コード例 #1
ファイル: Driver.php プロジェクト: AndriusY/StupidHttp
 protected function logRequest($requestInfo)
     // Get profiling info.
     $profiling = $requestInfo['profiling'];
     $receiveTime = $processTime = $sendTime = 0;
     if (isset($profiling['receive.start']) and isset($profiling['receive.end'])) {
         $receiveTime = ($profiling['receive.end'] - $profiling['receive.start']) * 1000.0;
     if (isset($profiling['process.start']) and isset($profiling['process.end'])) {
         $processTime = ($profiling['process.end'] - $profiling['process.start']) * 1000.0;
     if (isset($profiling['send.start']) and isset($profiling['send.end'])) {
         $sendTime = ($profiling['send.end'] - $profiling['send.start']) * 1000.0;
     $totalTime = ceil($receiveTime + $processTime + $sendTime);
     // Do the logging.
     $request = $requestInfo['request'];
     $response = $requestInfo['response'];
     if ($request and $response) {
         $clientInfo = $this->handler->getClientInfo($requestInfo['socket']);
         $statusName = StupidHttp_WebServer::getHttpStatusHeader($response->getStatus());
         $replacements = array('%date%' => date(self::REQUEST_DATE_FORMAT), '%client_ip%' => $clientInfo['address'], '%client_port%' => $clientInfo['port'], '%method%' => $request->getMethod(), '%uri%' => $request->getUri(), '%path%' => $request->getUriPath(), '%status%' => $response->getStatus(), '%status_name%' => $statusName, '%time%' => $totalTime);
         $this->log->info(str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), self::REQUEST_LOG_FORMAT));
コード例 #2
ファイル: internals.php プロジェクト: AndriusY/StupidHttp
    echo '</pre>';
    echo '<h1>Forms</h1>';
    echo '<h2>GET</h2>';
    echo '<p>Here is a GET form to see what kind of request it will create.</p>';
    echo '<form name="input_get" action="/" method="get">';
    echo 'First Name: <input type="text" name="first_name" /><br/>';
    echo 'Last Name: <input type="text" name="last_name" /><br/>';
    echo 'Are You Awesome? <input type="checkbox" name="is_awesome" /><br/>';
    echo 'Your Credit Card Number: <input type="password" name="password" /><br/>';
    echo '<input type="submit" value="Send!" name="submit_btn" />';
    echo '</form>';
    echo '<h2>POST</h2>';
    echo '<p>Here is a POST form to see what kind of request it will create.</p>';
    echo '<form name="input_post" action="/" method="post">';
    echo 'First Name: <input type="text" name="first_name" /><br/>';
    echo 'Last Name: <input type="text" name="last_name" /><br/>';
    echo 'Are You Awesome? <input type="checkbox" name="is_awesome" /><br/>';
    echo 'Your Credit Card Number: <input type="password" name="password" /><br/>';
    echo '<input type="submit" value="Send!" name="submit_btn" />';
    echo '</form>';
    echo '</body></html>';
$server = new StupidHttp_WebServer();
$server->onPattern('GET', '.*')->call(function ($c) {
$server->onPattern('POST', '.*')->call(function ($c) {
$server->run(array('run_browser' => true));
コード例 #3
ファイル: hello_world.php プロジェクト: AndriusY/StupidHttp

require '../lib/StupidHttp/Autoloader.php';
$server = new StupidHttp_WebServer();
$server->on('GET', '/')->call(function ($r) {
    echo '<html><body>';
    echo '<p>Hello from StupidHttp!</p>';
    echo '<form name="input" action="/hello/" method="post">';
    echo 'What\'s your name?: <input type="text" name="name" />';
    echo '</form>';
    echo '<p>Also: say hello to <a href="/hello/Bob">Bob</a>!</p>';
    echo '</body></html>';
$server->onPattern('GET', '/hello/(.+)')->call(function ($c, $m) {
    if ($m[1]) {
        echo '<html><body>';
        echo 'Hello, ' . $m[1] . '<br/>';
        echo '(brought to you via GET)';
        echo '</body></html>';
$server->onPattern('POST', '/hello')->call(function ($c) {
    $data = $c->getRequest()->getFormData();
    echo '<html><body>';
    echo 'Hello, ' . $data['name'] . '<br/>';
    echo '(brought to you via POST)';
    echo '</body></html>';
$server->run(array('run_browser' => true));
コード例 #4
ファイル: errors.php プロジェクト: AndriusY/StupidHttp

require '../lib/StupidHttp/Autoloader.php';
$server = new StupidHttp_WebServer();
$server->on('GET', '/')->call(function ($c) {
    echo '<html><body>';
    echo 'Go to <code>/xxx</code> where <code>xxx</code> is an <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes">HTTP status code</a>, and see how your browser renders it.';
    echo '</body></html>';
$server->onPattern('GET', '/(\\d{3})')->call(function ($c, $m) {
$server->run(array('run_browser' => true));
コード例 #5
ファイル: static.php プロジェクト: AndriusY/StupidHttp

require '../lib/StupidHttp/Autoloader.php';
$documentRoot = getcwd();
$argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
if (count($argv) == 2) {
    $documentRoot = $argv[1];
$server = new StupidHttp_WebServer($documentRoot);
$server->run(array('run_browser' => true));
コード例 #6
ファイル: Driver.php プロジェクト: giftnuss/PieCrust
 protected function buildRawResponse($response, &$responseInfo)
     $statusName = StupidHttp_WebServer::getHttpStatusHeader($response->getStatus());
     $responseStr = "HTTP/1.1 " . $statusName . PHP_EOL;
     $responseStr .= "Server: StupidHttp" . PHP_EOL;
     $responseStr .= "Date: " . date("D, d M Y H:i:s T") . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($response->getFormattedHeaders() as $header) {
         $responseStr .= $header . PHP_EOL;
     $responseStr .= PHP_EOL;
     $responseInfo['header_length'] = strlen($responseStr);
     if ($response->getBody() != null) {
         $responseStr .= $response->getBody();
     return $responseStr;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Log.php プロジェクト: giftnuss/PieCrust
  * Logs a request.
 public function logRequest($request, $requestInfo, $response)
     $statusName = StupidHttp_WebServer::getHttpStatusHeader($response->getStatus());
     $replacements = array('%date%' => date($this->dateFormat), '%client_ip%' => $requestInfo['address'], '%client_port%' => $requestInfo['port'], '%method%' => $request->getMethod(), '%uri%' => $request->getUri(), '%path%' => $request->getUriPath(), '%status%' => $response->getStatus(), '%status_name%' => $statusName, '%time%' => $requestInfo['time']);
     $this->info(str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $this->requestFormat));