' tournament';
     if ($suggested_title == "To be confirmed tournament") {
         $suggested_title = "";
     if ($suggested_title == "To be confirmed v To be confirmed") {
         $suggested_title = "";
     $title = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Title', $suggested_title, $this->IsValidSubmit());
     $match_box->AddControl(new FormPart('Tournament name', $title));
     # Open or invite?
     require_once 'xhtml/forms/radio-button.class.php';
     $qualify_set = new XhtmlElement('fieldset');
     $qualify_set->SetCssClass('formPart radioButtonList');
     $qualify_set->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('legend', 'Who can play?', 'formLabel'));
     $qualify_radios = new XhtmlElement('div', null, 'formControl');
     $qualify_radios->AddControl(new RadioButton($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Open', $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Qualify', 'any team may enter', MatchQualification::OPEN_TOURNAMENT, $match->GetQualificationType() === MatchQualification::OPEN_TOURNAMENT or !$match->GetId(), $this->IsValidSubmit()));
     $qualify_radios->AddControl(new RadioButton($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Qualify', $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Qualify', 'only invited or qualifying teams can enter', MatchQualification::CLOSED_TOURNAMENT, $match->GetQualificationType() === MatchQualification::CLOSED_TOURNAMENT, $this->IsValidSubmit()));
     # Player type
     $suggested_type = 2;
     if (isset($this->context_season)) {
         $suggested_type = $this->context_season->GetCompetition()->GetPlayerType();
     } elseif (isset($this->context_team)) {
         $suggested_type = $this->context_team->GetPlayerType();
     if (!is_null($match->GetPlayerType())) {
         $suggested_type = $match->GetPlayerType();
     # Saved value overrides suggestion
     $player_set = new XhtmlElement('fieldset');
     $player_set->SetCssClass('formPart radioButtonList');
     $player_set->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('legend', 'Type of teams', 'formLabel'));
     $player_radios = new XhtmlElement('div', null, 'formControl');
     $player_radios_1 = new XhtmlElement('div', null, 'column');
     $player_radios_2 = new XhtmlElement('div', null, 'column');
     $player_radios_1->AddControl(new RadioButton($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Ladies', $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'PlayerType', 'Ladies', 2, $suggested_type === 2, $this->IsValidSubmit()));
     $player_radios_1->AddControl(new RadioButton($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Mixed', $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'PlayerType', 'Mixed', 1, $suggested_type === 1, $this->IsValidSubmit()));
     $player_radios_2->AddControl(new RadioButton($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Girls', $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'PlayerType', 'Junior girls', 5, $suggested_type === 5, $this->IsValidSubmit()));
     $player_radios_2->AddControl(new RadioButton($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Children', $this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'PlayerType', 'Junior mixed', 4, $suggested_type === 6, $this->IsValidSubmit()));
     # How many?
     $per_side_box = new XhtmlSelect($this->GetNamingPrefix() . "Players", null, $this->IsValid());
     for ($i = 6; $i <= 16; $i++) {
         $per_side_box->AddControl(new XhtmlOption($i));
     if ($match->GetIsMaximumPlayersPerTeamKnown()) {
     } else {
         if (!$match->GetId()) {
             # Use eight as sensible default for new tournaments
     $players_per_team = new XhtmlElement("label", $per_side_box);
     $players_per_team->AddAttribute("for", $this->GetNamingPrefix() . "Players");
     $players_per_team->AddControl(" players per team");
     $players_part = new FormPart("How many players?", $players_per_team);
     # Overs
     $overs_box = new XhtmlSelect($this->GetNamingPrefix() . "Overs", null, $this->IsValid());
     for ($i = 2; $i <= 8; $i++) {
         $overs_box->AddControl(new XhtmlOption($i));
     if ($match->GetIsOversKnown()) {
     $overs_label = new XhtmlElement("label", "Overs per innings");
     $overs_label->AddAttribute("for", $overs_box->GetXhtmlId());
     $overs_part = new FormPart($overs_label, new XhtmlElement("div", $overs_box));
     # Start date and time
     if (!$match->GetStartTime()) {
         # if no date set, use specified default
         if ($this->i_default_time) {
         } else {
             # if no date set and no default, default to today at 10.30am BST
             # NOTE that if this is a new tournament in an old season, this date won't be selected because the available
             # dates will be limited below and won't include today. It'll be the same day in the relevant year though.
             $i_now = gmdate('U');
             $match->SetStartTime(gmmktime(9, 30, 00, (int) gmdate('n', $i_now), (int) gmdate('d', $i_now), (int) gmdate('Y', $i_now)));
     $o_date = new DateControl($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Start', $match->GetStartTime(), $match->GetIsStartTimeKnown(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
     # if only one season to choose from, limit available dates to the length of that season
     if ($this->context_season instanceof Season) {
         if ($this->context_season->GetStartYear() == $this->context_season->GetEndYear()) {
             $i_mid_season = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 6, 30, $this->context_season->GetStartYear());
         } else {
             $i_mid_season = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 31, $this->context_season->GetStartYear());
         $season_dates = Season::SeasonDates($i_mid_season);
         $season_start_month = gmdate('n', $season_dates[0]);
         $season_end_month = gmdate('n', $season_dates[1]);
         if ($season_start_month) {
         if ($season_end_month) {
         $season_start_year = $this->context_season->GetStartYear();
         $season_end_year = $this->context_season->GetEndYear();
         if ($season_start_year) {
         if ($season_end_year) {
     $o_date_part = new FormPart('When?', $o_date);
