コード例 #1
ファイル: surveyadmin.php プロジェクト: nicbon/LimeSurvey
  * Returns surveys in json format
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function getSurveys_json()
     $dateformatdetails = getDateFormatData(Yii::app()->session['dateformat']);
     $oSurvey = new Survey();
     $aSurveys = $oSurvey->with(array('languagesettings' => array('condition' => 'surveyls_language=language'), 'owner'))->findAll();
     $aSurveyEntries = new stdClass();
     $aSurveyEntries->page = 1;
     foreach ($aSurveys as $rows) {
         if (!isset($rows->owner->attributes)) {
             $aOwner = array('users_name' => gT('(None)'));
         } else {
             $aOwner = $rows->owner->attributes;
         $rows = array_merge($rows->attributes, $rows->defaultlanguage->attributes, $aOwner);
         $aSurveyEntry = array();
         // Set status
         if ($rows['active'] == "Y" && $rows['expires'] != '' && $rows['expires'] < dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d", Yii::app()->getConfig('timeadjust'))) {
             $aSurveyEntry[] = '<!--a--><img src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'expired.png" alt="' . gT("This survey is active but expired.") . '" />';
         } elseif ($rows['active'] == "Y" && $rows['startdate'] != '' && $rows['startdate'] > dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d", Yii::app()->getConfig('timeadjust'))) {
             $aSurveyEntry[] = '<!--b--><img src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'notyetstarted.png" alt="' . gT("This survey is active but has a start date.") . '" />';
         } elseif ($rows['active'] == "Y") {
             if (Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($rows['sid'], 'surveyactivation', 'update')) {
                 $aSurveyEntry[] = '<!--c--><a href="' . $this->getController()->createUrl('admin/survey/sa/deactivate/surveyid/' . $rows['sid']) . '"><img src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'active.png" alt="' . gT("This survey is active - click here to stop this survey.") . '"/></a>';
             } else {
                 $aSurveyEntry[] = '<!--d--><img src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'active.png" alt="' . gT("This survey is currently active.") . '" />';
         } else {
             $condition = "sid={$rows['sid']} AND language='" . $rows['language'] . "'";
             $questionsCountResult = Question::model()->count($condition);
             if ($questionsCountResult > 0 && Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($rows['sid'], 'surveyactivation', 'update')) {
                 $aSurveyEntry[] = '<!--e--><a href="' . $this->getController()->createUrl('admin/survey/sa/activate/surveyid/' . $rows['sid']) . '"><img src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'inactive.png" title="" alt="' . gT("This survey is currently not active - click here to activate this survey.") . '" /></a>';
             } else {
                 $aSurveyEntry[] = '<!--f--><img src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'inactive.png" title="' . gT("This survey is currently not active.") . '" alt="' . gT("This survey is currently not active.") . '" />';
         //Set SID
         $aSurveyEntry[] = $rows['sid'];
         '<a href="' . $this->getController()->createUrl("/admin/survey/sa/view/surveyid/" . $rows['sid']) . '">' . $rows['sid'] . '</a>';
         //Set Title
         $aSurveyEntry[] = '<a href="' . $this->getController()->createUrl("/admin/survey/sa/view/surveyid/" . $rows['sid']) . '">' . CHtml::encode($rows['surveyls_title']) . '</a>';
         //Set Date
         Yii::import('application.libraries.Date_Time_Converter', true);
         $datetimeobj = new Date_Time_Converter($rows['datecreated'], "Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $aSurveyEntry[] = '<!--' . $rows['datecreated'] . '-->' . $datetimeobj->convert($dateformatdetails['phpdate']);
         //Set Owner
         if (Permission::model()->hasGlobalPermission('superadmin', 'read') || Yii::app()->session['loginID'] == $rows['owner_id']) {
             $aSurveyEntry[] = $rows['users_name'] . ' (<a class="ownername_edit" translate_to="' . gT('Edit') . '" id="ownername_edit_' . $rows['sid'] . '">' . gT('Edit') . '</a>)';
         } else {
             $aSurveyEntry[] = $rows['users_name'];
         //Set Access
         if (tableExists('tokens_' . $rows['sid'])) {
             $aSurveyEntry[] = gT("Closed");
         } else {
             $aSurveyEntry[] = gT("Open");
         //Set Anonymous
         if ($rows['anonymized'] == "Y") {
             $aSurveyEntry[] = gT("Yes");
         } else {
             $aSurveyEntry[] = gT("No");
         //Set Responses
         if ($rows['active'] == "Y") {
             $cntResult = SurveyDynamic::countAllAndPartial($rows['sid']);
             $all = $cntResult['cntall'];
             $partial = $cntResult['cntpartial'];
             $aSurveyEntry[] = $all - $partial;
             $aSurveyEntry[] = $partial;
             $aSurveyEntry[] = $all;
             $aSurveyEntry['viewurl'] = $this->getController()->createUrl("/admin/survey/sa/view/surveyid/" . $rows['sid']);
             if (tableExists('tokens_' . $rows['sid'])) {
                 $summary = Token::model($rows['sid'])->summary();
                 $tokens = $summary['count'];
                 $tokenscompleted = $summary['completed'];
                 $aSurveyEntry[] = $tokens;
                 $aSurveyEntry[] = $tokens == 0 ? 0 : round($tokenscompleted / $tokens * 100, 1) . ' %';
             } else {
                 $aSurveyEntry[] = $aSurveyEntry[] = '';
         } else {
             $aSurveyEntry[] = $aSurveyEntry[] = $aSurveyEntry[] = $aSurveyEntry[] = $aSurveyEntry[] = '';
         $aSurveyEntries->rows[] = array('id' => $rows['sid'], 'cell' => $aSurveyEntry);
     header('Content-type: application/json');
     echo ls_json_encode($aSurveyEntries);