/** * Sends notifications *now* * @param mixed $to string or array...the type of address (email, task ID, user ID) is specified below * @param integer $to_type type of $to address * @param integer $type type of notification * @param array $data additional info needed for notification * @access public * @return bool */ function send_now($to, $to_type, $type, $data = array()) { global $db, $fs, $proj; $emails = array(); $jids = array(); $result = true; if (defined('FS_NO_MAIL')) { return true; } switch ($to_type) { case ADDRESS_DONE: // from send_stored() list($emails, $jids) = $to; $data = unserialize($data['message_data']); $subject = $data['subject']; $body = $data['body']; break; case ADDRESS_EMAIL: // this happens on email confirmation, when no user exists $emails = is_array($to) ? $to : array($to); break; case ADDRESS_USER: // list of user IDs list($emails, $jids) = Notifications::user_to_address($to, $type); break; case ADDRESS_TASK: // now we need everyone on the notification list and the assignees list($emails, $jids) = Notifications::task_notifications($to, $type, ADDRESS_EMAIL); $data['task_id'] = $to; break; } if (isset($data['task_id'])) { $data['task'] = Flyspray::getTaskDetails($data['task_id']); // we have project specific options $pid = $db->x->GetOne('SELECT project_id FROM {tasks} WHERE task_id = ?', null, $data['task_id']); $data['project'] = new Project($pid); } if ($to_type != ADDRESS_DONE) { list($subject, $body) = Notifications::generate_message($type, $data); } if (isset($data['task_id'])) { // Now, we add the project contact addresses, // but only if the task is public $data['task'] = Flyspray::getTaskDetails($data['task_id']); if ($data['task']['mark_private'] != '1' && in_array($type, explode(' ', $data['project']->prefs['notify_types']))) { $proj_emails = preg_split('/[\\s,;]+/', $proj->prefs['notify_email'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $proj_jids = preg_split('/[\\s,;]+/', $proj->prefs['notify_jabber'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $emails = array_merge($proj_emails, $emails); if ($fs->prefs['global_email']) { $emails[] = $fs->prefs['global_email']; } if ($fs->prefs['global_jabber']) { $jids[] = $fs->prefs['global_jabber']; } $jids = array_merge($proj_jids, $emails); } } // Now we start sending if (count($emails)) { Swift_ClassLoader::load('Swift_Connection_Multi'); Swift_ClassLoader::load('Swift_Connection_SMTP'); $pool = new Swift_Connection_Multi(); // first choose method if ($fs->prefs['smtp_server']) { $split = explode(':', $fs->prefs['smtp_server']); $port = null; if (count($split) == 2) { $fs->prefs['smtp_server'] = $split[0]; $port = $split[1]; } // connection... SSL, TLS or none if ($fs->prefs['email_ssl']) { $smtp = new Swift_Connection_SMTP($fs->prefs['smtp_server'], $port ? $port : SWIFT_SMTP_PORT_SECURE, SWIFT_SMTP_ENC_SSL); } else { if ($fs->prefs['email_tls']) { $smtp = new Swift_Connection_SMTP($fs->prefs['smtp_server'], $port ? $port : SWIFT_SMTP_PORT_SECURE, SWIFT_SMTP_ENC_TLS); } else { $smtp = new Swift_Connection_SMTP($fs->prefs['smtp_server'], $port); } } if ($fs->prefs['smtp_user']) { $smtp->setUsername($fs->prefs['smtp_user']); $smtp->setPassword($fs->prefs['smtp_pass']); } if (defined('FS_SMTP_TIMEOUT')) { $smtp->setTimeout(FS_SMTP_TIMEOUT); } $pool->addConnection($smtp); } else { Swift_ClassLoader::load('Swift_Connection_NativeMail'); // a connection to localhost smtp server as fallback, discarded if there is no such thing available. $pool->addConnection(new Swift_Connection_SMTP()); $pool->addConnection(new Swift_Connection_NativeMail()); } $swift = new Swift($pool); if (isset($data['task_id'])) { $swift->attachPlugin(new NotificationsThread($data['task_id'], $emails, $db), 'MessageThread'); } if (defined('FS_MAIL_DEBUG')) { $swift->log->enable(); Swift_ClassLoader::load('Swift_Plugin_VerboseSending'); $view = new Swift_Plugin_VerboseSending_DefaultView(); $swift->attachPlugin(new Swift_Plugin_VerboseSending($view), "verbose"); } $message = new Swift_Message($subject, $body); // check for reply-to if (isset($data['project']) && $data['project']->prefs['notify_reply']) { $message->setReplyTo($data['project']->prefs['notify_reply']); } if (isset($data['project']) && isset($data['project']->prefs['bounce_address'])) { $message->setReturnPath($data['project']->prefs['bounce_address']); } $message->headers->setCharset('utf-8'); $message->headers->set('Precedence', 'list'); $message->headers->set('X-Mailer', 'Flyspray'); // Add custom headers, possibly if (isset($data['headers'])) { $headers = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $data['headers'])); if ($headers = array_filter($headers)) { foreach ($headers as $header) { list($name, $value) = explode(':', $header); $message->headers->set(sprintf('X-Flyspray-%s', $name), $value); } } } $recipients = new Swift_RecipientList(); $recipients->addTo($emails); // && $result purpose: if this has been set to false before, it should never become true again // to indicate an error $result = $swift->batchSend($message, $recipients, $fs->prefs['admin_email']) === count($emails) && $result; if (isset($data['task_id'])) { $plugin =& $swift->getPlugin('MessageThread'); if (count($plugin->thread_info)) { $stmt = $db->x->autoPrepare('{notification_threads}', array('task_id', 'recipient_id', 'message_id')); $db->x->executeMultiple($stmt, $plugin->thread_info); $stmt->free(); } } $swift->disconnect(); } if (count($jids)) { $jids = array_unique($jids); if (!$fs->prefs['jabber_username'] || !$fs->prefs['jabber_password']) { return $result; } // nothing that can't be guessed correctly ^^ if (!$fs->prefs['jabber_port']) { $fs->prefs['jabber_port'] = 5222; } require_once 'class.jabber2.php'; $jabber = new Jabber($fs->prefs['jabber_username'], $fs->prefs['jabber_password'], $fs->prefs['jabber_security'], $fs->prefs['jabber_port'], $fs->prefs['jabber_server']); $jabber->SetResource('flyspray'); $jabber->login(); foreach ($jids as $jid) { $result = $jabber->send_message($jid, $body, $subject, 'normal') && $result; } } return $result; }
public function testIsAliveReturnsFalseIfTheConnectionIsClosed() { $mock1 = new FullMockConnection(); $mock1->setReturnValue("isAlive", false); $mock1->expectOnce("start"); $mock1->expectNever("stop"); $mock2 = new FullMockConnection(); $mock2->setReturnValue("isAlive", true); $mock2->expectOnce("start"); $mock2->expectOnce("stop"); $multi = new Swift_Connection_Multi(); $multi->addConnection($mock1, "mock1"); $multi->addConnection($mock2, "mock2"); $multi->start(); $this->assertTrue($multi->isAlive()); $multi->stop(); $this->assertFalse($multi->isAlive()); }
/** * Builds a Swift_Connection depending on the type (native, smtp, sendmail, multi, rotator) * Params depend on the connection type * * - native: * additional_params * * - smtp: * server (*) * port * encryption (SSL, TLS, or OFF) * authentication: * username (*) * password * timeout * requires_ehlo * * - sendmail: * command * flags * timeout * requires_ehlo * * - multi: * connections: * connection_name1: * type * params * connection_name2: * type * params * etc... * requires_ehlo * * - rotator: * connections: * connection_name1: * type * params * connection_name2: * type * params * etc... * requires_ehlo * * (*) Mandatory ! * * @param string $type * @param array $params * @return Swift_Connection */ protected static function getConnection($type, $params = array()) { switch ($type) { case 'native': $connection = new Swift_Connection_NativeMail(); if (@$params['additional_params']) { $connection->setAdditionalMailParams($params['additional_params']); } break; case 'smtp': if (!@$params['encryption']) { $params['encryption'] = 'OFF'; } $encryption = constant('Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_' . $params['encryption']); $connection = new Swift_Connection_SMTP($params['server'], @$params['port'], $encryption); if (@$params['authentication']) { $connection->setUsername(@$params['authentication']['username']); $connection->setPassword(@$params['authentication']['password']); } if (@$params['timeout']) { $connection->setTimeout($params['timeout']); } if (@$params['requires_ehlo']) { $connection->setRequiresEHLO(true); } break; case 'sendmail': $connection = new Swift_Connection_Sendmail(); if (@$params['command']) { $connection->setCommand($params['command']); } if (@$params['flags']) { $connection->setFlags($params['flags']); } if (@$params['timeout']) { $connection->setTimeout($params['timeout']); } if (@$params['requires_ehlo']) { $connection->setRequiresEHLO(true); } break; case 'multi': $connection = new Swift_Connection_Multi(); foreach ($params['connections'] as $id => $conn_info) { $connection->addConnection(self::getConnection($conn_info['type'], $conn_info['params'])); } if (@$params['requires_ehlo']) { $connection->setRequiresEHLO(true); } break; case 'rotator': $connection = new Swift_Connection_Multi(); foreach ($params['connections'] as $id => $conn_info) { $connection->addConnection(self::getConnection($conn_info['type'], $conn_info['params'])); } if (@$params['requires_ehlo']) { $connection->setRequiresEHLO(true); } break; } return $connection; }