function onBeforeRender() { if (T3::detect()) { $japp = JFactory::getApplication(); if ($japp->isAdmin()) { $t3app = T3::getApp(); $t3app->addAssets(); } else { $params = $japp->getTemplate(true)->params; if (defined('T3_THEMER') && $params->get('themermode', 1)) { T3::import('admin/theme'); T3AdminTheme::addAssets(); } //check for ajax action and render t3ajax type to before head type if (class_exists('T3Ajax')) { T3Ajax::render(); } } } }
function onBeforeRender() { if (defined('T3_PLUGIN') && T3::detect()) { $japp = JFactory::getApplication(); JDispatcher::getInstance()->trigger('onT3BeforeRender'); if ($japp->isAdmin()) { $t3app = T3::getApp(); $t3app->addAssets(); } else { $params = $japp->getTemplate(true)->params; if (defined('T3_THEMER') && $params->get('themermode', 1)) { T3::import('admin/theme'); T3AdminTheme::addAssets(); } //check for ajax action and render t3ajax type to before head type if (class_exists('T3Ajax')) { T3Ajax::render(); } // allow load module/modules in component using jdoc:include $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $main_content = $doc->getBuffer('component'); if ($main_content) { // parse jdoc if (preg_match_all('#<jdoc:include\\ type="([^"]+)"(.*)\\/>#iU', $main_content, $matches)) { $replace = array(); $with = array(); // Step through the jdocs in reverse order. for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) { $type = $matches[1][$i]; $attribs = empty($matches[2][$i]) ? array() : JUtility::parseAttributes($matches[2][$i]); $name = isset($attribs['name']) ? $attribs['name'] : null; $replace[] = $matches[0][$i]; $with[] = $doc->getBuffer($type, $name, $attribs); } $main_content = str_replace($replace, $with, $main_content); // update buffer $doc->setBuffer($main_content, 'component'); } } } } }