/** * Parses the contents of a given YAML file. * * @param $filePath * @throws Exceptions\FileReaderException * @return array */ public static function parse($filePath) { try { $data = self::load($filePath); if (!empty($data)) { //Try to process the yaml file with the PHP function, if installed if (function_exists("yaml_parse")) { $dataArray = yaml_parse($data); if (is_array($dataArray)) { return $dataArray; } } else { try { $yml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); return $yml->parse($data); } catch (\Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException $e) { //Do nothing. Fire exception after the if-else statement. } } throw new FileReaderException('The file does not contain valid well formatted YAML data.'); } else { throw new FileReaderException('No data has been loaded. Use the load($filePath) method before using getData().'); } } catch (FileReaderException $e) { throw new FileReaderException($e); } }
/** * Process a structured array of info files lines to a flat array for merging. * * @param $lines * An array of lines keyed by label. * Place grouped labels (eg, dependencies) into an array of * their own, keyed numerically. * Eg: * name => module name * dependencies => array(foo, bar) * * @return * An array of lines for the .info file. */ function process_info_lines($lines) { $yaml_parser = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $yaml = $yaml_parser->dump($lines, 2, 2); //drush_print_r($yaml); // Because the yaml is all built for us, this is just a singleton array. return array($yaml); }
/** * * @param Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request */ public function __construct(Request $request) { $queryDecorator = new QueryDecorator($this->_getQuery()); $this->_query = $queryDecorator->decorate($request, $this->_getUrlParamsMapper()); $this->_curl = new AnonymousCurl(); $reader = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $this->_config = $reader->parse(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/config/cache.yml'); }
/** * Get the YAML body for the file. * * @param $yaml_data_array * An array of data to convert to YAML. * * @return * An array containing the YAML string. */ protected function getYamlBody($yaml_data_array) { $yaml_parser = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $yaml = $yaml_parser->dump($yaml_data_array, 6, 2); //drush_print_r($yaml); // Replace variables $variables = $this->getReplacements(); $yaml = strtr($yaml, $variables); // Because the yaml is all built for us, this is just a singleton array. $body = array($yaml); return $body; }
public static function loadConfig($path) { $path = realpath($path); if (!isset(self::$Configs[$path])) { $yaml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); if (file_exists($path)) { self::$Configs[$path] = $yaml->parse($path); } else { throw new \Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\FileNotFoundException(); } } return self::$Configs[$path]; }
protected function exportModuleDependencies($io, $module, $dependencies) { $yaml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $info_file = file_get_contents($this->getSite()->getModuleInfoFile($module)); $info_yaml = $yaml->parse($info_file); if (empty($info_yaml['dependencies'])) { $info_yaml['dependencies'] = $dependencies; } else { $info_yaml['dependencies'] = array_unique(array_merge($info_yaml['dependencies'], $dependencies)); } if (file_put_contents($this->getSite()->getModuleInfoFile($module), $yaml->dump($info_yaml))) { $io->info('[+] ' . sprintf($this->trans('commands.config.export.view.messages.depencies-included'), $this->getSite()->getModuleInfoFile($module))); foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) { $io->info(' [-] ' . $dependency); } } else { $io->error($this->trans('commands.site.mode.messages.error-writing-file') . ': ' . $this->getSite()->getModuleInfoFile($module)); return []; } }
/** * @return bool|void */ public static function make_manifest() { $files = self::get_file_manifest(); $configs = array(); foreach ($files as $path => $info) { if ($info['extension'] == 'yml' || $info['extension'] == 'yaml') { $configs = array_merge($configs, Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($path))); } } file_put_contents(TEMP_PATH . '/config_manifest', serialize($configs)); self::$config_manifest = $configs; }
protected function loadFile($filePath) { $yml = array(); $dirname = dirname($filePath); $yaml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $res = $yaml->parse($filePath); foreach ($res as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'include') { foreach ($value as $file) { $file = preg_replace_callback('`\\${env\\.([^}]+)}`i', function ($matches) { return getenv($matches[1]); }, $file); $subYml = $this->loadFile($dirname . '/' . $file); $yml = Arrays::mergeRecursiveUnique($yml, $subYml); } } else { $yml = Arrays::mergeRecursiveUnique($yml, array($key => $res[$key])); } } return $yml; }
