コード例 #1
     * @param string $newGameName
     * @param int $applicationId
     * @return array
    static function createNewPlayer( $newGameName, $applicationId, $isLocalQuiz = true )
        $currentMMUser = MMUsers::getCurrentUserObject();
        if( $currentMMUser )
            $clusterIdentifier = ($isLocalQuiz) ? ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier() : '';
            $newPlayer = new QuizPlayerScoring();

            // Setting up the global ranking of the new player
            $lowestGlobalScore = self::fetchBy( array( 'application_id' => $applicationId, 'cluster_identifier' => $clusterIdentifier ), array( 'global_ranking' => 'desc' ), array( 'length' => 1 ) );
            if( $lowestGlobalScore )
                $lgs = $lowestGlobalScore[0]->attribute( 'score' ) == 0 ? $lowestGlobalScore[0]->attribute( 'global_ranking' ) : ( $lowestGlobalScore[0]->attribute( 'global_ranking' ) + 1 );
                $lgs = 1;

            // Setting up the specialty ranking of the new player
            $userSpecialtyTranslations = FacetFilteringTool::getTaxoTranslationWithIDs( 'user_specialty' );
            $userSpecialtyTaxonomyId   = $userSpecialtyTranslations[$currentMMUser->attribute( 'user_speciality' )]['id'];
            $lowestSpecialtyScore      = self::fetchBy( array( 'application_id' => $applicationId, 'user_specialty' => $userSpecialtyTaxonomyId ), array( 'specialty_ranking' => 'desc' ), array( 'length' => 1 ) );
            if( $lowestSpecialtyScore )
                $lss = $lowestSpecialtyScore[0]->attribute( 'score' ) == 0 ? $lowestSpecialtyScore[0]->attribute( 'specialty_ranking' ) : ( $lowestSpecialtyScore[0]->attribute( 'specialty_ranking' ) + 1 );
                $lss = 1;

            $newPlayer->setAttribute( 'game_name', $newGameName );
            $newPlayer->setAttribute( 'uuid', $currentMMUser->attribute( 'uuid' ) );
            $newPlayer->setAttribute( 'cluster_identifier', $clusterIdentifier);
            $newPlayer->setAttribute( 'application_id', $applicationId );
            $newPlayer->setAttribute( 'score', 0 );
            $newPlayer->setAttribute( 'user_specialty', Taxonomy::fetchObject( Taxonomy::definition(), null, array( 'code' => $currentMMUser->attribute( 'user_speciality' ) ), true)->attribute( 'id' ) );
            $newPlayer->setAttribute( 'nb_correct', 0 );
            $newPlayer->setAttribute( 'nb_wrong', 0 );
            $newPlayer->setAttribute( 'global_ranking', $lgs );
            $newPlayer->setAttribute( 'specialty_ranking', $lss );
            $newPlayer->setAttribute( 'user_cluster', ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier() );

            return array( 'lgs' => $lgs, 'lss' => $lss );
        return null;