コード例 #1
ファイル: goodslist.php プロジェクト: pengfeiaaa/web

$regionCfg = keke_glob_class::getRegionConfig();
$strNavActive = 'goodslist';
$i = intval($i);
$pd = intval($pd);
$strUrl = "index.php?do=goodslist";
$m and $strUrl .= "&m=" . intval($m);
$intPage and $strUrl .= "&intPage=" . intval($intPage);
$i and $strUrl .= "&i=" . intval($i);
$pd and $strUrl .= "&pd=" . intval($pd);
$o and $strUrl .= "&o=" . strval($o);
$p and $strUrl .= "&p=" . intval($p);
$ky and $strUrl .= "&ky=" . $ky;
$arrCashCoves = TaskClass::getTaskCashCove();
$pd and $arrIndusPInfo = kekezu::get_indus_info($pd);
$i and $arrIndusInfo = kekezu::get_indus_info($i);
$arrCityInfo = CommonClass::getDistrictById($p);
$arrDisplaypro = CommonClass::getDistrictByPid('0', 'id,upid,name');
$arrItemConfig = PayitemClass::getPayitemConfig(null, null, null, 'item_id');
$arrIndusP = $kekezu->_indus_goods_arr;
$arrIndusC = $kekezu->get_classify_indus('shop', 'child');
if (is_array($arrIndusC)) {
    $arrNewIndusC = array();
    foreach ($arrIndusC as $k => $v) {
        $arrNewIndusC[$v['indus_pid']][] = $v;
if (isset($ky)) {
    $ky = htmlspecialchars($ky);
    $ky = kekezu::escape($ky);
コード例 #2
ファイル: task.php プロジェクト: huangbinzd/kppwGit
             $strPageDescription = $indusInfo['seo_desc'];
         } else {
             $strPageDescription = kekezu::cutstr(htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($arrTaskInfo['task_desc'])), 100);
 $arrCashCoves = TaskClass::getTaskCashCove();
 $arrBreadcrumbs = array(1 => array('url' => 'index.php?do=tasklist', 'name' => '任务大厅'), 2 => array('url' => 'index.php?do=tasklist&pd=' . $arrTaskInfo['indus_pid'], 'name' => $indus_p_arr[$arrTaskInfo['indus_pid']]['indus_name']), 3 => array('url' => 'index.php?do=tasklist&pd=' . $arrTaskInfo['indus_pid'] . '&i=' . $arrTaskInfo['indus_id'], 'name' => $indus_arr[$arrTaskInfo['indus_id']]['indus_name']));
 $arrWorkFlag = array(1 => array('id' => 2, 'style' => 'fa-trophy', 'name' => '一等奖'), 2 => array('id' => 2, 'style' => 'fa-trophy', 'name' => '二等奖'), 3 => array('id' => 2, 'style' => 'fa-trophy', 'name' => '三等奖'), 4 => array('id' => 4, 'style' => 'fa-check-circle', 'name' => '中标'), 5 => array('id' => 5, 'style' => 'fa-dot-circle-o', 'name' => '入围'), 6 => array('id' => 6, 'style' => 'fa-check-circle', 'name' => '合格'), 7 => array('id' => 7, 'style' => 'fa-times-circle', 'name' => '淘汰'), 8 => array('id' => 8, 'style' => 'fa-times-circle', 'name' => '不可选标'), 9 => array('id' => 9, 'style' => 'fa-times-circle', 'name' => '放弃'));
 $strUrl = "index.php?do=task&id=" . $intId;
 $arrView = array('work', 'comment', 'mark');
 if (!in_array($view, $arrView)) {
     $view = 'work';
 $intDeals = TaskClass::getWikiDealbyUid($arrTaskInfo['uid']);
 $arrWorkService = TaskClass::getWorkServers($intId, $arrTaskInfo['model_id']);
 $arrUserInfo = keke_user_class::get_user_info($arrTaskInfo['uid']);
 $strMarkQuerySQl = " SELECT COUNT(mark_id) FROM `" . TABLEPRE . "witkey_mark` ";
 $strMarkQuerySQl .= " WHERE origin_id = '" . $arrTaskInfo['task_id'] . "' ";
 $strMarkQuerySQl .= " AND mark_status > 0 AND model_code = '" . $arrModelInfo['model_dir'] . "'";
 $arrTaskInfo['mark_num'] = db_factory::get_count($strMarkQuerySQl);
 $arrPayitemLists = PayitemClass::getPayitemListDetail('task', $arrTaskInfo['task_id']);
 $arrPayitemListAlls = PayitemClass::getPayitemListForPub('task');
 $arrOrderInfo = array();
 $sql = "SELECT a.*,b.order_status FROM `" . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order_detail` a LEFT JOIN `" . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order` b ON a.order_id= b.order_id WHERE a.obj_type = 'task' and a.obj_id = " . $arrTaskInfo['task_id'];