protected function overrideServices($env, $output) { $services_settings = $this->getServicesSettings($env); $directory = $this->getDrupalHelper()->getRoot() . '/' . \Drupal::service('site.path'); $settings_services_file = $directory . '/services.yml'; if (!file_exists($settings_services_file)) { // Copying default services $default_services_file = $this->getDrupalHelper()->getRoot() . '/sites/default/default.services.yml'; if (!copy($default_services_file, $directory . '/services.yml')) { $output->writeln(' <error>' . $this->trans('commands.site.mode.messages.error-copying-file') . ': ' . $directory . '/services.yml' . '</error>'); return []; } } $yaml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $content = file_get_contents($directory . '/services.yml'); $services = $yaml->parse($content); $result = []; foreach ($services_settings as $service => $parameters) { foreach ($parameters as $parameter => $value) { $services['parameters'][$service][$parameter] = $value; // Set values for output $result[$parameter]['service'] = $service; $result[$parameter]['parameter'] = $parameter; if (is_bool($value)) { $value = $value ? 'true' : 'false'; } $result[$parameter]['value'] = $value; } } if (file_put_contents($directory . '/services.yml', $yaml->dump($services))) { $output->writeln('<info>' . sprintf($this->trans('commands.site.mode.messages.services-file-overwritten'), $directory . '/services.yml') . '</info>'); } else { $output->writeln(' <error>' . $this->trans('commands.site.mode.messages.error-writing-file') . ': ' . $directory . '/services.yml' . '</error>'); return []; } sort($result); return $result; }
/** * Register the bundles (and by the way the modules). * * @return array|\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\BundleInterface[] * @throws RuntimeException * @throws Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException */ public function registerBundles() { /* * Basic bundles, required to load the website */ $bundles = array(new Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle(), new Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\SecurityBundle(), new Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\TwigBundle(), new Symfony\Bundle\MonologBundle\MonologBundle(), new Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle\SwiftmailerBundle(), new Symfony\Bundle\AsseticBundle\AsseticBundle(), new Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\DoctrineBundle(), new Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle(), new Stof\DoctrineExtensionsBundle\StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle(), new Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\SensioFrameworkExtraBundle(), new Knp\Bundle\TimeBundle\KnpTimeBundle(), new Knp\Bundle\PaginatorBundle\KnpPaginatorBundle(), new FOS\JsRoutingBundle\FOSJsRoutingBundle(), new FrequenceWeb\Bundle\CalendRBundle\FrequenceWebCalendRBundle(), new FM\BbcodeBundle\FMBbcodeBundle(), new Sonata\IntlBundle\SonataIntlBundle(), new Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\NelmioApiDocBundle(), new Minifier\MinifierBundle(), new Etu\Core\CoreBundle\EtuCoreBundle(), new Etu\Core\UserBundle\EtuUserBundle(), new Etu\Core\ApiBundle\EtuCoreApiBundle()); if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) { $bundles[] = new Elao\WebProfilerExtraBundle\WebProfilerExtraBundle(); $bundles[] = new Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\WebProfilerBundle(); $bundles[] = new Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\SensioDistributionBundle(); $bundles[] = new Sensio\Bundle\GeneratorBundle\SensioGeneratorBundle(); } /* * Modules bundles, loaded dynamically from app/config/modules.yml */ $modules = Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse($this->getRootDir() . '/config/modules.yml'); if (isset($modules['modules'])) { if (!is_array($modules['modules'])) { throw new FatalErrorException('Key "modules" in app/config/modules.yml must be an array'); } foreach ($modules['modules'] as $module) { $bundleFile = 'src/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $module) . '.php'; if (!class_exists($module, false)) { if (file_exists($this->getRootDir() . '/../' . $bundleFile)) { require $this->getRootDir() . '/../' . $bundleFile; } else { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Module "%s" can not be loaded (file "%s" not found)', $module, $bundleFile)); } } if (class_exists($module, false)) { $module = new ReflectionClass($module); $module = $module->newInstance(); if ($module instanceof Module) { $bundles[] = $module; $this->registerModuleDefinition($module); } else { throw new FatalErrorException(sprintf('Module "%s" must be an instance of Etu\\Core\\CoreBundle\\Framework\\Definition\\Module.', get_class($module))); } } else { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Module "%s" can not be loaded (class not found)', $module)); } } } $this->checkModulesIntegrity(); return $bundles; }
/** * Adds a new yaml file to the dataset. * @param string $yamlFile */ public function addYamlFile($yamlFile) { $data = Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse($yamlFile); foreach ($data as $tableName => $rows) { if (!isset($rows)) { $rows = array(); } if (!is_array($rows)) { continue; } if (!array_key_exists($tableName, $this->tables)) { $columns = $this->getColumns($rows); $tableMetaData = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_DefaultTableMetaData($tableName, $columns); $this->tables[$tableName] = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_DefaultTable($tableMetaData); } foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->tables[$tableName]->addRow($row); } } }
