newInstance() public static method

Create a new Image.
public static newInstance ( string | Swift_OutputByteStream $data = null, string $filename = null, string $contentType = null ) : Swift_Image
$data string | Swift_OutputByteStream
$filename string
$contentType string
return Swift_Image
コード例 #1
 public function testEmbeddedFilesWithMultipartDataCreateMultipartRelatedContentAsAnAlternative()
     $message = Swift_Message::newInstance();
     $message->setSubject('test subject');
     $message->addPart('plain part', 'text/plain');
     $image = Swift_Image::newInstance('<image data>', 'image.gif', 'image/gif');
     $cid = $message->embed($image);
     $message->setBody('<img src="' . $cid . '" />', 'text/html');
     $message->setTo(array('*****@*****.**' => 'User'));
     $message->setFrom(array('*****@*****.**' => 'Other'));
     $message->setSender(array('*****@*****.**' => 'Other'));
     $id = $message->getId();
     $date = preg_quote(date('r', $message->getDate()), '~');
     $boundary = $message->getBoundary();
     $cidVal = $image->getId();
     $this->assertRegExp('~^' . 'Sender: Other <*****@*****.**>' . "\r\n" . 'Message-ID: <' . $id . '>' . "\r\n" . 'Date: ' . $date . "\r\n" . 'Subject: test subject' . "\r\n" . 'From: Other <*****@*****.**>' . "\r\n" . 'To: User <*****@*****.**>' . "\r\n" . 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative;' . "\r\n" . ' boundary="' . $boundary . '"' . "\r\n" . "\r\n\r\n" . '--' . $boundary . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable' . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . 'plain part' . "\r\n\r\n" . '--' . $boundary . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: multipart/related;' . "\r\n" . ' boundary="(.*?)"' . "\r\n" . "\r\n\r\n" . '--\\1' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable' . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . '<img.*?/>' . "\r\n\r\n" . '--\\1' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: image/gif; name=image.gif' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Disposition: inline; filename=image.gif' . "\r\n" . 'Content-ID: <' . $cidVal . '>' . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . preg_quote(base64_encode('<image data>'), '~') . "\r\n\r\n" . '--\\1--' . "\r\n" . "\r\n\r\n" . '--' . $boundary . '--' . "\r\n" . '$~D', $message->toString());
コード例 #2
ファイル: mailer.php プロジェクト: laiello/bitcero-modules
  * Embed files into message
  * Note: Is better to use the Message object directly
  * @param string Path or dynamic
  * @param string|mixed Path to file or file content when type is dynamic 
  * @param string File name
  * @param string Mime type of image
  * @return int
 public function embed($type, $file = '', $name = null, $content_type = null)
     switch ($type) {
         case 'path':
             if ($file == '') {
             return $this->swMessage->embed(Swift_Image::fromPath($file));
         case 'dynamic':
             if ($file == null || $file == '') {
             return $this->swMessage->embed(Swift_Image::newInstance($file, $name, $content_type));
コード例 #3
ファイル: Processor.php プロジェクト: northdakota/platform
  * Process inline images. Convert it to embedded attachments and update message body.
  * @param \Swift_Message $message
  * @param EmailModel     $model
 protected function processEmbeddedImages(\Swift_Message $message, EmailModel $model)
     if ($model->getType() === 'html') {
         $guesser = ExtensionGuesser::getInstance();
         $body = $message->getBody();
         $body = preg_replace_callback('/<img(.*)src(\\s*)=(\\s*)["\'](.*)["\']/U', function ($matches) use($message, $guesser, $model) {
             if (count($matches) === 5) {
                 // 1st match contains any data between '<img' and 'src' parts (e.g. 'width=100')
                 $imgConfig = $matches[1];
                 // 4th match contains src attribute value
                 $srcData = $matches[4];
                 if (strpos($srcData, 'data:image') === 0) {
                     list($mime, $content) = explode(';', $srcData);
                     list($encoding, $file) = explode(',', $content);
                     $mime = str_replace('data:', '', $mime);
                     $fileName = sprintf('%s.%s', uniqid(), $guesser->guess($mime));
                     $swiftAttachment = \Swift_Image::newInstance(ContentDecoder::decode($file, $encoding), $fileName, $mime);
                     /** @var $message \Swift_Message */
                     $id = $message->embed($swiftAttachment);
                     $attachmentContent = new EmailAttachmentContent();
                     $emailAttachment = new EmailAttachment();
                     $emailAttachmentModel = new EmailAttachmentModel();
                     return sprintf('<img%ssrc="%s"', $imgConfig, $id);
         }, $body);
         $message->setBody($body, 'text/html');
コード例 #4
  * Recursively embed all images in the array into the message
  * @param  \Swift_Message $message
  * @param  array $params
  * @return array $params
 private function embedImages(&$message, &$params)
     // loop through the array
     foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
         // if the current value is an array
         if (is_array($value)) {
             // search for more images deeper in the arrays
             $value = $this->embedImages($message, $value);
             $params[$key] = $value;
             // if the current value is an existing file from the image-folder, embed it
         } elseif (is_string($value)) {
             if (is_file($value)) {
                 // check if the file is from an allowed folder
                 if ($this->templateProvider->isFileAllowed($value) !== false) {
                     $encodedImage = $this->cachedEmbedImage($value);
                     if ($encodedImage != null) {
                         $id = $message->embed($encodedImage);
                         $params[$key] = $id;
                 // the $filePath isn't a regular file
             } else {
                 // add a null-value to the cache for this path, so we don't try again.
