$amount = abs($Customer['credit']+$lastpostpaid_amount); $total = $total + $amount; $total_vat =$total_vat + round($amount *(1+($vat/100)),2); $field_insert = " id_invoice, price, vat, description, id_ext, type_ext"; $instance_table = new Table("cc_invoice_item", $field_insert); $value_insert = " '$id_invoice', '$amount','$vat','$description','" . $id_billing . "','POSTPAID'"; $instance_table->Add_table($A2B->DBHandle, $value_insert, null, null, "id"); if ($verbose_level >= 2) echo "\n Add Invoice Item :> " . $value_insert; } } if (!empty($last_invoice)) { $param_update_billing = "id_invoice = '".$last_invoice."'"; $clause_update_billing = " id= ".$id_billing; $billing_table ->Update_table($A2B->DBHandle,$param_update_billing,$clause_update_billing); if ($verbose_level >= 2) echo "\n Update Billing :> " . $param_update_billing . " WHERE " . $clause_update_billing; } // Send a mail for invoice to pay if (!empty($last_invoice)) { $total = round($total,2); try { $mail = new Mail(Mail::$TYPE_INVOICE_TO_PAY, $card_id); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$INVOICE_REFERENCE_KEY, $invoice_reference); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$INVOICE_TITLE_KEY, $invoice_title); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$INVOICE_DESCRIPTION_KEY, $invoice_description); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$INVOICE_TOTAL_KEY, $total); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$INVOICE_TOTAL_VAT_KEY, $total_vat); $mail->send();
if (!USE_REALTIME) { $key = "sip_changed"; } } else { $friend_param_update = " iax_buddy='1' "; if (!USE_REALTIME) { $key = "iax_changed"; } } if (!USE_REALTIME) { $who = Notification::$AGENT; $who_id = $_SESSION['agent_id']; NotificationsDAO::AddNotification($key, Notification::$HIGH, $who, $who_id); } $instance_table_friend = new Table('cc_card'); $instance_table_friend->Update_table($HD_Form->DBHandle, $friend_param_update, "id='{$id_cc_card}'", $func_table = null); if ($form_action == "add_sip") { $TABLE_BUDDY = 'cc_sip_buddies'; } else { $TABLE_BUDDY = 'cc_iax_buddies'; } $instance_table_friend = new Table($TABLE_BUDDY, '*'); $list_friend = $instance_table_friend->Get_list($HD_Form->DBHandle, "id_cc_card='{$id_cc_card}'", null, null, null, null); if (is_array($list_friend) && count($list_friend) > 0) { Header("Location: " . $HD_Form->FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION); exit; } $form_action = "add"; $_POST['accountcode'] = $_POST['username'] = $_POST['name'] = $_POST['cardnumber'] = $cardnumber; $_POST['allow'] = FRIEND_ALLOW; $_POST['context'] = FRIEND_CONTEXT;
include '../lib/admin.module.access.php'; include '../lib/Form/Class.FormHandler.inc.php'; include '../lib/admin.smarty.php'; if (!has_rights(ACX_INVOICING)) { Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); Header("Location: PP_error.php?c=accessdenied"); die; } /***********************************************************************************/ $DBHandle = DbConnect(); if ($form_action == "ask-modif") { getpost_ifset(array('company_name', 'address', 'zipcode', 'country', 'city', 'phone', 'fax', 'email', 'vat', 'web', 'display_account')); $table_invoice_conf = new Table("cc_invoice_conf"); $param_update_conf = "value ='" . $company_name . "'"; $clause_update_conf = "key_val = 'company_name'"; $table_invoice_conf->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update_conf, $clause_update_conf, $func_table = null); $param_update_conf = "value ='" . $address . "'"; $clause_update_conf = "key_val = 