echo link_tag(make_url('configure'), image_tag('tab_config.png') . __('Configure %thebuggenie_name', array('%thebuggenie_name' => TBGSettings::getTBGname()))); ?> <?php } ?> <?php TBGEvent::createNew('core', 'user_dropdown_reg')->trigger(); ?> <?php echo link_tag('' . TBGContext::getRouting()->getCurrentRouteName(), image_tag('help.png') . __('Help for this page'), array('id' => 'global_help_link')); ?> <a href="<?php echo make_url('logout'); ?> " onclick="<?php if (TBGSettings::isPersonaAvailable()) { ?> if ( {;return false; }<?php } ?> "><?php echo image_tag('logout.png') . __('Logout'); ?> </a> <div class="header"><?php echo __('Your issues'); ?> </div> <?php echo link_tag(make_url('my_reported_issues'), image_tag('icon_savedsearch.png') . __('Issues reported by me')); ?>
</div> <div id="fullpage_backdrop_content" class="fullpage_backdrop_content"> </div> </div> <?php if (TBGContext::getRouting()->getCurrentRouteName() != 'login_page' && $tbg_user->isGuest()) { ?> <div id="login_backdrop" class="fullpage_backdrop" style="display: none;"> <div id="login_content" class="fullpage_backdrop_content"> <?php include_component('main/loginpopup', array('content' => get_component_html('main/login'), 'mandatory' => false)); ?> </div> </div> <?php } if (TBGSettings::isPersonaAvailable() && ($tbg_user->isGuest() || $tbg_request->hasCookie('tbg3_persona_session'))) { ?> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> document.observe('dom:loaded', function() { var currentUser = <?php echo !$tbg_user->isGuest() ? "'{$tbg_user->getEmail()}'" : 'null'; ?> ;{ loggedInUser: currentUser, onlogin: function(assertion) { // A user has logged in! Here you need to: // 1. Send the assertion to your backend for verification and to create a session. // 2. Update your UI.