/** * Writes the dataset to a yaml file * * @param PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_IDataSet $dataset */ public function write(PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_IDataSet $dataset) { $phpArr = []; $emptyTables = []; foreach ($dataset as $table) { $tableName = $table->getTableMetaData()->getTableName(); $rowCount = $table->getRowCount(); if (!$rowCount) { $emptyTables[] = $tableName; continue; } $phpArr[$tableName] = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; $i++) { $phpArr[$tableName][] = $table->getRow($i); } } $emptyTablesAsString = ''; if (count($emptyTables)) { $emptyTablesAsString = implode(":\n", $emptyTables) . ":\n\n"; } file_put_contents($this->filename, Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::dump($phpArr, 3) . $emptyTablesAsString); }
/** * Load the component data from component.yml file * * @param \Cx\Core\View\Model\Entity\Theme $theme */ public function loadComponentData(\Cx\Core\View\Model\Entity\Theme &$theme) { $websiteFilePath = \Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteThemesPath() . '/' . $theme->getFoldername() . \Cx\Core\View\Model\Entity\Theme::THEME_COMPONENT_FILE; $codeBaseFilePath = \Env::get('cx')->getCodeBaseThemesPath() . '/' . $theme->getFoldername() . \Cx\Core\View\Model\Entity\Theme::THEME_COMPONENT_FILE; $filePath = file_exists($websiteFilePath) ? $websiteFilePath : (file_exists($codeBaseFilePath) ? $codeBaseFilePath : ''); if ($filePath) { try { $objYaml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $objFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($filePath); $themeInformation = $objYaml->load($objFile->getData()); $theme->setComponentData($themeInformation['DlcInfo']); } catch (\Exception $e) { \DBG::log($e->getMessage()); } } }
/** * Behat config file specifing the main context class, * the required Behat extensions and Moodle test wwwroot. * * @param array $features The system feature files * @param array $contexts The system steps definitions * @param string $tags filter features with specified tags. * @param int $parallelruns number of parallel runs. * @param int $currentrun current run for which config file is needed. * @return string */ public function get_config_file_contents($features = '', $contexts = '', $tags = '', $parallelruns = 0, $currentrun = 0) { global $CFG; // Set current run and parallel run. if (!empty($parallelruns) && !empty($currentrun)) { $this->set_parallel_run($parallelruns, $currentrun); } // If tags defined then use them. This is for BC. if (!empty($tags)) { $this->set_tag_for_feature_filter($tags); } // If features not passed then get it. Empty array means we don't need to include features. if (empty($features) && !is_array($features)) { $features = $this->get_components_features(); } else { $this->features = $features; } // If stepdefinitions not passed then get the list. if (empty($contexts)) { $this->get_components_contexts(); } else { $this->contexts = $contexts; } // We require here when we are sure behat dependencies are available. require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $config = $this->build_config(); $config = $this->merge_behat_config($config); $config = $this->merge_behat_profiles($config); return Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::dump($config, 10, 2); }
<?php // Register class loader require_once __DIR__ . '/lib/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/ClassLoader/UniversalClassLoader.php'; $loader = new Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader(); $loader->registerNamespace('Symfony', __DIR__ . '/lib/symfony/src'); $loader->register(); // Read build file $build = Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(__DIR__ . '/build.yml'); // Build components mkdir(__DIR__ . "/../build/components", 0777, true); foreach ($build['components'] as $componentName) { // Compute component source path $componentSourcePath = __DIR__ . "/../src/{$componentName}.js"; // Build raw file_put_contents(__DIR__ . "/../build/components/{$componentName}.js", render(__DIR__ . '/copyright.php', array('content' => file_get_contents($componentSourcePath)))); // Build minified file_put_contents(__DIR__ . "/../build/components/{$componentName}-min.js", render(__DIR__ . '/copyright.php', array('content' => compress(file_get_contents($componentSourcePath))))); } // Build rollups mkdir(__DIR__ . '/../build/rollups', 0777, true); foreach ($build['rollups'] as $rollupName => $components) { // Compute component source paths $componentSourcePaths = array_map(function ($componentName) { return __DIR__ . "/../src/{$componentName}.js"; }, $components); // Get component source contents $componentSourceContents = implode('', array_map('file_get_contents', $componentSourcePaths)); // Build rollup file_put_contents(__DIR__ . "/../build/rollups/{$rollupName}.js", render(__DIR__ . '/copyright.php', array('content' => compress($componentSourceContents)))); }
public static function dump($array, $inline = 2, $indent = 2) { $yaml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); return $yaml->dump($array, $inline, $indent); }
