コード例 #1
  * Add subsites-specific fields to the folder editor.
 public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
     $ctrl = null;
     if (Controller::has_curr()) {
         $ctrl = Controller::curr();
     if (!$ctrl) {
     // This fixes fields showing up for no reason in the list view (not moved to Details tab)
     if ($ctrl->getAction() !== 'EditForm') {
     if ($this->owner instanceof Folder) {
         // Allow to move folders from one site to another
         $sites = Subsite::accessible_sites('CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin');
         $values = array();
         $values[0] = _t('FileSubsites.AllSitesDropdownOpt', 'All sites');
         foreach ($sites as $site) {
             $values[$site->ID] = $site->Title;
         if ($sites) {
             //Dropdown needed to move folders between subsites
             $dropdown = new DropdownField('SubsiteID', _t('FileSubsites.SubsiteFieldLabel', 'Subsite'), $values);
         // On main site, allow showing this folder in subsite
         if ($this->owner->SubsiteID == 0 && !Subsite::currentSubsiteID()) {
             $fields->push(new CheckboxField('ShowInSubsites', _t('SubsiteFileExtension.ShowInSubsites', 'Show in subsites')));
コード例 #2
 function getCMSFields()
     $subsites = Subsite::accessible_sites("CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain");
     if (!$subsites) {
         $subsites = new DataObjectSet();
     if (Subsite::hasMainSitePermission(null, array("CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain"))) {
         $subsites->push(new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Main site', "\"ID\"" => 0)));
     if ($subsites->Count()) {
         $subsiteSelectionField = new DropdownField("CopyContentFromID_SubsiteID", "Subsite", $subsites->toDropdownMap('ID', 'Title'), $this->CopyContentFromID ? $this->CopyContentFrom()->SubsiteID : Session::get('SubsiteID'));
     // Setup the linking to the original page.
     $pageSelectionField = new SubsitesTreeDropdownField("RelatedPageID", _t('VirtualPage.CHOOSE', "Choose a page to link to"), "SiteTree", "ID", "MenuTitle");
     if (isset($_GET['RelatedPageID_SubsiteID'])) {
     $pageSelectionField->setFilterFunction(create_function('$item', 'return $item->ClassName != "VirtualPage";'));
     if ($subsites->Count()) {
         $fields = new FieldSet($subsiteSelectionField, $pageSelectionField);
     } else {
         $fields = new FieldSet($pageSelectionField);
     return $fields;
コード例 #3
  * Test Subsite::accessible_sites()
 function testAccessibleSites()
     $member1Sites = Subsite::accessible_sites("CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain", false, null, $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'subsite1member'));
     $member1SiteTitles = $member1Sites->column("Title");
     $this->assertEquals(array('Subsite1 Template'), $member1SiteTitles);
     $adminSites = Subsite::accessible_sites("CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain", false, null, $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'admin'));
     $adminSiteTitles = $adminSites->column("Title");
     $this->assertEquals(array('Subsite1 Template', 'Subsite2 Template', 'Template', 'Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Test 3'), $adminSiteTitles);
 function beforeQuery($params)
     // The user has select a few specific sites
     if (!empty($params['Subsites'])) {
         Subsite::$force_subsite = $params['Subsites'];
         // Default: restrict to all accessible sites
     } else {
         $subsites = Subsite::accessible_sites('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain');
         $options = $subsites->toDropdownMap('ID', 'Title');
         Subsite::$force_subsite = join(',', array_keys($options));
コード例 #5
  * Add subsites-specific fields to the folder editor.
 function updateCMSFields(FieldSet &$fields)
     if ($this->owner instanceof Folder) {
         $sites = Subsite::accessible_sites('CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin');
         $dropdownValues = $sites ? $sites->toDropdownMap() : array();
         $dropdownValues[0] = 'All sites';
         if ($sites) {
             $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Details', new DropdownField("SubsiteID", "Subsite", $dropdownValues));
コード例 #6
  * Find all subsites accessible for current user on this controller.
  * @return ArrayList of {@link Subsite} instances.
 function sectionSites($includeMainSite = true, $mainSiteTitle = "Main site", $member = null)
     if ($mainSiteTitle == 'Main site') {
         $mainSiteTitle = _t('Subsites.MainSiteTitle', 'Main site');
     // Rationalise member arguments
     if (!$member) {
         $member = Member::currentUser();
     if (!$member) {
         return new ArrayList();
     if (!is_object($member)) {
         $member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $member);
     // Collect permissions - honour the LeftAndMain::required_permission_codes, current model requires
     // us to check if the user satisfies ALL permissions. Code partly copied from LeftAndMain::canView.
