コード例 #1
ファイル: Logger.php プロジェクト: xchwarze/Plugin-PrestaShop
  * Configures log4php.
  * This method needs to be called before the first logging event has 
  * occured. If this method is not called before then the default
  * configuration will be used.
  * @param string|array $configuration Either a path to the configuration
  *   file, or a configuration array.
  * @param string|LoggerConfigurator $configurator A custom 
  * configurator class: either a class name (string), or an object which 
  * implements the LoggerConfigurator interface. If left empty, the default
  * configurator implementation will be used. 
 public static function configure($configuration = null, $configurator = null)
     $configurator = self::getConfigurator($configurator);
     $configurator->configure(self::getHierarchy(), $configuration);
     self::$initialized = true;