'address'"; $table_invoice_conf->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update_conf, $clause_update_conf, $func_table = null); $param_update_conf = "value ='" . $zipcode . "'"; $clause_update_conf = "key_val = 'zipcode'"; $table_invoice_conf->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update_conf, $clause_update_conf, $func_table = null); $param_update_conf = "value ='" . $country . "'"; $clause_update_conf = "key_val = 'country'"; $table_invoice_conf->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update_conf, $clause_update_conf, $func_table = null); $param_update_conf = "value ='" . $city . "'"; $clause_update_conf = "key_val = 'city'"; $table_invoice_conf->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update_conf, $clause_update_conf, $func_table = null); $param_update_conf = "value ='" . $phone . "'"; $clause_update_conf = "key_val = 'phone'"; $table_invoice_conf->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update_conf, $clause_update_conf, $func_table = null);
if (is_array($result_agent) && is_numeric($result_agent[0]['commission']) && $result_agent[0]['commission']>0) { $field_insert = "id_payment, id_card, amount,description,id_agent"; $commission = a2b_round($addcredit * ($result_agent[0]['commission']/100)); $description_commission = gettext("GENERATED COMMISSION OF AN CUSTOMER REFILLED BY AN AGENT!"); $description_commission.= "\nID CARD : ".$id; $description_commission.= "\nID REFILL : ".$id_refill; $description_commission.= "\REFILL AMOUNT: ".$addcredit; $description_commission.= "\nCOMMISSION APPLIED: ".$result_agent[0]['commission']; $value_insert = "'-1', '$id', '$commission','$description_commission','$id_agent'"; $commission_table = new Table("cc_agent_commission", $field_insert); $id_commission = $commission_table -> Add_table ($HD_Form -> DBHandle, $value_insert, null, null,"id"); $table_agent = new Table('cc_agent'); $param_update_agent = "com_balance = com_balance + '".$commission."'"; $clause_update_agent = " id='".$id_agent."'"; $table_agent -> Update_table ($HD_Form -> DBHandle, $param_update_agent, $clause_update_agent, $func_table = null); } if (!$id_refill ) { $update_msg ="<b>".$instance_sub_table -> errstr."</b>"; } } else { $currencies_list = get_currencies(); if (!isset($currencies_list[strtoupper($agent_info [0][1])][2]) || !is_numeric($currencies_list[strtoupper($agent_info [0][1])][2])) $mycur = 1; else $mycur = $currencies_list[strtoupper($agent_info [0][1])][2];
} echo "false"; die(); } echo "false"; die(); break; case 'down': if(is_numeric($id_msg)){ $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $clause = "id = $id_msg"; $instance_table = new Table("cc_message_agent","*"); $result=$instance_table -> Get_list($DBHandle, $clause); if(is_array($result) && sizeof($result)>0){ $order = $result[0]['order_display']; $instance_table->Update_table($DBHandle, "order_display = order_display - 1", "id_agent = '".$id."' AND order_display =".($order+1)); $instance_table->Update_table($DBHandle, "order_display = order_display + 1", "id_agent = '".$id."' AND order_display =".($order)." AND id =$id_msg"); echo "true"; die(); } echo "false"; die(); } echo "false"; die(); break; } } //load home message agent if(empty($action)) $action="add";