                 $this->imageCache[$value] = null;
             //if the current value is a generated image
         } elseif (is_resource($value) && stripos(get_resource_type($value), "gd") == 0) {
             // get the image-data as string
             $imageData = ob_get_clean();
             // encode the image
             $encodedImage = \Swift_Image::newInstance($imageData, "generatedImage" . md5($imageData));
             $id = $message->embed($encodedImage);
             $params[$key] = $id;
         } else {
             // don't do anything
     // remove duplicate-attachments
     return $params;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Mail.php プロジェクト: fraym/core
  * Embed a file from a string. Returns the CID id.
  * @param  $fileContent
  * @param  $filename
  * @param string $mimeType
  * @return string
 public function embedFromStream($fileContent, $filename, $mimeType = 'image/jpeg')
     return $this->messageInstance->embed(\Swift_Image::newInstance($fileContent, $filename, $mimeType));
コード例 #6
  * Process inline images..
  * @param Swift_Message $m
  *   The message which inline images are to be added to.
  * @param array $images
  *   The images which are to be added as inline images to the provided
  *   message.
 private function embed(Swift_Message $m, array $images)
     // Iterate through each array element.
     foreach ($images as $image) {
         if ($image instanceof \stdClass) {
             // Validate required fields.
             if (empty($image->uri) || empty($image->filename) || empty($image->filemime) || empty($image->cid)) {
             // Keep track of the 'cid' assigned to the embedded image.
             $cid = NULL;
             // Get image data.
             if (UrlHelper::isValid($image->uri, TRUE)) {
                 $content = file_get_contents($image->uri);
             } else {
                 $content = file_get_contents(\Drupal::service('file_system')->realpath($image->uri));
             $filename = $image->filename;
             $filemime = $image->filemime;
             // Embed image.
             $cid = $m->embed(Swift_Image::newInstance($content, $filename, $filemime));
             // The provided 'cid' needs to be replaced with the 'cid' returned
             // by the Swift Mailer library.
             $body = $m->getBody();
             $body = preg_replace('/cid.*' . $image->cid . '/', $cid, $body);
コード例 #7
  * Process inline images..
  * @param \Swift_Message $m
  *                               The message which inline images are to be added to.
  * @param array          $images
  *                               The images which are to be added as inline images to the provided
  *                               message.
 protected function embed(\Swift_Message $m, array $images)
     // Iterate through each array element.
     foreach ($images as $image) {
         if ($image instanceof \stdClass) {
             // Validate required fields.
             if (empty($image->uri) || empty($image->filename) || empty($image->filemime) || empty($image->cid)) {
             // Get image data.
             if (valid_url($image->uri, true)) {
                 $content = file_get_contents($image->uri);
             } else {
                 $content = file_get_contents(drupal_realpath($image->uri));
             $filename = $image->filename;
             $filemime = $image->filemime;
             // Embed image.
             $cid = $m->embed(\Swift_Image::newInstance($content, $filename, $filemime));
             // The provided 'cid' needs to be replaced with the 'cid' returned
             // by the Swift Mailer library.
             $body = $m->getBody();
             $body = preg_replace('/cid.*' . $image->cid . '/', $cid, $body);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Email.php プロジェクト: tigron/skeleton-email
  * Add embedded HTML images (image dir)
  * @access protected
  * @param Swift_Message $message
 protected function add_html_images(&$message)
     $path = Config::$email_directory . '/media/';
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
     $html_body = $message->getBody();
     if ($handle = opendir($path)) {
         while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
             if (substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' && strpos($html_body, $file) !== false) {
                 $swift_image = \Swift_Image::newInstance(file_get_contents($path . $file), $file, Util::mime_type($path . $file));
                 $html_body = str_replace($file, $message->embed($swift_image), $html_body);