コード例 #1
ファイル: Request.class.php プロジェクト: Superbeest/Core
  * Returns the method used.
  * A valid value from \System\HTTP\Request\Method must be used, or METHOD_GET will be returned
  * @return string The method used.
 public static final function getMethod()
     $handle = self::getServerHandle();
     $method = $handle['REQUEST_METHOD'];
     $val = new \System\Security\Validate();
     if ($val->inStruct($method, 'method', new \System\HTTP\Request\Method(), true) == \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_OK) {
         return $method;
     return \System\HTTP\Request\Method::METHOD_GET;
コード例 #2
  * Converts a RGB code to hex value, preceded by #
  * @param integer The red component
  * @param integer The green component
  * @param integer The blue component
  * @param string The converted hex value
  * @return boolean True on succes, false otherwise
 public static final function RGBToHex($r, $g, $b, &$hex = '')
     $val = new \System\Security\Validate();
     $val->isInt($r, 'red', 0, 255, true);
     $val->isInt($g, 'green', 0, 255, true);
     $val->isInt($b, 'blue', 0, 255, true);
     if ($val->isInputOk()) {
         $hex = '#';
         $hex .= str_pad(dechex($r), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $hex .= str_pad(dechex($g), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $hex .= str_pad(dechex($b), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #3
  * Applies the image effect on a GD resource. This function should be overridden by the effect.
  * @param resource The image resource to work with
  * @return resource The resource to use
 protected final function executeFilterGD($imageData)
     $width = imagesx($imageData);
     $height = imagesy($imageData);
     //we make sure we cannot go out of bounds
     if ($this->reflectionHeight > $height) {
         $this->reflectionHeight = $height;
     //create a new image with alpha channels
     $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height + $this->reflectionHeight + $this->gradientDistance - 1);
     imagesavealpha($image, true);
     //use the proper color for the background and fill
     if (!empty($this->reflectionBackgroundColor)) {
         $val = new \System\Security\Validate();
         if ($val->isHexColor($this->reflectionBackgroundColor, 'color', true) == \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_OK) {
             $r = 0;
             $g = 0;
             $b = 0;
             \System\Image\ColorConversion::hexToRGB($this->reflectionBackgroundColor, $r, $g, $b);
             $transparentColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $r, $g, $b, 0);
     } else {
         $transparentColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127);
     imagefill($image, 0, 0, $transparentColor);
     //copy the original image into the newimage
     imagecopy($image, $imageData, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
     $transparencyStep = 127 / $this->reflectionHeight;
     //copy the bottom $reflectionHeight pixels of the image and make them transparent
     for ($y = $height - 1; $y >= $height - $this->reflectionHeight; $y--) {
         for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++) {
             $colors = imagecolorsforindex($imageData, imagecolorat($imageData, $x, $y));
             $alpha = intval(round($transparencyStep * ($height - $y)));
             if ($colors['alpha'] > $alpha) {
                 $alpha = $colors['alpha'];
             $newColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $colors['red'], $colors['green'], $colors['blue'], $alpha);
             imagesetpixel($image, $x, $height + ($height - $y) + $this->gradientDistance - 1, $newColor);
     return $image;
コード例 #4
ファイル: PNGRenderer.class.php プロジェクト: Superbeest/Core
  * Outputs the given image object as a PNG image. The output of this renderer can be written to any RenderSurface.
  * The image will be rendered with no filters applied.
  * @param \System\Image\Image The image to render as a PNG image.
  * @param int The amount of compression used. Default is 0. Range is 0..9
 public final function render()
     $args = func_get_args();
     if (count($args) != 1 && count($args) != 2 || !$args[0] instanceof \System\Image\Image) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid amount of arguments given.');
     $output = '';
     $compression = 0;
     if (count($args) == 2) {
         $compression = $args[1];
     $val = new \System\Security\Validate();
     if ($val->isInt($compression, 'compressionlevel', 0, 9, true) != \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_OK) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Second parameter should be between 0..9');
     imagepng($args[0]->getImageData(), null, $compression);
     $output = ob_get_contents();
コード例 #5
 public static final function call(\System\Collection\Map $serviceResult, \System\Db\Database $defaultDb)
     $val = new \System\Security\Validate();
     $val->checkTextLength(self::$get->token, 'token', 10, true);
     $val->checkTextLength(self::$get->value, 'value', 1, true);
     if ($val->isInputOk()) {
         $vec = new \System\Collection\Vector();
         $vec[] = self::$get->token;
         $vec[] = self::$get->value;
         $onetimecall = \Module\Onetimecall\Onetimecall::load($defaultDb, 'token_value', $vec, false);
         if ($onetimecall) {
             $serviceResult->onetimeCall = $onetimecall;
             return true;
         $event = new \Module\Onetimecall\Event\OnOnetimecallFailEvent();
     return false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Object.class.php プロジェクト: Superbeest/Core
  * Dynamically loads objects from the relational database into xml based objects.