     # Where?
     $o_ground_list = new XhtmlSelect($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Ground');
     $o_ground_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("Don't know", -1));
     $o_ground_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption('Not listed (type the address in the notes field)', -2));
     # Promote the most likely grounds to the top of the list
     $likely_ground_ids = array();
     if ($match->GetGroundId()) {
         $likely_ground_ids[] = $match->GetGroundId();
     foreach ($this->probable_teams as $o_team) {
         $likely_ground_ids[] = $o_team->GetGround()->GetId();
     if (isset($this->context_season)) {
         foreach ($this->context_season->GetTeams() as $o_team) {
             $likely_ground_ids[] = $o_team->GetGround()->GetId();
     if (isset($this->context_team) and is_object($this->context_team->GetGround())) {
         $likely_ground_ids[] = $this->context_team->GetGround()->GetId();
     $likely_grounds = array();
     $a_other_grounds = array();
     /* @var $o_ground Ground */
     foreach ($this->grounds->GetItems() as $o_ground) {
         if (array_search($o_ground->GetId(), $likely_ground_ids) > -1) {
             $likely_grounds[] = $o_ground;
         } else {
             $a_other_grounds[] = $o_ground;
     # Add home grounds
     foreach ($likely_grounds as $o_ground) {
         $option = new XhtmlOption($o_ground->GetNameAndTown(), $o_ground->GetId());
         $option->SetGroupName('Likely grounds');
     # Add away grounds
     foreach ($a_other_grounds as $o_ground) {
         $option = new XhtmlOption($o_ground->GetNameAndTown(), $o_ground->GetId());
         $option->SetGroupName('Other grounds');
     # Select ground
     if ($match->GetGroundId()) {
     } elseif (isset($this->context_team)) {
     $o_ground_part = new FormPart('Where?', $o_ground_list);
     # Notes
     $o_notes = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Notes', $match->GetNotes());
     $o_notes_part = new FormPart('Notes<br />(remember to include contact details)', $o_notes);
     # Remember short URL
     $o_short_url = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'ShortUrl', $match->GetShortUrl());
     # Note the context team to be added to the tournament by default
     if (isset($this->context_team)) {
         $context_team_box = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'ContextTeam', $this->context_team->GetId());
     # Change Save button to "Next" button
     if ($this->show_step_number) {
         $this->SetButtonText('Next &raquo;');
  * Gets the unique id of the team
  * @return int
 public function GetTeamId()
     return $this->team instanceof Team ? $this->team->GetId() : null;
  * Ensures that an entry exists for the given team in the internal opponents
  * array
  * @param string $season_key
  * @param Team $team
 private function EnsureTeamArray($season_key, Team $team)
     if (!array_key_exists($season_key, $this->opponents)) {
         $this->opponents[$season_key] = array();
     if (!array_key_exists($team->GetId(), $this->opponents[$season_key])) {
         $this->opponents[$season_key][$team->GetId()] = array();
         $this->opponents[$season_key][$team->GetId()]['team'] = $team;
         $this->opponents[$season_key][$team->GetId()]['matches'] = 0;
         $this->opponents[$season_key][$team->GetId()]['wins'] = 0;
         $this->opponents[$season_key][$team->GetId()]['losses'] = 0;
         $this->opponents[$season_key][$team->GetId()]['equal'] = 0;
         $this->opponents[$season_key][$team->GetId()]['cancelled'] = 0;
コード例 #11
 function OnLoadPageData()
     /* @var $o_last_match Match */
     /* @var $season Season */
     /* @var $team Team */
     # First best guess at where user came from is the page field posted back,
     # second best is tournaments page. Either can be tampered with, so there will be
     # a check later before they're used for redirection. If there's a context
     # season or team its URL will be read from the db and overwrite this later.
     if (isset($_POST['page'])) {
         $this->destination_url_if_cancelled = $_POST['page'];
     } else {
         $this->destination_url_if_cancelled = "/tournaments";
     # new data manager
     $match_manager = new MatchManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     # Check whether cancel was clicked
     if ($this->IsPostback() and $this->editor->CancelClicked()) {
         # new tournament, nothing saved yet, so just send user back where they came from
     # Save match
     if ($this->IsPostback() and $this->IsValid()) {
         # Get posted match
         $this->tournament = $this->editor->GetDataObject();
         # Save match
         if (count($this->tournament->GetAwayTeams())) {
         if ($this->season instanceof Season) {
             $match_manager->SaveSeasons($this->tournament, true);
     if (isset($this->season)) {
         $season_manager = new SeasonManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
         $this->season = $season_manager->GetFirst();
         $this->destination_url_if_cancelled = $this->season->GetNavigateUrl();
         # If we're adding a match to a season, get last game in season for its date
     if (isset($this->team)) {
         # Get more information about the team itself
         require_once 'stoolball/team-manager.class.php';
         $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
         $this->team = $team_manager->GetFirst();
         $this->destination_url_if_cancelled = $this->team->GetNavigateUrl();
         # Get the last game already scheduled for the team to use its date
         # Read teams played in the last year in order to get their grounds, which will be put at the top of the select list
         $team_manager->ReadRecentOpponents(array($this->team->GetId()), 12);
     # Use the date of the most recent tournament if it was this year, otherwise just use the default of today
     $o_last_match = $match_manager->GetFirst();
     if (is_object($o_last_match) and gmdate('Y', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()) == gmdate('Y')) {
         if ($o_last_match->GetIsStartTimeKnown()) {
             # If the last match has a time, use it
         } else {
             # If the last match has no time, use 11am BST
             $this->editor->SetDefaultTime(gmmktime(10, 0, 0, gmdate('m', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()), gmdate('d', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()), gmdate('Y', $o_last_match->GetStartTime())));
     # Get grounds
     $o_ground_manager = new GroundManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $a_grounds = $o_ground_manager->GetItems();
 protected function CreateControls()
     $o_match = $this->GetDataObject();
     if (is_null($o_match)) {
         $o_match = new Match($this->GetSettings());
