コード例 #1
 function innerCreate()
     global $db, $errorHandler;
     $cont = "\n" . '<div class="wide-container">';
     $cont .= $this->menu->create();
     $cont .= '<div class="wide-title">Certificate Authority</div>';
     $cont .= '<div class="wide-box">';
     $cont .= '<a href="#" onclick="effect_3 = Effect.SlideDown(\'help\',{duration:2}); return false;">help</a>';
     $cont .= $this->help();
     switch ($this->mode) {
         case 'expired':
             // Reissue expired:
         // Reissue expired:
         case 'imported':
             // Issue newly imported
         // Issue newly imported
         case 'added':
             // Issue added
         // Issue added
         case 'deleted':
         case 'default':
             if (!$this->real) {
                 // show only
                 $cont .= "<div><strong>PREVIEW ONLY</strong>. These commands would be recorded in the database if you perform the changes.</div>";
                 $cont .= '<div><a href="#" onclick="effect_2 = Effect.SlideDown(\'performer\',{duration:1.2}); return false;">perform-unlock</a></div>';
                 $cont .= '<div id="performer" style="display: none;"><a href="gencerts.php?mode=' . $this->mode . '&amp;performUpdates=1' . (isset($_GET['days']) ? '&amp;days=' . $_GET['days'] : '') . '">do it now</a></div>';
             } else {
                 $cont .= "<div>Paste these commands into the file 2006-mm-dd.caops and execute: ./performops 2006-mm-dd.caops</div>";
                 $cont .= "<div>UNDO SQL (import): UPDATE prefix_contact SET certState='none', certPassword='' WHERE certExpires='YYYY-MM-DD'</div>";
             if ($this->mode == 'imported') {
                 $cont .= '<form action="gencerts.php" method="get">';
                 $cont .= '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="imported" />';
                 $cont .= '<div><label for="days">Days since import</label></div>';
                 $cont .= '<div><input type="text" id="days" name="days" value="' . (isset($_GET['days']) ? $_GET['days'] : '') . '" /></div>';
                 $cont .= '<div><button type="submit">ok</button></div>';
                 $cont .= '</form>';
         case 'crl':
         case 'relist':
             if ($this->mode == 'relist') {
                 $cont .= '<form action="gencerts.php" method="get">';
                 $cont .= '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="relist" />';
                 $cont .= '<div><label for="date">Date of execution (yyyy-mm-dd)</label></div>';
                 $cont .= '<div><input type="text" id="date" name="date" value="' . (isset($_GET['date']) ? $_GET['date'] : '') . '" /></div>';
                 $cont .= '<div><button type="submit">ok</button></div>';
                 $cont .= '</form>';
             $cont .= '<pre>';
             $cont .= $this->data;
             $cont .= '</pre>';
         case 'pwlist':
             //make a passwordlist of a specific group
             $cont .= $this->createGroupSelector($_GET['groupname'], "pwlist.php");
             $cont .= $this->passwordTable();
         case 'stats':
             $db->query("SELECT certState, COUNT(certState) as n, grouplist.groupname as gn FROM " . TABLE_CONTACT . " AS contact, " . TABLE_GROUPS . " as groups , " . TABLE_GROUPLIST . " as grouplist \r\n                                WHERE contact.id=groups.id AND groups.groupid=grouplist.groupid GROUP BY groupname, certState ORDER BY groupname, certState");
             $tGen = new TableGenerator('data', array('company' => 'Company', 'cstate' => 'Cert. State', 'n' => 'n'));
             $data = array();
             while ($r = $db->next()) {
                 $data[] = array('company' => $r['gn'], 'cstate' => $r['certState'], 'n' => $r['n']);
             $cont .= '<table class="data">';
             $cont .= '<caption>Statistics</caption>';
             $cont .= $tGen->generateHead(array('cstate', 'n'));
             $cont .= $tGen->generateBody($data, array('cstate', 'n'), $className = '', $groupBy = 'company', $firstOnly = false);
             $cont .= '</table>';
         case 'utrack':
             $cont .= '<form action="gencerts.php?mode=utrack" method="post">';
             $cont .= '<div><label for="mails">E-mail addresses of used certificates, one in a line (copy from server-log). Do not run the same email twice on the same day, or UPDATE will return 0 rows updated.</label></div>';
             $cont .= '<div><textarea name="mails" id="mails" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea></div>';
             $cont .= '<div><button type="submit">ok</button></div>';
             $cont .= '</form>';
     $cont .= '</div>';
     $cont .= '</div>';
     return $cont;