  * The object used must inherit from the \System\Base\DynamicBaseObj class.
  * @param \System\Db\Database The database object to query
  * @param string The full classname of the class to use as the base object.
  * @param string The condition string as described in the objects xml file
  * @param \System\Collection\Vector The parameters to be used in the condition. If an item in the vector is a vector itself, its items are imploded by ', ' and treated as a \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_QUERY parameter
  * @param bool When true, the result will always be wrapped in a \System\Db\DatabaseResult vector, even if there is only one result.
  * @param bool When true, the secondary db connection pipe is used to read the data from.
  * @return mixed If there is one result, then only an instance of the requested object is returned; when there are multiple results a \System\Db\DatabaseResult vector is returned, also see the $alwaysUseContainer parameter. If there are no results, null is returned
 public static final function load(\System\Db\Database $db, $className, $condition, \System\Collection\Vector $parameters = null, $alwaysUseContainer = false, $useSecondaryDatabasePipe = true)
     $event = new \System\Event\Event\OnBeforeDynamicObjectLoadEvent();
     $event->setDatabase($db)->setDynamicClassName($className)->setCondition($condition)->setParameters($parameters ?: new \System\Collection\Vector())->setAlwaysUseContainer($alwaysUseContainer)->setUseSecondaryDatabasePipe($useSecondaryDatabasePipe);
     //if the event has listeners that want to override the call, we redirect it and call that instead, this will logically re-fire the event!
     if ($event->hasListeners('\\System\\Event\\Event\\OnBeforeDynamicObjectLoadEvent') && ($event->getDatabase() != $db || $event->getDynamicClassName() != $className || $event->getCondition() != $condition || !(!$parameters && $event->getParameters()->count() == 0 || $parameters == $event->getParameters()) || $event->getAlwaysUseContainer() != $alwaysUseContainer || $event->getUseSecondaryDatabasePipe() != $useSecondaryDatabasePipe)) {
         return self::load($event->getDatabase(), $event->getDynamicClassName(), $event->getCondition(), $event->getParameters(), $event->getAlwaysUseContainer(), $event->getUseSecondaryDatabasePipe());
     if (!class_exists($className) || !is_subclass_of($className, '\\System\\Base\\DynamicBaseObj')) {
         throw new \System\Error\Exception\ObjectLoaderSourceException('The given class ' . $className . ' does not appear to be a valid child of \\System\\Base\\DynamicBaseObj or does not exist (is the Module loaded?).');
     call_user_func(array($className, 'prepareObject'));
     $queryString = call_user_func(array($className, 'queryForCondition'), $condition);
     $query = new \System\Db\Query($db, $queryString);
     //Use or dont use the secondary connection pipe
     we need the validator to check the type of the value.
     this is needed, because an integer can also be string containing numbers.
     $val = new \System\Security\Validate();
     if ($parameters) {
         foreach ($parameters as $index => $param) {
             //we need to decide the type of the parameter. Currently we only support integers and strings and Vectors.
             $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_INTEGER;
             //if the item is a Vector, we implode the vector and add it as a \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_QUERY type parameter.
             if ($param instanceof \System\Collection\Vector) {
                 $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_QUERY;
                 $param = $param->convertToString();
             } else {
                 if ($val->isInt($param, $index, null, null, true) == \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_INVALIDVALUE) {
                     $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
             $query->bind($param, $type);
     //actually execute the query
     $results = $db->query($query);
     //if there is only 1 result, then we just return that instead of the entire Vector
     if ($results->count() == 1 && !$alwaysUseContainer) {
         return $results->current();
     //we return null if there are no results
     if ($results->count() == 0 && !$alwaysUseContainer) {
         return null;
     return $results;
コード例 #7
ファイル: IP.class.php プロジェクト: Superbeest/Core
  * Gets the internet host name corresponding to a given IP address. This may pose a delay as it does a remoteserver request.
  * On the default IP address, the current client IP is reversed.
  * @param string The ip (V4) address to lookup.
  * @return string The hostname on success, the original ip on failure, or false on invalid input
 public static final function getHostName($ipAddress = self::IP_INVALID)
     if ($ipAddress == self::IP_INVALID) {
         $ipAddress = self::getClientIP();
     $val = new \System\Security\Validate();
     if ($ipAddress == self::IP_INVALID || $val->isIPAddress($ipAddress, 'ip', true, true, false, true, false) != \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_OK) {
         return self::IP_INVALID;
     return gethostbyaddr($ipAddress);
コード例 #8
  * Stores the current object back to the database. This function only does an incremental update, meaning that only the changed fields are updated.