     /* @var $o_match Match */
     /* @var $o_team Team */
     $b_got_home = !is_null($o_match->GetHomeTeam());
     $b_got_away = !is_null($o_match->GetAwayTeam());
     $b_is_new_match = !(bool) $o_match->GetId();
     $b_is_tournament_match = false;
     if ($this->i_match_type == MatchType::TOURNAMENT_MATCH) {
         $b_is_tournament_match = $this->tournament instanceof Match;
     } else {
         if ($o_match->GetMatchType() == MatchType::TOURNAMENT_MATCH and $o_match->GetTournament() instanceof Match) {
             $b_is_tournament_match = true;
     $o_match_outer_1 = new XhtmlElement('div');
     $o_match_outer_2 = new XhtmlElement('div');
     $o_match_box = new XhtmlElement('div');
     if ($this->GetShowHeading()) {
         $s_heading = str_replace('{0}', MatchType::Text($this->i_match_type), $this->GetHeading());
         # Add match type if required
         $o_title_inner_1 = new XhtmlElement('span', htmlentities($s_heading, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false));
         $o_title_inner_2 = new XhtmlElement('span', $o_title_inner_1);
         $o_title_inner_3 = new XhtmlElement('span', $o_title_inner_2);
         $o_match_box->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('h2', $o_title_inner_3, "medium large"));
     # Offer choice of season if appropriate
     $season_count = $this->seasons->GetCount();
     if ($season_count == 1 and $this->i_match_type != MatchType::PRACTICE) {
         $o_season_id = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Season', $this->seasons->GetFirst()->GetId());
     } elseif ($season_count > 1 and $this->i_match_type != MatchType::PRACTICE) {
         $o_season_id = new XhtmlSelect($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Season', '', $this->IsValidSubmit());
         foreach ($this->Seasons()->GetItems() as $season) {
             $o_season_id->AddControl(new XhtmlOption($season->GetCompetitionName(), $season->GetId()));
         $o_match_box->AddControl(new FormPart('Competition', $o_season_id));
     # Start date and time
     $match_time_known = (bool) $o_match->GetStartTime();
     if (!$match_time_known) {
         # if no date set, use specified default
         if ($this->i_default_time) {
             if ($b_is_tournament_match) {
         } else {
             # if no date set and no default, default to today at 6.30pm BST
             $i_now = gmdate('U');
             $o_match->SetStartTime(gmmktime(17, 30, 00, (int) gmdate('n', $i_now), (int) gmdate('d', $i_now), (int) gmdate('Y', $i_now)));
     $o_date = new DateControl($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Start', $o_match->GetStartTime(), $o_match->GetIsStartTimeKnown(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
     # if no date set and only one season to choose from, limit available dates to the length of that season
     if (!$match_time_known and $season_count == 1) {
         if ($this->Seasons()->GetFirst()->GetStartYear() == $this->Seasons()->GetFirst()->GetEndYear()) {
             $i_mid_season = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 6, 30, $this->Seasons()->GetFirst()->GetStartYear());
         } else {
             $i_mid_season = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 31, $this->Seasons()->GetFirst()->GetStartYear());
         $season_dates = Season::SeasonDates($i_mid_season);
         $season_start_month = gmdate('n', $season_dates[0]);
         $season_end_month = gmdate('n', $season_dates[1]);
         if ($season_start_month) {
         if ($season_end_month) {
             $o_date->SetMonthEnd($season_end_month + 1);
         // TODO: need a better way to handle this, allowing overlap. Shirley has indoor matches until early April.
         $season_start_year = $this->Seasons()->GetFirst()->GetStartYear();
         $season_end_year = $this->Seasons()->GetFirst()->GetEndYear();
         if ($season_start_year) {
         if ($season_end_year) {
     if ($b_is_tournament_match) {
     } else {
         $o_date_part = new FormPart('When?', $o_date);
     # Who's playing?
     if ($this->i_match_type == MatchType::PRACTICE and isset($this->context_team)) {
         $home_id = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Home', $this->context_team->GetId());
         $away_id = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Away', $this->context_team->GetId());
     } else {
         $o_home_list = new XhtmlSelect($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Home');
         $o_away_list = new XhtmlSelect($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Away');
         $first_real_team_index = 0;
         if ($this->b_user_is_admin) {
             # Option of not specifying teams is currently admin-only
             # Value of 0 is important because PHP sees it as boolean negative, but it can be used as the indexer of an array in JavaScript
             $o_home_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("Don't know yet", '0'));
             $o_away_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("Don't know yet", '0'));
             $first_real_team_index = 1;
         foreach ($this->a_teams as $group_name => $teams) {
             foreach ($teams as $o_team) {
                 $home_option = new XhtmlOption($o_team->GetName(), $o_team->GetId());
                 if (is_string($group_name) and $group_name) {
                 $away_option = new XhtmlOption($o_team->GetName(), $o_team->GetId());
                 if (is_string($group_name) and $group_name) {
         $o_home_part = new FormPart('Home team', $o_home_list);
         $o_away_part = new FormPart('Away team', $o_away_list);
         if ($b_got_home) {
         if (!$b_got_home and $b_is_new_match) {
             // if no home team data, select the first team by default
             // unless editing a match, in which case it may be correct to have no teams (eg cup final)
         if (!$b_got_away and $b_is_new_match) {
             // if no away team data, select the second team as the away team so that it's not the same as the first
             // unless editing a match, in which case it may be correct to have no teams (eg cup final).
             $o_away_list->SelectIndex($first_real_team_index + 1);
             // if there was a home team but not an away team, make sure we don't select the home team against itself
             if ($b_got_home and $o_away_list->GetSelectedValue() == (string) $o_match->GetHomeTeamId()) {
         } else {
             if ($b_got_away) {
             if (!$b_is_new_match) {
                 # Note which away team was previously saved, even if it's "not known" - this is for JavaScript to know it shouldn't auto-change the away team
                 $away_saved = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'SavedAway', $o_match->GetAwayTeamId());
