コード例 #1
  * Fetch images from pool according to any default tag(s) option specified 
  * in the global schema.yml.
  * Override added to specify per tag in MooEditable
  * @return sfDoctrinePager
 public function getPager($per_page = 12, $page = 1, $tagged_object = null, $tag = null)
     $pager = new sfDoctrinePager($this->getClassnameToReturn(), $per_page);
     $im = new sfImagePoolImage();
     if (!$im->option('tagging')) {
         $tagged_object = $tag = null;
     if (isset($tagged_object) && ($tag = $tagged_object->getTagRestriction())) {
         $query = TagTable::getObjectTaggedWithQuery($this->getClassnameToReturn(), $tag, $pager->getQuery(), array('nb_common_tags' => 1));
     } else {
         if (!empty($tag)) {
             // If only tags we have no taggable object
             // So get images tagged with this query and do a whereIn on the ids
             $tags = explode(',', $tag);
             $images = TagTable::getObjectTaggedWith($tags, array('model' => 'sfImagePoolImage', 'nb_common_tags' => 1));
             $image_ids = array();
             foreach ($images as $image) {
                 $image_ids[] = $image->id;
             if (!empty($image_ids)) {
                 $pager->getQuery()->whereIn('sfImagePoolImage.id', $image_ids);
             } else {
             // we have no images tagged
     $pager->getQuery()->orderBy('updated_at DESC');
     return $pager;
コード例 #2
ファイル: actions.class.php プロジェクト: limitium/uberlov
 public function executeShow(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->talk = Doctrine::getTable('Talk')->createQuery("t")->leftJoin('t.VoteTalk')->leftJoin('t.CreatedBy p')->leftJoin('t.TalkSection')->leftJoin('p.User')->where('t.id = ?', $request->getParameter('id'))->execute()->getFirst();
     $this->comments = Comment::getFor($this->talk);
     $this->form = new CommentTalkForm();
     $this->related = TagTable::getObjectTaggedWith(array_keys($this->talk->getTags()), array('nb_common_tags' => 2, 'leftJoin' => 't.CreatedBy p,p.User'));