     $codes = array();
     $extraCodes = Config::inst()->get($this->owner->class, 'required_permission_codes');
     if ($extraCodes !== false) {
         if ($extraCodes) {
             $codes = array_merge($codes, (array) $extraCodes);
         } else {
             $codes[] = "CMS_ACCESS_{$this->owner->class}";
     } else {
         // Check overriden - all subsites accessible.
         return Subsite::all_sites();
     // Find subsites satisfying all permissions for the Member.
     $codesPerSite = array();
     $sitesArray = array();
     foreach ($codes as $code) {
         $sites = Subsite::accessible_sites($code, $includeMainSite, $mainSiteTitle, $member);
         foreach ($sites as $site) {
             // Build the structure for checking how many codes match.
             $codesPerSite[$site->ID][$code] = true;
             // Retain Subsite objects for later.
             $sitesArray[$site->ID] = $site;
     // Find sites that satisfy all codes conjuncitvely.
     $accessibleSites = new ArrayList();
     foreach ($codesPerSite as $siteID => $siteCodes) {
         if (count($siteCodes) == count($codes)) {
     return $accessibleSites;
コード例 #7
  * Add subsites-specific fields to the folder editor.
 function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
     if ($this->owner instanceof Folder) {
         $sites = Subsite::accessible_sites('CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin');
         $values = array();
         $values[0] = _t('FileSubsites.AllSitesDropdownOpt', 'All sites');
         foreach ($sites as $site) {
             $values[$site->ID] = $site->Title;
         if ($sites) {
             //Dropdown needed to move folders between subsites
             $dropdown = new DropdownField('SubsiteID', _t('FileSubsites.SubsiteFieldLabel', 'Subsite'), $values);
             $fields->push(new LiteralField('Message', '<p class="message notice">' . _t('ASSETADMIN.SUBSITENOTICE', 'Folders and files created in the main site are accessible by all subsites.') . '</p>'));
コード例 #8
  * Only allow editing of a page if the member satisfies one of the following conditions:
  * - Is in a group which has access to the subsite this page belongs to
  * - Is in a group with edit permissions on the "main site"
  * @return boolean
 public function canEdit($member = null)
     if (Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter) {
     if (!$member) {
         $member = Member::currentUser();
     // Find the sites that this user has access to
     $goodSites = Subsite::accessible_sites('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain', $member)->column('ID');
     if (!is_null($this->owner->SubsiteID)) {
         $subsiteID = $this->owner->SubsiteID;
     } else {
         // The relationships might not be available during the record creation when using a GridField.
         // In this case the related objects will have empty fields, and SubsiteID will not be available.
         // We do the second best: fetch the likely SubsiteID from the session. The drawback is this might
         // make it possible to force relations to point to other (forbidden) subsites.
         $subsiteID = Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
     // Return true if they have access to this object's site
     if (!(in_array(0, $goodSites) || in_array($subsiteID, $goodSites))) {
         return false;
コード例 #9
 function alternateCanEdit()
     // Find the sites that this group belongs to and the sites where we have appropriate perm.
     $accessibleSites = Subsite::accessible_sites('CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin')->column('ID');
     $linkedSites = $this->owner->Subsites()->column('ID');
     // We are allowed to access this site if at we have CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin permission on
     // at least one of the sites
     return (bool) array_intersect($accessibleSites, $linkedSites);
  * Alternative security checker for LeftAndMain.
  * If security isn't found, then it will switch to a subsite where we do have access.
 public function alternateAccessCheck()
     $className = $this->owner->class;
     // Switch to the subsite of the current page
     if ($this->owner->class == 'CMSMain' && ($currentPage = $this->owner->currentPage())) {
         if (Subsite::currentSubsiteID() != $currentPage->SubsiteID) {
     // Switch to a subsite that this user can actually access.