static public function change_card_lock() { global $A2B; $FormHandler = FormHandler::GetInstance(); $processed = $FormHandler->getProcessed(); $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_card", "block"); $FG_TABLE_CLAUSE_CARD = "id = ".$processed['id']; $card_info = $instance_sub_table -> Get_list ($FormHandler -> DBHandle, $FG_TABLE_CLAUSE_CARD, null, null, null, null, null, null); if (is_array($result) && !empty($result[0][0])) { $card_lock_info = $card_info[0][0]; if ($card_lock_info != $processed['block'] && $processed['block'] == 1) { $param_update_card = "lock_date = NOW()"; $clause_update_card = "id = ".$processed['id']; $instance_sub_table -> Update_table ($FormHandler->DBHandle, $param_update_card, $clause_update_card, $func_table = null); } } }
function generate_invoice_reference() { $handle = DbConnect(); $year = date("Y"); $invoice_conf_table = new Table('cc_invoice_conf', 'value'); $conf_clause = "key_val = 'count_{$year}'"; $result = $invoice_conf_table->Get_list($handle, $conf_clause, 0); if (is_array($result) && !empty($result[0][0])) { $count = $result[0][0]; if (!is_numeric($count)) { $count = 0; } $count++; $param_update_conf = "value ='" . $count . "'"; $clause_update_conf = "key_val = 'count_{$year}'"; $invoice_conf_table->Update_table($handle, $param_update_conf, $clause_update_conf, $func_table = null); } else { //insert newcount $count = 1; $QUERY = "INSERT INTO cc_invoice_conf (key_val ,value) VALUES ( 'count_{$year}', '1');"; $invoice_conf_table->SQLExec($handle, $QUERY); } $reference = $year . sprintf("%08d", $count); return $reference; }
Header("Location: A2B_receipt_edit.php?" . "id=" . $id); break; case 'update': if (!empty($idc) && is_numeric($idc)) { if (empty($date) || strtotime($date) === FALSE) { $error_msg .= gettext("Date inserted is invalid, it must respect a date format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (time is optional).<br/>"); } if (empty($price) || !is_numeric($price)) { $error_msg .= gettext("Amount inserted is invalid, it must be a number. Check the format."); } if (!empty($error_msg)) { break; } $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_receipt_item", "*"); $instance_sub_table->Update_table($DBHandle, "date='{$date}',description='{$description}',price='{$price}'", "id = {$idc}"); Header("Location: A2B_receipt_edit.php?" . "id=" . $id); } break; } } $receipt = new Receipt($id); $items = $receipt->loadItems(); $smarty->display('main.tpl'); ?> <table class="invoice_table" > <tr class="form_invoice_head"> <td width="75%" colspan="2"><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo gettext("RECEIPT: "); ?> </font><font color="#FFFFFF"><b><?php
function update_translation($id, $languages, $subject, $mailtext) { if (empty($handle)) { $handle = DbConnect(); } $instance_table = new Table(); $param_update = "subject = '{$subject}', messagetext = '{$mailtext}'"; $clause = "id = {$id} and id_language = '{$languages}'"; $func_table = 'cc_templatemail'; $update = $instance_table->Update_table($handle, $param_update, $clause, $func_table); return $update; }
if (!$fit_expression[$i]){ $VALID_SQL_REG_EXP = false; $form_action="ask-edit"; } } if ($FG_DEBUG == 1) echo "<br>$fields_name : ".$$fields_name; if ($i>0) $param_update .= ", "; $param_update .= "$fields_name = '".addslashes(trim($$fields_name))."'"; } } if ($FG_DEBUG == 1) echo "<br><hr> $param_update"; if ($VALID_SQL_REG_EXP) $instance_table -> Update_table ($DBHandle, $param_update, $FG_EDITION_CLAUSE, $func_table = null); if ( ($VALID_SQL_REG_EXP) && (isset($FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION))){ Header ("Location: $FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION".$id); } } if ($form_action == "delete"){ $res_delete = $instance_table -> Delete_table ($DBHandle, $FG_EDITION_CLAUSE, $func_table = null); if (!$res_delete){ echo gettext("error deletion"); }else{
