/** * Returns the method used. * A valid value from \System\HTTP\Request\Method must be used, or METHOD_GET will be returned * @return string The method used. */ public static final function getMethod() { $handle = self::getServerHandle(); $method = $handle['REQUEST_METHOD']; $val = new \System\Security\Validate(); if ($val->inStruct($method, 'method', new \System\HTTP\Request\Method(), true) == \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_OK) { return $method; } return \System\HTTP\Request\Method::METHOD_GET; }
/** * Converts a RGB code to hex value, preceded by # * @param integer The red component * @param integer The green component * @param integer The blue component * @param string The converted hex value * @return boolean True on succes, false otherwise */ public static final function RGBToHex($r, $g, $b, &$hex = '') { $val = new \System\Security\Validate(); $val->isInt($r, 'red', 0, 255, true); $val->isInt($g, 'green', 0, 255, true); $val->isInt($b, 'blue', 0, 255, true); if ($val->isInputOk()) { $hex = '#'; $hex .= str_pad(dechex($r), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $hex .= str_pad(dechex($g), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $hex .= str_pad(dechex($b), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return true; } return false; }
/** * Applies the image effect on a GD resource. This function should be overridden by the effect. * @param resource The image resource to work with * @return resource The resource to use */ protected final function executeFilterGD($imageData) { $width = imagesx($imageData); $height = imagesy($imageData); //we make sure we cannot go out of bounds if ($this->reflectionHeight > $height) { $this->reflectionHeight = $height; } //create a new image with alpha channels $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height + $this->reflectionHeight + $this->gradientDistance - 1); imagesavealpha($image, true); //use the proper color for the background and fill if (!empty($this->reflectionBackgroundColor)) { $val = new \System\Security\Validate(); if ($val->isHexColor($this->reflectionBackgroundColor, 'color', true) == \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_OK) { $r = 0; $g = 0; $b = 0; \System\Image\ColorConversion::hexToRGB($this->reflectionBackgroundColor, $r, $g, $b); $transparentColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $r, $g, $b, 0); } } else { $transparentColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127); } imagefill($image, 0, 0, $transparentColor); //copy the original image into the newimage imagecopy($image, $imageData, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height); $transparencyStep = 127 / $this->reflectionHeight; //copy the bottom $reflectionHeight pixels of the image and make them transparent for ($y = $height - 1; $y >= $height - $this->reflectionHeight; $y--) { for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++) { $colors = imagecolorsforindex($imageData, imagecolorat($imageData, $x, $y)); $alpha = intval(round($transparencyStep * ($height - $y))); if ($colors['alpha'] > $alpha) { $alpha = $colors['alpha']; } $newColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $colors['red'], $colors['green'], $colors['blue'], $alpha); imagesetpixel($image, $x, $height + ($height - $y) + $this->gradientDistance - 1, $newColor); } } imagedestroy($imageData); return $image; }
/** * Outputs the given image object as a PNG image. The output of this renderer can be written to any RenderSurface. * The image will be rendered with no filters applied. * @param \System\Image\Image The image to render as a PNG image. * @param int The amount of compression used. Default is 0. Range is 0..9 */ public final function render() { $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) != 1 && count($args) != 2 || !$args[0] instanceof \System\Image\Image) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid amount of arguments given.'); } $output = ''; $compression = 0; if (count($args) == 2) { $compression = $args[1]; } $val = new \System\Security\Validate(); if ($val->isInt($compression, 'compressionlevel', 0, 9, true) != \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_OK) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Second parameter should be between 0..9'); } ob_start(); imagepng($args[0]->getImageData(), null, $compression); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->addToBuffer($output); }
public static final function call(\System\Collection\Map $serviceResult, \System\Db\Database $defaultDb) { self::validateHandles(); $val = new \System\Security\Validate(); $val->checkTextLength(self::$get->token, 'token', 10, true); $val->checkTextLength(self::$get->value, 'value', 1, true); if ($val->isInputOk()) { $vec = new \System\Collection\Vector(); $vec[] = self::$get->token; $vec[] = self::$get->value; $onetimecall = \Module\Onetimecall\Onetimecall::load($defaultDb, 'token_value', $vec, false); if ($onetimecall) { $serviceResult->onetimeCall = $onetimecall; $onetimecall->delete($defaultDb); return true; } $event = new \Module\Onetimecall\Event\OnOnetimecallFailEvent(); $event->raise(); } return false; }