     # Where?
     # If tournament match, assume same ground as tournament. Otherwise ask the user for ground.
     if ($b_is_tournament_match) {
         $ground = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Ground', $this->tournament->GetGroundId() ? $this->tournament->GetGroundId() : $o_match->GetGroundId());
     } else {
         $o_ground_list = new XhtmlSelect($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Ground');
         $o_ground_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption("Don't know", -1));
         $o_ground_list->AddControl(new XhtmlOption('Not listed (type the address in the notes field)', -2));
         # Promote home grounds for this season to the top of the list
         $a_home_ground_ids = array();
         foreach ($this->a_teams as $teams) {
             foreach ($teams as $o_team) {
                 $a_home_ground_ids[$o_team->GetId()] = $o_team->GetGround()->GetId();
         $a_home_grounds = array();
         $a_other_grounds = array();
         /* @var $o_ground Ground */
         foreach ($this->a_grounds as $o_ground) {
             if (array_search($o_ground->GetId(), $a_home_ground_ids) > -1) {
                 $a_home_grounds[] = $o_ground;
             } else {
                 $a_other_grounds[] = $o_ground;
         # Add home grounds
         foreach ($a_home_grounds as $o_ground) {
             $option = new XhtmlOption($o_ground->GetNameAndTown(), $o_ground->GetId());
             $option->SetGroupName('Home grounds');
         # Add away grounds
         foreach ($a_other_grounds as $o_ground) {
             $option = new XhtmlOption($o_ground->GetNameAndTown(), $o_ground->GetId());
             $option->SetGroupName('Away grounds');
         # Select ground
         if ($o_match->GetGroundId()) {
         } elseif ($this->i_match_type == MatchType::PRACTICE and isset($this->context_team)) {
         $o_ground_part = new FormPart('Where?', $o_ground_list);
         # Note which grounds belong to which teams, for use by match-fixture-edit-control.js to select a ground when the home team is changed
         # Format is 1,2;2,3;4,5
         # where ; separates each team, and for each team the first number identifies the team and the second is the ground
         $s_team_ground = '';
         foreach ($a_home_ground_ids as $i_team => $i_ground) {
             if ($s_team_ground) {
                 $s_team_ground .= ';';
             $s_team_ground .= $i_team . ',' . $i_ground;
         $o_hidden = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'TeamGround', $s_team_ground);
         # Note which ground was previously saved - this is for JavaScript to know it shouldn't auto-change the ground
         if (!$b_is_new_match) {
             $o_hidden = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'SavedGround', $o_match->GetGroundId());
     # Notes
     $o_notes = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Notes', $o_match->GetNotes());
     $o_notes_part = new FormPart('Notes', $o_notes);
     # Remember match type, tournament and short URL
     $o_type = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'MatchType', $this->GetMatchType());
     if ($b_is_tournament_match) {
         $tourn_box = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Tournament', $this->tournament->GetId());
     $o_short_url = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'ShortUrl', $o_match->GetShortUrl());
     # Note the context team - to be picked up by JavaScript to enable auto-changing of away team if
     # context team is not selected as home team
     if (isset($this->context_team)) {
         $context_team_box = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'ContextTeam', $this->context_team->GetId());
  * @return int
  * @param Team $team
  * @desc Save the supplied Team to the database, and return the id
 public function SaveTeam(Team $team)
     # First job is to check permissions. There are several scenarios:
     # - adding regular teams requires the highest privileges
     # - adding once-only teams requires low privileges
     # - editing teams has less access for a team owner than for a site admin
     # Important to check the previous team type from the database before trusting
     # the one submitted, as changing the team type changes editing privileges
     $user = AuthenticationManager::GetUser();
     $is_admin = $user->Permissions()->HasPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_TEAMS);
     $is_team_owner = $user->Permissions()->HasPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_TEAMS, $team->GetLinkedDataUri());
     $adding = !(bool) $team->GetId();
     $old_team = null;
     if (!$adding) {
         $old_team = $this->GetFirst();
         $team->SetTeamType($this->GetPermittedTeamType($old_team->GetTeamType(), $team->GetTeamType()));
     $is_once_only = $team->GetTeamType() == Team::ONCE;
     # To add a regular team we need global manage teams permission
     if ($adding and !$is_once_only and !$is_admin) {
         throw new Exception("Unauthorised");
     # To edit a team we need global manage teams permission, or team owner permission
     if (!$adding and !$is_admin and !$is_team_owner) {
         throw new Exception("Unauthorised");
     # Only an admin can change the short URL after the team is created
     if ($adding or $is_admin) {
         # Set up short URL manager
         # Before changing the short URL, important that $old_team has a note of the current resource URI
         require_once 'http/short-url-manager.class.php';
         $o_url_manager = new ShortUrlManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
         $new_short_url = $o_url_manager->EnsureShortUrl($team);
     # build query
     $i_club_id = !is_null($team->GetClub()) ? $team->GetClub()->GetId() : null;
     $allowed_html = array('p', 'br', 'strong', 'em', 'a[href]', 'ul', 'ol', 'li');
     $school_years = $team->GetSchoolYears();
     $school_years_sql = "year1 = " . Sql::ProtectBool(array_key_exists(1, $school_years) and $school_years[1], false, false) . ", \r\n                            year2 = " . Sql::ProtectBool(array_key_exists(2, $school_years) and $school_years[2], false, false) . ", \r\n                            year3 = " . Sql::ProtectBool(array_key_exists(3, $school_years) and $school_years[3], false, false) . ", \r\n                            year4 = " . Sql::ProtectBool(array_key_exists(4, $school_years) and $school_years[4], false, false) . ", \r\n                            year5 = " . Sql::ProtectBool(array_key_exists(5, $school_years) and $school_years[5], false, false) . ", \r\n                            year6 = " . Sql::ProtectBool(array_key_exists(6, $school_years) and $school_years[6], false, false) . ", \r\n                            year7 = " . Sql::ProtectBool(array_key_exists(7, $school_years) and $school_years[7], false, false) . ", \r\n                            year8 = " . Sql::ProtectBool(array_key_exists(8, $school_years) and $school_years[8], false, false) . ", \r\n                            year9 = " . Sql::ProtectBool(array_key_exists(9, $school_years) and $school_years[9], false, false) . ", \r\n                            year10 = " . Sql::ProtectBool(array_key_exists(10, $school_years) and $school_years[10], false, false) . ", \r\n                            year11 = " . Sql::ProtectBool(array_key_exists(11, $school_years) and $school_years[11], false, false) . ", \r\n                            year12 = " . Sql::ProtectBool(array_key_exists(12, $school_years) and $school_years[12], false, false) . ", ";