function Reservation_Card($security_key, $transaction_code, $card_id, $cardnumber) { // Activate the card $FG_TABLE = "cc_card"; $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $instance_sub_table = new Table($FG_TABLE); $status_reserved = 4; $param_update = "status = {$status_reserved}"; if (is_numeric($card_id) && $card_id > 0) { $clause = " id = {$card_id} "; } else { $clause = " username = '******' "; } $QUERY = "SELECT count(*) FROM {$FG_TABLE} WHERE " . $clause; $result = $instance_sub_table->SQLExec($DBHandle, $QUERY); if (!is_array($result) || $result[0][0] <= 0) { // FAIL FOUND CARD write_log(LOG_WEBSERVICE, basename(__FILE__) . ' line:' . __LINE__ . "[" . date("Y/m/d G:i:s", mktime()) . "] " . " ERROR SELECT -> QUERY"); sleep(2); return array($transaction_code, 'result=500', ' ERROR - SELECT DB NO CARD WITH THIS ID OR CARDNUMBER'); } $update = $instance_sub_table->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update, $clause); if (!is_array($update) && count($update) == 0) { // FAIL SELECT write_log(LOG_WEBSERVICE, basename(__FILE__) . ' line:' . __LINE__ . "[" . date("Y/m/d G:i:s", mktime()) . "] " . " ERROR SELECT -> \n QUERY=" . $update); sleep(2); return array($transaction_code, 'result=500', " ERROR - Update : card_id={$card_id} ; cardnumber={$cardnumber}"); } else { if (empty($card_id) && $card_id <= 0) { $clause = " username = '******' "; $QUERY = "SELECT id FROM {$FG_TABLE} WHERE " . $clause; $result = $instance_sub_table->SQLExec($DBHandle, $QUERY); $card_id = $result[0][0]; } $field_insert = "status, id_cc_card"; $value_insert = "'{$status_reserved}', '{$card_id}'"; $instance_status_table = new Table("cc_status_log", $field_insert); $result_query = $instance_status_table->Add_table($DBHandle, $value_insert, null, null); } return array($transaction_code, 'result=200', " - Card Reserved : card_id={$card_id} ; cardnumber={$cardnumber}"); }
/** * Function to save_content * @public */ function perform_update_content($sub_action,$id,$valcon) { $processed = $this->getProcessed(); $table_split = preg_split("/:/", $this->FG_TABLE_EDITION[$sub_action][14]); if(array_key_exists($table_split[1].'_hidden', $processed)){ $value = trim($processed[$table_split[1].'_hidden']); } else { $value = trim($processed[$table_split[1]]); } $instance_sub_table = new Table($table_split[0]); $SPLIT_FG_UPDATE_SET = $table_split[16]."='".$valcon."'"; $SPLIT_FG_UPDATE_CLAUSE = $table_split[1]."='".$value."' AND ".$table_split[5]."='".trim($id)."'"; $instance_sub_table -> Update_table ($this->DBHandle, $SPLIT_FG_UPDATE_SET, $SPLIT_FG_UPDATE_CLAUSE, $func_table = null); }
case 'update': if(!empty($idc) && is_numeric($idc)){ if(empty($date) || strtotime($date)===FALSE){ $error_msg.= gettext("Date inserted is invalid, it must respect a date format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (time is optional).<br/>"); } if( !is_numeric($vat)){ $error_msg.= gettext("VAT inserted is invalid, it must be a number. Check the format.<br/>"); } if(empty($price) || !is_numeric($price)){ $error_msg .= gettext("Amount inserted is invalid, it must be a number. Check the format."); } if(!empty($error_msg)) break; $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_invoice_item", "*"); $instance_sub_table -> Update_table($DBHandle,"date='$date',description='$description',price='$price',vat='$vat'", "id = $idc" ); Header ("Location: A2B_invoice_edit.php?"."id=".$id); } break; } } $invoice = new invoice($id); $table_card = new Table("cc_card","vat"); $result_vat = $table_card->Get_list(DbConnect(),"id=".$invoice->getCard()); $card_vat = $result_vat[0][0]; $items = $invoice->loadItems();