/** * Dynamically loads objects from the relational database into xml based objects. * The object used must inherit from the \System\Base\DynamicBaseObj class. * @param \System\Db\Database The database object to query * @param string The full classname of the class to use as the base object. * @param string The condition string as described in the objects xml file * @param \System\Collection\Vector The parameters to be used in the condition. If an item in the vector is a vector itself, its items are imploded by ', ' and treated as a \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_QUERY parameter * @param bool When true, the result will always be wrapped in a \System\Db\DatabaseResult vector, even if there is only one result. * @param bool When true, the secondary db connection pipe is used to read the data from. * @return mixed If there is one result, then only an instance of the requested object is returned; when there are multiple results a \System\Db\DatabaseResult vector is returned, also see the $alwaysUseContainer parameter. If there are no results, null is returned */ public static final function load(\System\Db\Database $db, $className, $condition, \System\Collection\Vector $parameters = null, $alwaysUseContainer = false, $useSecondaryDatabasePipe = true) { $event = new \System\Event\Event\OnBeforeDynamicObjectLoadEvent(); $event->setDatabase($db)->setDynamicClassName($className)->setCondition($condition)->setParameters($parameters ?: new \System\Collection\Vector())->setAlwaysUseContainer($alwaysUseContainer)->setUseSecondaryDatabasePipe($useSecondaryDatabasePipe); $event->raise(); //if the event has listeners that want to override the call, we redirect it and call that instead, this will logically re-fire the event! if ($event->hasListeners('\\System\\Event\\Event\\OnBeforeDynamicObjectLoadEvent') && ($event->getDatabase() != $db || $event->getDynamicClassName() != $className || $event->getCondition() != $condition || !(!$parameters && $event->getParameters()->count() == 0 || $parameters == $event->getParameters()) || $event->getAlwaysUseContainer() != $alwaysUseContainer || $event->getUseSecondaryDatabasePipe() != $useSecondaryDatabasePipe)) { return self::load($event->getDatabase(), $event->getDynamicClassName(), $event->getCondition(), $event->getParameters(), $event->getAlwaysUseContainer(), $event->getUseSecondaryDatabasePipe()); } if (!class_exists($className) || !is_subclass_of($className, '\\System\\Base\\DynamicBaseObj')) { throw new \System\Error\Exception\ObjectLoaderSourceException('The given class ' . $className . ' does not appear to be a valid child of \\System\\Base\\DynamicBaseObj or does not exist (is the Module loaded?).'); } call_user_func(array($className, 'prepareObject')); $queryString = call_user_func(array($className, 'queryForCondition'), $condition); $query = new \System\Db\Query($db, $queryString); $query->setResultType($className); //Use or dont use the secondary connection pipe $query->setUseSecondaryPipe($useSecondaryDatabasePipe); /* we need the validator to check the type of the value. this is needed, because an integer can also be string containing numbers. */ $val = new \System\Security\Validate(); if ($parameters) { foreach ($parameters as $index => $param) { //we need to decide the type of the parameter. Currently we only support integers and strings and Vectors. $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_INTEGER; //if the item is a Vector, we implode the vector and add it as a \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_QUERY type parameter. if ($param instanceof \System\Collection\Vector) { $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_QUERY; $param = $param->convertToString(); } else { if ($val->isInt($param, $index, null, null, true) == \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_INVALIDVALUE) { $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING; } } $query->bind($param, $type); } } //actually execute the query $results = $db->query($query); //if there is only 1 result, then we just return that instead of the entire Vector if ($results->count() == 1 && !$alwaysUseContainer) { return $results->current(); } //we return null if there are no results if ($results->count() == 0 && !$alwaysUseContainer) { return null; } return $results; }
/** * Gets the internet host name corresponding to a given IP address. This may pose a delay as it does a remoteserver request. * On the default IP address, the current client IP is reversed. * @param string The ip (V4) address to lookup. * @return string The hostname on success, the original ip on failure, or false on invalid input */ public static final function getHostName($ipAddress = self::IP_INVALID) { if ($ipAddress == self::IP_INVALID) { $ipAddress = self::getClientIP(); } $val = new \System\Security\Validate(); if ($ipAddress == self::IP_INVALID || $val->isIPAddress($ipAddress, 'ip', true, true, false, true, false) != \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_OK) { return self::IP_INVALID; } return gethostbyaddr($ipAddress); }