     # if no id, it's a new Team; otherwise update the Team
     if ($adding) {
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO nsa_team SET ' . "team_name = " . $this->SqlString($team->GetName()) . ", \r\n            comparable_name = " . Sql::ProtectString($this->GetDataConnection(), $team->GetComparableName(), false) . ",\r\n            club_id = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($i_club_id, true) . ", \r\n            website = " . $this->SqlString($team->GetWebsiteUrl()) . ", " . 'ground_id = ' . Sql::ProtectNumeric($team->GetGround()->GetId(), true) . ', ' . 'active = ' . Sql::ProtectBool($team->GetIsActive()) . ", \r\n            team_type = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($team->GetTeamType()) . ", \r\n            {$school_years_sql}\r\n            player_type_id = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($team->GetPlayerType()) . ",\r\n            intro = " . $this->SqlHtmlString($team->GetIntro(), $allowed_html) . ",\r\n            playing_times = " . $this->SqlHtmlString($team->GetPlayingTimes(), $allowed_html) . ",  \r\n            cost = " . $this->SqlHtmlString($team->GetCost(), $allowed_html) . ", " . "contact = " . $this->SqlHtmlString($team->GetContact(), $allowed_html) . ", " . "contact_nsa = " . $this->SqlHtmlString($team->GetPrivateContact(), $allowed_html) . ", " . "short_url = " . $this->SqlString($team->GetShortUrl()) . ", \r\n            update_search = " . ($is_once_only ? "0" : "1") . ", \r\n            date_added = " . gmdate('U') . ', ' . 'date_changed = ' . gmdate('U') . ", " . "modified_by_id = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($user->GetId());
         # run query
         # get autonumber
         # Create default extras players
         require_once "player-manager.class.php";
         $player_manager = new PlayerManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
         # Create owner role
         require_once "authentication/authentication-manager.class.php";
         require_once "authentication/role.class.php";
         $authentication_manager = new AuthenticationManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection(), null);
         $role = new Role();
         $role->setRoleName("Team owner: " . $team->GetName());
         $role->Permissions()->AddPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_TEAMS, $team->GetLinkedDataUri());
         $sql = "UPDATE nsa_team SET owner_role_id = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($role->getRoleId(), false, false) . ' WHERE team_id = ' . Sql::ProtectNumeric($team->GetId());
         # If creating a once-only team, make the current user an owner
         if ($is_once_only and !$is_admin) {
             $authentication_manager->AddUserToRole($user->GetId(), $role->getRoleId());
     } else {
         # Now update the team, depending on permissions
         $sql = 'UPDATE nsa_team SET ' . "website = " . $this->SqlString($team->GetWebsiteUrl()) . ", " . "intro = " . $this->SqlHtmlString($team->GetIntro(), $allowed_html) . ", " . "cost = " . $this->SqlHtmlString($team->GetCost(), $allowed_html) . ", " . "contact = " . $this->SqlHtmlString($team->GetContact(), $allowed_html) . ", " . "contact_nsa = " . $this->SqlHtmlString($team->GetPrivateContact(), $allowed_html) . ",  \r\n            update_search = " . ($is_once_only ? "0" : "1") . ",  \r\n            date_changed = " . gmdate('U') . ", \r\n            modified_by_id = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($user->GetId()) . ' ';
         if (!$is_once_only) {
             $sql .= ", \r\n                        active = " . Sql::ProtectBool($team->GetIsActive()) . ", \r\n                        team_type = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($team->GetTeamType()) . ",\r\n                        {$school_years_sql}\r\n                        ground_id = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($team->GetGround()->GetId(), true) . ", \r\n                        playing_times = " . $this->SqlHtmlString($team->GetPlayingTimes(), $allowed_html);
         if ($is_admin or $is_once_only) {
             $sql .= ",\r\n                        team_name = " . $this->SqlString($team->GetName());
         if ($is_admin) {
             $sql .= ",\r\n                        club_id = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($i_club_id, true) . ", \r\n                        player_type_id = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($team->GetPlayerType()) . ", \r\n                        comparable_name = " . Sql::ProtectString($this->GetDataConnection(), $team->GetComparableName(), false) . ",\r\n                        short_url = " . $this->SqlString($team->GetShortUrl()) . " ";
         $sql .= "WHERE team_id = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($team->GetId());
         # In case team name changed, update stats table
         if ($is_admin or $is_once_only) {
             $sql = "UPDATE nsa_player_match SET team_name = " . $this->SqlString($team->GetName()) . " WHERE team_id = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($team->GetId());
             $sql = "UPDATE nsa_player_match SET opposition_name = " . $this->SqlString($team->GetName()) . " WHERE opposition_id = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($team->GetId());
     if ($adding or $is_admin) {
         # Regenerate short URLs
         if (is_object($new_short_url)) {
             if (!$adding) {
                 $o_url_manager->ReplacePrefixForChildUrls(Player::GetShortUrlFormatForType($this->GetSettings()), $old_team->GetShortUrl(), $team->GetShortUrl());
                 $old_prefix = $this->SqlString($old_team->GetShortUrl() . "/%");
                 $new_prefix = $this->SqlString($team->GetShortUrl());
                 $sql = "UPDATE nsa_player_match SET\r\n                            player_url = CONCAT({$new_prefix}, RIGHT(player_url,CHAR_LENGTH(player_url)-LOCATE('/',player_url)+1))\r\n                            WHERE player_url LIKE {$old_prefix}";
         # Owner permission is based on the resource URI, which in turn is based on short URL,
         # so if it's changed update the permissions
         if ($old_team instanceof Team) {
             $old_resource_uri = $old_team->GetLinkedDataUri();