<?php if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { exit('This script cannot be run from the CLI. Run it from a browser.'); } if (!in_array(@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], ['', '', '::1'])) { header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'); exit('This script is only accessible from localhost.'); } require_once __DIR__ . '/BackBeeRequirements.php'; require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php'; \Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug::enable(); $step = isset($_POST['step']) ? intval($_POST['step']) : 1; $yaml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); switch ($step) { case 2: /** * bootstrap.yml creation * -> debug true|false * -> container cache directory /path/to/container/cache * -> container auto-generate true|false */ if (!isset($_POST['debug']) && !isset($_POST['container_dump_directory'])) { $bootstrap_requirements = new BootstrapRequirements(); $requirements = $bootstrap_requirements->getRequirements(); break; } else { $containerDirectory = realpath(__DIR__ . '/..') . '/cache/container'; if (!is_dir($containerDirectory)) { mkdir($containerDirectory, 755); }
/** * Behat config file specifing the main context class, * the required Behat extensions and Moodle test wwwroot. * * @param array $features The system feature files * @param array $stepsdefinitions The system steps definitions * @return string */ protected static function get_config_file_contents($features, $stepsdefinitions) { global $CFG; // We require here when we are sure behat dependencies are available. require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $selenium2wdhost = array('wd_host' => 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub'); $parallelruns = self::get_parallel_test_runs(); // If parallel run, then only divide features. if (!empty($CFG->behatrunprocess) && !empty($parallelruns)) { // Attempt to split into weighted buckets using timing information, if available. if ($alloc = self::profile_guided_allocate($features, max(1, $parallelruns), $CFG->behatrunprocess)) { $features = $alloc; } else { // Divide the list of feature files amongst the parallel runners. srand(crc32(floor(time() / 3600 / 24) . var_export($features, true))); shuffle($features); // Pull out the features for just this worker. if (count($features)) { $features = array_chunk($features, ceil(count($features) / max(1, $parallelruns))); // Check if there is any feature file for this process. if (!empty($features[$CFG->behatrunprocess - 1])) { $features = $features[$CFG->behatrunprocess - 1]; } else { $features = null; } } } // Set proper selenium2 wd_host if defined. if (!empty($CFG->behat_parallel_run[$CFG->behatrunprocess - 1]['wd_host'])) { $selenium2wdhost = array('wd_host' => $CFG->behat_parallel_run[$CFG->behatrunprocess - 1]['wd_host']); } } // It is possible that it has no value as we don't require a full behat setup to list the step definitions. if (empty($CFG->behat_wwwroot)) { $CFG->behat_wwwroot = 'http://itwillnotbeused.com'; } $basedir = $CFG->dirroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'behat'; $config = array('default' => array('paths' => array('features' => $basedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'features', 'bootstrap' => $basedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'features' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bootstrap'), 'context' => array('class' => 'behat_init_context'), 'extensions' => array('Behat\\MinkExtension\\Extension' => array('base_url' => $CFG->behat_wwwroot, 'goutte' => null, 'selenium2' => $selenium2wdhost), 'Moodle\\BehatExtension\\Extension' => array('formatters' => array('moodle_progress' => 'Moodle\\BehatExtension\\Formatter\\MoodleProgressFormatter', 'moodle_list' => 'Moodle\\BehatExtension\\Formatter\\MoodleListFormatter', 'moodle_step_count' => 'Moodle\\BehatExtension\\Formatter\\MoodleStepCountFormatter'), 'features' => $features, 'steps_definitions' => $stepsdefinitions)), 'formatter' => array('name' => 'moodle_progress'))); // In case user defined overrides respect them over our default ones. if (!empty($CFG->behat_config)) { $config = self::merge_config($config, $CFG->behat_config); } // Check for Moodle custom ones. if (!empty($CFG->behat_profiles) && is_array($CFG->behat_profiles)) { foreach ($CFG->behat_profiles as $profile => $values) { $config = self::merge_config($config, self::get_behat_profile($profile, $values)); } } return Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::dump($config, 10, 2); }
/** * Exports one or more variables to the selected format * Available formats: php (for testing purposes), yaml, xml and json * @param vars format and variables to dump */ public function export() { $args = func_get_args(); $format = strtolower($args[0]); $vars = array_slice($args, 1); $this->nodes = $this->_readVars($vars); $response = null; $exportArray = array(); $i = 1; foreach ($this->nodes as $v) { $exportArray['var' . $i] = $v->export(); $i++; } switch ($format) { case self::EXPORT_FORMAT_PHP: $response = $exportArray; break; case self::EXPORT_FORMAT_YAML: $yaml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $response = $yaml->dump($exportArray); break; case self::EXPORT_FORMAT_XML: $serializer = new \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\XmlEncoder(); $response = $serializer->encode($exportArray, 'xml'); break; case self::EXPORT_FORMAT_JSON: $response = json_encode($exportArray); break; default: throw new InvalidFormatException(); } return $response; }