} } if ($FG_DEBUG == 1) { echo "<br>{$fields_name} : " . ${$fields_name}; } if ($i > 0) { $param_update .= ", "; } $param_update .= $sp . "{$fields_name}" . $sp . " = '" . addslashes(trim(${$fields_name})) . "'"; } } if ($FG_DEBUG == 1) { echo "<br><hr> {$param_update}"; } if ($VALID_SQL_REG_EXP) { $instance_table->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update, $FG_EDITION_CLAUSE, $func_table = null); } if ($VALID_SQL_REG_EXP && isset($FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION)) { Header("Location: {$FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION}" . $id); } } if ($form_action == "delete") { $res_delete = $instance_table->Delete_table($DBHandle, $FG_EDITION_CLAUSE, $func_table = null); if (!$res_delete) { echo gettext("error deletion"); } else { } $FG_INTRO_TEXT_DELETION = str_replace("%id", "{$id}", $FG_INTRO_TEXT_DELETION); $FG_INTRO_TEXT_DELETION = str_replace("%table", "{$FG_TABLE_NAME}", $FG_INTRO_TEXT_DELETION); if (isset($FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION)) { Header("Location: {$FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION_DELETE}" . $id);
$QUERY = " id = %u"; $QUERY = sprintf($QUERY, $paymentMethodID); $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $return = $instance_sub_table->Get_list($DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $paymentMethod = substr($return[0][0], 0, strrpos($return[0][0], '.')); $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_configuration", "payment_filename"); $QUERY = " active = 't'"; $return = null; if (tep_not_null($action)) { switch ($action) { case 'save': while (list($key, $value) = each($configuration)) { if ($key == 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PLUGNPAY_ACCEPTED_CC') { $value = join($value, ', '); } $instance_sub_table->Update_table($DBHandle, "configuration_value = '" . $value . "'", "configuration_key = '" . $key . "'"); } tep_redirect("A2B_entity_payment_settings.php?" . 'method=' . $paymentMethod . "&id=" . $id . "&result=success"); break; } } $payment_modules = new payment($paymentMethod); $GLOBALS['paypal']->enabled = true; $GLOBALS['moneybookers']->enabled = true; $GLOBALS['authorizenet']->enabled = true; $GLOBALS['worldpay']->enabled = true; $GLOBALS['plugnpay']->enabled = true; //$GLOBALS['iridium']->enabled = true; $module_keys = $payment_modules->keys(); $keys_extra = array(); $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_configuration", "configuration_title, configuration_value, configuration_description, use_function, set_function");
/** * Function to edit the fields * @public */ function perform_edit(&$form_action) { include_once FSROOT . "lib/Class.Table.php"; $processed = $this->getProcessed(); //$processed['firstname'] $this->VALID_SQL_REG_EXP = true; $instance_table = new Table($this->FG_TABLE_NAME, $this->FG_QUERY_EDITION); if ($processed['id'] != "" || !is_null($processed['id'])) { $this->FG_EDITION_CLAUSE = str_replace("%id", $processed['id'], $this->FG_EDITION_CLAUSE); } for ($i = 0; $i < $this->FG_NB_TABLE_EDITION; $i++) { $pos = strpos($this->FG_TABLE_EDITION[$i][14], ":"); // SQL CUSTOM QUERY $pos_mul = strpos($this->FG_TABLE_EDITION[$i][4], "multiple"); if (!$pos) { $fields_name = $this->FG_TABLE_EDITION[$i][1]; $regexp = $this->FG_TABLE_EDITION[$i][5]; if ($pos_mul && is_array($processed[$fields_name])) { $total_mult_select = 0; foreach ($processed[$fields_name] as $value) { $total_mult_select += $value; } if ($this->FG_DEBUG == 1) { echo "<br>{$fields_name} : " . $total_mult_select; } if ($i > 0) { $param_update .= ", "; } $param_update .