 $arrOrderInfo = db_factory::get_one($sql);
 if ($arrOrderInfo['order_status'] == 'ok') {
     $boolIsHosting = true;
 } else {
     $boolIsHosting = false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: map.php プロジェクト: huangbinzd/kppwGit

defined('IN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied');
$arrBreadcrumbs = array(1 => array('url' => 'index.php?do=map', 'name' => '网站地图'));
$strSqlP = "select indus_id,indus_name from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_industry where indus_pid = '0'";
$arrIndusP = db_factory::query($strSqlP);
foreach ($arrIndusP as $v) {
    $strSql = "select indus_id,indus_name from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_industry where indus_pid = '" . $v['indus_id'] . "'";
    $arrIndusC[] = db_factory::query($strSql);
$strUrlTask = "index.php?do=tasklist";
$arrCashStatus = array('0' => '全部', '1' => '未托管', '2' => '已托管');
$arrTaskNavs = TaskClass::getEnabledTaskModelList();
$arrTaskStatus = array('0' => '全部', '1' => '工作中', '2' => '选稿中', '3' => '交付中', '4' => '已结束');
$strUrlWeike = "index.php?do=goodslist";
$arrWeike = array('0' => '全部', '7' => '服务', '6' => '文件');
$strUrlSeller = "index.php?do=sellerlist";
$arrSell = array('0' => '全部', '1' => '个人用户', '2' => '企业用户');
$strUrlCase = "index.php?do=case";
$arrCase = array('0' => '全部', '1' => '任务案例', '2' => '商品案例');
$strUrlArticle = "index.php?do=articlelist";
$arrArticle = array('203' => '安全交易', '5' => '行业动态', '4' => '政策法规', '7' => '媒体报导', '17' => '网站公告', '358' => '新闻列表');
$strUrlUser = "******";
$arrIndex = array();
$arrTitle = array();
$arrTransaction = array('released' => '我发布的任务', 'undertake' => '我承接的任务', 'service' => '我的商品', 'orders' => '我买入的商品');
$arrIndex['transaction'] = $arrTransaction;
$arrTitle['transaction'] = '交易管理';
$arrShop = array('setting' => '店铺设置', 'caselist' => '案例管理');
$arrIndex['shop'] = $arrShop;
$arrTitle['shop'] = '店铺管理';
コード例 #4
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: pengfeiaaa/web
$arrTaskFiles = $objTask->get_task_file();
$arrWorkStatus = $objTask->get_work_status();
if (strtoupper(CHARSET) == 'GBK') {
    $arrWorkStatus = kekezu::gbktoutf($arrWorkStatus);
$jsonWorkStatus = json_encode($arrWorkStatus);
$arrProjectProgress = $objTask->getProjectProgressDesc();
$arrProcess_can = $objTask->process_can();
$objTime = new sreward_time_class();
if ($gUid) {
    $intFollow = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where uid = %d and fuid = %d', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_free_follow', intval($gUid), intval($arrTaskInfo['uid'])));
$arrTaskWorkInfo = db_factory::get_one("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task_work as a left join " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_space as b on a.uid=b.uid where work_status=4 and task_id=" . intval($id));
if ($arrTaskWorkInfo) {
    $intDeals = TaskClass::getWikiDealbyUid($arrTaskWorkInfo['uid']);
if ($arrTaskInfo['task_pic']) {
    $arrTaskPics = explode(',', $arrTaskInfo['task_pic']);
if (intval($arrConfig['reg_vote_limit']) > 0) {
    $intRegVoteTime = intval($arrConfig['reg_vote_limit']) * 60 * 60;
    $intCanVote = time() - intval($gUserInfo['reg_time']) - $intRegVoteTime;
} else {
    $intCanVote = 1;
$arrPayitemShow = $objTask->getPayitemShow();
if ($arrConfig['task_rate'] > 0) {
    $floatCash = $arrTaskInfo['task_cash'] * (1 - $arrConfig['task_rate'] / 100);
} else {
    $floatCash = $arrTaskInfo['task_cash'];