  * The update reflects the changes made to the object, and does not consider updates to the database in the time between retrieval of this object
  * and the calling of this function.
  * This update is executed without the use of transactions.
  * @param string The condition to use for the update
  * @param \System\Collection\Vector The parameters for the condition
  * @return integer The amount of affected rows
 public function store($condition, \System\Collection\Vector $parameters)
     $fieldMap = self::validateMap(self::$fieldMap);
     $conditionMap = self::validateMap(self::$conditionMap);
     $modifications = $this->validateInstanceMap($this->modifications);
     $virtualModifications = $this->validateInstanceMap($this->virtualModifications);
     $dataMap = $this->validateInstanceMap($this->data);
     //we  dont do anything if we dont have anything to do, no modifications
     if (!$modifications->hasItems() && !$virtualModifications->hasItems()) {
         return 0;
     if (!$conditionMap->keyExists($condition)) {
         throw new \System\Error\Exception\ObjectLoaderSourceException('Invalid condition given. Condition is not defined in ' . $this->getClassName() . '.');
     //create the query
     $tuples = new \System\Collection\Vector();
     foreach ($modifications as $modification) {
         $dataField = $fieldMap->{$modification};
         $tuples[] = "`" . mb_strtolower((string) $dataField['dbkey']) . "` = %?%";
     //iterate over all the virtual modifications as we do want to reflect those
     foreach ($virtualModifications as $virtualModification) {
         $tuples[] = "`" . mb_strtolower($virtualModification) . "` = %?%";
     //we get the table definitions again. could have saved this at load, but now we reduce memory footprint at the cost of neglectable slower saving.
     $querySources = self::createQuerySources(self::$xmlTree[get_class($this)]);
     $conditionString = $conditionMap->{$condition};
     $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $querySources . ' SET ' . $tuples->convertToString() . ' ' . $conditionString;
     $query = new \System\Db\Query($this->getDatabase(), $sql);
     //bind the values to the query for setting the new values
     foreach ($modifications as $modification) {
         $fieldData = $fieldMap->{$modification};
         $modification = mb_strtolower($modification);
         //get the type of the parameter. only integers and strings are supported
         switch (mb_strtolower((string) $fieldData['type'])) {
             case \System\Type::TYPE_BOOL:
             case \System\Type::TYPE_BOOLEAN:
             case \System\Type::TYPE_INT:
             case \System\Type::TYPE_INTEGER:
                 $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_INTEGER;
                 $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
         //we first check if the new value is set to nullify, if so, we actually store NULL
         if (isset($fieldData['nullify']) && (string) $fieldData['nullify'] == $dataMap->{$modification}) {
             $query->bind('NULL', \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_QUERY);
         } elseif (isset($fieldData['encoding'])) {
             switch (mb_strtolower((string) $fieldData['encoding'])) {
                 case self::ENCRYPTION_BASE64:
                     $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
                     $query->bind(self::encodeBase64($dataMap->{$modification}), $type);
                 case self::ENCRYPTION_XOR:
                     $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
                     $query->bind(self::encodeXOR($dataMap->{$modification}), $type);
                 case self::ENCRYPTION_AES:
                     $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
                     $query->bind(self::encodeAES($dataMap->{$modification}), $type);
                     throw new \System\Error\Exception\ObjectLoaderSourceException('The given encryptionmethod is not supported.');
         } else {
             $query->bind($dataMap->{$modification}, $type);
     //bind the values to the query for setting the new values
     foreach ($virtualModifications as $virtualModification) {
         $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
         $virtualField = 'virtual_' . $virtualModification;
         $value = $dataMap->{$virtualField};
         $query->bind((string) $value, $type);
     //bind the condition values to the query
     $val = new \System\Security\Validate();
     foreach ($parameters as $index => $param) {
         //we need to decide the type of the parameter. Currently we only support integers and strings.
         $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_INTEGER;
         if ($val->isInt($param, $index, null, null, true) == \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_INVALIDVALUE) {
             $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
         $query->bind($param, $type);
     //execute the query
     //reset the modified list, because we already stored this. No need to store the same things at successive calls.
     return $this->getDatabase()->getAffectedRows();
コード例 #9
  * Sets the index of the resultset to a given index.
  * Note: this invalidates iterators and advanced the key to the next item
  * @param integer The index to point at.
 public function pointTo($point)
     $val = new \System\Security\Validate();
     if ($this->count() > 0 && $val->isInt($point, 'point', 0, null, true) == \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_OK && $this->count() > $point) {
         $this->key = $point;