             $new_resource_uri = $team->GetLinkedDataUri();
             if ($old_resource_uri != $new_resource_uri) {
                 $permissions_table = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable("PermissionRoleLink");
                 $sql = "UPDATE {$permissions_table} SET resource_uri = " . $this->SqlString($new_resource_uri) . " WHERE resource_uri = " . $this->SqlString($old_resource_uri);
     if (!$is_once_only) {
         # Request search update for affected  competitions
         $sql = "UPDATE nsa_competition SET update_search = 1 WHERE competition_id IN \r\n                (\r\n                    SELECT competition_id FROM nsa_season WHERE season_id IN\r\n                    (\r\n                        SELECT season_id FROM nsa_team_season WHERE team_id = " . SQL::ProtectNumeric($team->GetId(), false) . " \r\n                    )\r\n                )";
         # Request searched update for effects of changing the team name
         $sql = "UPDATE nsa_player SET update_search = 1 WHERE team_id = " . SQL::ProtectNumeric($team->GetId(), false);
         $sql = "UPDATE nsa_match SET update_search = 1 WHERE match_id IN ( SELECT match_id FROM nsa_match_team WHERE team_id = " . SQL::ProtectNumeric($team->GetId(), false) . ")";
         # Request search update for changing the team home ground
         $sql = "UPDATE nsa_ground SET update_search = 1 WHERE ground_id = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($team->GetGround()->GetId(), false);
     return $team->GetId();
コード例 #14
 function OnLoadPageData()
     /* @var Team $team */
     # check parameter
     if (!isset($_GET['item']) or !is_numeric($_GET['item'])) {
     # new data manager
     $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $match_manager = new MatchManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     # get teams
     $this->team = $team_manager->GetFirst();
     # must have found a team
     if (!$this->team instanceof Team) {
     # Update search engine
     if ($this->team->GetSearchUpdateRequired()) {
         require_once "search/team-search-adapter.class.php";
         $this->SearchIndexer()->DeleteFromIndexById("team" . $this->team->GetId());
         $adapter = new TeamSearchAdapter($this->team);
     $this->is_one_time_team = $this->team->GetTeamType() == Team::ONCE;
     # get matches and match stats
     if (!$this->is_one_time_team) {
         $a_season_dates = Season::SeasonDates();
         $this->season_key = date('Y', $a_season_dates[0]);
         if ($this->season_key != date('Y', $a_season_dates[1])) {
             $this->season_key .= "/" . date('y', $a_season_dates[1]);
     $this->a_matches = $match_manager->GetItems();
     $club = $this->team->GetClub();
     $this->has_facebook_group_url = ($club->GetFacebookUrl() and strpos($club->GetFacebookUrl(), '/groups/') !== false);
     $this->has_facebook_page_url = ($club->GetFacebookUrl() and !$this->has_facebook_group_url);
     if (!$this->has_facebook_page_url) {
         require_once 'stoolball/statistics/statistics-manager.class.php';
         $statistics_manager = new StatisticsManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
         $this->best_batting = $statistics_manager->ReadBestBattingPerformance();
         $this->best_bowling = $statistics_manager->ReadBestBowlingPerformance();
         $this->most_runs = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("runs_scored");
         $this->most_wickets = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("wickets");
         $this->most_catches = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("catches");
         # See what stats we've got available
         $best_batting_count = count($this->best_batting);
         $best_bowling_count = count($this->best_bowling);
         $best_batters = count($this->most_runs);
         $best_bowlers = count($this->most_wickets);
         $best_catchers = count($this->most_catches);
         $this->has_player_stats = ($best_batting_count or $best_batters or $best_bowling_count or $best_bowlers or $best_catchers);
         if (!$this->has_player_stats) {
             $player_of_match = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("player_of_match");
             $this->has_player_stats = (bool) count($player_of_match);
     # Get whether to show add league/cup links
     $season_manager = new SeasonManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $season_manager->ReadCurrentSeasonsByTeamId(array($this->team->GetId()), array(MatchType::CUP, MatchType::LEAGUE));
     $this->seasons = $season_manager->GetItems();
  * Sets up controls for pages 2/3 of the wizard
  * @param Match $match
  * @param Team $batting_team
  * @param Collection $batting_data
  * @param Team $bowling_team
  * @param Collection $bowling_data
  * @param int $total
  * @param int $wickets_taken
  * @return void
 private function CreateScorecardControls(Match $match, Team $batting_team, Collection $batting_data, Team $bowling_team, Collection $bowling_data, $total, $wickets_taken)
     require_once "xhtml/tables/xhtml-table.class.php";
     $batting_table = new XhtmlTable();
     $batting_table->SetCaption($batting_team->GetName() . "'s batting");
     $batting_table->SetCssClass("scorecard scorecardEditor batting");
     $out_by_header = new XhtmlCell(true, '<span class="small">Fielder</span><span class="large">Caught<span class="wrapping-hair-space"> </span>/<span class="wrapping-hair-space"> </span><span class="nowrap">run-out by</span></span>');
     $bowler_header = new XhtmlCell(true, "Bowler");
     $score_header = new XhtmlCell(true, "Runs");
     $balls_header = new XhtmlCell(true, "Balls");
     $batting_headings = new XhtmlRow(array("Batsman", "How out", $out_by_header, $bowler_header, $score_header, $balls_header));
     $byes = null;
     $wides = null;
     $no_balls = null;
     $bonus = null;
     # Loop = max players + 4, because if you have a full scorecard you have to keep looping to get the 4 extras players
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $match->GetMaximumPlayersPerTeam() + 4; $i++) {
         $batting = $batting_data->MoveNext() ? $batting_data->GetItem() : null;
         /* @var $batting Batting */
         # Grab the scores for extras players to use later
         if (!is_null($batting)) {
             switch ($batting->GetPlayer()->GetPlayerRole()) {
                 case Player::BYES:
                     $byes = $batting->GetRuns();
                 case Player::WIDES:
                     $wides = $batting->GetRuns();
                 case Player::NO_BALLS:
                     $no_balls = $batting->GetRuns();
                 case Player::BONUS_RUNS:
                     $bonus = $batting->GetRuns();
         # Don't write a table row for the last four loops, we'll do that next because they're different
         if ($i <= $match->GetMaximumPlayersPerTeam()) {