/** * Behat config file specifing the main context class, * the required Behat extensions and Moodle test wwwroot. * * @param array $features The system feature files * @param array $stepsdefinitions The system steps definitions * @return string */ protected static function get_config_file_contents($features, $stepsdefinitions) { global $CFG; // We require here when we are sure behat dependencies are available. require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // It is possible that it has no value as we don't require a full behat setup to list the step definitions. if (empty($CFG->behat_wwwroot)) { $CFG->behat_wwwroot = 'http://itwillnotbeused.com'; } $basedir = $CFG->dirroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'behat'; $config = array('default' => array('paths' => array('features' => $basedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'features', 'bootstrap' => $basedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'features' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bootstrap'), 'context' => array('class' => 'behat_init_context'), 'extensions' => array('Behat\\MinkExtension\\Extension' => array('base_url' => $CFG->behat_wwwroot, 'goutte' => null, 'selenium2' => null), 'Moodle\\BehatExtension\\Extension' => array('formatters' => array('moodle_progress' => 'Moodle\\BehatExtension\\Formatter\\MoodleProgressFormatter', 'moodle_list' => 'Moodle\\BehatExtension\\Formatter\\MoodleListFormatter'), 'features' => $features, 'steps_definitions' => $stepsdefinitions)), 'formatter' => array('name' => 'moodle_progress'))); // In case user defined overrides respect them over our default ones. if (!empty($CFG->behat_config)) { $config = self::merge_config($config, $CFG->behat_config); } return Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::dump($config, 10, 2); }
public function __construct() { $reader = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $this->_config = $reader->parse(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/config/cache.yml'); }
<?php $yaml = APP_PATH . '/config.yml'; if (file_exists($yaml) && is_file($yaml) && is_readable($yaml)) { $env = getenv('ENVIRONMENT') ?: 'development'; $configCache = VAR_PATH . "/cache/config/{$env}.json"; if (file_exists($configCache) && is_file($configCache) && is_readable($configCache) && filemtime($configCache) > filemtime($yaml)) { $config = json_decode(file_get_contents($configCache), true); } else { $config = Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($yaml)); if (isset($config[$env])) { $config = $config[$env]; // Slim $config['Slim']['mode'] = $env; // Logger if (isset($config['Slim']['log.level'])) { $level = 'Slim\\Log::' . $config['Slim']['log.level']; if (defined($level)) { $config['Slim']['log.level'] = constant($level); } else { throw new \Exception('Slim log level is incorrect.'); } } // View renderer $config['Slim']['templates.path'] = APP_PATH . '/templates'; if (true === $config['Twig']['cache']) { $config['Twig']['cache'] = VAR_PATH . '/cache/twig'; } // save config cache file file_put_contents($configCache, json_encode($config)); } else {
<?php $appDir = dirname(__DIR__); include_once $appDir . "/vendor/autoload.php"; use Silktide\Syringe\ReferenceResolver; use Silktide\Syringe\ContainerBuilder; use Silktide\Syringe\Loader\JsonLoader; use Silktide\Syringe\Loader\YamlLoader; // Config data should be brought in using environment variables // Updating environment variables is a PITA when doing some quick dev, so if we have an // env.yml file, dump it into $_SERVER, where syringe will pick it up as if it was an actual environment variable $environmentFile = __DIR__ . "/../env.yml"; if (file_exists($environmentFile)) { $yaml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $array = $yaml->parse(file_get_contents($environmentFile)); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $_SERVER[$key] = $value; } } $resolver = new ReferenceResolver(); $loaders = [new JsonLoader(), new YamlLoader()]; $configPaths = [$appDir . "/app/config", $appDir]; $builder = new ContainerBuilder($resolver, $configPaths); foreach ($loaders as $loader) { $builder->addLoader($loader); } $builder->setApplicationRootDirectory($appDir); $builder->addConfigFiles(["dolondro_hotstuff" => $appDir . "/vendor/dolondro/hotstuff/app/config/services.yml"]); $builder->addConfigFile("services.yml");
<?php /** * * 0 "${APP_PATH}/patch_yaml/patch_yaml.php" * 1 "${APP_PATH}/array.yml" * 2 "$MYSQL_DB_NAME" * 3 "$MYSQL_USER_NAME" * 4 "$MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD"` * */ try { $autoload = (require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); $array = Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($argv[1])); $db = $array["db"]; $db["dbname"] = $argv[2]; $db["user"] = $argv[3]; $db["pass"] = $argv[4]; $array["db"] = $db; file_put_contents($argv[1], Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::dump($array, 4, 4, true)); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage(); exit(1); } echo "OK"; exit(0);