= "{$fields_name} = '" . addslashes(trim($total_mult_select)) . "'"; } else { if (is_numeric($regexp) && !(strtoupper(substr($this->FG_TABLE_ADITION[$i][13], 0, 2)) == "NO" && $processed[$fields_name] == "")) { $this->FG_fit_expression[$i] = preg_match('/' . $this->FG_regular[$regexp][0] . '/', $processed[$fields_name]); if ($this->FG_DEBUG == 1) { echo "<br>-> {$i}) " . $this->FG_regular[$regexp][0] . " , " . $processed[$fields_name]; } if (!$this->FG_fit_expression[$i]) { $this->VALID_SQL_REG_EXP = false; if ($this->FG_DEBUG == 1) { echo "<br>-> {$i}) Error Match"; } $form_action = "ask-edit"; } } if ($this->FG_DEBUG == 1) { echo "<br>{$fields_name} : " . $processed[$fields_name]; } if ($i > 0 && $this->FG_TABLE_EDITION[$i][3] != "SPAN") { $param_update .= ", "; } if (empty($processed[$fields_name]) && strtoupper(substr($this->FG_TABLE_ADITION[$i][13], 3, 4)) == "NULL") { $param_update .= $fields_name . " = NULL "; } else { if ($this->FG_TABLE_EDITION[$i][3] != "SPAN") { $param_update .= $fields_name . " = '" . addslashes(trim($processed[$fields_name])) . "' "; } } } } else { if (strtoupper($this->FG_TABLE_EDITION[$i][3]) == strtoupper("CHECKBOX")) { $table_split = preg_split("/:/", $this->FG_TABLE_EDITION[$i][1]); $checkbox_data = $table_split[0]; //doc_tariff $instance_sub_table = new Table($table_split[0], $table_split[1] . ", " . $table_split[5]); $SPLIT_FG_DELETE_CLAUSE = $table_split[5] . "='" . trim($processed['id']) . "'"; $instance_sub_table->Delete_table($this->DBHandle, $SPLIT_FG_DELETE_CLAUSE, $func_table = null); if (!is_array($processed[$checkbox_data])) { $snum = 0; $this->VALID_SQL_REG_EXP = false; $this->FG_fit_expression[$i] = false; } else { $snum = count($processed[$checkbox_data]); } $checkbox_data_tab = $processed[$checkbox_data]; for ($j = 0; $j < $snum; $j++) { $this->RESULT_QUERY = $instance_sub_table->Add_table($this->DBHandle, "'" . addslashes(trim($checkbox_data_tab[$j])) . "', '" . addslashes(trim($processed['id'])) . "'", null, null); if (!$this->RESULT_QUERY) { $findme = 'duplicate'; $pos_find = strpos($instance_sub_table->errstr, $findme); // Note our use of ===. Simply == would not work as expected // because the position of 'a' was the 0th (first) character. if ($pos_find === false) { echo $instance_sub_table->errstr; } else { //echo $FG_TEXT_ERROR_DUPLICATION; $alarm_db_error_duplication = true; } } } } } } if (!is_null($this->FG_QUERY_EDITION_HIDDEN_FIELDS) && $this->FG_QUERY_EDITION_HIDDEN_FIELDS != "") { $table_split_field = preg_split("/,/", $this->FG_QUERY_EDITION_HIDDEN_FIELDS); $table_split_value = preg_split("/,/", $this->FG_QUERY_EDITION_HIDDEN_VALUE); for ($k = 0; $k < count($table_split_field); $k++) { $param_update .= ", "; $param_update .= "{$table_split_field[$k]} = '" . addslashes(trim($table_split_value[$k])) . "'"; } } if (strlen($this->FG_ADDITIONAL_FUNCTION_BEFORE_EDITION) > 0 && $this->VALID_SQL_REG_EXP) { $res_funct = call_user_func(array('FormBO', $this->FG_ADDITIONAL_FUNCTION_BEFORE_EDITION)); } if ($this->FG_DEBUG == 1) { echo "<br><hr> PARAM_UPDATE: {$param_update}<br>" . $this->FG_EDITION_CLAUSE; } if ($this->VALID_SQL_REG_EXP) { $this->RESULT_QUERY = $instance_table->Update_table($this->DBHandle, $param_update, $this->FG_EDITION_CLAUSE, $func_table = null); } if ($this->FG_ENABLE_LOG == 1) { $this->logger->insertLog_Update($_SESSION["admin_id"], 3, "A " . strtoupper($this->FG_INSTANCE_NAME) . " UPDATED", "A RECORD IS UPDATED, EDITION CALUSE USED IS " . $this->FG_EDITION_CLAUSE, $this->FG_TABLE_NAME, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $param_update); } if ($this->FG_DEBUG == 1) { echo $this->RESULT_QUERY; } // CALL DEFINED FUNCTION AFTER THE ACTION ADDITION if (strlen($this->FG_ADDITIONAL_FUNCTION_AFTER_EDITION) > 0 && $this->VALID_SQL_REG_EXP) { $res_funct = call_user_func(array('FormBO', $this->FG_ADDITIONAL_FUNCTION_AFTER_EDITION)); } if ($this->VALID_SQL_REG_EXP && isset($this->FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION_EDIT)) { if ($this->FG_DEBUG == 1) { echo "<br> GOTO ; " . $this->FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION_EDIT . $processed['id']; } $ext_link = ''; if (is_numeric($processed['current_page'])) { $ext_link .= "¤t_page=" . $processed['current_page']; } if (!empty($processed['order']) && !empty($processed['sens'])) { $ext_link .= "&order=" . $processed['order'] . "&sens=" . $processed['sens']; } Header("Location: " . $this->FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION_EDIT . $processed['id'] . $ext_link); } }
die(); } getpost_ifset(array ( 'id', 'action' )); $DBHandle = DbConnect(); if ($action == "cancel") { if (!empty ($id) && is_numeric($id)) { $instance_table_remittance = new Table("cc_remittance_request"); $param_update_remittance = "status = '3'"; $clause_update_remittance = " id ='$id'"; $instance_table_remittance->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update_remittance, $clause_update_remittance, $func_table = null); } die(); } $HD_Form->setDBHandler(DbConnect()); $HD_Form->init(); if ($id != "" || !is_null($id)) { $HD_Form->FG_EDITION_CLAUSE = str_replace("%id", "$id", $HD_Form->FG_EDITION_CLAUSE); } if (!isset ($form_action)) $form_action = "list"; //ask-add if (!isset ($action)) $action = $form_action;
$ticket->insertComment($comment, $_SESSION['agent_id'], 2); tep_redirect("A2B_ticket_view.php?" . "id=" . $id . "&result=success"); break; } } $ticket = new Ticket($ticketID); $comments = $ticket->loadComments(); $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_ticket", "*"); if ($ticket->getViewed(1)) { $instance_sub_table->Update_table($DBHandle, "viewed_agent = '0'", "id = '" . $id . "'"); } $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_ticket_comment", "*"); foreach ($comments as $comment) { if ($comment->getViewed(1)) { $instance_sub_table->Update_table($DBHandle, "viewed_agent = '0'", "id = '" . $comment->getId() . "'"); } } $smarty->display('main.tpl'); ?> <table class="epayment_conf_table"> <tr class="form_head"> <td ><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo gettext("TICKET: "); ?> </font><font color="#FFFFFF"><b><?php echo $ticket->getTitle(); ?> </b></font></td> <td align="center" ><font color="#FFFFFF">Number : </font><font color="Red"> <?php echo $ticket->getId();
public function changeStatus($status) { if (!is_null($this->id)) { $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_invoice", "*"); $clause = "id = " . $this->id; $param = " paid_status = " . $status; $instance_sub_table->Update_table($DBHandle, $param, $clause); if ($this->paid_status != $status) { $items = $this->loadItems(); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item->getExtType() == "DID" && is_numeric($item->getExtId())) { $did_table = new Table("cc_did_use", "*"); if ($status == 0) { $param = " reminded = 1, month_payed = month_payed-1"; } else { $param = " reminded = 0, month_payed = month_payed+1"; } $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_did_use set {$param} WHERE id_did = '" . $item->getExtId() . "' and activated = 1"; $did_table->SQLExec($DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); } } } } else { return null; } }