             $player = new TextBox("batName{$i}", (is_null($batting) or !$batting->GetPlayer()->GetPlayerRole() == Player::PLAYER) ? "" : $batting->GetPlayer()->GetName(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
             $player->AddAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
             $player->AddCssClass("player batsman team" . $batting_team->GetId());
             $how = new XhtmlSelect("batHowOut{$i}", null, $this->IsValidSubmit());
             $how->AddOptions(array(Batting::DID_NOT_BAT => Batting::Text(Batting::DID_NOT_BAT), Batting::NOT_OUT => Batting::Text(Batting::NOT_OUT), Batting::CAUGHT => Batting::Text(Batting::CAUGHT), Batting::BOWLED => Batting::Text(Batting::BOWLED), Batting::CAUGHT_AND_BOWLED => str_replace(" and ", "/", Batting::Text(Batting::CAUGHT_AND_BOWLED)), Batting::RUN_OUT => Batting::Text(Batting::RUN_OUT), Batting::BODY_BEFORE_WICKET => "bbw", Batting::HIT_BALL_TWICE => Batting::Text(Batting::HIT_BALL_TWICE), Batting::TIMED_OUT => Batting::Text(Batting::TIMED_OUT), Batting::RETIRED_HURT => Batting::Text(Batting::RETIRED_HURT), Batting::RETIRED => Batting::Text(Batting::RETIRED), Batting::UNKNOWN_DISMISSAL => Batting::Text(Batting::UNKNOWN_DISMISSAL)), null);
             if (!is_null($batting) and $batting->GetPlayer()->GetPlayerRole() == Player::PLAYER and $this->IsValidSubmit()) {
             $out_by = new TextBox("batOutBy{$i}", (is_null($batting) or is_null($batting->GetDismissedBy()) or !$batting->GetDismissedBy()->GetPlayerRole() == Player::PLAYER) ? "" : $batting->GetDismissedBy()->GetName(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
             $out_by->AddAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
             $out_by->AddCssClass("player team" . $bowling_team->GetId());
             $bowled_by = new TextBox("batBowledBy{$i}", (is_null($batting) or is_null($batting->GetBowler()) or !$batting->GetBowler()->GetPlayerRole() == Player::PLAYER) ? "" : $batting->GetBowler()->GetName(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
             $bowled_by->AddAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
             $bowled_by->AddCssClass("player team" . $bowling_team->GetId());
             $runs = new TextBox("batRuns{$i}", (is_null($batting) or $batting->GetPlayer()->GetPlayerRole() != Player::PLAYER) ? "" : $batting->GetRuns(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
             $runs->SetCssClass("numeric runs");
             $runs->AddAttribute("type", "number");
             $runs->AddAttribute("min", "0");
             $runs->AddAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
             $balls = new TextBox("batBalls{$i}", (is_null($batting) or $batting->GetPlayer()->GetPlayerRole() != Player::PLAYER) ? "" : $batting->GetBallsFaced(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
             $balls->SetCssClass("numeric balls");
             $balls->AddAttribute("type", "number");
             $balls->AddAttribute("min", "0");
             $balls->AddAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
             $batting_row = new XhtmlRow(array($player, $how, $out_by, $bowled_by, $runs, $balls));
     $batting_table->AddRow($this->CreateExtrasRow("batByes", "Byes", "extras", "numeric runs", $byes));
     $batting_table->AddRow($this->CreateExtrasRow("batWides", "Wides", "extras", "numeric runs", $wides));
     $batting_table->AddRow($this->CreateExtrasRow("batNoBalls", "No balls", "extras", "numeric runs", $no_balls));
     $batting_table->AddRow($this->CreateExtrasRow("batBonus", "Bonus or penalty runs", "extras", "numeric runs", $bonus));
     $batting_table->AddRow($this->CreateExtrasRow("batTotal", "Total", "totals", "numeric", $total));
     $batting_table->AddRow($this->CreateWicketsRow($match, $wickets_taken));
     $total_batsmen = new TextBox("batRows", $match->GetMaximumPlayersPerTeam(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
     $bowling_table = new XhtmlTable();
     $bowling_table->SetCaption($bowling_team->GetName() . "'s bowling, over-by-over");
     $bowling_table->SetCssClass("scorecard scorecardEditor bowling-scorecard bowling");
     $over_header = new XhtmlCell(true, 'Balls bowled <span class="qualifier">(excluding extras)</span>');
     $over_header->SetCssClass("numeric balls");
     $wides_header = new XhtmlCell(true, "Wides");
     $no_balls_header = new XhtmlCell(true, "No balls");
     $runs_header = new XhtmlCell(true, "Over total");
     $bowling_headings = new XhtmlRow(array("Bowler", $over_header, $wides_header, $no_balls_header, $runs_header));
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $match->GetOvers(); $i++) {
         $bowling = $bowling_data->MoveNext() ? $bowling_data->GetItem() : null;
         /* @var $bowling Over */
         $blank_row = (is_null($bowling) or is_null($bowling->GetOverNumber()));
         // don't list records generated from batting card to record wickets taken
         $player = new TextBox("bowlerName{$i}", $blank_row ? "" : $bowling->GetPlayer()->GetName(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
         $player->AddAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
         $player->AddCssClass("player team" . $bowling_team->GetId());
         $balls = new TextBox("bowlerBalls{$i}", $blank_row ? "" : $bowling->GetBalls(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
         $balls->AddAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
         $balls->AddAttribute("type", "number");
         $balls->AddAttribute("min", "0");
         $balls->AddAttribute("max", "10");
         $balls->SetCssClass("numeric balls");
         $wides = new TextBox("bowlerWides{$i}", $blank_row ? "" : $bowling->GetWides(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
         $wides->AddAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
         $wides->AddAttribute("type", "number");
         $wides->AddAttribute("min", "0");
         $wides->SetCssClass("numeric wides");
         $no_balls = new TextBox("bowlerNoBalls{$i}", $blank_row ? "" : $bowling->GetNoBalls(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
         $no_balls->AddAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
         $no_balls->AddAttribute("type", "number");
         $no_balls->AddAttribute("min", "0");
         $no_balls->SetCssClass("numeric no-balls");
         $runs = new TextBox("bowlerRuns{$i}", $blank_row ? "" : $bowling->GetRunsInOver(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
         $runs->AddAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
         $runs->AddAttribute("type", "number");
         $runs->AddAttribute("min", "0");
         $runs->SetCssClass("numeric runs");
         $bowling_row = new XhtmlRow(array($player, $balls, $wides, $no_balls, $runs));
     $total_overs = new TextBox("bowlerRows", $match->GetOvers(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
     if ($match->GetLastAudit() != null) {
         require_once "data/audit-control.class.php";