/** * Parses YAML into a PHP array. * * @param string $value YAML string * * @return array */ public static function yamlDecode($value) { return Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse($value); }
protected function loadInline($inline) { $yaml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $res = $yaml->parse($inline); return $res; }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; use Pinboard\Logger\DbalLogger; use Pinboard\Stopwatch\Stopwatch; $app = new Silex\Application(); $app['params'] = Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../config/parameters.yml')); $app->register(new Silex\Provider\SessionServiceProvider()); $app->register(new Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider(), array('twig.path' => __DIR__ . '/../views')); $app['twig'] = $app->share($app->extend('twig', function ($twig, $app) { if (!isset($app['params']['base_url']) || empty($app['params']['base_url'])) { $baseUrl = '/'; } else { $baseUrl = $app['params']['base_url']; } if (substr($baseUrl, -1) != '/') { $baseUrl .= '/'; } $twig->addGlobal('base_url', $baseUrl); return $twig; })); $app->register(new Silex\Provider\UrlGeneratorServiceProvider()); $dbOptions = array('driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'dbname' => $app['params']['db']['name'], 'host' => $app['params']['db']['host'], 'user' => $app['params']['db']['user'], 'password' => $app['params']['db']['pass']); if (isset($app['params']['db']['port'])) { $dbOptions['port'] = $app['params']['db']['port']; } if (isset($app['params']['db']['unix_socket'])) { $dbOptions['unix_socket'] = $app['params']['db']['unix_socket']; }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; Dotenv::load(__DIR__ . '/../'); /** * @TODO build this from the yaml file on the fly */ $yml = new Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $tests = $yml->parse(__DIR__ . '/../behat.yml'); $run = []; $env = getenv('APP_ENV'); foreach ($tests as $key => $test) { if (strpos($key, $env) !== false) { $run[] = $key; } } $failing_test = []; foreach ($run as $test) { $command = "bin/behat --stop-on-failure --no-paths --tags='@api,~@wip' --profile={$test}"; $run = new \Symfony\Component\Process\Process($command); $run->setTimeout(600); $run->run(function ($type, $buffer) use($failing_test, $test) { if (Symfony\Component\Process\Process::ERR === $type) { $failing_test[] = $test; //throw new \Exception(sprintf("Test Failed %s", $buffer)); } else { echo $buffer; } }); if ($run->getExitCode() != 0) { $failing_test[] = $test;
/** * Prepares site settings and services before installation. */ protected function prepareSettings() { // Prepare installer settings that are not install_drupal() parameters. // Copy and prepare an actual settings.php, so as to resemble a regular // installation. // Not using File API; a potential error must trigger a PHP warning. $directory = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $this->siteDirectory; copy(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/default/default.settings.php', $directory . '/settings.php'); // All file system paths are created by System module during installation. // @see system_requirements() // @see TestBase::prepareEnvironment() $settings['settings']['file_public_path'] = (object) ['value' => $this->publicFilesDirectory, 'required' => TRUE]; $settings['settings']['file_private_path'] = (object) ['value' => $this->privateFilesDirectory, 'required' => TRUE]; // Save the original site directory path, so that extensions in the // site-specific directory can still be discovered in the test site // environment. // @see \Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscovery::scan() $settings['settings']['test_parent_site'] = (object) ['value' => $this->originalSite, 'required' => TRUE]; // Add the parent profile's search path to the child site's search paths. // @see \Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscovery::getProfileDirectories() $settings['conf']['simpletest.settings']['parent_profile'] = (object) ['value' => $this->originalProfile, 'required' => TRUE]; $settings['settings']['apcu_ensure_unique_prefix'] = (object) ['value' => FALSE, 'required' => TRUE]; $this->writeSettings($settings); // Allow for test-specific overrides. $settings_testing_file = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $this->originalSite . '/settings.testing.php'; if (file_exists($settings_testing_file)) { // Copy the testing-specific settings.php overrides in place. copy($settings_testing_file, $directory . '/settings.testing.php'); // Add the name of the testing class to settings.php and include the // testing specific overrides file_put_contents($directory . '/settings.php', "\n\$test_class = '" . get_class($this) . "';\n" . 'include DRUPAL_ROOT . \'/\' . $site_path . \'/settings.testing.php\';' . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } $settings_services_file = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $this->originalSite . '/testing.services.yml'; if (!file_exists($settings_services_file)) { // Otherwise, use the default services as a starting point for overrides. $settings_services_file = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/default/default.services.yml'; } // Copy the testing-specific service overrides in place. copy($settings_services_file, $directory . '/services.yml'); if ($this->strictConfigSchema) { // Add a listener to validate configuration schema on save. $yaml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $content = file_get_contents($directory . '/services.yml'); $services = $yaml->parse($content); $services['services']['simpletest.config_schema_checker'] = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\Testing\\ConfigSchemaChecker', 'arguments' => ['@config.typed', $this->getConfigSchemaExclusions()], 'tags' => [['name' => 'event_subscriber']]]; file_put_contents($directory . '/services.yml', $yaml->dump($services)); } // Since Drupal is bootstrapped already, install_begin_request() will not // bootstrap again. Hence, we have to reload the newly written custom // settings.php manually. Settings::initialize(DRUPAL_ROOT, $this->siteDirectory, $this->classLoader); }
/** * Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests. * * Installs Drupal with the installation profile specified in * \Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase::$profile into the prefixed database. * * Afterwards, installs any additional modules specified in the static * \Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase::$modules property of each class in the * class hierarchy. * * After installation all caches are flushed and several configuration values * are reset to the values of the parent site executing the test, since the * default values may be incompatible with the environment in which tests are * being executed. */ protected function setUp() { // When running tests through the Simpletest UI (vs. on the command line), // Simpletest's batch conflicts with the installer's batch. Batch API does // not support the concept of nested batches (in which the nested is not // progressive), so we need to temporarily pretend there was no batch. // Backup the currently running Simpletest batch. $this->originalBatch = batch_get(); // Define information about the user 1 account. $this->rootUser = new UserSession(array('uid' => 1, 'name' => 'admin', 'mail' => '*****@*****.**', 'pass_raw' => $this->randomMachineName())); // The child site derives its session name from the database prefix when // running web tests. $this->generateSessionName($this->databasePrefix); // Reset the static batch to remove Simpletest's batch operations. $batch =& batch_get(); $batch = array(); // Get parameters for install_drupal() before removing global variables. $parameters = $this->installParameters(); // Prepare installer settings that are not install_drupal() parameters. // Copy and prepare an actual settings.php, so as to resemble a regular // installation. // Not using File API; a potential error must trigger a PHP warning. $directory = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $this->siteDirectory; copy(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/default/default.settings.php', $directory . '/settings.php'); copy(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/default/default.services.yml', $directory . '/services.yml'); // All file system paths are created by System module during installation. // @see system_requirements() // @see TestBase::prepareEnvironment() $settings['settings']['file_public_path'] = (object) array('value' => $this->publicFilesDirectory, 'required' => TRUE); $settings['settings']['file_private_path'] = (object) array('value' => $this->privateFilesDirectory, 'required' => TRUE); // Save the original site directory path, so that extensions in the // site-specific directory can still be discovered in the test site // environment. // @see \Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscovery::scan() $settings['settings']['test_parent_site'] = (object) array('value' => $this->originalSite, 'required' => TRUE); // Add the parent profile's search path to the child site's search paths. // @see \Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscovery::getProfileDirectories() $settings['conf']['simpletest.settings']['parent_profile'] = (object) array('value' => $this->originalProfile, 'required' => TRUE); $settings['settings']['apcu_ensure_unique_prefix'] = (object) array('value' => FALSE, 'required' => TRUE); $this->writeSettings($settings); // Allow for test-specific overrides. $settings_testing_file = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $this->originalSite . '/settings.testing.php'; if (file_exists($settings_testing_file)) { // Copy the testing-specific settings.php overrides in place. copy($settings_testing_file, $directory . '/settings.testing.php'); // Add the name of the testing class to settings.php and include the // testing specific overrides file_put_contents($directory . '/settings.php', "\n\$test_class = '" . get_class($this) . "';\n" . 'include DRUPAL_ROOT . \'/\' . $site_path . \'/settings.testing.php\';' . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } $settings_services_file = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $this->originalSite . '/testing.services.yml'; if (file_exists($settings_services_file)) { // Copy the testing-specific service overrides in place. copy($settings_services_file, $directory . '/services.yml'); } if ($this->strictConfigSchema) { // Add a listener to validate configuration schema on save. $yaml = new \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml(); $services = $yaml->parse($directory . '/services.yml'); $services['services']['simpletest.config_schema_checker'] = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\Testing\\ConfigSchemaChecker', 'arguments' => ['@config.typed'], 'tags' => [['name' => 'event_subscriber']]]; file_put_contents($directory . '/services.yml', $yaml->dump($services)); } // Since Drupal is bootstrapped already, install_begin_request() will not // bootstrap again. Hence, we have to reload the newly written custom // settings.php manually. $class_loader = (require DRUPAL_ROOT . '/autoload.php'); Settings::initialize(DRUPAL_ROOT, $this->siteDirectory, $class_loader); // Execute the non-interactive installer. require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/install.core.inc'; install_drupal($class_loader, $parameters); // Import new settings.php written by the installer. Settings::initialize(DRUPAL_ROOT, $this->siteDirectory, $class_loader); foreach ($GLOBALS['config_directories'] as $type => $path) { $this->configDirectories[$type] = $path; } // After writing settings.php, the installer removes write permissions // from the site directory. To allow drupal_generate_test_ua() to write // a file containing the private key for drupal_valid_test_ua(), the site // directory has to be writable. // TestBase::restoreEnvironment() will delete the entire site directory. // Not using File API; a potential error must trigger a PHP warning. chmod($directory, 0777); $request = \Drupal::request(); $this->kernel = DrupalKernel::createFromRequest($request, $class_loader, 'prod', TRUE); $this->kernel->prepareLegacyRequest($request); // Force the container to be built from scratch instead of loaded from the // disk. This forces us to not accidentally load the parent site. $container = $this->kernel->rebuildContainer(); $config = $container->get('config.factory'); // Manually create and configure private and temporary files directories. // While these could be preset/enforced in settings.php like the public // files directory above, some tests expect them to be configurable in the // UI. If declared in settings.php, they would no longer be configurable. file_prepare_directory($this->privateFilesDirectory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); file_prepare_directory($this->tempFilesDirectory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); $config->getEditable('system.file')->set('path.temporary', $this->tempFilesDirectory)->save(); // Manually configure the test mail collector implementation to prevent // tests from sending out emails and collect them in state instead. // While this should be enforced via settings.php prior to installation, // some tests expect to be able to test mail system implementations. $config->getEditable('system.mail')->set('interface.default', 'test_mail_collector')->save(); // By default, verbosely display all errors and disable all production // environment optimizations for all tests to avoid needless overhead and // ensure a sane default experience for test authors. // @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2259167 $config->getEditable('system.logging')->set('error_level', 'verbose')->save(); $config->getEditable('system.performance')->set('css.preprocess', FALSE)->set('js.preprocess', FALSE)->save(); // Collect modules to install. $class = get_class($this); $modules = array(); while ($class) { if (property_exists($class, 'modules')) { $modules = array_merge($modules, $class::$modules); } $class = get_parent_class($class); } if ($modules) { $modules = array_unique($modules); try { $success = $container->get('module_installer')->install($modules, TRUE); $this->assertTrue($success, SafeMarkup::format('Enabled modules: %modules', array('%modules' => implode(', ', $modules)))); } catch (\Drupal\Core\Extension\MissingDependencyException $e) { // The exception message has all the details. $this->fail($e->getMessage()); } $this->rebuildContainer(); } // Restore the original Simpletest batch. $batch =& batch_get(); $batch = $this->originalBatch; // Reset/rebuild all data structures after enabling the modules, primarily // to synchronize all data structures and caches between the test runner and // the child site. // @see \Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel::bootCode() // @todo Test-specific setUp() methods may set up further fixtures; find a // way to execute this after setUp() is done, or to eliminate it entirely. $this->resetAll(); $this->kernel->prepareLegacyRequest($request); // Explicitly call register() again on the container registered in \Drupal. // @todo This should already be called through // DrupalKernel::prepareLegacyRequest() -> DrupalKernel::boot() but that // appears to be calling a different container. $this->container->get('stream_wrapper_manager')->register(); }