/** * Stores the current object back to the database. This function only does an incremental update, meaning that only the changed fields are updated. * The update reflects the changes made to the object, and does not consider updates to the database in the time between retrieval of this object * and the calling of this function. * This update is executed without the use of transactions. * @param string The condition to use for the update * @param \System\Collection\Vector The parameters for the condition * @return integer The amount of affected rows */ public function store($condition, \System\Collection\Vector $parameters) { $fieldMap = self::validateMap(self::$fieldMap); $conditionMap = self::validateMap(self::$conditionMap); $modifications = $this->validateInstanceMap($this->modifications); $virtualModifications = $this->validateInstanceMap($this->virtualModifications); $dataMap = $this->validateInstanceMap($this->data); //we dont do anything if we dont have anything to do, no modifications if (!$modifications->hasItems() && !$virtualModifications->hasItems()) { return 0; } if (!$conditionMap->keyExists($condition)) { throw new \System\Error\Exception\ObjectLoaderSourceException('Invalid condition given. Condition is not defined in ' . $this->getClassName() . '.'); } //create the query $tuples = new \System\Collection\Vector(); foreach ($modifications as $modification) { $dataField = $fieldMap->{$modification}; $tuples[] = "`" . mb_strtolower((string) $dataField['dbkey']) . "` = %?%"; } //iterate over all the virtual modifications as we do want to reflect those foreach ($virtualModifications as $virtualModification) { $tuples[] = "`" . mb_strtolower($virtualModification) . "` = %?%"; } //we get the table definitions again. could have saved this at load, but now we reduce memory footprint at the cost of neglectable slower saving. $querySources = self::createQuerySources(self::$xmlTree[get_class($this)]); $conditionString = $conditionMap->{$condition}; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $querySources . ' SET ' . $tuples->convertToString() . ' ' . $conditionString; $query = new \System\Db\Query($this->getDatabase(), $sql); //bind the values to the query for setting the new values foreach ($modifications as $modification) { $fieldData = $fieldMap->{$modification}; $modification = mb_strtolower($modification); //get the type of the parameter. only integers and strings are supported switch (mb_strtolower((string) $fieldData['type'])) { case \System\Type::TYPE_BOOL: case \System\Type::TYPE_BOOLEAN: case \System\Type::TYPE_INT: case \System\Type::TYPE_INTEGER: $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_INTEGER; break; default: $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING; } //we first check if the new value is set to nullify, if so, we actually store NULL if (isset($fieldData['nullify']) && (string) $fieldData['nullify'] == $dataMap->{$modification}) { $query->bind('NULL', \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_QUERY); } elseif (isset($fieldData['encoding'])) { switch (mb_strtolower((string) $fieldData['encoding'])) { case self::ENCRYPTION_BASE64: $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING; $query->bind(self::encodeBase64($dataMap->{$modification}), $type); break; case self::ENCRYPTION_XOR: $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING; $query->bind(self::encodeXOR($dataMap->{$modification}), $type); break; case self::ENCRYPTION_AES: $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING; $query->bind(self::encodeAES($dataMap->{$modification}), $type); break; default: throw new \System\Error\Exception\ObjectLoaderSourceException('The given encryptionmethod is not supported.'); } } else { $query->bind($dataMap->{$modification}, $type); } } //bind the values to the query for setting the new values foreach ($virtualModifications as $virtualModification) { $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING; $virtualField = 'virtual_' . $virtualModification; $value = $dataMap->{$virtualField}; $query->bind((string) $value, $type); } //bind the condition values to the query $val = new \System\Security\Validate(); foreach ($parameters as $index => $param) { //we need to decide the type of the parameter. Currently we only support integers and strings. $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_INTEGER; if ($val->isInt($param, $index, null, null, true) == \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_INVALIDVALUE) { $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING; } $query->bind($param, $type); } //execute the query $this->getDatabase()->query($query); //reset the modified list, because we already stored this. No need to store the same things at successive calls. $modifications->clear(); return $this->getDatabase()->getAffectedRows(); }
/** * Sets the index of the resultset to a given index. * Note: this invalidates iterators and advanced the key to the next item * @param integer The index to point at. */ public function pointTo($point) { $val = new \System\Security\Validate(); if ($this->count() > 0 && $val->isInt($point, 'point', 0, null, true) == \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_OK && $this->count() > $point) { $this->key = $point; $this->results->data_seek($point); $this->next(); } }