         $this->AddControl(new AuditControl($match->GetLastAudit(), "match"));
     $home_batted_first = "";
     if (!is_null($match->Result()->GetHomeBattedFirst())) {
         $home_batted_first = (int) $match->Result()->GetHomeBattedFirst();
     $teams = new TextBox("teams", $home_batted_first . ScorecardEditControl::DATA_SEPARATOR . $match->GetHomeTeamId() . ScorecardEditControl::DATA_SEPARATOR . $match->GetHomeTeam()->GetName() . ScorecardEditControl::DATA_SEPARATOR . $match->GetAwayTeamId() . ScorecardEditControl::DATA_SEPARATOR . $match->GetAwayTeam()->GetName() . ScorecardEditControl::DATA_SEPARATOR . $match->GetTitle());
コード例 #16
 function OnLoadPageData()
     /* @var $o_last_match Match */
     /* @var $season Season */
     /* @var $team Team */
     # new data manager
     $o_match_manager = new MatchManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     # Collect season to add this match to, starting with the URL
     # get season and teams (was at this stage because editor needed teams to build its
     # posted data object, but that's no longer the case so probably could be later if needed)
     if (isset($this->i_season_id)) {
         $season_manager = new SeasonManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
         $this->season = $season_manager->GetFirst();
         # If there are at least 2 teams in the season, show only those teams, otherwise show all teams of the relevant player type
         if (count($this->season->GetTeams()) > 1) {
         } else {
             require_once 'stoolball/team-manager.class.php';
             $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     # Not elseif, because when you've added a match there's a season, but we still need this to run to populate
     # the choices for the next match to be added
     if ($this->team instanceof Team) {
         # Otherwise it should be a team.
         # Get more information about the team itself
         require_once 'stoolball/team-manager.class.php';
         $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
         $this->team = $team_manager->GetFirst();
         if (!is_null($this->team)) {
             $season_ids = array();
             $team_groups = array();
             $a_exclude_team_ids = array();
             # Add the home team first
             $team_groups[] = array($this->team);
             $a_exclude_team_ids[] = $this->team->GetId();
             # Get the seasons this team is in...
             $season_manager = new SeasonManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
             if ($this->i_match_type == MatchType::FRIENDLY) {
                 # For a friendly, any group of teams they play with is fine
             } else {
                 # For anything else, get the seasons *for this type of match*
                 $season_manager->ReadCurrentSeasonsByTeamId(array($this->team->GetId()), array($this->i_match_type));
             $seasons = $season_manager->GetItems();
             # on postback, the season just added is already there, so clear to prevent a duplicate
             foreach ($seasons as $season) {
                 $season_ids[] = $season->GetId();
             #... and their opponent teams in those seasons
             if (count($season_ids)) {
                 $season_teams = $team_manager->GetItems();
                 if (count($season_teams)) {
                     $team_groups['This season\'s teams'] = $season_teams;
                 foreach ($season_teams as $team) {
                     $a_exclude_team_ids[] = $team->GetId();
             # ...and if this is a friendly it could be any other team
             if ($this->i_match_type == MatchType::FRIENDLY) {
                 # get any other teams they played in the last 2 years, and combine with existing results
                 $team_manager->ReadRecentOpponents(array($this->team->GetId()), 24);
                 $recent_opponents = $team_manager->GetItems();
                 if (count($recent_opponents)) {
                     $team_groups['Recent opponents'] = $recent_opponents;
                 foreach ($recent_opponents as $team) {
                     $a_exclude_team_ids[] = $team->GetId();
                 # get any other teams they might play, and combine with existing results
                 $team_groups['Other teams'] = $team_manager->GetItems();
             # What if there are still no opponents to choose from? In that case select all teams.
             if (count($team_groups) == 1) {
                 $team_groups[] = $team_manager->GetItems();
             # Offer those teams to select from
             if ($total_groups = count($team_groups)) {
                 # If only two groups (home team + 1 group), don't group teams. Remove the only key from the array.
                 if ($total_groups == 2) {
                     $keys = array_keys($team_groups);
                     $team_groups = array($team_groups[$keys[0]], $team_groups[$keys[1]]);
     # Save match
     if ($this->IsPostback() and $this->IsValid()) {
         # Get posted match
         $this->match = $this->edit->GetDataObject();
         if (!$this->IsRefresh()) {
             # Save match
             $o_match_manager->SaveSeasons($this->match, true);
             # Update 'next 5 matches'
             $this->a_next_matches = $o_match_manager->GetItems();
         # Reset control for new match
         $this->edit->SetDataObject(new Match($this->GetSettings()));
     if (isset($this->i_season_id)) {
         # If we're adding a match to a season, get last game in season for its date
     } else {
         if ($this->team instanceof Team) {
             # Get the last game already scheduled for the team to use its date
     $o_last_match = $o_match_manager->GetFirst();
     if (is_object($o_last_match)) {
         $current_season = Season::SeasonDates();
         if (gmdate('Y', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()) < gmdate('Y', $current_season[0])) {
             # If the last match this team played was last season, use the time but not the date
             $this->edit->SetDefaultTime(gmmktime(gmdate('H', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()), gmdate('i', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()), 0, gmdate('m'), gmdate('d'), gmdate('Y')));
         } else {
             # If the last match was this season and has a time, use it
             if ($o_last_match->GetIsStartTimeKnown()) {
             } else {
                 # If the last match has no time, use 6.30pm BST
                 $this->edit->SetDefaultTime(gmmktime(17, 30, 0, gmdate('m', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()), gmdate('d', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()), gmdate('Y', $o_last_match->GetStartTime())));
     # Get grounds
     $o_ground_manager = new GroundManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $a_grounds = $o_ground_manager->GetItems();