コード例 #1

//import the definition of SuperHTML
include "SuperHTMLDef.php";
//instantiate and use a superHTML page
$s = new SuperHTML("My Super Duper Page!");
$s->setTitle("SuperHTML Demo");
$s->h3("Using the tag method");
$s->tag("i", "This line should be italicized");
$s->h3("adding arbitrary text");
$s->addText("I used the addText method here");
$s->h3("build table from 2d array");
$myArray = array(array("English", "Spanish", "Japanese"), array("One", "Uno", "Ichi"), array("Two", "Dos", "Nii"), array("Three", "Tres", "San"));
$s->h3("build table row-by-row");
$s->tRow(array("English", "Greek"), "th");
$s->tRow(array("a", "alpha"));
$s->tRow(array("b", "beta"));
$s->h3("build an unordered list");
$s->buildList(array("alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta"));
$s->h3("build an ordered list");
$s->buildList(array("alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta"), "ol type = 'a'");
$s->h3("form elements");
$s->addText("<form> \n");
$s->textbox("user name", "Joe");
$s->h3("create select object from associative array");
$numArray = array("1" => "ichii", "2" => "nii", "3" => "san", "4" => "shi");
$s->buildSelect("options", $numArray);
コード例 #2

include "SuperHTMLDef.php";
$s = new SuperHTML("Adding Text and Tags");
$s->addText("This is ordinary text added to the document");
$s->addText("<div>You can also add HTML code <hr> like the HR above</div>");
$s->h3("Use h1-h6 methods to add headings");
$s->tag("i", "this line is italicized");
print $s->getPage();