     $member = Member::currentUser();
     if ($member && $member->isAdmin()) {
         return true;
     //admin can access all subsites
     $sites = Subsite::accessible_sites("CMS_ACCESS_{$this->owner->class}")->toDropdownMap();
     if ($sites && !isset($sites[Subsite::currentSubsiteID()])) {
         $siteIDs = array_keys($sites);
         return true;
     // Switch to a different top-level menu item
     $menu = CMSMenu::get_menu_items();
     foreach ($menu as $candidate) {
         if ($candidate->controller != $this->owner->class) {
             $sites = Subsite::accessible_sites("CMS_ACCESS_{$candidate->controller}")->toDropdownMap();
             if ($sites && !isset($sites[Subsite::currentSubsiteID()])) {
                 $siteIDs = array_keys($sites);
                 $cClass = $candidate->controller;
                 $cObj = new $cClass();
                 return null;
     // If all of those fail, you really don't have access to the CMS
     return null;
コード例 #11
  * Only allow editing of a page if the member satisfies one of the following conditions:
  * - Is in a group which has access to the subsite this page belongs to
  * - Is in a group with edit permissions on the "main site"
  * @return boolean
 function canEdit($member = null)
     if (!$member) {
         $member = Member::currentUser();
     // Find the sites that this user has access to
     $goodSites = Subsite::accessible_sites('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain', true, 'all', $member)->column('ID');
     // Return true if they have access to this object's site
     if (!(in_array(0, $goodSites) || in_array($this->owner->SubsiteID, $goodSites))) {
         return false;
コード例 #12
  * Only allow editing of a page if the member satisfies one of the following conditions:
  * - Is in a group which has access to the subsite this page belongs to
  * - Is in a group with edit permissions on the "main site"
  * @return boolean
 public function canEdit($member = null)
     // If no subsite ID is defined, let dataobject determine the permission
     if (!$this->owner->SubsiteID || !Subsite::currentSubsiteID()) {
         return null;
     if (!is_null($this->owner->SubsiteID)) {
         $subsiteID = $this->owner->SubsiteID;
     } else {
         // The relationships might not be available during the record creation when using a GridField.
         // In this case the related objects will have empty fields, and SubsiteID will not be available.
         // We do the second best: fetch the likely SubsiteID from the session. The drawback is this might
         // make it possible to force relations to point to other (forbidden) subsites.
         $subsiteID = Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
     // If no subsite ID is defined, let dataobject determine the permission
     if (!$subsiteID) {
         return null;
     if (!$member) {
         $member = Member::currentUser();
     // Find the sites that this user has access to
     if ($member->ID == Member::currentUserID()) {
         $goodSites = self::accessible_sites_ids();
     } else {
         $goodSites = Subsite::accessible_sites(self::accessiblePermissions(), true, 'all', $member)->column('ID');
     // Return true if they have access to this object's site
     if (!(in_array(0, $goodSites) || in_array($subsiteID, $goodSites))) {
         return false;
     return true;
コード例 #13
  * Only allow editing of a page if the member satisfies one of the following conditions:
  * - Is in a group which has access to the subsite this page belongs to
  * - Is in a group with edit permissions on the "main site"
  * @return boolean
 public function canEdit($member = null)
     // If no subsite ID is defined, let dataobject determine the permission
     if (!$this->owner->SubsiteList || !Subsite::currentSubsiteID()) {
         return null;
     if ($this->owner->SubsiteList) {
         $subsiteIDs = $this->listSubsiteIDs();
     } else {
         // The relationships might not be available during the record creation when using a GridField.
         // In this case the related objects will have empty fields, and SubsiteID will not be available.
         // We do the second best: fetch the likely SubsiteID from the session. The drawback is this might
         // make it possible to force relations to point to other (forbidden) subsites.
         $subsiteIDs = array(Subsite::currentSubsiteID());
     if (!$member) {
         $member = Member::currentUser();
     // Find the sites that this user has access to
     if ($member->ID == Member::currentUserID()) {
         $goodSites = SubsiteDataObject::accessible_sites_ids();
     } else {
         $goodSites = Subsite::accessible_sites('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain', true, 'all', $member)->column('ID');
     // Return true if they have access to this object's site
     if (in_array(0, $goodSites)) {
         return true;
         //if you can edit main site, you can edit subsite
     foreach ($subsiteIDs as $id) {
         if (in_array($id, $goodSites)) {
             return true;
     return false;
  * Describes the subsites this user has SITETREE_EDIT_ALL access to
  * @return string
 public function getSubsiteDescription()
     $subsites = Subsite::accessible_sites($this->owner->config()->subsite_description_permission, true, "Main site", $this->owner);
     return implode(', ', $subsites->column('Title'));